Inmunologia1997t16r87-94 MEMBRANE AND SOLUBLELOW AFFINITY IgE RECEPTORCD23 EX?RESSION,CYTOKINE PROFILESAND SERUMIgE lN BOTH AI,LERGIC REINITIS AND ATOPICDf,RMAIITIS. Thssinan Paolo,MD, Larin Mrria, MD, Blanca lsaac, PhD! Birnco Nicohs, MD and Aldrcy Oscar.MD. rh. nenblhe rowsmiity rgr ftp'oi (cD23), ns $rubrerracfmr GcDrr d rsEbiidinsrdd), r err4kin4 (r14) andrncrftmny trrN-, {e aNide dy$eguldionor.helg!sydhesisa tcd rr. n.mbra!c aDdlN.lFofrylhredopicFli46 areqic rbhniseAR) .Dd r6 wnb .bDE demadfs(^D) werc sered.d. r{ei,y r'esr,hy ioi 3bpi. $bj.ds r.r oino\y.,,, wh'le scD23, IL 4' IgE d IFN,I Er !d*P'q ddgE & b3j3ariDidad cDn. $ rrrenedo solobhGcD23o fadoi de uni6nde reE), ineneucinia (I-a) e inbdeljn / (lFN /), sonoNidem .oitrmsltdcidneihsiitsisdcle!y.dic|tipodc cosde scD:r,lL-4,lgE e lrx Y. seleccion.mos 4l ias peEme(PAR) y 16..Ddcmritn lejpiQ(AD) Es a signilicant increas tn hd pdidh) otrpThe.,tokines mern de nujoririardo r. lldica demdmje dobrean 'r childrcn (contuls h'icurrd Edodm,16 $Fcinos enjusdosan dos dhibn.d lishd nlus ofscD2r rhaD s€.$ descD2r, IL4, lei e IIN l tuercndednmdos E synrh*b in boi\ tud.ibdd! dc linrd.nos B cDr9+.n orFpo dcniis, (eytord!:rowstfiniiyIgEreftPbB'solublecD:3' de|osiive|sslicddelcE,oilosn|oefisslbsd. IsEenAD L.s nivd* dehs cnoon ninosGontulesy prcEftt Phoiedd fixi (s32)6rr.0rr exhibierc Inmunologi. 1997j16:87-94 rrlororreE i! rb. ncnbEneroy aijniry rec@ror for rios in cD} prcddioi fry diy r tul! ii dr pdhoed. cle edto producesluble prcducbGCDI) win\ mole |etsidnonoc}res.cD2]nedistslg lar crtoroxiciqraeRifr plunes r s wen $ IgE depei' $if trlsrioiby cnviroincntdlantise( (alhrses) i. PeFmialrlleek dinhh (PAR)h.o innediithypelsnsnivityfacliotr: odi'n (aDl is a chroDicsEnabus reeron chnmr on hgenpres rg €lls (L gdtuns 3ndB pr$mErion rtnsl. cD2r 6cu$s o! 'he rgE-deDentlenr od md an asociarionwin\ orherfoms of dopy i. ihe dinsoflgE by membrane boondc aiimlivilyappe$ tiriesinvohesde obulii E (reE)pro. sion ofmenbEDe rcg''ldiono|IgEsydhdhii.|udingstsl.dllyp.s md \mphokiB. o,re fadd oNidercd tr a naFi rclu 1 - b 1 ? P h ? r c ,p t c a M ! , ; , o t P B u t ; 4 . h t L ? n t p a ' e ' r v , - a m o : l AD 6380+s46 2769t86 CD3+ cD/l+ cD8+ cDl9+ cD56+ 3817+469 25111299 2142+162 1096+t96 77|tt62 246+31 27t2 I0+2 ll, 66+3 1 3 ? 2 + l 8 l 36+2 915+166 16' 652+149 4227+501 43+5 3009+163 1lJ2 36+:l 10561202 24+3 116!83 13+2 r 5q+79 i4+l Inmunologia1997i16: 87-94 tabb cDl+ cDl+ cD8+ cD19+ cD56+ Ph"aaDpi.dha\t6aIPBv. i a.]Ltut/la, .r^ \ ' .aaro ' 5980+,113 2033r150 34!2 r469+102 73+2 8?l+76 21:2 to+l 6461+233' qL 21611110 2292.+258 3 4 + 3 itu2 l6t3+156 ?3*2 ti79*38! 58+2' I 4l+l 738121 3t+t{ h 5691?8 25+2 645+IA3' 21+2 b 265+50 410175 lt+l b r8+2 184+56 62t+t74 8+2 26!? e{cN$@np{dtaobt'pjG{holqrd!9ih|d!o}P{slkl.dFd smm IgE rryek veF analFedby Quntidone rcEtuA ki' (hrre{sd Di4ldiiq chlsri MN. usA) Arkrgic Diseassout dGnr crhlc orihe hniiure or r\€nty sve, weF d,ildren(< r: year): la hadPAR(6 mxls lid 3 rcmls. fdi rsd 7 + ' ycf) hd ts h,,l AD (4 nxrs md e ftn,rn, nsi,ge 6 + 1 yert. sixEenpdErh s€re adulu i 3 hrd PAR(5 m?lesi,'d 3 .cm!rB,nsD agc22+ 1ys6) trd I h.d aD 0 Fares I yssl An p,'i.msh3d ssitrophiria(>3s0ssinophirs/mf). raAirk inftdioi gro@d der cobr no! cybrdry (EPrcs-75r coor's colpon'ioi, Hide.h FI UsA) cD56od cDn (cod€r coDoruhot rtE addedto psiphenr brmd nmo[d*i Grs cBrlrc) obbinedby ko!]@mddifl.rmtia|mmhv{eI er5% or obrc[s) vn! mivd*l atd lainae., s nix) ndror rood poh (cell rft .D2r d kr'. r cell Di€no{iq rnigenslchocoh'e,corn,nce, itrmossy sh lnd ci'rus mn) hrccambndgeusA)i mnnil {lus {ere bedrd ls io (r.rolisd s'iei hboi&tries, hokme, usA) *ne eri.i 250 U r hn. serumrL-4 sas ne$ured by ELrsA (Huhh lL'1 ELISA rc! ki'. ritd(cl 6cizyn. (4 co'lonhm, cambndge,usA)r ur" rhc conrolsreupcosisrd of i0 chirdren nsrs ad 6 i.far*, nsi lge r + ' yes) md 103dtrr6 (5 mar$ and 5 remar$,meanage,e + 2 ysEl none $id*kr' ELnA ndhod (Idens.y Huni IFN 1 kit, lDd,Etoph4oid{ rkrcn$in's hmunologia 1997i16: 87-94 Tabk 3. Phenoqpic analrsisafPBMq CD23in .hildten (paieh^ f .annots) PBMC/CD2]T cDt+/cD23+ CD4+/CD23+ i 129+3s 3+3 r.l+0.3 2r2+54 0.2ta.l cD8+/CD23+ cDl9+/cD2l+ cD56+/CD23+ 0 t 2 !:2 a2 0.3+0.1 0.2+0l 0.140.1 2.8+O 5| 0ia0.3 cenzyme co4orrhon. carnbridee,usA)j vatus rie (pr0 05) vh.i r,mD.Ed ro .ofuors (.arl. 4 rn idrlrs evxtr'aredby 4 unprned ioiprBmdic ren (Mrii wihEy csl v:ruc! or 'obr rsE!e€ rogbBromxd di,ni,non or $c pqenbgeorcDr+.drh (p<0.05) d ctu+ eLls (p<00i) lrltb 2) *nDc}rok'iesw$gvarudedbyrl'ePg*ont$' tp<o 00r) hd Ftrcutarly orcD Tbd|benotyprcrialysiso.PBMcincoftols h<0.00r)in borr,PARlid AD child I exhibiredsimitiL 'o .onto\ llarle r). PAR !tu1 AD aduusshowedh cll$bpopulaiio$ hlles (Iodr. 1, .2,,, J) Ii rlxrjon cDle+/cD23+ .elrs ,b!n dritdretr (p<0.005) (/4nr. ,r). sMr lev.k or 'cE. scDI, rr.l d rFN ( rcE m$s \I])etrevRlndined]eFEMCpheiotyplPrcfi|{! icaas of rohl cD rs+ B ens 0<0 0t \rb6 cooDed ro .oitroh trafi' 4 rors (r4d,,r), beiig'hisdjrieEn* sicdfisil oiy ibr PBMc/cD23+rtur (F0.05) qhetr.odprrodb rAR (/a6l.,) rimLly.rhs co adurr. h vrs sisiifiud tnu{sd ii childrdi tndepen dedr o. d,e rgE revds (rorl. 6l hisb4 $?n r.000u.' /mr(r4re 7) Inmunologia1997;16187-94 ok for iond $bjeds I n. w. !trd riduils(10childEtr 'd 10aduht*i bqdhryicdfedeorDmsilc'nrefonil'droudsigni ficsiily hisherwlu* orcDre+/cD2r+ellr {r% 6 0%) in conror .dul.s wl,q, co,npmdro ch dH rhus. abrishrheiandard A[ pdidds crbibneda sign]ficmiincFasem rhe ml'H of leE (!<0.001 Rhei o G n irun iowcr slu* Llds o. 5cD23, tL.4 and rFN y besen o.scD2r 'n$ chirdFn (rad. r). scD2rsd rndi.nokri6. whil. PARldurr!showed rhc rowdnDiq Eeprorfor rgE,F€Rr,'cD2r, ua desnbedrbr irrefinr tnneby s rhebsi. dtu.rurs in rhcEsurdioi of rgEsynnEsn. Tl'ecD:]mokcu|eisrlyp€]Iideellnedb,t.gly' |Frphocy€s'cD:3Bse|ed'velyex rgM/rgDbs;Ds cdrs.Dd i ro$ rner so\Te svrchin! *luc of cDzr i \mphcrts or nonml $bjeds nn aseorbolh PBMcrcD2r: aDdcDi9/cD23+cdh in lFphoc]tsisofchildHTl'geaF$vdglrcponssho Table1 Phehorwicanalrsis '[PBMC/CD23+ ih aduks (Patienls$ connots) PBMS/CD23+ cDl+/cD23+ cD.l-./cD23+ cD3+/CD23+ cDr9+/cD23+ CD56+/CD23+ t.7t).2 l+l 0 2+2 0 0 tjjn 2 58+11 2J+r.8 0 5:l+i4 2.3+0.3 124+4) 0,t101 0 0.1+0l 0.r+0.1 1.5+140 03111.1 91+21 0.t+0.1 0 01) srE5 dejL \d Nid! fl{qene by lnmunologia1997i16: 87-94 d ler4r ii fte qle ol811 rhd .xpF$ rhe epror B suggsr ft dopic plrieit sl'ouldrl .olldheuaisanmk4ofdopy,n N4 inv4rj$io.s shouldb. mde ro ddemiL ol .hln, ruhr rh. difierer@sin the inmunopdhdroey hrting racrorFofrhmot. saD2r m tioNof|L-lwilhrccyc]ed[.lKeptou!h.oitn$, JFN-Idd IFN't iDdurrtsi' ,ibn ll.a indmedcD2l pa6stbysflmtgltc|.{efomd didr (rark 6);r \ilh lgE leversbiehr rhrn 1000! rrrl(Iar,. 7) cDlr) in di$lse ssociatd \ith eLev*ed Goluble IeE,clin'EpA1|j91939!:0:]95.4' bindidefrdos'rmmdd|'Todl}'1939.'0:'9165 ]'Ddb.lonhA,Beieded.SmithR.crprcl^,d!| rhcdprcsior or Pftv.dionbyLrlockingritibodEsof id'nudtyinlDiechildrcn.P lsi|o|og}'193?i94: Table5 thhrhaseralogi.ol erdlwti.h oJpatientsahtl conialt CHILDRIEN fu$tedldsnw:fuddmljp{c ADLILTS InmunoloqiaI997; l6: 8?-s4 1 t , t ? tt p ^ ! a o DJo' 0-4"11 "b?ti'I4a"'e1 PATIENTS/CHILDREN IgE=o-130 ceLlPopulalioN nnr % cMsP/cD23+ cDt/cD2l+ 21i1 0 A 264+96 0 lllll o t+o.j CD4+/CD23+ 0 0 CD8+/CD23+ cDl9+/cD2l+ cD56+/CDll+ 'rbb l+l 0 0 IsD- 180-1000UL/ml 9+l I 6+5 0 0 0 129+92 0 0 0 2+l lmr % mr CMSP/(D.21 154 )0 1t.D cDl/cD23+ l + l 0 0 16+6 0 5+0.2 10:6 0.1+0.2 0.2+0.2 r b 2 , , , r - ' . o ao t a L ? , e - a d L t ^ IgE>l000Ul/nl Yo )A: 0 C D 4 + / C D 2 3 + 0 0 0 0 d 4 2+2 C D 5 6 + / C D 2 3 + 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 (dirinl t24+3t 0.110.01 l5+12 3544 l+l 0 C D 8 + / C D 2 3 + 0 0 0 0 t2 cDl9-./cD2l+ 25+6 l+O 35+16 2+05 5q1t?r @d! mr ddrdu! 0.5+0.2 6*5 PAIIINIS/ADULTS gE=180-10 0L l e E = o8- 0 U0l m Cell Populaliom 1616 t6o152r 4+1r , 1,p.,,"q.f.D IgF>l000Ulnl or Fhse 0.110.01 7+6 0,3:0.1 9441 0 Inmunologi.l99T; l6: 67-34 frbr EpslonFJI banns ells genrae JsE.binding 1s39i of diiTdet nolold reients Mol.lmmd 1?.Lderliq M, Nakajimar. Purilro.ccjuddc. Horft'u 9'PimiU,s.hltr.hT.Pn[J,Ri.b affiee. focusineby humr B lrrphocts n media- REombjnadre1u61c F! cFildn rcp& n (F. .psiloi RIrcD23) hA IgE bi"diry activ'tybut no B .ell adiviq. J.Immunol.1939:Ia2: srcvrhprcmoting IgBbindi.e rado6 GolublecD23) IIL Eudn* r.r ! adivi'y r. Fceptor(FcERn) d prorloLy'i. *ptsed oi nsn'rc B .ells berorcisoqpeswiEhi.s I9 LcungD. Rhddds A. GehlR EimdiionorT cll nng lrbpho.}ls ii dle€k .id mn alleerc dnldrcn. or soluble cD23G cD23).r plaesin rheDomalpoDulaljoN Clin Eip rhnuiol (cD23)lrbibit 'he sponr!reoBmig*rjonor!''? nonocylic.e|kjNeutdizdionofMlFelivitytly3 Solublelow .tiniq cDr0+cD23+ rymehocyrsii eioprcsubjecr {, l elevdedsenm lgE concentdions.Ann arGrgy t H, DFson o, iidribr. ritoyeck. r Bior cl'dn. 1e3er264:6e34 (cD2r) oi iomxl hman B lynphocyEsr, Exp. ronnii'on of lsE Ln'd'ngf.c6's GolublecDzr). L Fc