In accordance with the provisions in Article 82 of the Spanish

In accordance with the provisions in Article 82 of the Spanish Securities Market Act,
Fersa Energías Renovables, S.A., (hereinafter referred to as “FERSA” or the “Company”),
hereby notifies the following:
The Board of Directors’ of the Company, at its meeting held today, has adopted the resolution to
appoint Ms. Elena Nabal Vicuña, replacing Mr. Jorge Enrich Izard, as represented natural
person of Grupo Catalana Occidente, S.A. in the exercise of his post as member of the Board of
Directors of the Company.
In Barcelona, on 27 November 2015.
Mr. Ignacio Albiñana Cilveti
Secretary Non-Member of the Board of Directors of Fersa Energías Renovables, S.A.