Agenda OIV News - 11/08/2016 ©Jon Wyand « Une année en Corton » Editions Glénat OIV in the news Agrobiological and Wine Quality Traits of Vitis Vinifera Cv. Merlot Clones Selected in Serbia J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin The selection of cv. Merlot clones performed in the Grocka winegrowing region, Republic of Serbia. Präsidentin der Internationalen Organisation für Rebe und Wein im Gespräch mit Weinfreunden Wiesbadener Kurier Präsidentin der Internationalen Organisation für Rebe und Wein im Gespräch mit Weinfreunden (bm). Wenn sich das Weingut der Hochschule Geisenheim... Other articles EN Scientists hope that combining resveratrol with other ingredients in wine may produce new therapies Resveratrol has shown potential, but carries side effects. What if it was combined with other polyphenols? UC Davis Looks to the Future Head of viticulture and enology department outlines accomplishments. Wine fraud is becoming more difficult to detect Wine fraud is centuries old, but there it is still difficult to keep tabs on it in a meaningful way. Madeira and Portugal hit by wildfires Wildfires have spread across the island of Madeira and the north of Portugal, but vineyards are reported to be safe in both so far. A wildfire blazes near houses at Curral dos Romeiros, Funchal in Madeira Wildfires have spread across the island of Madeira and the north of Portugal. The post Madeira and... California wine is an ‘economic engine’, despite challenging economy The California wine & winegrape sector, along with associated businesses, makes a total economic contribution of $58bn per year to the state’s economy, according to a report. Meanwhile, $114bn is contributed annually to the US economy. Other Articles ES Los jóvenes saben lo que quieren al comprar vino ¿Qué factor influye en los jóvenes a la hora de comprar vino? Se fijan más en la calidad que en el precio. El déficit hídrico y las temperaturas extremas malogran las previsiones de la vendimia COAG recuerda que a pesar de las lluvias de primavera, el viñedo venía arrastrando el rigor de un invierno muy seco ¿Qué es un vino ecológico? Abonos, sulfitos, materia prima... todo se tiene en cuenta para que un vino consiga el sello que lo acredita como ecológico. Other articles FR Malades ou frappées par la grêle au printemps, les vignes ont souffert en Savoie C'est la dernière ligne droite avant les vendanges, une période cruciale pour les viticulteurs. Bonne qualité, mais petite quantité Le mauvais temps des derniers mois a eu une influence positive sur les récoltes. C'est le champignon Penospora qui est responsable des pertes viticoles. Other Articles IT Il fenomeno dei vini “bio” e “naturali” fa discutere Ma, in ogni caso, il mercato sembra premiarli. Other Articles DE Sommerhagel schädigt Weinlagen in Barolo und Monteferrato Yoopress ...Az. Agr. Elio Altare. "Da der Nebbiolo eher eine spätreifendeSorte ist, waren die Trauben Ende Juli noch grün und hart, insofern konnten sie... Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin 18 rue d'Aguesseau 75008 Paris, France 01 44 94 80 80 If you want to unsubscribe please click here Unsubscribe