Biblical Counseling 1

Biblical Counseling: Part I
I. What is Biblical Counseling?
Defined: Counsel from the Bible! 2Pt 1:3-4 “Is the process where the Bible, God's
Word, is related individually to a person or persons who are struggling under the weight
of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering, so that he or she might genuinely
change in the inner person to be pleasing to God.” “The Bible
teaches that our thoughts, motives, attitudes, words, and actions flow from the sinful
selfishness of our hearts. Biblical counseling addresses the heart as the source of these
human actions and reactions using the wisdom and approaches revealed in the Bible?”
For Discussion: !
Was man created by God to be essentially good or evil?
1. Gospel Centered: The power of the gospel is to change lives
A. For the unbeliever: Salvation, we know that the power of change
comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit working with the
power of the word of God.
1. Everything we do moved towards the cross. Salvation
is fundamental to any permanente change.
2. Temporary Change: Any counsel given to someone
who is not a believer only places a patch on the
problem it can not cause heart change that last a life
B. For the believer: Discipleship/ Sanctification, Every believer is to
move each day closer to Christ likeness This is where we want
to move people.
1. Understand what the Bible says/means (Renew your
mind) Romans 12:2
2. Develop belief/convictions based upon TRUTH 2 Cor.
3. Growing hunger for God’s word and its work in ones
life 1Peter 2:2
2. Local Church Driven: “The Scriptures clearly teach that the local church is the
primary means by which God intends to accomplish His work in the world. The
local church is His ordained instrument for calling the lost to Himself” Wayne A.
A. Matthew 16:8, Christ would build His church
Matthew 18:17-20, His church would have authority
Matthew 28:18-20, His church would transform lives
B. Under the authority of the local church: Church Leadership
should direct and be responsible for what and how counseling
takes place.
C. Seeking to build up the local body of believers: Godly Biblical
counsel helps to strengthen the over all health of the church.
Biblical Counseling is part of any healthy church.
3. Bible Directed: The Bible is at the center of the counselors ability
to understand the issues and have the power and answers to help. 2 Tim. 3:16
Is There a problem with modern day psychology?
II. What is Psychology? Is there a place for it as
Christians? Who is most apt or able to deal with
issues of the soul?
1. Psychology defined:
A. ( The science of the mind or of mental states and
processes. The science of human and animal behavior.
B. The word "psychology" is the combination of two terms - study
(ology) and soul (psyche), or mind. The derivation of the word from
Latin gives it this clear and obvious meaning: The study of the soul
or mind. Gene Zimmer
C. The word psychology comes from the Greek psukhe, meaning
"soul," "spirit," "mind," "life," and "breath," combined with the
Greek logos, here used as "statement," "expression," and
"discourse," more often thought of today in the form of "-ology," as
"the study of. "Although the academic and clinical discipline of
psychology has become a medical-and therefore a pathologyoriented-field, prior to the late 1800s, the study of our inner mental
life was the study of our soul, our deepest self or essence.Who
owns the mind? Is it the believers in spirit, that illusive "thing"
that isn't a thing, but somehow resides in the brain . . . or is it the
heart? Do scientists own the mind? Those dissectors and
understanders who deny something just because they
haven't seen it yet? Before Wilhelm Wundt opened the first
experimental psychology laboratory in 1879 there was no academic
discipline of psychology separate from philosophy and biology
Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D.
2. Is There Any Truth in Secular Psychology? Yes! This is why
psychology is so widely accepted in the world today. Psychologists can make
valid observations of human behavior. Yet it is their interpretation and application
of these observations that many times are not Biblical and result in ungodly
counsel. They have observed certain truths about man, but these truths are
distorted because of man's rebellion against God/fundamental problem of SIN.
3. Elemental views of Freud, Skinner, Rogers how
they measure up Biblically.
A. Sigmund Freud theorized that human beings are internally
comprised of three parts: the Id, Ego, and Superego. He
depicted the Id as humanity’s primitive impulses or drives that
seek expression. The Superego is humanity’s conscience and
is socialized by external influences such as parents, religions,
teachers, etc. In between the two stands the conscious self,
the Ego, who serves as an arbiter between the Id and
Superego. Internal conflict arises when the Id seeks
expression in the conscious self, but is suppressed by the
Superego. The Superego is seen as the source of conflict
since it hinders the counselee from following their Id’s desires.
Therefore the counselor sides with the counselee’s Id and
attacks the various influences which bolster the Superego’s
stand against the Id’s desires. Are your parents advising you
against something? Ignore them and follow your desires. Are
you a part of an overly-scrupulous religious organization?
Leave that church and join one with a looser moral code. Is the
Bible telling you to keep yourself from sin? Then cast that
archaic book aside and allow your desires to run unfettered.
With the Superego quieted, the internal conflict is removed and
the Id is free to operate without restriction.
A Freudian approach ultimately removes individual
accountability. Freudian psychoanalysis depicts the struggle
between Superego and Id as the fault of external forces. The
influence of parents, church, the Bible, teachers, etc., are the
culprits behind the Superego’s overdeveloped strictures. In
other words, you feel guilty because the standards of others are
making you feel guilty, not because you are truly guilty.
Therefore, guilty feelings are dismissed as phantom pangs,
false indicators of wrong doing. Since the source of one’s guilt
is an Id repressed by an externally influenced Superego, the
counselee should ignore the Superego and follow the Id,
thereby removing the false sense of guilt.
Sigmund Freud
Is not responsible for his
actions. He is a product
or victim of his
environment/society. He
struggle is with the past
experience in childhood.
Is responsible for his sin.
Man is always trying to
avoid the blame. He lives
in a fallen world
surrounded by fallen
people but this does not
excuse his sin/decisions he
makes. Gen. 3:12-13,
Galatians 6:5, Prov. 9:12
Man lives with a struggle
always fighting his
normal desires that goes
against the conscience
or “super ego” that has
been created by others,
mother, church etc..
Man is sinful by nature. He
by nature seeks to fulfill his
sinful desires. He is dead
Romans 5:12, Ephesians
Man must be go back to
his past through efforts
such as hypnosis to
confront his past. This
will enable him to
confront and deal remove
repressive values/ideas
of right and wrong.
True transformation comes
only through God’s solution
to man’s problem,
redemption. Man can not
change his past to correct
his future. Titus 2:11-3:5
B. B.F. Skinner believed that the best way to understand behavior is
to look at the causes of an action and its consequences. He called this
approach operant conditioning. Skinner is regarded as the
father of Operant Conditioning. Behavior which is reinforced
tends to be repeated (i.e. strengthened); behavior which is not
reinforced tends to die out-or be extinguished (i.e. weakened).
For example, if when you were younger you tried smoking at
school, and the chief consequence was that you got in with the
crowd you always wanted to hang out with, you would have
been positively reinforced (i.e. rewarded) and would be likely to
repeat the behavior. If, however, the main consequence was
that you were caught, caned, suspended from school and your
parents became involved you would most certainly have been
punished, and you would consequently be much less likely to
smoke now.
B.F. Skinner
Man is just like an
animal. He can be taught
or trained to act a certain
way. He is ultimately the
product of his
environment. He is not
personally responsible.
Man is different from
animals, he has been
created in the image of
God. He is responsible for
his actions in spite of his
environment. He is
capable of choice. Gen.
1:26-27, 2:15-20
Man’s environment
conditions his behavior.!
Bad behavior is a result
of bad influences and
Man has a sinful nature.
His sinful nature or fallen
state is the reason for bad
behavior. Romans
7:14-18, Romans 3:23
Man can be changed or
retrained through a
system of rewards and
Man must be born again.
The only way to cause real
change in man is through
spiritual rebirth. John
C. Carl Rogers believed that every person can achieve their goals,
wishes and desires in life. When, or rather if they did so, self
actualization took place. This was one of Carl Rogers most
important contributions to psychology and for a person to reach
their potential a number of factors must be satisfied. believed that
humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to selfactualize - i.e. to fulfill one's potential and achieve the highest
level of 'human-beingness' we can. Like a flower that will grow
to its full potential if the conditions are right, but which is
constrained by its environment, so people will flourish and
reach their potential if their environment is good enough.
However, unlike a flower, the potential of the individual human
is unique, and we are meant to develop in different ways
according to our personality. Rogers believed that people are
inherently good and creative. They become destructive only
when a poor self-concept or external constraints override the
valuing process. Carl Rogers believed that for a person to
achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of
Carl Rogers
Man is not a sinner by
Man is a sinner by nature.
nature. He is born good. Man is born a sinner, bad
With in each person there by nature.
exist everything one
needs to solver all of
their problems.
Man does not see how
important or powerful he
really is. His self-esteem
or worth is to low or non
Man can not solve his
problems by himself. His
worth is not found in
himself but in the one who
created him. He is dead in
his trespasses and sin.
Romans 3:10-13
Man must solve his own
problems, find his own
answers. He is capable
with some help to find his
own way.
Man can only find his way
in God’s way. He must
follow God’s plan for his
salvation and restoration.!
John 14:6
III. My Bible and My Theology make my Biblical Counseling Affective
1. Our theology will impact how we view people and their problems
in this life. If we start of with an incorrecta premise duchas that
man is good, or that man is not responsible we will not be able to deal with the
core issue of every man and women. The help we offer is God centered, God
directed and God dependent.
For Discussion: !
Do you think the Word of God is sufficient to meet every need, every hurt? Do you
think that the Bible can cause healing in areas such as Homosexuality, Divorce,
2. My Theology Impacts my Counseling
A. Theology Proper: My View of God
1. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life.
Genesis 1, Colossians 1:17, Hebrews 1:13
2. God is all powerful. All creation is subject to His
plan and desires.
3. God is omniscient. Nothing takes place outside of
what He permits. He knows all and all things will be held
accountable to Him. Matthew 10:26-31, Psalms 1:6,
4. God is Love, full of grace and mercy. We receive all
good and perfect things from Him. He desires that all
men and women come to Him through salvation in Christ.
5. How does this impact my Biblical Counseling?
B. Anthropology: My View of Man
1. All men and women have been created by and for God.
2. We have been created to live in intimate fellowship with
their creator, Gen. 1:28
3. We have been created to be dependent upon our
Creator. There exists a basic struggle in that all men
and women desire to be independent.
4. The only way we can really understand the world
around us is to see it through the eyes of the Creator.
Col. 2:3-8
5. How does this impact my Biblical Counseling?
C. Hamartiology: My View of Sin
1. Sin is any action, attitude or thought that is does
not conform to the character or will of God.
2. The root of al sin is PRIDE. Prov. 16:18, 8:3
Pride is the attitude or belief that one deserves
a position of higher value or authority beyond what
God has assigned them. Isaiah 14:13-15
3. Adam was the first representative of the whole
human race. His sin directly affected all the human
race. His sin brought sin and it’s consequence upon
the all men and women. Romans 5
4. Because of sin now residing in all who are born,
all are affected by its power.
a. Mortality: All will physically die
b. Sinful Nature: All are spiritually dead and will
struggle with the pride and selfishness as a result
of this nature.
5. How does this affect my Biblical Counseling?
D. Pneumatology: My View of the Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity.
1 Cor. 2:10-11, Romans 8:27, Ephesians 4:30
2. The Holy Spirit convicts men of their sin.
3. The Holy Spirit resides with in the man or women
who have been redeemed, born again. John 7:39,
Romans 5:5, 1 Corinthians 2:12. The believer becomes
the temple of the Holy Spirit.
4. The Holy Spirit guides, prays and helps the believers
in their spiritual development. Acts. 8:29, Romans 8:26
5. How does this affect my Biblical Counseling?
E. Bibliology: My View of the Bible
1. “A belief in Biblical inerrancy entails an affirmation of
Scripture’s sufficiency for understanding and resolving the
non-physical problems of man. Counseling that is truly
Christian must be Christ-centered, church-centered, and
Bible-based. Various contemporary approaches to
counseling question the sufficiency of Scripture, namely
the two-book, the no-book, and the filtering device
approaches. All three join in affirming that the traditional
biblical resources for dealing with man’s problems are not
enough. They fail to take into account, however, the
finiteness of man’s knowledge, the depravity of human
nature, and the sufficiency of Scripture. Psalm 19:7-11, 2
Timothy 3:15-17, and 2 Peter 1:2-7 affirm clearly the
sufficiency of Scripture and Christ in dealing with man’s
problems. Secular psychological principles are
unnecessary and may even be harmful in trying to
understand and help people.” Wayne A. Mack
My view of the Bible impacts the way I use the Bible. Less ! !
personal insight and more Bible “Lasting Change begins when our identity,
purpose, and sense of direction are defines by God’s story” Paul Tripp.
2. The Bible is inspired. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21
3. The Bible is the power to get to the heart of the person
and their problem. Hebrews 4:12, Galatians 5:19-21
4. The Bible reveals the true way for lasting peace and
release from our problems.
5. How does this impact my Biblical Counseling?
IV. Who can do Biblical Counseling?
1. The church the center of change: Everything flows out of and into the local
church. How can we say we have that the church is the vehicle that God is using
to bring hope to the nations and then look at someone and tell them we need to
find them outside help??? (Read “La Necesidad de Estudiar la Doctrina de la
2. Every Believer a Biblical Counselor. Every time you give counsel to
someone you are “counseling”. For this reason every believer should
be prepared to give wise, godly counsel.
Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the
wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers
Proverbs 1:6 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one
who understands obtain guidance,
Proverbs 12:5 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the
wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers
Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may
gain wisdom in the future.
For Discussion: !
Why is it important that the local church be at the center of Biblical Counseling? How
important is it that every believer be a capable Biblical Counselor?
3. Believers are called to be Agents of Change in your community. Each one of
us as followers of Christ have been called to be catalysts of change in the lives of
those who live around us, those who touch our lives every day. We carry the
gospel in to every community, home and life. Mark 16:15, Matthew 22:39 The love
we are to show are neighbor cuts to their soul, their need of a cure.
“When your people trust you, they dig deeper, listen
better, and forgive more readily. When trust is low, there is
more resistance, more fear, and communication doesn’t
work as well because people don’t believe each other.”
Joshua Freedman
4. 4 keys to Building Trust is Key:
a. Good Communication
b. Good Character
c. Good Concern
d. Good Competency
“People tend to have confidence and trust in those whom they perceive reflect
authentic concern for them.” Jay Desko
5. “4 Elements of a Redemptive Relationship” Paul Tripp
1. Enter the persons’ world
a. Focus on the person not their problem. It is not just
about “problem solving”
b. What is the struggle they are facing while in the
problem /conflict? What is taking their hope away right
now? What is the greatest heart issue right now? Could
be they find themselves with a rebellious teen, but the
heart issue is sense of failure.
c. Emotional Intelligence is crucial : What does this
look like?
2. Incarnate the love of Christ: who we are and what we do
Col. 3:12-17
a. “We offer people a living, loving presence that puts
real flash and blood on the presence of the Lord” Paul
b. Be willing to risk to love even if it means discomfort
and harm.
3. Identify with suffering: Hebrews 2:10-12 Christ identifies with us.
a. He understands our difficulties. We need to
understand how others are suffering.
b. He was no afraid to get into the lives and feel the pain
through great humility.
4. Accept The agenda 2 Peter 1:4
a. Their change is God’s agenda
b. Grace is our focus to empower this change
La Necesidad de Estudiar la Doctrina de la Iglesia
Mark Dever
La doctrina de la iglesia es de la mayor importancia. Una teología para la iglesia estaría
incompleta sin una teología de la iglesia. Aunque muchas de las teologías sistemáticas
iniciales han omitido, en gran medida, la eclesiología[1], la doctrina de la iglesia es un
componente fundamental de la verdad cristiana.
Esta es la parte más visible de la teología cristiana y está vitalmente conectada con
cualquier otra parte de ella. Una iglesia deformada coincide, por lo general, con un
evangelio deformado. Ya sea que tal deformación de la iglesia resulte de una mala
interpretación del evangelio, o que conduzca a ella, serias desviaciones de las
enseñanzas bíblicas acerca de la iglesia; generalmente, significan una mayor y más
grave mala interpretación de la fe Cristiana.
Esto no quiere decir que todas las diferencias en eclesiología sean equivalentes a
diferencias sobre el propio evangelio. Cristianos honestos han pospuesto la discusión
sobre muchos asuntos importantes en la iglesia. Pero tales frecuentes discrepancias no
son necesariamente triviales; es decir, carentes de importancia. No esenciales no
significa sin importancia. El color del letrero de la iglesia o la hora de la congregación
del culto el día domingo son cosas no esenciales a la fe Cristiana, como sí lo son las
prácticas de leer la Escritura y el bautismo de los creyentes. Pero todos coincidirían
que estas distintas materias varían enormemente en importancia.
Quizás el común desinterés por la eclesiología derive de la interpretación, según la
cual, la iglesia, en sí misma, no es necesaria para la salvación. Cipriano de Cartago,
pudo haber afirmado: “Nadie puede tener a Dios como su padre si no tiene a la iglesia
como su madre”, pero pocos están dispuestos a compartir este criterio hoy en día[2].
Incluso la iglesia de Roma reconoció en el Concilio Vaticano II que una participación
consciente y competente no es necesaria para la salvación. Y al enfatizar la salvación
sólo por la fe, los evangélicos Protestantes la salvación sólo por la fé, ciertamente
hacen un uso menor de la iglesia y mucho menos estudian la doctrina de la iglesia.
Sin embargo, la iglesia debería ser considerada importante a los cristianos debido a la
importancia que tiene para Cristo. Cristo fundó la iglesia (Mt. 16:18) comprándola con
Su sangre (Hech. 20:28) e identificándose íntimamente con ella (Hech. 9:4). La iglesia
es el Cuerpo de Cristo (Ef. 1:23; 4:12; 5:23-32; Col. 1:18,24; 3:15; 1a Co. 12:12-27), el
lugar donde mora su Espíritu (Ro. 8: 9, 11, 16; 1a Co.3: 16-17; 6:11,15-17; Ef. 2:18,22;
4: 4) y el principal instrumento para glorificar a Dios en este mundo. Por último, la
iglesia es instrumento de Dios tanto para llevar el evangelio a las naciones como para
ser el anfitrión de la humanidad redimida por Sí mismo (Apo. 5:9).
Más de una vez, Jesús dijo que el amor hacia Él, se demostraría por la obediencia a
sus mandamientos (Jn 14: 15,23). Tal obediencia no solo requiere compromiso y acción
individual del Cristiano, requiere un compromiso colectivo de obediencia. Los individuos
de la iglesia, juntos, irán y discipularán, bautizarán, enseñarán a obedecer, a amar, a
recordar y conmemorar su muerte vicaria con pan y el fruto de la viña.
La autoridad eterna de los mandamientos de Cristo obliga a los cristianos a estudiar las
enseñanzas bíblicas sobre la iglesia. Los errores actuales debidos a mala
interpretación y práctica de la iglesia determinarán, si prevalecen, mayor confusión aún
sobre el evangelio. La proclamación Cristiana debe hacer el evangelio audible,
comprensible, pero los cristianos viviendo juntos en una congregación local son
quienes hacen visible el evangelio (ver Jn 13: 34-35). La iglesia es el evangelio hecho
Hoy en día, muchas iglesias locales están a la deriva en las fluctuantes corrientes del
pragmatismo. Ellas suponen que la respuesta emotiva de los no creyentes es la clave
del éxito. Al mismo tiempo, la cristiandad está siendo enajenada en la cultura general
en la medida que el evangelismo es calificado de intolerante y ciertas doctrinas bíblicas
son consideradas insultos y amenazas racistas. En momentos de tanta hostilidad, las
necesidades de los no creyentes pueden considerarse como elementos apenas fiables,
y adaptadas a la cultura prevaleciente equivaldrán a una pérdida del propio evangelio.
En la medida que el crecimiento numérico permanezca como el indicador primario de la
vitalidad de la iglesia, la verdad estará comprometida. Por el contrario, las iglesias
deben; una vez más, comenzar a a medir el éxito no en función del número de
miembros sino en términos de la fidelidad a las Escrituras. William Carey fue fiel en la
India y Adoniram Judson perseveró en Burma no porque hubiesen tenido éxito
inmediato o por haberse promocionado a sí mismos como “relevantes”.
Tal como ocurre en otras secciones de este libro, la doctrina de la iglesia se
considerará; en primer lugar, bíblicamente, luego, históricamente, sistemáticamente, y
por último, de manera práctica.
Ejemplo de Pasajes Bíblicos de acuerdo a tópicos enfrentados en la
Ex.20:14; Lev.18; Jer.5:7,8; 6:15; 2 Sam. 11:2 ss.; Prov. 2:16-19; 5:1-23,
6:23-35; 7:5-27; 9:13-16; El libro de Oseas; Mal.2:13-16; Mat.5:8-9,17-20,28; 15:19;
19:9; Marcos 7:20-22; Gal.5:13-26; 6:7-10; Ef.5:3-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 12-20.
Prov. 20:1; 23:29-35; 31:4-6; 23:20; Ef.5:18; 1 Ped.4:4
Animando a otros:
Rom.1:12; 12:10; 14:19; 1 Cor.1:10; 10:14; 13:1ss; 14:40; Gál.5:3; 6:2; Ef.
4:15,21; 5:21; Fil.1:9; 2:2; Col.3:12-17; 1 Tes.4:9; 5:11,14; 2 Tim.2:25; 4:2;
Gén. 28:15; Job 34:12; Salmo 20:7; 50:15; 55:22; 68:19; 86;7; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaías 40:11;
Mat. 1:28; Juan 16:33
Efesios 4:25-32; Escuchar: Prov.1:5,8,33; 4:1,10; 5:1,2,7,13-14; 7:24;
8:6,33; 12:5; 13:1,18; 15:31; 17:4; 18:13, 21; 19:5,9,20; 20:12; 21:28; 22:17; 23:19,22;
28:9; 29:12; Ecl.7:5; Santiago 1:19; 3:1-12
Prov.28:13; Santiago 5:16; 1 Juan 1:9
Núm. 14:9; Deut. 31:6; Salmo 27:10; 46:7; 73:23; 94:14; 103:17; Isaías 41:17; Mat.
20:20; Juan 6:37-39; Rom. 8:38,39
Depresión: (Sentimientos de depresión y desespero)
Sofonías 3:17; Gen.4:6,7; Salmos 30:5; 32,38,51; 34:18; 40:1,2; 42:11;
126:5; Prov.18:14; Juan 10:10; 2 Cor. 4:8,9; Reyes (Elías)
Prov. 3:11,12; 13:24; 19:18; 22:6,15; 23:13; 29:15; Rom.16:17; 1 Cor.
5:1-13; 11:29-34; 2 Cor.2:1-11; 13:1ss; Gal.6:1; Ef. 5:21; 6:1-4; Fil.3:2; 1 Tes. 5:14,21; 2
Tes.2:15; 1 Tim.1:3,7; 4:7; 6:3; 2 Tim.1:13; 2:25; 4:2; Tit.1:13ss.; 2:15; 3:10; Heb.
12:7-11; Autocontrol: Prov.25:28; 1 Cor.7:5; Gal.5:23; 1 Tes.5:6,8; 1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim.3:3;
Tit.1:8; 2:2,5,6,12; 1 Pedro 1:13; 4:7; 5:8; 2 Ped.1:6,13;
Como tratar el pecado de otros: Prov.6:14,15; 9:7-9; 10:12,18-19; 15:31-33;
17:19; 19:11; 22:10; 26:20; 27:5,6; Mat.18:15; Luc.17:3,4; Ef.4:15; Gal.6:10;
Gen. 2:24; Deut.24:1-4; Is. 50:1; Jer.3:1; Mal.2:16; Mat. 5:31,32; 19:3-8;
Marcos 10:3-5; 1 CCor. 7:10-24,33-34,39-40
Santiago 1:6-8
Sal.119:36; Prov.18:1; Mat.23:25; Rom.2:8; 14:7,8; 1 Cor. 13:5; 2 Cor.5:15;
Gal.5:13-24; Fil.1:16; 2:3-8; Stgo.3:14-16; 5:5;
Tito 3:3; Santiago 3:14-16; 1 Pedro 2:1
Irresponsabilidad: Prov. 6:1-11; 11:15; 17:16,18; 18:9; 20:10,17,23;
21:5,6,17,20; 22:4,26-27,29; 23:4-5,6-8,19-21; 24:30-34; 28:19,25; 30:7-9; Ef.4:28; Col.
3:22-24; 1 Tes. 4:11-12; 2 Tes.3:6-15; 1 Tim.5:8.
Identidad (Pertenencia):
Ezeq. 18:4 (herencia); Juan 3:31; 8:35,44,47; 15:1-19; Rom.1:6; 7:4;
8:28-39; 12:5; 14:8; 1 Cor.12:14-18; 2 Cor.10:7; Gal.3:29; 5:24; 6:10; Fil.4:22; Col.3:12;
1 Ped.2:9; 1 Juan 2:19; 3:1-2,19;
Gen.31:40; Est.6:1; Sal.3:5; 4:8; 16:7; 121:1-8; 127:2; 132:1-5; Prov.
3:21-24; 4:14-17; 6:1-5,9-11,20-22; 19:15; 20:13; 24:30-34; Ecl.2:23; 5:12; 8:16; Is.
56:10; Dan.2:1; 6:18; Jon.1:5; Zac.4:1; Mat.26:40-45; Mar.4:38; 13:32-36; Luc.22:45;
Hech.12:6; 2 Cor. 6:5; 11:27.
Gen.4:5-7; Salmos 7:11; Prov. 14:17, 29; 15:1,18; 19:11,19; 20:3,22; 22:24;
24:29; 25:15,28; 29:11,22; Marcos 3:5; Ef.4:26-32; Santiago 1:19,20
Control de fantasías, pensamientos: Deut.28:28,65; 29:4; Sal. 26:2; Prov.
3:25; 22:13; 23:33; Mat.8:23-27 (ligado al temor); Mar.12:30; Luc.21:14-15; Rom.1:28;
7:23,25; 8:6,7,27; 11:34; 12:2,3; 14:5,13; 1 Cor. 1:10; 2:16; 7:37; 2 Cor. 2:1, 13; 5:13;
Ef.6:18; Fil.3:19; 4:8; Col.2:18; 2 Tes.1:11; 1 Tim.6:5; Heb. 7:21; 12:17.
Lev.6:1-7; 19:11 (Ex.20:16); Salmos 63:11; 101:7; 116:11; Prov.6:16-19;
12:19,20; 14:25; 19:5,9; 24:26; 30:7-8; Juan 8:44,55; Hechos 5:1-11; Ef.4:25; Col.
3:9; 1 Juan 1:6,10; 2:21-22; 4:20; 5:10; Apoc. 3:9; 21:8.
Salmos 23:6; Prov.3:21-26; 14:32; 1 Cor.15:54-58; Fil.1:21,23; Heb.2:14,15.
Desarrollo: Gen.1:26-31; 2:20-25; Deut.8:18; Rut 3:11; Sal.18:32,39; 60:12;
Prov.12:4; 31:10-31; Hab.3:19; Zac.4:6; Ef.5.
Ex.33:14; Núm.6:24-26; Salmo 85:8; 119:165; Isaías 32:17; 57:2; Mat.11:29; Juan
14:27; Rom.5:1,2; Efes.2:14; Col. 3:15
Prov. 6:12,14,16,19; 10:12; 15:18; 16:28; 17:4,9,14,19; 18:18,19; 19:11;
20:3; 23:29,30; 26:21-22; 28:13,25; 29:22; Gál.5:20; Tit.3:9-11; Stgo.3:2.
Prov.17:9; Mat.6:14,15; 18:15-17; Marcos 11:25; Lucas 17:3-10; Ef.4:32;
Col. 3:13; Santiago 5:15; 1 Juan 1:8-10
Pereza (flojera):
Gen.2:5-15; 3:17-19; 14:23; 21:5; 22:29; 24:27,30-34; 31:10-31; Ex.5:8,17;
Prov.6:6,9; 10:4,26; 12:24,27; 13:4; 15:19; 18:9; 19:15,24; 20:4,13; 22:13; 24:30;
26:13-16; Ecl.10:18; Mat.25:26; 1 Cor.15:58; Col.3:22-24; 1 Tes.5:14; 2 Tes.3:6-12; Tit.
1:12; Heb.6:12;
Ex.25:9ss; Prov.3:3a,4; 14:22; 16:1-3; 19:21; 20:24; 21:5,30; 22:29; Jer.
10:23,24; Ef.5:15-17.
Bueno: Gen.1:26-31; 2:24; Gén.18:12; Cantares 1:15-2:16; 4:1-5:1; 10-16;
7:1-9; Exclusivo: Prov.5:15-19; 1 Cor.7:3-5; Lujuria: Núm.15:39; Prov.6:25; Mat.5:27-30;
Rom.1:26; 1 Cor.6:12-20; 7:9; Col.3:5; 1 Tes.4:5; 1 Ped.4:3; 2 Ped.2:18 (Jer.13:27);
Tomar Decisiones:
2 Tim. 3:15-18; Heb.11:23-27
Gen.3:10; Deut. 1:17; 7:21; 1 Crón. 16:15: Prov.10:24; 16:7; 29:25; Jer.
15:20; Isaías 35:4; 41:10; Nehemías 4:14; Joel 3:16; Salmo 4:8; 28:7; 56:3; Mat.
10:26-31; 2 Cor. 1:10; Fil. 4:9; 2 Tim.1:7; Heb.2:14,15; 13:6; 1 Pedro 3:6,13,14;
1 Juan 4:18
Personal Data Inventory1
Name: ___________________________________Phone:
_ Occupation:_______________________ Business Phone________________
Sex:____ Birth Date: __________Age____Separated__Divorced__Widowed______
Education: (last year completed)____Other training:______________
Referred here by:__________________Address:________________________
Rate your health: Very Good___ Good___ Average___Declining___Other___
Your approximate weight:___lbs. Recent weight changes: Lost___lbs., Gained___lbs.
List all important, present, or past, injuries or handicaps:_________________________
Date of last Medical Examination:
Your Physician: __________________________Address:
___________________________________ Are you currently taking medication?
Yes__No__ If so, What?______________________________ Have you used drugs for
other than medical purposes? Yes ___No__
Which drugs?
_ Have you ever had a severe emotional upset? Yes__No__Explain:
Have you ever been arrested? Yes__No__ Explain:
_______________________________________ Are you willing to sign a release of
information form so that your counselor may write for social, psychiatric, or medical
reports? Yes__No__
Denominational preference:________Church_________Member: Yes__No__
Church Attendance per month (circle): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Church Attended in childhood__________Were you baptized? Yes__No__
Religious background of spouse (if married)______________________
Do you consider yourself a religious person? Yes__No__Uncertain___
Do you believe in God? Yes___No___Uncertain___
Do you pray to God? Never___Occasionally___Often___
Are you saved? Yes___No___Not sure what you mean___
How frequently do you read the Bible? Never__Occasionally__Often__
Do you have regular family devotions? Yes___No___
Explain recent changes in your religious life, if any:
Have you ever had psychotherapy or counseling before? Yes__No__
If yes, list counselor and
dates:__________________________________________________ What was the
1 Adapted from Personal Data Inventory 2. Available from 123
active ambitious self-confident persistent nervous hardworking impatient impulsive
moody often-blue excitable imaginative calm serious easy-going shy good-natured
introvert extrovert likable leader quiet hard-boiled submissive self-conscious lonely
sensitive other:_____________________________________________________
Have you ever felt people watching you? Yes____No____
Do people's faces ever seem distorted? Yes___No___
Do you ever have difficulty distinguishing faces? Yes___No___ Do colors ever seem too
bright? Yes___No___
Are you sometimes unable to judge distance? Yes____No___ Have you ever had
hallucinations? Yes___No___
Are you afraid of being in a car? Yes___No____
Is your hearing exceptionally good? Yes ___No___
Do you have problems sleeping? Yes ___No___
Name of spouse:________________________Address:
Phone______________ Spouse's Age:_____Education
Is spouse willing to come for counseling? Yes___No___Uncertain___
Have you ever been separated? Yes__No__When? from_______to_______
Have either of you ever filed for divorce? Yes__No__When?________
Date of marriage:____________Ages when married: Husband_______Wife_____
How long did you know your spouse before marriage?_______________
Length of steady dating with spouse____Length of engagement________________
Give brief information about any previous marriages:
Information about children:
PM* (check)
Sex (M/F)
Living (Y/N)
Education (in yrs)
Marital Status
*Check PM column if child is by previous marriage
If you were reared by anyone other than your own parents,
How many older brothers______sisters______do you have? How many younger
brothers_____sisters_____do you have?
1. What is the main problem as you see it? (what brings you here)
2. What have you done about it?
3. What do you want us to do about it?
Consent to Counseling: Grace Bible Church
Our Goal - Our goal in providing Christian counseling is to help you meet the challenges
of life in a way that will please and honor the Lord Jesus Christ and that you will find joy
in following His will for your life. All counseling is done free of charge as a ministry of
Grace Bible Church. Counselees may make a donation, but this is not expected or
Biblical Basis - We believe that the Bible provides thorough guidance and instruction for
faith and life (II Timothy 3:16-17 II Pet. 1:3). Therefore, our counseling is based upon
scriptural principles rather than those of secular psychology or psychiatry. Our
counselors are not trained or licensed as psychotherapists or mental health
professionals. Nor should they be expected to follow the methods of such specialists.
Not Professional Advice - If you have significant legal, financial, medical or other
technical questions you should seek advice from an independent professional. Our
counselors will cooperate with such advisors and help you to consider their counsel in
light of scriptural principles.
Confidentiality - Confidentiality is an important aspect of the counseling process and we
will carefully guard the information you entrust to us. There are situations, however, in
which it may be necessary for us to share certain information with others such as:
1. When a counselor is uncertain how to address a particular problem and needs to
seek advice from another pastor or counselor.
2. When there is concern that someone may be harmed unless others intervene.
3. When abuse or another crime must be reported to the authorities.
4. When a person refuses to renounce a particular sin and it becomes necessary to
seek the assistance of others in the church to encourage repentance and reconciliation
(Proverbs 15:22 24:11
Matthew 18:15-20).
5. When observers sit in on counseling sessions to assist the counselor or for training
Resolution of conflicts with the counselor: Arbitration - On rare occasions a conflict may
develop between a counselor and a counselee. I Corinthians 6:1-8 forbids Christians
from bringing lawsuits against each other in secular courts of law In order to ensure that
any such conflicts will be resolved in a biblically faithful manner, we require all our
counselees to agree that any dispute which arises with a counselor or with this church
will be settled by mediation, and if necessary legally binding arbitration in accordance
with the Rules of Procedure of the Institute for Christian Conciliation. The arbiters will be
the Elders of Grace Bible Church. If the Elders of Grace Bible Church are a party in the
dispute then three arbiters will be selected from among Elders from churches in the
Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals with each party in the dispute
choosing one arbiter and the two arbiters selecting the third. It is expressly understood
that by agreeing in advance to arbitrate that the counselee is giving up his right to a trial
in the civil courts.
Having clarified the principles and policies of our counseling ministry, we welcome the
opportunity to minister to you in the name of Christ and to be used by Him as He helps
you to grow in spiritual maturity and prepares you for usefulness in His body. If you have
any questions about these guidelines, please speak with a pastor or elder. If these
guidelines are acceptable to you, please sign below.