Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 11, 2016
“I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who
repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance”
-Lk. 15:7
Dear Parishioners,
Sept. 10, First Saturday, Weekday, BVM
12:05 James J. Marquardt
Angela Pachioli
Sept. 11, Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Arthur Quici
11:00 Jackie Egan
12:30 Simonita Echavarria
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People
Sept. 12, Monday, Weekday
The Most Holy Name of Mary
Charles Buck Jr.
12:05 Nancy Clabree
Sept. 13, Tuesday, St. John Chrysostom,
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Thaddeus Bartkowski
12:05 Antonio and Maddelena Leone
Sept. 14, Wednesday,
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Helen Frosty
12:05 Jacqueline Benn
Sept. 15, Thursday, Our Lady of Sorrows
Mary Wolfington
12:05 William Keenan
Sept. 16, Friday, Saints Cornelius, Pope
and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
Mary Wolfington
12:05 Blaise Cedrone
Sept. 17, Saturday, Weekday,
St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of
the Church; BVM
12:05 Angelina and Leon Arul
Florence Biagiotti
Sept. 18, Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Arnold and Lena Quici
11:00 Michelle Ranalli and Family
12:30 Juana Crecencio Marrero
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People
This Sunday, September 11, 2016, marks the fifteenth anniversary of the devastating terror attacks on the United States in New
York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC. I am sure that many of
us vividly recall where we were when we heard the news of the
planes crashing into the World Trade Towers, the Pennsylvania
field and the Pentagon. The loss, especially the loss of human
life—loved ones—with these terrorist attacks, continues to be a
painful void for so many people these many years later. Today,
we pray again for all those who senselessly died in those attacks
and commend them to the loving mercy of God. We also pray for
their families and friends that they may continue to know the compassion and strength the Lord shares with them. And, we must not
fail to beg our Almighty Father to bring to an end terror of all
types that continues to hold the world hostage and to bless his sons
and daughters with enduring peace.
Next Saturday evening, September 17, 2016, at the 5:15 PM
Anticipated Mass, we pray especially for all of our parish elementary and high school students as well as their families as the new
school year gets underway. Please see the information elsewhere
in this Parish Bulletin on this special celebration for our students.
Let us keep them in prayer that they may know more fully the path
that keeps them faithful to the ways of the Lord.
Next Sunday, September 18, 2016, is the observance of Catechetical Sunday throughout the United States. We will observe
this commemoration at the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass. The theme
this year for Catechetical Sunday is "Prayer: The Faith Prayed.”
All of our parish catechists—those who prepare the parents and
godparents for the Baptism of their children, those who instruct
our school age students for the Sacraments, those who assist our
adults for Christian Initiation and for Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church—will receive a blessing at this
Mass. This observance also reminds us that all of us, regardless of
our state in life, have the duty with Baptism to be a witness to the
Christian Faith and to pass it on to others. Please join me next
Sunday, Catechetical Sunday, to express our gratitude to all our
parish catechists after the 11:00 AM Mass.
The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be directed to
the liturgical music program at the Cathedral Parish. I am so
grateful for your generous support of the missions in the second
collection on Sunday, August 28, 2016. This was the first time in
recent memory when the second collection was larger than the
first which is for the general operational fund for the Parish.
Thank you so very much for all of your goodness and generosity
to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways and to the Catholic Charities Appeal.
God bless you,
Father Dennis Gill
-1- 062 cathd
The Holy Door in the Cathedral
Basilica is Open / Está abierta
Weekdays/Lu-Vi 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturdays/Sa 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Sundays/Do 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
To learn more, visit / para mayor información visite: &
Our parish Charismatic Prayer Group
meets faithfully each week to join together for prayer and to intercede with the Lord for many intentions, including the intentions of the parish. The
Charismatic Prayer Group now provides a way for
us to send to them our requests for prayer. Simply
e-mail your intentions and prayer requests to:
[email protected]
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every
Wednesday at 6 PM in the Neumann Room.
New Parishioners
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!
The easiest way to register can be accomplished by speaking with one of the parish priests after any regularly scheduled Mass. If preferred, you can also contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to meet with a priest for
parish registration.
If you have new contact information, please call the Parish
Office so that our records can be updated. If you have not
been receiving your weekly offering envelopes, again,
please call the Parish Office to insure that your address is
registered correctly.
Parish Office phone number is 215-561-1313.
The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns
this week in the Cathedral Basilica
For: Anthony J. Land, Sr
The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns
this week in the Cathedral Chapel
For: Michael E. Land
From: Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Land
Donations are accepted for intentions for the Sanctuary
Lamp in the Basilica and the Cathedral Chapel. This candle
burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is truly and really
present in the tabernacle. If you wish to make the suggested donation of fifteen dollars for an intention for a Sanctuary Lamp, you may contact the Parish Office directly or
place your intention and offering in the collection basket.
Readings for Mass for this Week
Please see the website of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops.
Las lecturas de la semana están disponibles
en el enlace de arriba
The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the duty
of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we are greatly supported as well by our many visitors.
The Offertory Collection for Sunday, 9/4/16 was
$6,867.50. This generosity demonstrates the support, interest
and encouragement of so many for the ministry and service of
the Cathedral Parish to carry out the work of the Gospel.
Thank you very much for your generous financial support.
From September 28th through November 5th,
local churches will sign up parishioners for a peaceful prayer
vigil, Monday through Saturday, 8 AM to 5 PM at Planned
Parenthood, 12th & Locust Streets in Philadelphia.
Please call the Parish Office to register for our Parish
vigil which will take place on
Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse a la
vigilia pacifica por la protección a la vida que se llevará a
cabo en Oct. 27 al frente de Planned Parenthood 12 y Locust
en Filadelfia. Ore por los niños no nacidos!
Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers/ Ora por los enfermos:
Dercel Burney, Nick Capozio, Nancy Cantwell, Fred Hankinson, Renee Kenny, Thomas J. Kenny, Stacey Smit, Joan
Ozga, Anadelia Cacique, Alis de Pachecho, JoAnn Stein, Francis Pham, Ita Creavin, William Spiro, Scott Towers,
James Duffin, Daniel Moyer Sr., Andrew Marconi, James Pinto, James Ross, Pearl Hammond, Loretta Braccili,
Dorothy Tomassini, Pam Buccelli, Barbara Denny, Charlotte McLaughlin, Amberlyn Boland, Wendy Cornel, Michelle, Oscar
Rodriguez, Enrique Rodriguez, Linda Watson, Randy Burbage, Rosa Maria Santos, Amy Fife, Theodore Barry, M.D.,
Marissa Kostrzewa, David Kaplan, Marilyn Mullen, Kathleen Aponik, April DeMatto, Paula Cohen, Janice Holshin, Lauri
Mitchell, Maryann Healy, Darren Gardner, Barbara Elaine, Nicholas Tiziano, Christopher Browne, and those in nursing
homes or hospitals and all the sick.. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our
prayer list. Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial para añadir a la lista los nombres de personas que estén enfermas.
-2- 062 cathd
What’s Happening at the Parish
Outside the Liturgical Schedule
Sept. 14 Mor ning Scr iptur e Reflection for Lawyer s
Neumann Room, 8:00 AM
Charismatic Prayer Group
Neumann Room, 6:00 PM
Sept. 15 Catechetical Session
Neumann Room 7:00 PM
Sept. 16 Young Adult Bible Study
Neumann Room, 7:00 PM
Sept. 17 Back to School Mass, Basilica, 5:15 PM
El Padre Indulgente
En los tiempos de Jesús el hijo primogénito heredaba las dos terceras partes de las propiedades de su padre; los
hijos menores se quedaban con la porción restante. El hijo
menor en el evangelio de hoy no puede esperar, exige su
parte y se va. El dinero se acaba pronto y no le queda otra
alternativa que cuidar de los cerdos. Regresa a casa con la
intención de confesar su culpa y pedir que se le trate como
un siervo y no como hijo. Sin embargo, el padre sale a su
encuentro con la mejor ropa y ordena que se ofrezca un banquete. El hijo mayor reacciona hostilmente, aunque ya tiene
garantizado el amor de su padre y una buena herencia. El
padre sabe cómo perdonar y olvidar pero, tristemente, el
hijo mayor desconoce ambas cosas. Lo que hizo el hijo no
tiene importancia comparado con quién es el hijo: el hijo
amado. Esta historia nos invita a considerar si actuamos
como el hijo menor o como el mayor, y si nos esforzamos
en actuar como Dios actúa con nosotros, esto es, como un
padre indulgente.
La Corresponsabilidad
Vivida Ahora
Haz una lista de esas personas a las que no has perdonado del todo. Si no puedes hacer las paces con ellas en persona, ora por ellas una vez al día hasta que puedas perdonar y
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Spirituality Center, 1140 King Rd. Immaculata, PA 19345
Del 16 al 18 de septiembre, 6:00 PM
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amar y ser amado”
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Queridos Feligreses,
Este domingo 11 de septiembre de 2016 es el decimoquinto aniversario de los devastadores ataques terroristas
a Estados Unidos en Nueva York, Pennsylvania y Washington, DC. Estoy seguro que muchos de nosotros recordamos donde estábamos cuando escuchamos la noticia de
los aviones que se estrellaron contra las torres del World
Trade Center, un campo de Pennsylvania y el Pentágono.
La pérdida, especialmente de vidas humanas –seres queridos– con esos ataques terroristas, aun después de tantos
años, continua siendo un vació doloroso para muchas personas. Hoy oramos de nuevo por todos los que murieron en
esos ataques y los encomendamos a la amorosa misericordia de Dios. Oramos también por sus familias y amigos
para que ellos experimenten la compasión y fortaleza que
el Señor comparte con ellos. Asimismo, no podemos olvidar rogarle a nuestro Dios todopoderoso para que acabe
con todo tipo de terror y que bendiga a sus hijos e hijas con
una paz duradera.
El próximo sábado 17 de septiembre a las 5:15 PM
durante la Misa anticipada, oraremos especialmente por
los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria de nuestra parroquia y por sus familias con motivo del nuevo año escolar
que ya está en marcha. Por favor busque en este boletín la
información de dicha celebración para nuestros estudiantes. Oremos para que ellos conozcan mejor el camino que
los mantenga fieles a los senderos del Señor.
El próximo domingo 18 de septiembre la Iglesia en
Estados Unidos celebrará el Domingo Catequético. Nosotros celebraremos esta conmemoración a las 11:00 AM en
la Misa solemne. Este año el tema será “La oración: La fe
orada”. Todos los catequistas de nuestra parroquia
–aquellos que preparan a los padres y padrinos para el
Bautismo de sus hijos, aquellos que instruyen a los niños
en edad escolar para los Sacramentos, aquellos que asisten
a nuestros adultos en el programa de iniciación cristiana y
para poder entrar en la plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica– recibirán una bendición en esta Misa. Esta celebración también nos recuerda que todos nosotros, sin importar
nuestro estado de vida, por ser bautizados tenemos la responsabilidad de dar testimonio de nuestra fe cristiana y
debemos transmitir nuestra fe a otros. Por favor acompáñenme el próximo domingo a expresar nuestra gratitud a
todos los catequistas después de la Misa de las 11:00 AM.
La segunda colecta del próximo domingo será dirigida
al programa de música litúrgica de la parroquia. Estoy
muy agradecido por su generosidad y apoyo a las misiones
en la segunda colecta del domingo 28 de agosto. Esta es la
primera vez, en tiempo reciente, que la segunda colecta fue
mayor a la primera la cual es para el fondo operativo general de la parroquia. Muchas gracias por toda su bondad y
generosidad con la parroquia de la Catedral y con la Campaña Anual para Caridades Católicas.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre Dennis Gill
-3- 062 cathd
September 15, 7:00 PM
Meeting in the Neumann Room
Upcoming Events for the Young Adults
at the Cathedral Parish
Catechetical topic for Session 1:
Friday Evening Bible Study: We ar e adjusting Bible
Study back to EVERY OTHER Friday evening from 7:008:30pm in the Neumann Room (r oom entr ance is fr om
the outside on the backside of the church). Our group gathers to reflect on the readings and the Psalm for the upcoming Sunday. We look forward to having you join us. Our
next Bible Study will take place on September 16.
The weekly catechetical session is primarily for the adults
among us who are preparing to receive the Easter Sacraments. However, anyone interested in the topic for better
understanding and faith formation is most welcome to attend. Anyone, especially our parishioners, seeking more
information on the reception of the Sacraments or assisting
as a sponsor, please call the Parish Office.
Jubilee Year of Mercy Rosary
on the Feast of the Holy Rosary
~La Fiesta del Santo Rosario~
If you are interested in the Young Adults of the Cathedral
Parish as well as receiving the most up-to-date information
on our group’s events please e-mail
[email protected]. Please search for our
Facebook page (search: Young Adults at the Cathedral).
Friday, October 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM
September 17, 2016
Viernes, Octubre 7, 2016, 7:00 PM
5:15 PM Anticipated Mass
in the Basilica
All school students and their families are invited to celebrate
the Holy Eucharist and receive a special blessing for the new
school year. Plan now to attend. Reserved seating is made
available in the front.
Invitamos a todos los estudiantes y a sus familias a celebrar
la Santa Eucaristía y recibir una bendición especial para el
nuevo año escolar. Habrá una sección reservada al frente para
su uso.
Join hundreds of others at the Cathedral in
the prayer of the Rosary on the Feast of the
Holy Rosary. We will praying for the many
needs of the world: an end to terrorism, an
end to abortion and human trafficking, for
God’s will to be done during the 2016 elections, for the sanctification of the Church and an increase in
holy vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, for the
sanctity and protection of married couples and families.
The Holy Rosary
will be preceded by a Liturgy of the Word
Acompáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario por las necesidades del
mundo: para que acabe el terrorismo, el aborto, la trata de
personas, por la santificación de la Iglesia, por un aumento en
vocaciones santas al sacerdocio y a la vida consagrada, por la
santidad y protección para las parejas y las familias. El Santo
Rosario será precedido por una Liturgia de la Palabra. Deseamos ver la Catedral llena, por favor corra la voz!
We would like to see the Cathedral full,
please spread the word as widely as possible!
Morning Scripture Reflection for Lawyers
Join other center city Lawyers for an hour to reflect on the
Readings for the Following Sunday Mass beginning
Wednesday, September 7, 2016, and on every Wed. The
hour allows for prayer together at the beginning and end of
the session, the reading of the Lectionary texts for Sunday
Mass, and reflection on these Readings. This reflection includes reactions to what is heard in the Scriptures, the discovery of new insights and facing the challenges in the
Word of God. Location: The Neumann Room, directly behind the Basilica 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. more information,
contact Michael Broadhurst at [email protected]
The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is the doorway to the Christian life and to all the other
Sacraments. As such, preparation of the parents and for the Baptism itself deserve very special attention. The celebration of Baptism at the Cathedral Parish takes place on the first Sunday of each
month at 12:30 PM after the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass. Everyone is welcome. The celebration will be
carried out with liturgical music and with a great sense of hospitality.
A Baptism Preparation Session takes place on the third Sunday of each month in anticipation of the celebration of the Sacrament. Parents in the Cathedral Parish are obligated to participate. The session is open to all of our neighbor parishes and to
godparents as well. Parents are encouraged to participate during pregnancy, if at all possible. Please call the Parish Office -4- 062 cathd
215–561-1313 - to register for the Baptism Preparation Session.
Holy Hour of Mercy for the Jubilee Year of Mercy
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 7pm
Join us on the Solemnity of the Triumph of the Cross for
one of the 14 Archdiocesan Holy Hours of Mercy for the
Jubilee. Let us contemplate Mercy Himself, present in the
Eucharist! Location: Our Lady of Ransom Parish; 6701 Calvert St; Philadelphia
September 21, 2016 - 7 PM
This is the first and only presentation of REBOOT! LIVE!
in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. The evening will center
around a practical exploration and understanding of the
Catholic faith, and all the ways it’s meant to impact our
lives, including prayer and spirituality, work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more. Musician and recording
artist Jon Niven will perform throughout the event. Speaker:
Internationally acclaimed speaker and author, Chris Stefanick. Location: St. Martin of Tours, New Hope, PA. More
info: or to purchase tickets: or contact Theresa McCartin,
215-862-5472,[email protected]
Polish Harvest Festival
All are invited to the Polish Harvest Festival at the TK Club
at 500 East Hector Street in Conshohocken on Sunday September 25th from Noon to 6 pm, to suppor t St. Mar y
Polish American Society, a non-profit organization working
to promote Polish heritage and culture in and around Montgomery County, PA. The Polish Harvest Festival will feature live Polka music from the Naturalistix Polka Band,
Polish food, a full cash bar, a 50/50 drawing, a basket raffle,
and baked goods for sale. Tickets are $10 advance sales,
$15 day of event. Tickets include the price of admission,
with food not included. Advance tickets are on sale until
Wednesday September 14th. TAKE OUT FOOD ORDERS
AVAILABLE IN ADVANCE. For tickets or advance take
out food orders, please email [email protected] or
call Dorothy Swedkowski at 610-630-0861.
St. Andrew’s Parish Pilgrimage to the Basilica
of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Washington, D.C.
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of the
Lithuanian Chapel. Sunday October 9, 2016, Solemn Mass
2:00 PM. Participants in the Solemn Celebration: Archbishop Lionginas Virbalas, S.J. from Kaunas, Lithuania,
the combined thrilling sound of 4 choirs! Departure from St.
Andrew’s Church 9:00AM and from St. Casimir’s Church:
9:15AM. Contact Ellie Jozefowski at 215-236-3660.
St. John Cantius Grade School Class of 1961
Bridesburg, Philadelphia
We are looking for former classmates to celebrate our 55th
“Emerald” Grade School Reunion, Sunday October 16,
2016, 3 pm to 8 pm, at Edgemont Caterers, 4411 Edgemont
Street, Philadelphia, PA. Tickets are $45 per person. For
more information, contact Jeanie Hogg Ashton at 215-7435760, or [email protected] by October 3, 2016.
The Forgiving Father
Prodigal is a word we don’t use much in ordinary
conversation, but it is firmly attached in our minds to
Jesus’ story about a father and his two sons. Jewish law
in Jesus’ time allowed a first-born son to inherit twothirds of his father’s property. Any younger son or sons
got the remaining third. Normally, this division took
place after the father’s death, but in today’s Gospel the
younger son cannot wait, demands his portion and leaves,
with no promise ever to return. After a short spell of
reckless extravagance, the money is gone and the son is
reduced to the lowest of the low—herding pigs. He
plucks up his courage and decides to return home, fully
expecting a cool reception. He plans to confess his guilt
and ask his father to accept him back as a servant, because he is unworthy to be called a son. We all know
how the story turns out—the father running down the
road to meet the young man, clothing him in finery and
ordering a huge feast. The older son greets this turn of
events with hostility, even though he is guaranteed a
place in his father’s heart and a fine inheritance for the
future. Apparently he harbors resentment not only toward
his wayward brother, but also toward his father. The father knows how to forgive and, sadly, the older son does
not. And the father not only forgives, he forgets. Whatever the younger son did matters not at all compared to who
he is—the beloved child. Every time we revisit this story
we have the opportunity to reflect and ask ourselves
whether we ever act like the younger son or the older
son, or if we strive to act the way that God does toward
us, as the forgiving father.
Living Stewardship Now
Make a list of everyone you have not completely forgiven. If you cannot make peace with them in person,
pray for them once a day until you know you can forgive
and forget.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Tours of the Cathedral Basilica
A guided tour of the Basilica is
available after the 11:00 AM
Sunday Mass. Please gather in
front of the Side Altar of the Sacred
Heart, which is located to the right
of the Main Sanctuary. -5- 062 cathd