091. Un brujo hizo daño a una mujer

University of New Mexico | Latin American & Iberian Institute
K’iche’ Maya Oral History Project
No. 091 | 00:06:27 minutes
A Wizard Hurt a Woman
A sorcerer wanted to have an affair with a married woman, but the woman refused. The sorcerer became
angry and cast a spell on the woman. She became pregnant, but when she gave birth, her child was not human, but had the appearance of a large tarantula. They took the baby to the hills and threw it in the river.
The husband of the woman hired a diviner to discover what had caused his wife to give birth to a monster.
The diviner told the husband that a sorcerer had caused this problem because the man’s wife would not
have an affair with the sorcerer. The couple then prayed a lot in order to not fall again under the spell of
the sorcerer.
Un brujo hizo daño a una mujer
Un brujo quiso tener una aventura con una mujer casada, pero la mujer no quiso. El brujo se enojó y la
embrujó a la mujer, embarazándola. Cuando la mujer dio a luz, su nene no era humano, sino tuvo la apariencia de una tarántula. La pareja llevó al monstruo a la montaña, y lo lanzó al río. Después el marido de
la mujer contrató a un zahorí para que adivinara que le había sucedido a su esposa. El zahorí le contó al
marido que un brujo le había causado el embarazo porque su esposa no quiso tener una aventura con ese
brujo. Entonces la pareja empezó a rezar seguidamente para que el brujo no pudiera volver a causarle más
daño a la mujer.
Project Background
The stories and rituals included in this collection were collected between 1968 and 1973. All of them are narrated
in the K’iche’ Maya language of Guatemala with almost all of the narrators speaking the Nahualá-Santa Catarina
Ixtahuacán dialect of that language.
Collected and recorded by
Dr. James Mondloch
Transcribed by
Miguel Guarchaj Ch’o’x and Diego Guarchaj
Funding and support provided by
The UNM Latin American and Iberian Institute and the US Department of Education Title VI National Resource
Center grant.
Title page image provided courtesy of
Dennis G. Jarvis
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