Simple present rules

I drink
You drink
He drinks
She drinks
It drinks
We drink
You drink
They drink
I don’t drink
You don’t drink
He doesn’t drink
She doesn’t drink
It doesn’t drink
We don’t drink
You don’t drink
They don’t drink
Do I drink?
Do you drink?
Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?
Do we drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?
I do / No, I don’t
you do / No, you don’t
he does / No, he doesn’t
she does / No, she doesn’t
it does / No, it doesn’t
we do / No, we don’t
you do / No, you don’t
they do / No, they don’t
1. Añadimos –s a la forma de la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it). Ex.: I walk / He walks
2. Añadimos –es a los verbos que terminan en –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o. Ex.: We teach / She
3. Con verbos que terminan en consonante + y, cambiamos la –y por –ies. Ex.: You fly / It flies
4. El verbo have cambia a has. Ex.: They have / She has
5. The verbs can, may, must and should remain the same. Ex.: I can / He can
a) He(like)_________ She(go)________
b) She(cry)________ She(play)_______
c) He(watch)_______She(fish)________
d) He(tidy)_________He(kiss)________
e) She(mix)_________She(study)_________
a) I __________ (not live) in America
b) _______ you _______ (live) in America?
c) She________(not watch) Tv in the morning
d) ______ he_______(have) a pet?
e) We_____________(not speak) English
f) They___________(not think) like you
g) The dog ________(not like) fish
h) _______your sister______(play) the piano?
i) Yes, ______ ______
Like, play, teach, live, watch, wash,
fish, play, go, cry, run, eat
a) I _____ football every Sunday
b) He _____ English in the university
c) The dog _____ in the park
d) We ____ to school by bus
e) She _____ in Spain
f) You _____ Tv in the afternoon
g) She_____ her car in the weekend
h) They always_____ in the lake
i) She usually _____ the guitar
j) We _____ cake in the birthdays
k) You _____ with the love film
l) The cats _____ fish
Escribe frases usando las palabras dadas. Ex.: dance (I, my sister): I dance, but my sister doesn’t
a) play videogame (My friends, I): _______________________________________________________
b) cry (Jane, Mark and Pam): _________________________________________________________
c) hurt (My head, my arm): ____________________________________________________________
d) stink (The pigs, the roses): __________________________________________________________
e) study every day (John and I, the group): _______________________________________________
f) shine (The sun, my shoes): ___________________________________________________________
g) watch movies (Susan, we): ___________________________________________________________