iTunes Booklet for Healer

(Alex Cuba/Noel Schajris)
(Alex Cuba/Noel Schajris)
(Alex Cuba)
Ella es de Aruba y el de Barcelona
Ella esta al día y el no tiene moda
Nos les importa lo que el mundo diga
Tan diferentes pueden ser feliz
She is from Aruba and he is from Barcelona
She is into fashion and he is out of style
They don’t care what anyone thinks
So different can be so happy
Porque en el amor yey ye vale todo
Because when it comes to love, anything goes
Una escultura que hoy el mundo admira
Seguramente le costó la vida
A un gran artista que nunca detuvo
Lo que sentía por su creación.
A sculpture that today everyone admires
Surely cost the life
Of a great artist that never gave up
What was felt for the creation
Mirándome al espejo Me ha enfrentado la conciencia Sin motivo.
Me pide que la escuche Porque piensa que algún tiempo Yo he perdido. Me invita a despertar A dejar de seguir Dormido.
Porque en el amor yey ye vale todo
Because when it comes to love, anything goes
Vale todo
Tu quieras o no quieras
Vale todo
Si es de buena manera
Vale todo
No hay reglas en la entrega
Se da y se recibe el amor así
Anything goes
Whether you want it or not
Anything goes
If it comes from the heart
Anything goes
There are no rules to how it is given
You give and receive love that way
Sin esperarlo llega un sentimiento
Que se apodera de todo tu cuerpo
No lo cuestiones no le des la espalda
Si alguien te dice que no puede ser
Suddenly a feeling comes
Taking over your whole body
You don’t question it or turn your back
If someone says that it can’t be
Porque en el amor yey ye vale todo
Because when it comes to love, anything goes
Vale todo
Tu quieras o no quieras
Vale todo
Si es de buena manera
Vale todo
Al fin cuando consigues vivir
Regalando lo mejor de ti
Vale todo
De aquí hasta las estrellas
Vale todo
Te encuentres donde sea
Vale todo
No hay reglas en la entrega
Se da y se recibe el amor así
Anything goes
Whether you want it or not
Anything goes
If it comes from the heart
Anything goes
When you finally know how to live
Giving the best part of you
Anything goes
From here to the stars
Anything goes
You find yourself anywhere
Anything goes
There are no rules to how it is given
You give and receive love that way
Sugiere que me arranque La ternura y la inocencia En un gemido.
Y que abra bien los ojos Si yo quiero algún futuro Prometido.
Me invita a despertar A dejar de seguir
Dormido Buscar la realidad de una vez La que no escogimos. El mundo tiene prisa
y es posible que nos lleve Al precipicio
Si es que nos apuramos Engañados de avaricia y egoísmo Descubro en el espejo Que mi rostro se ha llenado Del espanto.
Me rindo a sus razones Porque ya no es pensamiento ahora es un llanto
Que me viene a avisar a dejar de seguir dormido
Buscar la realidad de una vez La que no escogimos REALITY WE DIDN’T CHOOSE
(Alex Cuba)
(Alex Cuba)
Looking at myself in the mirror
I am faced with my conscience out of nowhere
Asking me to listen to it
Because it thinks that I have wasted
so much time
Basta con mirar tus ojos
Y sentir tu compañía.
para que a mí se me olviden
Los misterios de la vida.
Inviting me to wake up
And stop living as though asleep
Suggesting to me to get rid of
My nieve and innocent ways
In one breath
That I should open my eyes wide
If I want a promise of a future.
Inviting me to wake up
And stop living as though asleep
To look for reality, right now,
The one that we didn’t choose
The world is in such a hurry
And may lead us to a precipice
If we rush ourselves
Fooled by greed
And ego
I see in the mirror
My face full of horror
I surrender to it reasoning
Because it’s no longer a thought
It has become a cry.
That comes to advise me
To stop living as though asleep
To look for reality, right now,
The one we didn’t choose
Basta con ganarme un beso
Del baúl de tus deseos.
para que la noche traiga
lo más grande en un te quiero.
Porque en ti
Encuentro todo lo que soñé
En nada me equivoque.
Sarah tu no me agradezcas nada
que todo todo te lo debo
Sarah tu sonrisa y tu mirada
Son mi alegría y mi consuelo
Sarah que sería de mi vida
de haberme yo perdido
El placer de estar contigo en este amor
que nos unió.
No imagino de otra forma
Ni un minuto de mis días.
Sin saber que yo te tengo
que me das tu simpatía.
No me importa que termine
El valor de economía
No conozco más riqueza
Que saber que tú eres mía
Porque en ti
Encuentro todo lo que soñé
En nada me equivoque
Sarah tu no me agradezcas nada
que todo todo te lo debo
Sarah tu sonrisa y tu mirada
Son mi alegría y mi consuelo
Sarah que sería de mi vida
de haberme yo perdido
El placer de estar contigo en este amor
Amor, que de verdad
se deja ir
sin escondernos nada
Felicidad tiene tu olor
tu cara enamorada
Mejor tal vez no pudo ser
Sarah tu no me agradezcas nada
que todo todo te lo debo
Sarah tu sonrisa y tu mirada
Son mi alegría y mi consuelo
Sarah que sería de mi vida
de haberme yo perdido
El placer de estar contigo en este amor
Amor que nos unió.
(Alex Cuba)
Its enough to look into your eyes
And feel your company
So it will make me forget
The things I don’t understand in life
It’s enough to win a kiss
From the depths of your soul
So that the night brings
The greatest I Love You
Because in you
I find everything I’ve dreamed of
I didn’t make a single mistake
Sarah don’t thank me for a thing
Because I owe you everything
Sarah your smile and your eyes
Are my happiness and my comfort
Sarah what would my life be
If I would have missed
The joy of being with you in this love
that united us
I can’t imagine any other way
Not one minute of any day
without knowing that I have you with me
And that you feel the same way
It won’t matter to me if the
Economies of the world fail
I don’t need any more wealth
Than knowing you are mine
Because in you
I find everything I’ve dreamed of
I didn’t made a single mistake
Sarah don’t thank me for a thing
Because I owe you everything
Sarah your smile and your eyes
Are my happiness and my comfort
Sarah what would my life be
If I would have missed
The joy of being with you in this love
Love, when you really
Let it bloom
Without hiding a thing
Happiness is her scent
Her face in love
Something better I don’t think exists
Sarah don’t thank me for a thing
Because I owe you everything
Sarah your smile and your eyes
Are my happiness and my comfort
Sarah what would my life be
If I would have missed
The joy of being with you in this love
that united us
(Alex Cuba)
Brindo por tu boca dibujando mi ilusión
En cada palabra que tus labios dejan ir
Regalándome el amor y diciendo que eres tu para mi
Nunca había tenido un ser humano como tu
Que de mariposas hoy me viste el corazón
Cada beso que me da me devuelve el mismo sol que le doy
Eres el centro de muchas cosas
De aquella nube que nos cubrió
La madrugada que nunca tuve
Tan tierna y dulce como el amor
Que me das.
Brindo por el tiempo que he pasado sin brindar
Por cada silencio que ha dejado de acudir
Al encuentro de mi voz a mis ganas
de reír de soñar
Si las maldiciones me vinieran a buscar
Tarde llegarían se tuvieran que machar
Porque nadie como tu en segundos me da un siglo de amor
Eres el centro de muchas cosas
De aquella nube que nos cubrió
La madrugada que nunca tuve
Tan tierna y dulce como el amor
Que me das.
(Alex Cuba)
A toast to your mouth, sketching my hopes
With every word that your lips let out
Giving me love and telling me that you are for me
I have never had a human being like you
That today clothes my heart in butterflies
Each kiss that you give me returns the same sun that I give
You are the centre of many things
The centre of the cloud that covered us
The night that I had never had
So soft and sweet like the love
That you give me
A toast to the time I spent without celebrating
A toast for each silence that stopped coming
To meet with my voice and my desire to laugh and dream
If evil was to come for me
It would surely arrive late and have to move on
Because only you can give me in an instant an eternity of
You are the centre of many things
The centre of the cloud that covers us
The night that I never had
So soft and sweet like the love
That you give me
IN 1 2 3 4 feat. David Myles
(Alex Cuba/David Myles/Debi Nova/Jared Faber)
Hey que es lo que te quita la alegría
Que es lo que te aburre cada día
Que es lo que te cierra el corazón
Hey what can I do to make you happy I can’t stand to see you sad I want to fix your broken heart I’ve got an answer And though I’m not a dancer I know that it starts with one, two, three, four One, two The night is young, it’s only just begun Three, four Se vive una sola vez, que dice usted
One, two
The dj’s playing songs we’ve never heard 3, 4 We’re singing loudly like we know the words Hey que es lo que te falta a ti en la vida
Que es lo que te sigue abriendo heridas
Que es lo que silencia tu canción
Hey you remember when life was easy You remember when life was breezy But you can’t seem to get back there
I’ve got an answer And though I’m not a dancer I know that it starts with one, two, three, four One, two The night is young, it’s only just begun Three, four Se vive una sola vez, que dice usted
One, two
The dj’s playing songs we’ve never heard 3, 4 We’re singing loudly like we know the words Y que la musica te llene todo el interior
So let that weight upon shoulders just disappear Porque tan solo una sonrisa
Puede convencernos que hay algo mejor
One, two The night is young, it’s only just begun Three, four Se vive una sola vez, que dice usted
One, two
The dj’s playing songs we’ve never heard 3, 4 We’re singing loudly like we know the words NI FORMA NI COLORES
(Alex Cuba)
Tu eres yo, yo soy tu
Somos luces de un mismo lugar
De los dos es el sol
Es la tierra es el aire es el mar
Pero no, que no me digan que no
Que la ilusión se perdió
Que ahora la vida ya no es igual
Haré que mi corazón alegre tu corazón
Sin escondernos ni contar los errores
Quien sabe lo que es mejor
Que yo conozca el amor
No tiene forma ni tampoco colores
Se nos va la razón
Encerrados en lo material
Puedes ir mas allá
Desde un sueño el amor duplicar
Pero no, que no te digan que no
Que nunca vas a llegar
Que ahora la vida ya no es igual
Haré que mi corazón alegre tu corazón
Sin escondernos ni contar los errores
Quien sabe lo que es mejor
Que yo conozca el amor
No tiene forma ni tampoco colores
woo oh oh oh
Solo tiene emociones
Que despiertan razones
Cuando el miedo se acerca a los corazones
En lo oscuro y la luz
El que todo lo puede
El que no se nos muere
El amor de verdad
(Alex Cuba/Glenda del E)
Un beso yo te daría cada atardecer
Antes de ir a encontrarme perdido en tu piel
Y así borrar las heridas que hicieron mi alma
You are me and I am you
We are lights from the same place
Of ours is the sun
Is the earth, is the air, is the ocean
But don’t, don’t tell me no
That all hope is gone
That now life is no longer the same
I will have my heart make your heart happy
Without pretending and without pointing out mistakes
Who is to say what is best
As far as I know
Love does’t have a shape or colour
We lose our common sense
Wrapped up in the material world
You can go further
From a dream and multiply love
But don’t, don’t let anyone tell you
That you will never get there
That now life just isn’t the same
I will have my heart make your heart happy
Without pretending and without pointing out mistakes
Who is to say what is best
As far as I know
Love does’t have a shape or colour
woo oh oh oh
It only has feelings
That awaken thoughts
When fear strikes the heart
In the darkness and in light
The one that is invencible
That never dies
True love
Como quisiera besarte al amanecer
Cuando ese brillo en tus ojos despierta mi fe
La fe que me quita el miedo que un día tal ves
Tu no estés.
Mi vida solo ha sido un juego
A empezar de nuevo hasta que te encontré
Allí donde jamas llegaron
Ni el sol ni la luna a ver mis desnudez
Como pudo suceder
Que hoy volviera yo a nacer
Es un nuevo amanecer contigo
Me atrevo a contar los besos que yo te daré
Quiero domar el silencio y el tiempo a la vez
Pero no puedo contarlos me canso y me rindo
A tus pies
Mi vida solo ha sido un juego
A empezar de nuevo hasta que te encontré
Allí donde jamas llegaron
Ni el sol ni la luna a ver mis desnudez
Como pudo suceder
Que hoy volviera yo a nacer
Es un nuevo amanecer contigo
WITH YOU (Alex Cuba/Glenda del E)
How I would love to kiss you at the sunrise
When that shine in your eyes wakes my faith
The faith that takes away the fear that one day
You may not be there
A kiss I would give you each sunset
Before going to lose myself in your skin
And that way erase the wounds that made
my soul suffer
My life has been just a game
To start all over again until I found you
Where neither the sun or the moon
Ever came to see my nakedness
How could it happen
That today I am born again
It is a new beginning with you
I dare to count the kisses that I will give you
I want to tame the silence and time at once
But I can’t count them, I tire and give in
At your feet.
Can you tell me where they lead
Fácil tan fácil te quedas en mi mente Con pocas palabras me convences Y pronto detienes mi reloj.
If you don’t wanna ride solo, solo
Baby you can ride with me Si quieres yo me voy contigo, voy contigo.
I can be anything you want me to be
My life has been just a game
To start all over again until I found you
Where neither the sun or the moon
Ever came to see my nakedness
How could it happen
That today I am born again
It is a new beginning with you
I can be your great escape Be your beautiful mistake Come on let me show you now Show you now, show you now oh oh oh oh
Yo puedo ser para ti
Tu más complicado error Come on Let me show you now show you now, show you now
(Alex Cuba/Kat Dahlia/Julca Brothers)
(Alex Cuba/Czésare Santana)
Tell me, why don’t you tell me What you are thinking.
Now you got me on a mission Can you show me how you move.
Un no rotundo me das
Cuando te pido algún beso
Parece casualidad que nunca te alcanza el tiempo
Nunca me dejas entrar
Cuando te llamo a la puerta
De lo que siento por ti sé que no tienes conciencia.
Fuerte, son fuerte mis ganas de tenerte De llenar mi vida de tu suerte Y emprender camino para dos If you don’t wanna ride solo, solo
Maybe you can ride with me Si quieres yo me voy contigo, voy contigo.
I can be anything you want me to be
I can be your great escape Be your beautiful mistake Come on let me show you now Show you now, show you now oh oh oh oh
Yo puedo ser para ti
Tu más complicado error Come on Let me show you now show you now, show you now
Wondering baby I’m wondering where you are going Honey your feet they move so slow and Yo quiero llenar de flores tus deseos y que broten por mi.
Pero aún no hay un si
Cuál es tu lógica
Si sumas un dos mas dos seguramente da cuatro.
Pero en cuestión del amor no hacen falta tantos datos.
Yo te escribí esta canción pa’ que me tengas presente.
Y convertirme en pasión y no salir de tu mente.
Intento ver tus colores pero todo me lo pintas de gris
Porque aún no hay un si
Cuál es tu lógica
Que no quieres decir y te cuesta admitir.
Que este loco te gusta y te ha hecho reír
Es ahora este es el mejor momento.
Ven regálame tu amor
(Alex Cuba/Czésare Santana)
You give me a big fat no
When I ask for a kiss
It seems like a coincidence you never have enough time
You never let me in
When I knock at your door
Of what I feel for you I know you have no clue
I want to fill your desires with flowers and that they bloom for
But there still is no yes
What is your logic
If you add two plus two your sure to get four
But when it comes to love there’s no need for such facts
I wrote you this song so you would keep me in mind
And it would turn into passion and get stuck in your head
I try to see all your colours but you paint everything grey
Because there still is no yes
What is your logic
That you don’t want to say and won’t admit
That you like this crazy guy and he has made you laugh
The time is now, this is the best time
Come and give me your love
(Alex Cuba/Kuba Oms/RY X)
Te dire que eres parte
De los ratos que paso en el futuro
De esas noches que intento ser maduro
Y en que el silencio no responde
Es preciso el hablarte
Porque es tan difícil ver pasar los días
Preguntándole a el amor que yo no haría
Por demostrarte lo que siento
Everytime I see you smile
I can’t stop thinking bout it baby
and everytime I see you move
All my boys are going crazy
Solo busco el instante
Ver mis manos resbalar en tu cintura
Regalarle esta pasión a tu hermosura
A enamorarte y muchas cosas algo me apura
I want you to think of how I’d hold you in my arms
When you are lonely
And late at night how I’d whisper in your ear
Now I’m not holding back
I just want you to know how I feel then I’m walking away
Everytime I see you smile
I can’t stop thinking bout it baby
and everytime I see you move
All my boys are going crazy
Si tu supieras cuanto yo te puedo dar
En un beso
La realidad podemos juntos escapar
Si me dejas llegar, a entregarte este amor
El motivo que me hace vivir
Everytime I see you smile
I can’t stop thinking bout it baby
and everytime I see you move
All my boys are going crazy
(Alex Cuba/Ron Sexsmith/Tommy Torres)
Cuando digo que te quiero
Digo la verdad
Que eres todo lo que anhelo
Mi felicidad
La que un día descubrí
Enredada en un deseo
When I look up nothing brighter
Is happening in the sky
The flame of your cigarette lighter
Dancing in your eyes
With all the moonlight in your hair
Life won’t be the same no more
Cos I’ve found what I’m living for
You give me You give me a reason
So I can understand
The gift of every season
Joy of every dance
I don’t have much to give you
I’d give you all my heart
Darling if you’d only give me half a chance
Yo seré de tus amores
Uno de verdad
Quien aun vea tus colores
En la oscuridad
Cuando sientas que vivir
Tiene espinas tiene flores
With all the sunlight in your smile
Life won’t be the same for me
Cos I know what you’ve given me
Dame, dame una caricia
Solo la mitad
Dame una sonrisa que me diga mas
No es un para siempre
No es la eternidad
Nena solo dame una oportunidad
You give me a reason
So I can understand
The gift of every season
Joy of every dance
I don’t have much to give you
I’ll give you all my heart
Darling if you’d only give me half a chance
No es un para siempre no es la eternidad
Nena solo dame una oportunidad
You give me a reason
So I can understand
The gift of every season
Joy of every dance
No es un para siempre
No es la eternidad
Nena solo dame una oportunidad
I don’t have much to give you
I’ll give you all my heart
Darling if you’d only give me half a chance
(Alex Cuba/Anya Marina)
Dime que sientes lo mismo
Cuando yo te miro
Se agita mi pecho oh oh oh
Algo que sólo contigo
Yo se que yo siento
Será que a mi vida
Le entregas el verdadero amor
Underneath the stars, all the world is ours and ours alone
Verdadero amor, tan sólo sentimos tu y yo
So, don’t let me, don’t let me go
No esperes no esperes más
And when you kiss me, it feels like a movie
The stars’ll be shooting and falling around us
We’ve built a city, where nobody sleeps
This thing is forever, it’s 24/7
I love you so never let me, never let me
Go against my heart, I’ll never win that way
Mi fragilidad es culpa de tu piel
Underneath the stars, all the world is ours, and ours alone
Verdadero amor
Tan sólo sentimos tu y yo
So don’t let me, don’t let me go
Don’t let me, don’t let me...
Si lo se muy bien
Es para ti mi amor
Mi fragilidad es culpa de tu piel
Underneath the stars, all the world is ours, and ours alone
Verdadero amor
Tan sólo sentimos tu y yo
No esperes no esperes más
Produced and Arranged by Alex Cuba
Co-produced by Leo Sidran
Additional arranging by Leo Sidran
Executive Producer Edward Martinez
Recorded by Leo Sidran at Let Em In & UML, Brooklyn, and Joby Baker at Baker Studios Ltd, Victoria, B.C.
Additional recording by Jean Massicotte at Studio Masterkut, Montreal, QC, Thomas Stajcer at New Scotland Yard, Halifax, NS,
Don Kerr at Rooster Studios, Toronto, ON and Jared Faber, Los Angeles, CA
Mixed and Mastered by Joby Baker at Baker Studios Ltd, Victoria, B.C.
Alex Cuba (vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar (1,4,7,9,10,11,12), Requinto (3,5,8,), bass, (1,5), Fender Rhodes (2), piano (4,9),
shaker, guiro, tambourine and cowbell
Leo Sidran (drums 5,6,8,11,12), electric guitar (2,4,6,8,9,11), bass (6,8,11,12), vibes (2,4), piano (5,11), Hammond B3 (2,4,6,8,9,11),
Fender Rhodes (10) Wurlitzer (12), backing vocals (4,5)
Robert Jost (bass 2,4,5,7,9,10), backing vocals (5)
Robert DiPietro (drums 1,2,4,5,7,9,10), backing vocals (5) Samuel Torres (congas, bongos)
Joby Baker (pump organ (7), Hammond B3 (10) tambourine (9,10)
Additional backing vocals on In 1 2 3 4 (Debi Nova, Amanda Sidran, Anya Marina, Jared Faber)
Alex Cuba endorses Gibson guitars, D’Addario strings and Shure microphones
Package design concept by Sarah Goodacre-Puentes
Artwork by Simon Evers at Berkeley Stat House
Original photographs by Alvaro Nates
All songs published by Canuban Music Publishing / Universal Music Publishing Group
Here I find my self again putting in your hands a new album, a new piece of my soul and existence, and feeling very grateful for all the
people that touched my life while putting this songs together, all the adventures and the work that went into the creation of Healer.
This album is part of an awakening happening in the world right now, elevating human consciousness and vibrations into a higher level.
Thank you to: The woman that makes me feel the luckiest man in the world, my lovely wife and business partner Sarah Goodacre
-Puentes, my wonderful kids Daniel, Rose and Owen, Joanne Goodacre and Bob Burt, Bill Goodacre and MaryEtta, Murray and Penny Goodacre.
My parents Maria Del Carmen Graveran and Valentin Puentes, my twin brother Adonis Puentes, Zoe Scott, Michelle Clark and everyone at Sunset
Sessions, Darcy Gregoire and Sarah Chipon at The Agency Group, Tony Tarleton, Andrew Roach and everyone at Fontana North, Cole Stephenson
and everyone at Pledge Music, Leo, Amanda and Sol Sidran, Bruce Campbell, Joby Baker and Theresa Delicato, Mauricio Abaroa and everyone at
E35, Heather Kitching, Laura G. Comiskey, Paola Ash, Nico Wilhelm and Stefanie Poulin.
“We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage
(Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Radio Broadcasters.”
p&c 2015 Caracol Records
Manufactured and marketed by Caracol Records, Box 2682 Smithers, B.C. V0J 2N0.
All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction of this recording is prohibited by law.
Distributed by Fontana North, 2450 Victoria Park Ave, Suite 1, Toronto, ON, M2J 4A2