BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pet Master Class. ESTANDAR. 2: Hace inferencias

ASIGNATURA: Inglés Intermedio 2
GRADO: 11°
Hace inferencias a partir de la
información dada en un texto escrito
ESTANDAR. 4: Usa la estructura gramatical del
inglés en los contextos comunicativos propuestos en
clase y clasifica vocabulario en categorías lógicas.
Read the text on pages 90 and 91 from Pet Master Class
and solve point number 3. Then, rewrite incorrect
Study and understand topics develop on pages129
(Unit 6), 130, 131, and unit 11 on page 132 from the
student book.
Bring it to me on the Wednesday after vacations.
On those pages you will find these topics: Adverbs of
frequency present simple and continuous, zero
conditional, first conditional, unless, present perfect,
relative pronouns, verbs followed by –ing, preposition
followed by –ing, modal verbs (obligation, prohibition
and lack of obligation), past simple and past perfect.
From each single topic including modal verbs on 10
unit, you will do five sentences giving examples of
those topics.
Translate to Spanish vocabulary on pages 122, 123
and 124 Units six to eleven. Take into account it will
be ask in the ARS.
Solve activities from the book on pages 44 and 45, 64
and 65. Copy, solve and deliver them on Wednesday
after vacations.
Pet Master Class.