Universitat Permanent
Universidad Permanente
Irene Sentana Gadea........................................... [email protected]
Eduardo Gras Moreno ....................................... [email protected]
1. The course aims at allowing students to make use of the basic programs included in their PCs
applying them to design, thus making the most out of the basic tools they have access to
without having to buy specific software.
2. It also allows students to acquire general knowledge of design computer software and makes
them capable of using the most common software for Computer-assisted design in the market,
in order to get to know all the possibilities and differences offered by this software.
3. It helps students to acquire general knowledge of Presentations by using PowerPoint and
applying it to concrete examples.
4. It helps students to apply the design skills of PowerPoint to everyday tasks in their daily life.
Example: Create a Presentation with scanned or digital pictures.
5. Another goal is that students get to know the best communication types available to them,
which will benefit their relation to the environment.
6. Finally, it intends that students apply the computer-design skills acquired to everyday tasks,
which could mean saving a lot of time and money.
This subject is conceived as a practical one since the learning process consists in carrying out
several practical proposals on the computer. For such purposes, the teacher will introduce a brief
explanation of each program to show students how basic commands are used according to the
different software. All lessons will contain a very practical part, since the teacher’s explanation will
alternate all the time with the carrying out of many practical exercises on the part of the students.
Continuous assessment based on the carrying out of several exercises in the class.
1. Part I: Designing with basic general software.
1.1. Introduction to Communication Design and Computer-assisted drawing.
1.2. Taking decisions in design, place, size and colour mixtures.
1.3. Applying the PC’s drawing tools to graphic designs.
1.4. Applying drawing tools to graphic designs.
1.5. Designing cards, posters, books, magazines, full-colour brochures...
1.6. Designing and organizing your home, office, shop. Editing images.
1.7. Applications to general software Word. Paint, Photo Editor, Publisher or similar.
1.8. Basic design image editing
1.9. Printing and reproducing.
2. Part II. Designing PowerPoint Presentations
2.1. Designing PowerPoint slides or presentations.
2.2. Applying design patterns.
2.3. Choosing a background.
2.4. Taking decisions in design, place, size and colour mixture.
2.5. Texts, schemes, colours.
2.6. Customizing presentations: drawing tool bar.
2.7. Inserting, modifying and adding pictures.
2.8. Adding graphs.
2.9. Inserting links and contact files. Hyperlinks.
2.10. Printing design patterns.
2.11. Dynamic effects on slides.
2.12. Acoustic effects on slides.
2.13. Ways of saving presentations.
2.14. Viewing presentations.
2.15. Inserting music.
2.16. Creating animated Gifs.
2.17. Printing slides.
2.18. Creating presentations to view pictures from a digital camera or scanned pictures.
2.19. The tactile screen
2.20. Basic concepts to take into account when designing short presentations.
2.21. Basic concepts to take into account when designing long presentations.
2.22. The whole syllabus will be developed by means of practical exercises.
Aplicaciones gráficas del ordenador. John Lewell.De. Hermann Blume. Madrid 1986
Bases del diseño gráfico. Alan Swan. Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A 4ª ed 2001
Haga usted mismo su diseño gráfico. John Laing Director. Ed. Hermann Blume Ediciones.
Introducción al diseño por ordenador. Enrique Cabello Pardos, Enrique.
Microsoft powerpoint 2000: referencia rápida visual (ed. Oficial) Sánchez García, J. Ignacio
Microsoft office 2000 para windowa. Paso a paso. Catapult inc. Ede. Mc Graw – Hill.
Microsoft press 1ª impresión, México.1999
Microsoft word 2000. Guia avanzada Ana Martos. Ed. Prentice may 1ª impresión, Madrid,
España, 1999
Microsoft office guia práctica con ejercicios St Perre Armand. Ed, Trillas, 1ª edición,
México, 1997
Microsoft powerpoint 2000. La forma más fácil de encontrar las respuestas exactas en
cualquier momento. Microsoft Press. Ed. Mc Graw – Hill.
Multimedia. Peña de San Antonio, Óscar. Ed. 2000. Anaya Multimedia, 1999.
Powerpoint 2000. Cuadernos prácticos. Peter Franck. PC 2002.
Powerpoint 2000. Yebes López, Elvira. Anaya multimedia 1999.
Recetario de diseño gráfico. Propuestas combinaciones y soluciones a sus layouts.
Leonard Koren. R Wippo Meckles. GG/ México. Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A 4ª ed 2001.
Bases del diseño gráfico. Alan Swann. Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A. 4ªed 2001
Haga usted mismo su diseño gráfico. John Laing Director. Ed. Hermann Blume Ediciones.
Recetario de diseño gráfico. Propuestas combinaciones y soluciones a sus layouts.
Leonard Koren. R Wippo Meckler. GG/México. .Ed Gustavo Gili S.A. 4ª Ed 2001
Introducción al diseño por ordenador Enrique Cabello Pardos Cabello Pardos, Enrique.