Public Service Announcements Seek to Inform, Educate Public

For Further Information Contact:
Linda Webb-Manon, Director of Public Relations
[email protected]
Richard Grady, VP, Marketing & Public Relations
[email protected]
Public Service Announcements Seek to Inform, Educate Public
Smarter Choices can Make the Difference for Your Financial Future
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 – (Dallas, TX) – The choices you make today can significantly impact your
financial future. To help ensure consumers make smarter financial choices, the Texas Credit Union
League (League) has issued a series of public service announcements in English and Spanish encouraging
consumers to save, budget, plan, control spending, and manage credit wisely.
Audio files of the 30-second public service announcements are available for members of the media
online, at
Following is the copy (English and Spanish) for these PSAs:
Track Your Expenses:
Not sure where your money is going? Having difficulty making your monthly financial obligations? Try
tracking all your expenditures for one week and identify 10 things you can eliminate or reduce. Little
things add up to big bucks over time, and small changes can make all the Difference! A message brought
to you by Texas credit unions. Strong, Safe and Secure for 75 years.
¿No está seguro a donde va su dinero? ¿Le es difícil cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras mensuales?
Envuelva un papel alrededor de su dinero y tarjetas de crédito. Anote todos sus gastos por una semana, e
identifique 10 cosas que puede eliminar o reducir. ¡Las cosas pequeñas se suman a dinerales con el
tiempo, y los pequeños cambios hacen la diferencia! Este mensaje le es traído por las cooperativas de
crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75 años.
Make the Difference for Your Credit:
Did you know that the typical consumer has about $19,000 total credit available on credit cards? Before
you tap into your available credit, make sure you know what you’re getting into. A high interest rate
could result in you having to pay double, if not more, if you carry a balance for a period of time. Late
payments can also result in costly fees, and re-adjustment of the rate in some cases. Make the Difference
for your credit, be a savvy credit user. A message brought to you by Texas credit unions. Strong, Safe
and Secure for 75 years.
¿Un consumidor típico tiene un total de crédito disponible cerca de $19,000 en tarjetas de crédito? Antes
de usarlo, sepa lo que hace. Mantener un balance es sus tarjetas de crédito hace que usted page interés en
sus compras. Los pagos tardíos resultan en honorarios costosos, y podrian reajustar el tipo de interés.
Texas Credit Union League  4455 LBJ Freeway  Suite 1100  Dallas, TX 75244  (469) 385-6400 
For Further Information Contact:
Linda Webb-Manon, Director of Public Relations
[email protected]
Richard Grady, VP, Marketing & Public Relations
[email protected]
TCUL Releases Series of PSAs
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Recuerde, las tarjetas de crédito son un tipo de préstamo. Haga la diferencia en su crédito. Este mensaje
le es traído por las cooperativas de crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75 años.
Well-defined Financial Goals like a Roadmap:
Well defined financial goals are like a roadmap. They help us identify where we want to be in the future
so that we can then outline steps we must take to get where we want to be. Would you embark on a crosscountry road trip without a roadmap? Probably not. Make the difference for your financial future. Make a
list of your short and long-term financial goals, prioritize that list, and develop a strategy that can help
you and your family turn your financial dreams into reality. A message brought to you by Texas credit
unions. Strong, Safe and Secure for 75 years.
¿Empredería un viaje en carretera por todo el país sin un mapa? Probablemente no. Las metas
financieras bien definidas son como un mapa. Nos ayudan a planear una trayectoria así llegamos donde
queremos estar. Haga la diferencia en su futuro financiero. Haga una lista de sus metas financieras,
establesca un orden de prioridades en la lista, y desarrolle una estrategia que combierta sus sueños en
realidad. Este mensaje le es traído por las cooperativas de crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75
Smart Money Managers Save:
If you joined the ranks of the unemployed, would you have an emergency fund to tap into until you were
able re-enter the workforce? Smart money managers know the importance of saving, understand that
making sacrifices is a reality of life, and have the control to not spend beyond their means. Make the
difference for your future, start saving today. A message brought to you by Texas credit unions. Strong,
Safe and Secure for 75 years.
¿Si se uniera a las filas de desempleados, tendría un fondo de emergencia para usar mientras regresa a
trabajar? Las personas que manejan su dinero inteligentemente saben la importancia del ahorro,
reconocen que el tomar decisiones es una realidad de la vida, y tienen el control de no gastar más de lo
que tienen. Haga la diferencia en su futuro, empiece a ahorrar hoy. Este mensaje le es traído por las
cooperativas de crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75 años.
Don’t Buy What You Can’t Afford:
If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Simple enough. Unfortunately, old – and not so smart - habits are
sometimes hard to kick. Don’t let your spending spiral out of control. Now is the time to take charge of
your finances. And it starts with being honest with yourself. Are you an emotional shopper? Do you
make impulsive purchases? Have you not yet learned the difference between wants and needs? Make the
Texas Credit Union League  4455 LBJ Freeway  Suite 1100  Dallas, TX 75244  (469) 385-6400 
For Further Information Contact:
Linda Webb-Manon, Director of Public Relations
[email protected]
Richard Grady, VP, Marketing & Public Relations
[email protected]
TCUL Releases Series of PSAs
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difference for your future, cut unnecessary spending so that you are in a better position to build wealth. A
message brought to you by Texas credit unions. Strong, Safe and Secure for 75 years.
Si no le alcalza, no lo compre. Así de simple. Desafortunadamente, es difícil deshacerse de los viejos
hábitos. No permita que sus gastos lo saquen de control. Tome responsabilidad de sus finanzas, y sea
honesto con sigo mismo. ¿Es un comprador emocional? ¿Hace compras impulsivas? Haga la diferencia
en su futuro, deshagase de los gasto innecesarios y cómprese abundancia. Este mensaje le es traído por
las cooperativas de crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75 años.
High Credit Score Gets You a Better Deal:
Did you know that a low credit score could make it costlier to get insurance; result in a higher rate on
your credit card; even affect your ability to rent an apartment? Make The Difference for your credit
rating—know your score! Review your credit reports annually and clean up errors. Avoid dings on your
credit report by managing your credit wisely. A message brought to you by Texas credit unions. Strong,
Safe and Secure for 75 years.
¿Sabía que un puntuaje de crédito bajo puede hacer que obtener un seguro sea más costoso; resulte en un
interés más alto en su tarjeta de crédito; incluso afecte su capacidad de alquilar un apartamento? ¡Haga la
diferencia en su historial de crédito – sepa su puntuaje de crédito! Revise su historial de crédito
anualmente y corriga los errores. Evite problemas en su historial de crédito administrando su crédito
sabiamente. Este mensaje le es traído por las cooperativas de crédito de Texas – fuertes y seguras por 75
About Texas Credit Union League™
The Texas Credit Union League is the official trade association for credit unions within the State of
Texas. The League represents, on a state and federal level, nearly 600 credit unions state-wide, which are
owned by over seven million members (about one-third of the state’s population). Organized in 1934, the
Texas Credit Union League protects credit unions and promotes their growth, strength and unity. It
accomplishes the mission through advocacy services, regulatory and compliance advice, training and
event activities, marketing and public relations actions, and by delivering innovative, high value and
profitable business solutions to the members. For more information, visit and; write to us at 4455 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1100, Dallas, Texas 75244, or call
us at 469-385-6400.
Texas credit unions - strong, safe, and secure for 75 years.
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Texas Credit Union League  4455 LBJ Freeway  Suite 1100  Dallas, TX 75244  (469) 385-6400 