HIDING PLACE IN H CH HILDREN N HOSPITAL *Desccription: The project p is located in a large hospittal in centrall Quito, deddicated to the caare of childdren from birth 18 years. The hospiital cares foor up to 60% of Ecu uador’s c children’s populaation. Needlless to say staff and resourrces are streetched. The principal servicees offered at the hosp pital are; emerggency, orthoppedics, palliative ouutpatient care, services, pediattrics, x-ray annd burns uniit. Located: p is located in thee city of Quuito, aproxim mmedty 10 m minutes by public bus This project from the Academ mia. Climaate in Quito: The temperature variess between 10 0º C (50º F) y los 22º C (71º ( F) Sched dule: 9h30 to 17h00 a : All year Date availability: Activiities for volu unteers: Go uniform med daily wiith a white aapron. Wait for thhe children to arrive at the t center. Accompan ny the childrren from theeir rooms. Help prepare and servve refreshments. Prepare gaames for eacch child. Guiding chhildren in each game. Organize thhe shelves where w the toyys are kept. Establish a schedule foor teaching E English . Organize activities a for the childrenn. On speciall occasions help h organizee parties withh the projectt director. TEST TIMONY: Courtthey Prenticce (EEUU) “Es muy m importannte prepararr actividadess para los niños y distraacciones en un u hospital para la l salud meental, tuve mucha m pacieencia con lo os niños y ees importantte dar una sonrisa, me gustto mi trabaj ajo”. “”It is i very impportant to prepare p actiivities and distracctions for th he children while w they’rre in a hosp pital for their mental heealth. I had great patience p witth them, it iss so importaant to have a ready smilee and I really liked my work.” ”” dburne (EEU UU) Alexandra Wood “Me gusto g muchoo mi proyectto, pude ayuudar a muchhos niños a jjugar, y eso o les ayudo muchoo a recupera ase pronto, organice o parra dar clasess de inglés, eel personal que q trabaja ahí soon muy amabbles, siemprre hay volunntarios y conn ellos se puuede trabajaar bien, los niños aprendieronn un muchoo inglés eso fue muy in nteresante y una experiiencia muy buena” …“I reallly liked thiss project, annd this helpped in a speeedy recuperación. we playedd a lot of games, and i organized o Ennglish classees . The peoople who woorked there were very v friendlyy, there werre always otther volunteeers there annd we all worked w well togethher. The childdren learnedd a lot of Ennglish and itt was so inteeresting. It was a very good experience.” e ”