Miércoles 21 Día 1 Day 1

Miércoles 21
08:00 a.m. Traslado Lima- Lunahuaná
11:00 a.m. Tour arqueológico en Incahuasi
12:30 p.m. Llegada e instalación en hotel
13:30 p.m. Almuerzo
15:00 p.m. Actividades en simultáneo
Grupo 1: vendimia en bodega artesanal
Grupo 2: lección vivencial en apicultura
16:30 p.m. Actividades en simultáneo
Grupo 1: lección vivencial de apicultura
Grupo 2: vendimia en bodega artesanal
19:00 p.m. Cena y horario de estudio
Día 1
Jaime Cisneros
Hoy hicimos muchas cosas divertidas. Una de ellas fue pisar las uvas. Fue muy divertido ver a Alejandro
bailar mientras pisaban las uvas. Otra cosa fue la pichanga con Chris. ¡Fue un partidazo!!! Pero quedó en
Day 1
Andrea Moscoso
Today we went to Lunahuaná. First, we went to Incahuasi, an archeological site of the Inca Culture. It had
a palace were the Incas had ceremonies and other important things. There was a lot of wind, and we
believed we could fly. Then we arrived to the hotel were we organized our bags and then we had lunch.
After that we divided in 2 groups and the 1st. group went to step on the grapes while the 2nd group went
to the bee’s place. Then we changed and did the same things and then we returned to the hotel were we
had dinner. Finally, we had our study time and remembered all the things we did.
Lucila Tijero
10:56 : We passed through Cerro Azul. The landscape was beautiful with all the animals.
11:00 :We entered Cañete. Everything was calm and full of plants. Its whole name is San Vicente de Cañete.
That name is given because of the second virrey called Andres Hurtado de Mendoza. Also there was a lot of
sugar cane.
11:51 : We entered Lunahuaná district and went to Incahuasí. There was a lot of wind and there was a big
Jueves 22
08:00 a.m. Desayuno
09:30 a.m. Actividades en simultáneo
Grupo 1: pesca de camarones
Grupo 2: cosecha de nísperos
11:30 a.m. Actividades en simultáneo
Grupo 1: cosecha de nísperos
Grupo 2: pesca de camarones
14:00 p.m. Almuerzo
15:30 p.m. Actividades en simultáneo
Grupo 1: granja de animales menores
Grupo 2: ciclismo en ruta
19:00 p.m. Cena y horario de estudio
Día 2
Chiara Platero
El segundo día de viaje fuimos a cosechar nísperos y aprendimos a
clasificarlos. Luego fuimos al río a pescar camarones, pero fue muy difícil
porque la corriente estaba muy fuerte. Finalmente fuimos a montar bici
y fue muy divertido. Solo quedamos cuatro chicas al final. Todo fue súper
divertido y emocionante.
Day 2
Andrea Moscoso
Today was a great day, I don’t know where to start. I will start with the most difficult activity: the shrimp
catching. First José told us about the life of a fisherman. Then we went into the river and tried to catch some
shrimp, but we only caught a few of them. The next activity was harvesting loquats. This activity was very
nice. We met a woman called María Sánchez, she taught us how to pick loquats. We collected a lot of them
and she let us take some. Finally, I will tell you about my favorite activity: the bike riding. This was one of
the best activities for me. Chris was first and Atico was last. Halfway the boys gave up and went into the
bus. We stopped to visit a mummy named Katerina. It was awesome! When we returned only four of us
didn’t give up: Elisa, Chiara, Antonella and me. We were very tired, but it was a lot of fun.