File - Your English workout

English Workout
Hollywood Visual Effects Come
From Around the World
1) What does Mr. Roddam say?
2) What countries does he mention?
3) Why were the companies driven out of business?
4) Does Mr. Roddam agree with Daniel Lay?
5) What’ s important for for visual effect companies according to Mr. Roddam?
6) What does he say about the future of the industry?
There has been a huge rise in the amount of content processed
in different countries.
Answer 2
India, China and Korea
Answer 3
Because of overseas competition.
Answer 1
Answer 4
No, he doesn’t. (He disagrees)
Answer 5
Answer 6
It’s important for them to have a presence in the US.
It will continue to develop.
English Workout
Hollywood Visual Effects Come
From Around the World
Not everything you see in Hollywood movies is real. Some of the beautiful, strange,
______ images might have been produced on a computer. They are called visual
effects. They once were produced only in Hollywood but that has changed.
New technology makes it possible for one film to include ______ effects created in
different countries.
Venkatesh Roddam is the chief executive officer of Reliance Mediaworks in India.
He says there has been a _____ rise in the amount of content processed in different
parts of the world. He says India, China, Taiwan and Korea are ______ the countries
with companies that produce visual effects. But Dave Rand says this hurts US
Mr Rand is a co-founder at the Association of digital artists, professionals and
technicians. He says he has worked for _______ companies that were driven out of
business because of ________ competition.
Daniel Lay is the association’s other founder. He believes US federal ____ should get
involved in Hollywood’s use visual effects made by foreign companies. Mr. Lay says
there should be a ____ ordered on work produce outside the US.
Mr. Roddam of Reliance Mediaworks disagrees. He says working with Hollywood
improves the quality of visual effects done ________. He says it is important for
visual effects companies to have a presence in the US. He says the industry will
continue to develop and he adds _____ who want to stay in the business will have
to continue to change with it.
English Workout
Hollywood Visual Effects Come
From Around the World
Not everything you see in Hollywood movies is real. Some of the beautiful, strange,
scary images might have been produced on a computer. They are called visual
effects. They once were produced only in Hollywood but that has changed.
New technology makes it possible for one film to include visual effects created in
different countries.
Venkatesh Roddam is the chief executive officer of Reliance Mediaworks in India.
He says there has been a huge rise in the amount of content processed in different
parts of the world. He says India, China, Taiwan and Korea are among the countries
with companies that produce visual effects. But Dave Rand says this hurts US
Mr Rand is a co-founder at the Association of digital artists, professionals and
technicians. He says he has worked for several companies that were driven out of
business because of overseas competition.
Daniel Lay is the association’s other founder. He believes US federal courts should get
involved in Hollywood’s use visual effects made by foreign companies. Mr. Lay says
there should be a tax ordered on work produce outside the US.
Mr. Roddam of Reliance Mediaworks disagrees. He says working with Hollywood
improves the quality of visual effects done worldwide. He says it is important for
visual effects companies to have a presence in the US. He says the industry will
continue to develop and he adds those who want to stay in the business will have
to continue to change with it.
English Workout
Hollywood Visual Effects Come
From Around the World
No todo lo que ves en las películas de Hollywood es real. Algunas de las bonitas
extrañas imágenes de miedo puede que hayan sido producidas por ordenador. Se
llaman efectos visuales. Antes se producían únicamente en Hollywood pero eso ha
cambiado. La nueva tecnología hace posible que una película incluya efectos
visuales creados en distintos países.
Venkatesh Roddam es el consejero delegado de Reliance Mediaworks en India.
Dice que ha habido un enorme aumento en la cantidad de contenido procesado
en diferentes partes del mundo. Dice que India, China, Taiwan y Korea están entre
los países con compañías que producen efectos visuales. Pero Dave Rand dice que
esto hace daño a los EEUU.
El Sr. Rand es confundador de la Asociación de artistas, profesionales y técnicos
digitales. Dice que ha trabajado para varias empresas que se han visto forzadas a
cerrar por la competencia del exterior.
Daniel Lay es el otro fundador de la asociación. Él cree que los tribunales federales
de EEUU deberían implicarse en el uso que las empresas extranjeras hacen de los
efectos visuales de Hollywood. El Sr. Lay dice que debería pagarse una tasa o
impuesto por el trabajo que se produce fuera de los EEUU.
El Sr. Roddam de Reliance Mediaworks no está de acuerdo. Dice que trabajar con
Hollywood mejora la calidad de los efectos visuales que se hacen por todo el
mundo. Dice que es importante que las empresas de efectos visuales tengan
presencia en EEUU. Dice que la industria continuará su desarrollo y añade que
aquéllos que quieren manternerse en el negocio tendrán que seguir cambiando
con ello.
English Workout
Hollywood Visual Effects Come
From Around the World
own: ser propietario
as well as: así como
rise: aumento
to becantidad
away: estar fuera
to look
to hurt:
... como...
extranjero, del
to make up:
pago mensual
to develop:
por todo el mundo.
owners: propietarios de tiendas
to report:
to develop: