CENTRO DE RECURSO FAMILIAR PARA LOS PADRES DE TITULO I Localizado en la Escuela Elemental Sleepy Hill 2285 Sleepy Hill Rd., Lakeland Fl. 33810 863-815-6787 ACTIVIDADES GRATIS PARA LOS PADRES EN ABRIL Fechas Importantes: Salida Temprana - abril 6 Informe de Notas - abril 19 Noche de Ciencias con los padres abril 28 Pase por el Centro de Padres para tomar una taza de Café y Conversación 9:00-10:00 AM el 1 de abril & 15 de abril AYUDA GRATIS CON LAS TAREAS ! Todos los martes y jueves de 3-6 pm. Los padres deben permanecer en el Centro con sus hijos. Clase, Entrenamiento o Taller Fecha April 2016 Hora Rosetta Stone & Inglés Conversacional 12 de abril 1-2 pm El televisor y su hijo (a) 5 de abril 4-5 pm Nutrición (clase de 8 semanas) 5, 12, 19, 26 de abril 10:30-11:45 am Preparación GRATIS de los Impuestos 5 y 12 de abril 3:30-6:30 pm Ayudando a su hijo (a) a que le vaya bien en la escuela Preparando a su hijo (a) para “K” 14 de abril 4-5 pm 13 de abril 11-12 pm Seguridad con las Armas 19 de abril 3-4:30 pm Estableciendo Metas 21 de abril 11:00-12:00 pm Preparando a su hijo para la escuela 26 de abril 4-5 pm Family Game Night 28 de abril 4-6 pm UNIVERSIDAD PARA PADRES 14 de mayo Lugar: Escuela Intermedia Denison 400 Avenue A S.E. Winter Haven, FL 33880 GRATIS para las Familias Para un listado de los materiales que ofrece el centro favor de visitar: http://destiny.polk-fl.net/common/welcome.jsp?site=908 o, www.polkfl.net en el enlace DESTINY. Las puertas abren a las 8:30 am, el evento comienza a las 9:00 am. ¡Favor de inscribirse en línea! NOCHE FAMILIAR DE JUEGOS: 28 de abril de 4:00 pm-6:00 pm RSVP: ¡Llamar para más información! Para más información favor de llamar al Centro o visitar nuestro Sitio Web del Centro de Padres www.polk-fl.net /parents/involvement/pirc.htm Sitio Web del Centro de Aprendizaje para Padres www.polk-fl.net /parents/involvement/plug.htm The following tips will provide suggestions for parents on how to approach test taking with their kids. Make sure that your child does all their homework and reading assignments, this will help make sure your child is prepared for the test. Encourage your child to space out their studying and homework assignments so that they won't be forced to cram on the night before the test. If you are anxious about your child's test, it's ok but try to keep cool around your child, you don't want them to get anxious about their tests too. Encourage your child to do well but don't pressure him/her. You may stress him/her out. It is important for your child to stay relaxed for the test. Keep a positive attitude about tests. Provide a quiet, well lighted area with little distractions to help your child study efficiently. Mark down test days on your calendar so you and your child are both aware of testing dates. Make sure that your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test. Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and avoid heavy foods that may make him/her groggy and avoid high sugar foods that may make him/her hyper. Make sure that your child gets up early enough so that he/she will be on time to school. Let your child relax for a few hours before bedtime, it can be stressful for a child to study all night. Talking about the test with your child can relieve stress about test taking. If your child is struggling on their tests, talk to them about it and meet with their teacher to find out the best way to help your child. Praise/reward your child when they do well on a test or for their hard work preparing for a test. Encourage them to do better if they don't do well.