ESTACIONES SEASONS The seasons are: spring

The seasons are: spring, summer, fall – autumn and winter. Spring is
March, April, May. Summer is June, July, August. The summer months
are Jun, July, August. Fall is September, October, November. The fall
months are September, October, November. Winter is December, January,
February. You must write the name of the seasons in lower case.
What season is it? It is spring.
What season is August? August is summer
What season is December? December is…
Who es un pronombre. Nunca será seguido por un nombre. Sirve como
sujeto de la oración. Se utiliza en los siguientes casos:
Para preguntar quién es una persona. Se usa con el verbo TO BE:
Who ARE you? I´m Martha
Who is he?
Who is she?
1. Para preguntar por personas con quienes se tiene un vínculo afectivo. En este caso, se usan el verbo TO BE y el adjetivo posesivo:
Who IS YOUR father? James is my father.
Who is her brother?
Who are our classmates?
Who is my neighbor?
Who are their teachers?
2. Para preguntar por la persona que realiza una acción.
Who broke the glass? Mary broke the glass.
Who tells the truth?
Who gets up early?
Who always cries?
Who plays in the park?
3. Para preguntar por la nacionalidad.
What nationality is she. She is Russian.
What nationality are they. They are Chinese
What nationality are you? I´m Colombian.
What nationality are we? WHERE = DÓNDE
Where es un pronombre. Se utiliza en preguntas y oraciones afirmativas:
1. Para averiguar la ubicación de una persona, objeto o animal.
WHERE IS THE ELEVATOR? It´s on the left.
Where am I?
Where is the city?
Where is the cat?
Where are they?
2. Para preguntar de qué lugar o país es una persona.
Where are you from? I´m from Colombia.
Where is she from?
She´s from United States.
Where are they from? They´re from Canada.
NOTE: It´s important to know the name of the countries and their
nationalities. Please, see the following video: Countries and
Nationalities (with sound).
Inglaterra: England – English
Reino Unido The United Kingdom
– British
Australia Australia Australia
Brasil: Brazil Brazilian
España: Spain – Spanish
Italia: Italy – Italian
Alemania: Germany ­ German
Japón: Japan ­Japanese
Francia: France ­French
Canada: Canada ­Canadian
Méjico – Mexico ­Mexican
Portugal: Portuga­l Portuguese
Sur Africa South Africa ­ South
India: India – Indian
Irlanda: Ireland­ Irish
China: China – Chinese
Grecia: Greece – greek
Escocia: Scotland Scottish
Rusia: Russia Russian
Chile: Chile ­ Chilean Estados Unidos: The U.S.A. –
Argentina: Argentina­ Argentian
Why se emplea en preguntas para indagar la razón o motivo que ha
generado una acción. También, se utiliza en oraciones afirmativas
con este mismo significado. Para contestar, generalmente, se
emplea: because
1. Why is this soup cold? Por qué esta sopa está fría?
Why are you angry? I´m angry because everything is wrong.
Why do you cry?
2. Para indicar la causa por la cual se realiza una acción:
I´m tired, that is why I´m going to bed.
They are curious about the why of our decision.