Español English A good citizen is one who... - UNI

A good citizen is one who...
Sin entrometerse en la vida de los demás está integrado
más o menos en su comunidad.
no tiene problemas con los demas ciudadanos
normalmente y que no altera el orden publico
Respeta los derechos de los demás ciudadanos y cumple
con su deber como ciudadano.
intenta comprender los diferentes puntos de vista del
resto, siempre respetando a loas demás. Participa en los
deberes de la comunidad.
follows the law and participates in civic responsiblities.
respects the space and comfort of others. Does their part
to protect the environment. Votes. Helps others.
questions the role of her government nationally and
internationally and actively works to improve both.
abides by the law, treats his or her neighbors like he or
she wants to be treated and tries to help out anyone he or
she can.
works the the good of others.
es tolerante, respetuoso y sabe convivir.
acude al auxilio de otro ciudadano, ayuda a los turistas y
respeta las instalaciones de su ciudad
abides by the law and does whatever he or she can to
help others in the community. A good citizen is one whose
voice is heard.
respeta las normas
is peaceful.
respeta y cumple las leyes, sean o no de su agrado.
pays their taxes, serves on jury duty, votes for politicians,
and is active in their community.
no molesta a los demás
fundamentalmente repeta a los demás.
thinks of the bigger picture and his/her fellow citizens; he
is not only interested in what is good for him.
tiene respeto por los demas, vive y deja vivir
works to better society.
es educado, respeta a la mayoría y su entorno.
partakes in elections.
abides by the laws, unless the laws are arbitrary.
is fair and respectful of others, obeys the law, and tries to
better his community.
takes care of their community and supports others.
takes an active role in the democratic process and stands
up for what they believe in. A good citizen is not passive.
is honest, pays taxes, and contributes to their country.