Sat. Aug. 27 2016 Gold Medal Taekwondo Championships Entry

Sat. Aug. 27 2016 Gold Medal Taekwondo Championships Entry Form & Info.
See page 2 for schedule!
Venue: Las Cruces Convention Center 680 E. University Ave Las Cruces, NM 88001
Mail (postmark by 8/19/16)
Gold Medal Taekwondo
519-1 E. Boutz
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Or register Online by 8/23/16
or email [email protected]
$50 one event un evento
$10 add’l event mas eventos
*$10 late fee Aug 25, 26, 27
Special Prices:
See your application for your
special price
Competitor Name ________________________________________nombre
Phone and/or email_____________________________________ tele/email
Age edad _________
Gender : M F
Weight _______ lbs.
M= hombre, F= Mujer “Weight” es peso en LIBROS (kilo X 2.2)!
Mark Closest Belt Division: (Indicar su mejor grupo de cinta)
Basic form
TG 1/2
TG 3/4
TG 5/6
TG 7/8
If your school uses other belt colors, or forms other than Tae Geuk, ask your
instructor which is the most appropriate division for you.
Circle Your Events
Forms **
Basic Forms
(white belts
Pone un circulo para su eventos
Other forms
Formas creativo o armas
Sparring Breaking
Combate Rompimie
Team Form
Formas del
*si viaje de mejico, puede
pagar al torneo sin penaltidad TKD School: _________________________________ Escuela de TKD
Dojang Tel # ______________________ **Name of Form _______________
Pre-order spectator passes :
Age 5 & under free. Non participants age 6 and older cost $5 at the door. Registered competitors do not
need spectator pass.
Number of passes ___ X $3 = ____
Total $ due: Competitor fee ______+ Spectator Passes _____ =_____
Liability Waiver
I do hereby voluntarily submit my application for attendance and participation in the above tournament. I understand that Taekwondo is a contact sport and injuries similar to other sports may occur. I do
hereby assume full responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that I may sustain or incur while attending or participating in said event. I hereby waive all claims against the promoters, operators, sponsors,
and officials of the tournament. Furthermore, I waive all claims against the Las Cruces Convention Center
and it’s employees.
This tournament has a volunteer 1st aide staff and 1st aide supplies
available to participants. I hereby give my consent to receive 1st aide
treatment from these volunteers.
Signature ______________________
Date __________
(Parent or guardian if applicant is under 18 years old)
I’ll bring my cup, mouthpiece,
and other required gear!
Initial ___
I have the map & schedule .
Initial ____
Further information for 8/27 2016 Gold Medal Taekwondo Championships.
- Hotel Choices
Fri. Aug. 26 2016
Referee Meeting at GMTKD 6-8 PM
Weigh/Check-In Option GMTKD 5-8 PM or at
LCCC Saturday about 1 hour before your first
Sat. Aug. 27 2016
-Event Details
If you have questions call
even on the tournament day
to Albuquerque No exit
to El Paso
I 25 Exit 1
9:20 AM Tae Geuk/Basic Forms Age 8/9
9:40 AM Tae Geuk/Basic Forms Age 10/11
*10:00 AM Other Forms & Breaking Age 3-7*
*10:30 AM Other Forms & Breaking Age 8/9*
11:00 AM Sparring ages 3-5 and 6/7
*11:30 AM Other Forms & Breaking Age 10/11*
12:40 PM Sparring Age 8/9
*1:00 PM Other Forms & Breaking Age 12-14
1:30 PM Sparring Age 10/11
*2:00 PM Other Forms & Breaking Age 15 & up
2:30 PM Tae Geuk/Basic Forms Age 12-14
3:00 PM Tae Geuk/Basic Forms Age 15 & up
3:30 PM Sparring Age 12-14
4:00 PM Sparring Age 15 & up
9:00 AM Tae Geuk/Basic Forms ages 3-7
519 Boutz
check in)
Report to Holding area or *Special
Ring* as follows:
8:00 AM LCCC Open for weigh/Check in
El Paseo
2016 Venue:
Las Cruces
Convention Center
680 E. University Ave
I 10 Exit 142
WTF (Tae Geuk) Forms— One division for Tae Geuk
1 & 2, another for 3 & 4, another for 5 & 6, another for
7 & 8, black belts will likely have divisions for Koryo,
for Keumgang, and for Taebeck and higher. Scored
Basic Forms— For white belts only, performing
forms that are simpler/shorter than Tae Geuk 1.
Other Forms— This event will include modified traditional forms, forms created by the student, palgwe
forms, and any other series of moves performed empty handed or with practice weapons. No music. 90
second time limit. Scored.
Suggested Hotels
Sparring— Two one-minute rounds for most, 3 2min rounds for black belts 12 & up. Mouthpiece, inH1 Ramada 575-526-4411 step, etc. required. Light contact 3 point head kicks
(except for black belts 15 and older which will be full
$75+tax for king bed, $85+tax for two queen
contact). 1 point bonus for spinning kicks. Single
H2 Holiday Inn Express 575-522-0700
(with indoor pools, breakfast, & wireless internet)
register online at
Breaking— You may bring your own boards or other
(code TTM for $109+tx a night double queen)
H3 Comfort Suites 575-522-1300 $89 hot breakfast, fridge & microwave, 2 queen + pullout
Sleep Inn 575-522-1700 $79 2 queen.
Reserve early & mention taekwondo tournament!
breaking materials. Boards will also be for sale at
tournament. Your choice of thickness and number of
boards. Deduction for longer than 1 minute to set up.