Financial and Economical Data

BID Financial and Economic data
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Date of request:
Deadline for offer:
Planned nomination:
Demanded 1. try out:
Supplier Quality Rating (A, A/B, B, C)
Lead time
Payment conditions
Offer date
supplier (
( 1 ) Major Ref. projects last 2 years
Barcelona: BAUHAUS(8.000m2), LACISA(10.000m2), COVER CAR(20.000m2); Madrid: PKW LOGISTIK
IBERIA(8.000m2); Portugal: BORGSTENA(30.000m2), CONSERVAS POVEIRA(6.500m2)
( 2 ) Turnover last years
TURNOVER Spain & Portugal in thousand euros: 2008(13.865), 2009(12.970), 2010(8.072), 2011(7.203),
2012(4.519), 2013(732), 2014(1.058), 2015(3.500 estimated)
80% industrial and commercial construction, 20% engineering.
( 3 ) % Turnover construccion / engineering
GENERAL OFFICE: calle Rocafort, 252 - Barcelona; PRODUCTION: Pol. Ind. Rosanes, Calle Francia
( 4 ) Organization in Catalunya ( office / production )
Company Incorporation Date: 1982
( 5 ) Experienca en el mercado ( años )
( 6 ) Capital Background ( Financial data last years,
Benefits / losses ? ) short overview.
CAPITAL BACKGROUND Spain & Portugal in thousand euros: 2008(2.950), 2009(2.954), 2010(2.494), 2011
(2.657), 2012(3.029), 2013(2.900), 2014 (3.035), 2015(3.100 estimated)
Finance Rating / Remarks
Accepted by
Date/signature (purchasing)
Date/signature (technics)
Date/signature (project manager)
Date/signature (sales)
Date/signature (plant)