- Cortes Generales

Cortes Generales
The European Centre for Parliamentary Research and
Documentation (ECPRD)
(Madrid, Palacio del Senado, 31st May – 1st June 2012)
Mobility, Transparency and open parliament: best practices in Parliamentary web
- Thursday, 31st May
9:00 - 10:00: Registration and Accreditation of Participants. (Entrance on Bailén Street).
10:00-10:30: Official opening of the Seminar. Welcome greetings
- Statement by Rosa Ripolles, ECPRD correspondent at the Congress of Deputies
- Statement by Ulrich Hüschen Co-Secretary ECPRD, European Parliament
- Statement by Manuel Alba Navarro, Secretary General of the Congress of Deputies
- Statement by Yolanda Vicente, Second Deputy Speaker of the Senate.
Carlo Simonelli, ECPRD ICT Coordinator, Chamber of Deputies, Italy; Javier de Andrés, Director TIC,
Congreso de los Diputados, España and José Ángel Alonso, Director TIC, Senado, España) take the
Cortes Generales
The European Centre for Parliamentary Research and
Documentation (ECPRD)
10:30 to 12:00 Morning session 1: presentations.
Questionnaire for the ECPRD Seminar 'Parliaments on the Net X'. Miguel Ángel Gonzalo.
Webmaster, Congress of Deputies. Spain
Mobility and transparency: Current status in the Congress of Deputies. Open Parliament:
some remarks. Javier de Andrés. ICT Director Congress of Deputies. Spain.
New web site and mobility experience in the Senate of Spain. José Ángel Alonso ICT
Director and José Luis Martínez, Analist. Senate. Spain
12:00 to 12:15 Coffee Break
12:15-13:00: Morning session (2)
Knocking on the Parliament´s door Rafael Rubio. Professor of Constitutional Law.
Complutense University. (20’)
Opportunities for an Open Parliament. Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí. Communications and political
consultant (20’)
13:00-14:00: Morning session (3): presentations
eParliament, Paperless and Knowledge Management : 3 European Parliament programs to
improve the parliamentary documents production, the dissemination, the accessibility and
the search of information and mobility. Marc Rossi. Head of Service (DG ITEC). European
Parliament. (15’)
The Dutch House's new website: how dit we go about to achieve this and what are new
features. Tessa Kelder. Senior communications advisor / team leader. Dutch House of
Representatives. Netherlands. (15’)
Uniqueness of the Israeli Parliament as reflected on the Knesset Web site. Yotam Yakir.
Head of the Media & Public Relations Division. Knesset, Israel. (15’)
14:00-15:30 Lunch hosted in the restaurant of the Senate
Cortes Generales
The European Centre for Parliamentary Research and
Documentation (ECPRD)
15:30-16:30: Afternoon session: Presentations
The Public Register of European Parliament Documents. Marc Rossi. Head of Service (DG
ITEC). European Parliament (15’)
Parliamentary statistical data in a new manner. Anita Blomberg. Head of the Information
section. Stortinget / the Norwegian Parliament. Norway. (15’)
Video on Demand - indexing, sharing and archiving. Liselotte Astrup. Head of ITdevelopment and Soren Væver, Head of Communications. Danish Parliament, The Folketing.
Denmark (15’)
17:00 Walk to Congress of Deputies and guided tour.
18:30 Walk to “Museo del Prado” and visit.
21:30 Official Dinner hosted by the Spanish Parliament
- Friday, 1st June
9:30 to 11:00 Morning session: Presentations
Presentation of the key features of new European Parliament Website. Nicola
Wierzejewski,. Functional Analyst. European Parliament (15’)
A generalized Meeting APP, tested among Danish MP's. Ole Søndergaard. Head of IT
Systems. Danish Parliament, The Folketing. Denmark (15’)
Presentation of the European Parliament Mobile Website. Karolina Wozniak. Web editor.
European Parliament. (15’)
Best practices in parliamentary websites and the upcoming Eduskunta.fi. Aki Asola.
Communications Department. Eduskunta (Parliament of Finland). Finland. (15’)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Cortes Generales
The European Centre for Parliamentary Research and
Documentation (ECPRD)
11:30-13:00: Transparency
ICT for a more transparent, open and effective parliament. Mauro Fioroni. Head of ITC
Department. Senato. Italy. (15’)
Lifting the veil: Digital developement in full public view. Hanna Fägerlind, and Hanna
Bergander, Communication Division, The Swedish Parliament. Sweden (15’)
Using open format XML/AKOMA NTOSO to promote transparency. Joao Viegas, Global
Centre for ICT in Parliament/UNDESA (15’)
Social media and transparency: case study of the UK House of Lords. Elizabeth Hallam
Smith, Director of Information Services and Librarian, House of Lords. United Kingdom. (15’)
2011 French Senate Election : transparency and Open data. Anne Esambert, Web Manager,
French Senate. France. (15’)
13:00-13:30 ECPRD Specific matters (evaluation form and upcoming seminars). Carlo Simonelli.
ECPRD ICT Coordinator, Chamber of Deputies, Italy
13:30-13:45 Concluding remarks and closing of proceedings
14:00- Guided tour to the Senate