HELLO FRIENDS! I`d like to introduce you to the people that helped

LEARNING IS GROWING is an educational project from Anaya
English for Primary Education.
I’d like to introduce you to
the people that helped me make
this book for you!
Take a look at who they are
and what they’ve done!
Editorial coordination
Stephanie Gay
Imma Itxart and Carlos Díaz
Stephanie Gay and Caja Alta Edición & Comunicación
Caja Alta Edición & Comunicación
Tracey Chapelton, Stephanie Gay and Danny Latimer
Isabel Gallego
Art Director
Graphic editing
Àngels Navarro
José María Marcelino
Núria Altamirano
Age, Anaya archive (Candel, C.; Cosano, P.; Hernandez Moya, B.; Leiva, Á.; Lezama, D.; Martín, J.A.; Ortega,
Á; Padura, S.; Peña Tejera, G.; Ramón Ortega, P.-Fototeca de España; Rivera Jove, V.; Ruiz, J.B.; Ruiz Pastor,
L.; Sánchez, J.; Steel, M.; Torres, O.; Valls, R.; Vizuete, E.; Velasco, P.-Fototeca de España; 6X6 PF),
Latin Stock/Alamy/Masterfile, Prisma, Quick image, Thinkstock/Getty Images, 123RF.
Our publications carefully select the content, illustrations and language to comply with non-discrimination due to gender,
culture or opinion.
© Text: Tracey Chapelton, 2015.
© This edition: GRUPO ANAYA, S.A., 2015 - Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 15 - 28027 Madrid All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.