Institut de Neurociències - Universitat de Barcelona

Institute for Brain,
Cognition and
Annual Report
GRC- Consolidated Research Group; BRE-Emergent
Annual report 2014
Presentation ...........................................................................................................................................3
Staff ........................................................................................................................................................4
Research activity ....................................................................................................................................6
Group of Advanced Studies on Violence (GEAV) - SGR2014-0892.............................................................6
Research and Innovation Group on Designs (GRID) - SGR2014-0971 ........................................................7
Brainlab - Cognitive Neurosicence Research Group – SGR2014-0177 .......................................................8
Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology (IPCS) – SGR2014-0717 ..................................................9
Study Group on Invariance of Analysis and Measurement Instruments of Change in the Social and
Health Areas (GEIMAC) – SGR2014-1139 ................................................................................................ 10
Group on Statistical Advanced Techniques Applied to Psychology (GTEAAP) – SGR2014-0326 ............ 11
Research Group on Virtual Reality Application on Clinical and Health Psychology (VR-PSY Lab) SGR2014-1510 ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Vision and Control of Action Group (VISCA) – SGR2014-0079 ................................................................ 13
Structural Equation Modeling and Item Response Theory (SEM&IRT) – SGR2014-1500 ....................... 14
Adaptive Behavior and Interaction Research Group (GCAI) – SGR2014-0071........................................ 15
Research Group on Gerontology (GIG) - SGR2014-0640 ........................................................................ 16
Research on Neuropsychology ................................................................................................................ 17
Research on Primatology ........................................................................................................................ 18
Projects and funds ............................................................................................................................... 19
National projects ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Other Nacional Projects .......................................................................................................................... 20
Special and Complementary Actions....................................................................................................... 21
European Projects and Funds.................................................................................................................. 21
International projects.............................................................................................................................. 21
SCI Publications ................................................................................................................................... 22
Patents................................................................................................................................................. 30
PhD Thesis ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Activities (IP's) ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Awards and Honors ................................................................................................................................. 32
Keynote lectures...................................................................................................................................... 32
Conferences............................................................................................................................................. 34
Event organization............................................................................................................................... 38
Outreach.................................................................................................................................................. 38
Annual report 2014
1. Presentation
The Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (IR3C) is an intramural research institute of the University
of Barcelona, which was approved by its Executive Council on April 9th, 2009. Its first Directing Board
was elected on July 16th, 2009, and its first Director, Professor Dr. Carles Escera, was appointed by the
Rector of University of Barcelona on July 29th, that same year, and recently reelected (September 2013)
for a second term. The IR3C is formed by more than a hundred of researchers.
Our main goal is the overal understanding of behavior in all its dimensions, from its simple forms to
higher cognitive functions, specialy human behavior. In this case, assuming that understanding of human
behavior requires the understanding of if supportive machinery and its function: the human brain. Also,
the IR3C addresses the ways in which behavior changes and evolves as a function of natural processes,
both onteogenetically, as in development or aging, and phylogenetically, as a function of selective
preasures, and the forms in which behavior is disrupted in a wide range of behavioral, psychiatric and
neurological disorders.
Research in the IR3C is structured in three main topics: Neurosciences, Cognition, and Behavior, as the
name of our Institute acknowledges, and it is carried out through eleven Research Groups of Excellence
as recognized by the Catalan Government (SGR), and two specific research lines: one in
Neuropsychology, one in Primatology.
In addition to its Director (Dr. Carles Escera), the IR3C Managing Team is form by its Secretary (Dr.
Francesc S. Beltran), and the coordinators of each of its sections: Neurosciences (Dr. Maria Mataro),
Cognition (Dr. Joan López-Moliner), and Behavior (Dr. Juana Gómez Benito).
This document is a compendium of the research activity carried out by the IR3C during the year 2014,
and describes its eleven Research Groups of Excellence, the two lines of research, the publications,
funded projects, patents, and other activities within this period.
Annual report 2014
2. Staff
Full Professors
Andrés Pueyo, Antonio
Anguera Argilaga, Mª Teresa
Aznar Casanova, José Antonio
Díez Chamizo, Mª Victoria
Escera Mico, Carles Enric
Feixas Viaplana, Guillem
Forns Santacana, Maria
Gómez Benito, Juana
Guardia Olmos, Joan
Maydeu Olivares, Alberto
Quera Jordana, Vicente
Rodríguez Carballeira, Álvaro
Saldaña Garcia, Mª Carmen
Salvador Beltran, Francesc
Serra Raventós, Miquel
Solanas Pérez, Antonio
Tous Ral, José Maria
ICREAResearch Professors
Slater, Melvyn
Supér, Hendrik Anne
Associate Professors
Adan Puig, Ana
Álvarez Artigas, Antonio
Amador Campos, Juan Antonio
Barrios Cerrejón, Mª Teresa
Batista Trobalón, Josep
Blasco Ruiz, Ricardo Diego
Bono Cabre, Roser
Bosch Galceran, Laura
Caldú Ferrús, Xavier
Celdran Castro, Montserrat
Clemente Lapena, I. Concepcion
Colell Mimo, Monsterrat
Colomé González, Àngels
Corral Lope, Mª José
Escartin Solanelles, Jorge
Guilera Ferré, Georgina
Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
Jurado Luque, Mª Ángeles
Kirchner Nebot, Teresa
López Moliner, Joan
Mataró Serrat, Maria
Núñez Peña, Mª Isabel
Pereda Beltran, Noemí
Peró Cebollero, Maribel
Pons Gimeno, Ferran
Pueyo Beniro, Roser
Redondo Illescas, Santiago
Rodríguez Ferreiro, Javier
Sansa Aguilar, Joan
Segarra Castells, Mª Dolores
Serra Grabulosa, José Maria
Sopena Sisquella, Jose Maria
Tubau Sala, Elisabet
Vea Baro, Joaquin José
Vidal Gómez, José Antonio
Villar Posada, Feliciano
Gallardo Pujol, David
Leiva Ureña, David
López Fernández, Olatz
Rumen Manolov, Rumen
Via Garcia, Marc
Ramón y Cajal postdocs
Keil, Matthias Sven
Juan De La Cierva postdocs
Cameron, Brendan Daniel
Assistant professors, postdocs and others
Boldini, Àngela
Conde Sala, Josep Lluis
De La Malla Gómez, Cristina
Johnson, Eric Douglas
Kilteni, Konstantina
Kokkinara, Eleni
Magallon Neri, Ernesto Mijail
Miralbell Blanch, Julia
Recasens Fusté, Marc
Rodríguez Lope, Clara Aurora
Solè Puig, Maria
Suárez Pellicioni, Macarena
Triadó Tur, Mª Carmen
PhD students
Aguilar Lleyda, David (FPU)
Bueno Guerra, Nereida (FPU)
Gimeno Rosell, Elisabet (FPU)
Laporta, Olga (FPU)
FPU: Formación Profesorado Universitario Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; FPI: Formación de
Personal Investigador (Ministerio de Economía y Conocimiento; FI; Formació i contractació de personal
investigador novell (Generalitat de Catalunya); IR3C-HSJD: PhD scholarship between IR3C and Hospital
Sant Joan de Dèu; APIF: Personal Investigador Predoctoral en Formació Universitat de Barcelona; ADR:
Ajut predoctoral de formació en docència i recerca Universitat de Barccelona; BN: Beca del Gobierno de
Annual report 2014
Selinger, Anne Lenka M. (FPU)
Zarnowiec, Katarzyna Anna (FPU)
Soler Corbella, Laia (FPI)
Althen, Heike Corinna (FI)
Ballester Plané, Júlia (FI)
Banakou, Domna (FI)
Carrera Fernàndez, Mª Jesús (FI)
González Franco, Mar (FI)
Kishore, Sameer (FI)
Fernàndez Prieto, Irune (IR3C-HSJD)
Cornella Griful, Miriam (APIF)
Liutsko Pavlechko, Liudmila (APIF)
Montesano Del Campo, Adrián (APIF)
Paz Espinoza, Clara (APIF)
Selvam, Regina Mary (APIF)
Trujillo Teran, Luz Adriana (APIF)
Marques Iturria, Idoia (ADR)
López Oloriz, Jorge (BN)
Pulido Pérez, Cristina
Romero Fernandez, Irene Renee
FPU: Formación Profesorado Universitario Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; FPI: Formación de
Personal Investigador (Ministerio de Economía y Conocimiento; FI; Formació i contractació de personal
investigador novell (Generalitat de Catalunya); IR3C-HSJD: PhD scholarship between IR3C and Hospital
Sant Joan de Dèu; APIF: Personal Investigador Predoctoral en Formació Universitat de Barcelona; ADR:
Ajut predoctoral de formació en docència i recerca Universitat de Barccelona; BN: Beca del Gobierno de
Annual report 2014
3. Research activity
Group of Advanced Studies on Violence (GEAV) - SGR2014-0892
PI: Antonio Andres Pueyo
The main objective of the GEAV is the advances study of violent behavior in its various forms and social
manifestations from a psychological and criminological integrated perspective. We are particularly
interested in the developing strategies and tools for the prevention and prediction of violence, specially
for their uses by professionals and delivering social services who fight against this social problem. We are
specialized in the construction and application of protocols for risk assessment and management of
different forms of violence.
In the near future we would like to:
 Continue the development of techniques for assessing the risk of violence.
 Keep working on improving offenders treatment programs and introducing innovations to use
these programs in community environments.
 Start decisive action to generalize advances in psychology and criminology in professional
practice in the context of criminal policies (Penal execution, Juvenile Justice…)
 Enhance scientific productivity, the extent of the investigation and the presence International
 Developing new careers and preparing new students for a criminological research development.
Violence, risk assessment, dangerous offenders, delinquency management and treatment, prevention of
Research lines
 Violence risk assessment and management
 Antisocial personality, sex offenders and dangerous offenders
 Violent crime: psychological aspects and intervention
 Violence and mental disease
 Juvenile and offenders
 Gender violence and family violence
Santiago Redondo Illescas
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Research and Innovation Group on Designs (GRID) - SGR2014-0971
PI: M. Teresa Anguera
For over two decades the members of this research group — both its founding members and those who
have joined subsequently — have developed the use of observational methodology and its
corresponding designs not only from the substantive perspective but also as a methodology for research
in several fields, but specifically in physical activity and sport, communication analysis, and in clinical
psychology. During this period there have been numerous achievements, although many goals are still to
be met.
This project aims to give new impetus to the consolidated line of research that combines the
development of methodological and technological advances, generating a broad platform on which
these two aspects can be coordinated. Since a key aspect of previous projects by this research team has
been the technological innovation provided through automated approaches to data recording the aim
now is to develop specific software for this purpose. We have developed some software programs that
allow us not only the recording of qualitative and quantitative data but also their analysis and the
interpretation of results derived from these observational records.
The aim in our research now is to make more comprehensive use of these data analysis techniques so as
to improve the quality of our scientific production and help, as far as possible, to assess the advantages
and disadvantages that such an approach would imply for the several fields we are interested.
Observational designs, automatic recording process, control quality of data, detection of patterns
Research lines
 New development of observational designs
 Mixed-methods
 Control of quality of data
 Complementation of physiological and behavioral data
Annual report 2014
Brainlab - Cognitive Neurosicence Research Group – SGR2014-0177
PI: Carles Escera
The Brainlab is a small, multinational, interdisciplinary group, including psychologists, biologists,
engineers, and physicists. We seek to unravel the brain mechanisms of cognitive functions, including
attention, auditory perception, working memory and executive control. Also, we are interested in
emotional and musical processing, and in cognitive dysfunction in a broad spectrum of neurological,
neurodevelopment and psychiatric disorders.. The main current research of Brainlab addresses the
mechanisms by which the auditory system encodes the acoustic regularity that leads to conscious
auditory perception, and how these mechanisms are disrupted in pathological conditions or modulated
as a function of genetic profiles. More recently the group turned into the study of the role of timing
regularity via entrainment of neural oscillations in regularity encoding, at different anatomical and
temporal scales. Also, numerical cognition and the role of predictions in motor-sensory interactions are
current hot research topics in the lab.
Brain activity, EEG, evoked potentials, auditory perception, cognitive processes
Research lines
 Regularity encoding and deviance detection in a hierarchically organized auditory system
 Predictive processes in Motor-Sensory interactions
 Auditory regularity encoding in Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Role of COMT, 5-HTTLPR and MAOA polymorphisms in the encoding of rhythm and neural
oscillations to sound stimuli
 Repetition suppression along the auditory hierarchy
 Numerical cognition and math anxiety
 Interactions between predictive coding and predictive timing in audition: characterizing the role
of rhythm in repetition suppression through entrained brain oscillations
Maribel Nuñez Peña
Imma Clemente Lapena
Marc Via
MJ Corral
Jordi Costa Faidella
Macarena Suárez Pelliconi
Lenka Selinger
Miriam Cornella
Katarzyna Zarnowiec
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology (IPCS) – SGR2014-0717
IP: Guillem Feixas
The main aim of our research group is to foster the improvement of psychological interventions in
mental and physical health areas, both in terms of utility and efficacy. Our studies include, and
sometimes compare, well-stablished approaches (e.g., cognitive-behavioral) with more innovative ones
(e.g., systemic, constructivist, dilemma-focused) in a variety of therapy formats (individual, group, couple
and family). Also, our research is aimed at identifying key target characteristics of clients (e.g.,
expectancies, beliefs, cognitive conflicts, identity) and therapy processes that might predict better
differential outcomes.
Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Health Psychology, Personal Identity
Research lines
 Efficacy of psychological therapies
 Depressive and anxiety disorders
 The role of personal constructs and cognitive conflicts in several areas of Clinical and Health
Psychology (i.e. depression, mourning and trauma, anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia, eating
disorders and obesity, women victims of partner violence, procrastination, unemployment,
happiness, couple therapy, psychotherapy outcome research, psychotherapy process research)
 Psychometric analysis of the Repertory Grid Technique in non-clinical population.
 Spanish and Catalan psychometric validation of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation –
Outcome Measure (CORE-OM).
 Assessment of psychological aspects of infertility
 Clinical hypnosis
 Experiential learning of therapy techniques and skills
Adrián Montesano
Adriana Trujillo
Clara Paz
Annual report 2014
Study Group on Invariance of Analysis and Measurement Instruments of Change in the Social and
Health Areas (GEIMAC) – SGR2014-1139
PI: Juana Gómez
Founded in 2002 and led by Dr Juana Gómez, the Research Group on Measurement Invariance and
Analysis of Change (GEIMAC) is an interdepartmental research group based in the Faculty of Psychology
of the University of Barcelona. Its work centres on detection, evaluation, analysis and intervention in
relation to significant problems in the field of human behaviour, whether on the individual, interpersonal
or group level. The group’s research is particularly concerned with problems that affect people’s health
and quality of life, and in this context special emphasis is placed on the design and methodological
validation of new measurement instruments. These objectives require a multidisciplinary approach that
brings together the methodological, clinical and social perspectives, thereby ensuring both scientific rigor
and the possibility of addressing some of the key problems faced by contemporary society, as well as
their health and social repercussions.
Measurement invariance, Scale development, Cognitive dysfunction, International Classification of
Functioning (ICF), Psychological violence, Health-related quality of life
Research lines
 Cognitive dysfunction and psychopathology
 Psychological violence and harassment
 Quality of life: prevention and intervention
Juan Antonio Amador Campos
Maite Barrios Cerrejón
Roser Bono Cabré
Jordi Escarín Solanelles
Maria Forns Santacana
Georgina Guilera Ferré
Teresa Kirchner Nebot
Ernesto Magallón Neri
Álvaro Rodríguez Carballeira
Laia Soler Corbella
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Group on Statistical Advanced Techniques Applied to Psychology (GTEAAP) – SGR2014-0326
PI: Joan Guàrdia
The work of this group is related to Advanced Statistical Techniques and her application in basic and
applied research in Psychology. This is done basically in Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology and
Neuroscience. During 2009-20014, our group has been developed research projects in assessment and
generation of instruments in Neuropsychology and workplace Psychopathology. The group have been
generated a Bayesian statistical approximation to the fitting functions (likelihood ratio) and population
parameter estimation, we have applied these techniques in psychodiagnostic, basic psychometric and
assessment in forensic psychology. Also, our group has been working in some approximations to the
study of pattern recognition of cerebral electric signal in the study of transition. In that last line, we are
actually working in the generation of mathematical and statistical models to estimate brain connectivity
with fMRI signal.
Multivariate statistical data analysis, applied psychology, methodology, fMRI, Brain Connectivity
Research lines
 Multivariate Data Analysis
 Structural Equation Models
 Brain Connectivity Models
Maribel Peró
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Research Group on Virtual Reality Application on Clinical and Health Psychology (VR-PSY Lab) SGR2014-1510
PI: José Gutiérrez Maldonado
The Research Group on Virtual Reality Application on Clinical and Health Psychology focuses on research
on virtual reality applications in the field of mental health. Recent projects include studies of validity and
effectiveness based on virtual reality for the evaluation and treatment of disorders such as attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, flying phobia, school phobia, anxiety before examinations, obsessivecompulsive disorder, eating disorders, addictions and chronic pain.
Virtual reality, clinical health psychology, cyberpsychology, cognitive behavioral therapy
Research lines
 Use of new technologies for the training in psychopathological exploration in psychology
students: virtual reality, artificial intelligence and intelligent agents
 Application of new technologies to the evaluation and treatment of psychopathology
 Personality, evaluation and prediction of behavior
Carmina Saldaña García
Annual report 2014
Vision and Control of Action Group (VISCA) – SGR2014-0079
PI: Joan López-Moliner
The VISCA group establishes an interdisciplinary research group on visual science and action control
unique in Catalonia. We have a background in Psychology, Neurobiology, Computational modeling and
Physics. We study sensory processing and perception-action relations using different techniques (eye
and motion tracking, virtual reality, psychophysics, modeling and neuro-imaging).
Sensorio-motor integration, computational neuroscience, space perception, motion perception, visomotor timing
Research lines
 Sensorimotor timing and its optimization
 Spatial attention and perception
 Decision Making and Gain/value representation in perception/action
 Number processing
 Eye movements in Cognitive processing
 Role of Neural anatomy in visual processing
José Antonio Aznar-Casanova
Àngels Colomé
Matthias Keil
Hans Supèr
Elisabet Tubau
Brendan Cameron
David Aguilar Lleyda
Eric D. Johnson
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Structural Equation Modeling and Item Response Theory (SEM&IRT) – SGR2014-1500
PI: Albert Maydeu Olivares
The group’s research lies on the interplay of a) the development of new quantitative methods for the
social sciences, and b) substantive research in the areas of individual differences, personality, and
violence. Our most recent research has involved the development of new goodness of fit statistics for
structural equation models and new diagnostics for detecting mispecified items in IRT models.
Structural equation modeling, item response theory, IRT, preference data, goodness of fit, factor
analysis, forced-choice, paired comparisons, ranking, psychological assessment, personality assessment,
victimization, violence, developmental victimology
Research lines
 Structural equation modeling
 Item response theory
 Developmental victimology
Noemí Pereda Beltrán
David Gallardo Pujol
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Adaptive Behavior and Interaction Research Group (GCAI) – SGR2014-0071
PI: Vicenç Quera Jordana
Our research is focused on several projects in the fields known as adaptive behavior, modeling and
analysis of social interaction, and computational psychology.
Research procedures: theorizing, modeling, simulation and experimentation of the behavior; we use
computer simulation to investigate situations that are impractical to analyze in nature, and to discover
phenomena that can then be subjected to empirical testing.
Research interests: modeling and simulation of social and adaptive behavior, analysis of interaction
sequences, human social network analysis and statistical analysis of single-subject designs and
cognitive neuroscience data.
Adaptive behavior is a part of the field of artificial life (ALife), which argues that the observed complexity
in the behavior of organisms emerges from the massive, parallel action of simpler behaviors in response
to environmental demands. Unlike cognitive psychology, the adaptive-behavior approach minimizes the
importance of internal representations and explains behavior as the result of the self-organization of
simple sensation-action units, rather than the result of central information processing. Organisms' ability
to adjust their behavior to the environment is based on interaction processes that operate at different
hierarchical levels and time scales: (a) through evolution, natural selection provides the organisms with a
repertoire of specific behaviors, and (b) in shorter time scales, an individual adjusts its behavior to the
environment by learning. Group behavior can be viewed as a phenomenon that emerges from a small set
of simple rules regarding agent interaction. Agents are abstract entities that have basic psychological
properties and adapt to the environment and the behavior of other agents.
We also work on the development of mathematical and statistical models used to describe behavioral
and psychological processes and computer software for model simulation. We do research on
psychometric, statistical and data-analysis techniques, and develop software for behavioral science.
Adaptive behavior. Modeling and simulation of social behavior. Coordianted collective movementr.
Social systems analysis. Sequential analysis. Single-case designs analysis
Research lines
 Modeling and simulation of social and adaptive behavior
 Human social network analysis
 Interaction sequences analysis
 Single-case designsand cognitive neuroscience statistical analysis
Elisabet Gimeno
David Leiva Ureña
Rumen Manolov
Francesc Salvador Beltran
Regina Mary Selvam
Antonio Solanas
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Research Group on Gerontology (GIG) - SGR2014-0640
PI: Feliciano Villar Posada
The group carries out research on two different aspects relating aging and older age.
Firstly, we are interested in older people skills and in their contributions to the social context in which
they participate (families, community, etc.), the benefits extracted from these contributions and how
they could be facilitated. In this respect, we have studied grandparenting, volunteering and civic
involvement of older people, and learning and education in older age.
Secondly, we are also interested in how to improve care in residential facilities from a person-centered
care perspective. Specifically, we have studied attitudes towards sexuality in nursing homes, or how to
involve people with dementia in their own planning of care.
In our studies we have used a diverse set of methodologies, ranging from quantitative methods, using
secondary data of nationally representative samples, to qualitative methods, using narratives or openended sentences that are content or thematically analyzed.
Additionally, our group coordinates the Ibero-american Interdisciplinary Research Network on Aging and
Society, which involves 33 investigators from 11 ibero-american countries and is aimed at promoting
transnational research projects on Social Gerontology.
Successful aging, generativity, intergeneracional relationships, education in older age, volunteering in
older age, person-centered care
Research lines
 Generativity in later life
 Improvement of care for older people living in institutional settings
Montserrat Celdrán Castro
Web page:
Annual report 2014
Research on Neuropsychology
PI: Maria Mataró
Research activity focuses in the study of brain function and the relation between lesions and cerebral
dysfunctions and their corresponding cognitive and behavioural alterations. Specific psychological tests
and MRI, both structural and functional, are the main techniques used.
Research lines
 Addiction and dual disorders
 Cerebral plasticity, dyscalculia, dyslexia, gifted children developmental amnesia, nonverbal
learning disorders
 Cerebral plasticity, congenital, perinatal and infant brain lesions, cerebral palsy
 Exercise, brain and cognition
 Obesity: cognition and neuroimaging
Ana Adan
Xavier Caldú
Ma. Ángeles Jurado
Roser Pueyo
Ma. Dolors Segarra
Josep Ma. Serra Grabulosa
Idoia Marqués Iturria
Júlia Ballester Plané
Olga Laporta Hoyos
Alejandra Camacho Rangel
Roger Mateu Estivill
Jorge López Oloriz
Julia Miralbell
Web page
Annual report 2014
Research on Primatology
PI: Montserrat Colell Mimó
The researcher team on Primatology is part of the Consolidated Group “Evolutionary Biology of Human
and Other Primates”, coordinated by Dr. Alejandro Martinez Perez-Perez. Our research goals are: a) to
implement studies on the behaviour and cognition of a wide range of species of primates as well as
Pisttacines and Corvids, and b) to use the knwoledge acquired in our studies to improve animal welfare
and favour conservation of species in captivity (i.e. zoo) as well as in their natural habitat.
We focus our work on the following topics: self-recognition, self-awareness, social information
transmission, imitation, tool use and tool manufacture, causality, manual laterality, moral origins, social
behaviour, behavioural rehabilitation and welfare.
Primate cognition, animal welfare, ethology, handeness, self-recognition, reciprocity, imitation, tool use,
conservation, revenge, moral development, comparative studies, dental ecology, popularization of
science, Great apes (Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo), Miopithecus sp., Cercocebus sp., Papio. sp., Psittacus
erythacus, Cyanocorax yncas
Research lines
 Primate conservation, behavior and welfare
- Behavior and conservation of white-capped mangabey in Ghana (in situ)
- Conservation, feeding behavior and dental ecology of genus Papio (in situ)
- Training/playing therapy in gorillas and orangutans (ex situ)
 Comparative studies:
- Evolution of fairness, morality, reciprocity and revenge: inter-species studies (great apes,
corvids, etc)
- Moral development in children: utimatum game, dilemmas and other experiments
- Mediate factors in moral decisions: biomarkers (menstruation)
- Physical cognition in psitacins, corvids and non-human primates: string pulling, tool use,
understanding of casualty.
- Handedness and laterality in non-human primates and parrots
- Self-awareness and social learning in great apes and parrots
 Cultural studies:
- Influence of culture and ethnicity on moral development: trans-cultural studies
- Influence of folklore and children literature on moral development: analysis of popular
- Capital punishment and comparative legal studies upon revenge
 Popularization of science:
- Popularization of science: make people interested in Ethology and Evolution (talks, scientific
trips, etc)
Nereida Bueno Guerra
Joaquim J. Vea Baró
Annual report 2014
4. Projects and funds1
National projects
El abuso y la violencia psicológica aplicados
para el sometimiento o la exclusión: análisis,
medición y modelos explicatives
Reference: PSI2013-41865-P
PI: Rodríguez Carballeira, Álvaro
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 25,000€
Modelos estadísticos para el análisis de la
conectividad cerebral funcional y efectiva en
estudios de imagen de resonancia magnética
funcional (fMRI)
Reference: PSI2013-41400-P
PI: Guàrdia Olmos, Joan
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 55,000€
'En_línea': Programa online de control del peso
para población adulta con sobrepeso y
Reference: PSI2013-45292-R
PI: Saldaña García, Maria Carmen
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 35,000€
Estudio Barcelona sobre agresores sexuales
Reference: PSI2013-47043-C2-2-R
PI: Redondo Illescas, Santiago
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 55,000€
Obesidad y sobrepeso: Correlatos neuronales a
lo largo de la vida. Caracterización de redes
Reference: PSI2013-48045-C2-1-P
PI: Jurado Luque, Maria Ángeles
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2017
Amount: 25,000€
Plasticidad cerebral asociada a la intervención
fonológica intensiva en niños con dificultades
lectoras. Evidencia por resonancia magnética
Reference: PSI2013-47216-P
PI: Serra Grabulosa, José Maria
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 50,000€
Aprendizaje y cognición espacial: un enfoque
comparado y diferencias de sexo
Reference: PSI2013-47430-P
PI: Díez Chamizo, Maria Victoria
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2017
Amount: 60,500€
Neuroplasticidad en la edad adulta: ejercicio
físico y entrenamiento cognitivo
Reference: PSI2013-47724-P
PI: Mataró Serrat, Maria
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 60,000€
Mejora de la predicción
temporización motora
Reference: PSI2013-41568-P
PI: López Moliner, Joan
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 65,000€
Cognición subcortical
Reference: PSI2013-49348-EXP
PI: Escera Micó, Carles
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 30,000€
Granted during 2014
Annual report 2014
Vulnerabilidad psicopatológica de adolescentes
frente a situaciones victimizantes y de sus
padres en situación de riesgo psicosocial
Reference: PSI2013-46392-P
PI: Kirchner Nebot, Teresa
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2015
Amount: 15,000€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: 008628
PI: Feixas Viaplana, Guillem
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 7,000€
La participación cívica y política en la vejez
como expresión de generatividad: perfiles,
Reference: PSI2013-43706-P
PI: Villar Posada, Feliciano
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 20,000€
Conducció sota els efectes de l’alcohol: creació
i validació d’un protocol de detecció del risc en
penats per aquest tipus de delicte
Reference: 008510
PI: Gallardo Pujol, David
Agency: Dpt. Justicia Generalitat de Catalunya
Duration: 2014-2015
Amount: 1,000€
Reference: UNBA13-4E-2230
PI: Escera Micó, Carles
Agency: MINECO
Duration: 2014
Amount: 22,000€
Other Nacional Projects
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: 008610
PI: Anguera Argilaga, Mª Teresa
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 8,000€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: PI: Escera, Carles
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2015
Amount: 3,000€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: 008638
PI: Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 4,000€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: 008646
PI: López Moliner, Joan
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 5,000€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: PI: Mataró Serrat, Maria
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2015
Amount: 2,500€
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes
internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del
programa HORIZON 2020
Reference: 008672
PI: Slater, Melvyn
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 10,000€
Annual report 2014
Special and Complementary Actions
Modelos estadísticos para el análisis de la
conectividad cerebral funcional y efectiva en
estudios de imagen de resonancia magnética
funcional (fMRI)
Reference: 001750
PI: Guàrdia Olmos, Joan
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 750€
Mejora de la predicción sensorial y
temporización motora
Reference: 001757
PI: López Moliner, Joan
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 4,000€
Integración laminada de las señales
feedforward, lateral y feedback para la
percepción visual
Reference: 001780
PI: Supèr, Hendrik Anne
Agency: Universitat de Barcelona
Duration: 2014
Amount: 3,400€
Understanding human cooperation with
humanoid robots: analysis from a social
psychological perspective
Reference: PIOF-GA-2013-622764
PI: Slater, Melvyn
Agency: UE
Duration: 2014-2017
Amount: 294,995.10€
International projects
Simple screening of cognitive development in
infants by low-cost remote eye measurements
Reference: OPP1119441 BMGF: 03360000010
PI: Supèr, Hans
Agency: Bill Gates Foundation
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount: 100.000$
Funcionalidad, discapacidad y salud en la
esquizofrenia según el sistema de clasificación
ICF de la OMS - Conferencia Internacional de
Consenso- Barcelona 2015
Reference: FCT-14-9206
PI: Gómez Benito, Juana
Agency: FECYT
Duration: 2014-2015
Amount: 20,000€
European Projects and Funds
A System for Embodied Relational Experiences
Reference: 620256 – ERC IDEES
PI: Slater, Melvyn
Agency: UE, ERC
Duration: 2014-2015
Amount: 143,310€
Annual report 2014
5. SCI Publications
Álvarez-Líster, S.; Pereda, N.; Abad, J.; Guilera,
G. (2014) Polyvictimization and its relationship
to symptoms of psychopathology in a southern
European sample of adolescent outpatients.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 38, 747-756.
Amador-Campos, J.A.; Gómez-Benito, J.;
Ramos-Quiroga, J.A. (2014) The Conners' adult
ADHD rating scales-Short self-report and
observer forms: Psychometric properties of the
catalan version. Journal of Attention Disorders,
18, 671-679.
Anguera, M.T.; Camerino, O.; Castañer, M.;
Sánchez-Algarra, P. (2014) Mixed methods en
actividad física y deporte. Revista de Psicologia
del Deporte, 23 (1), 123-130.
Anguera, M.T.; Hernández-Mendo, A. (2014)
Metodologia Observacional y Psicologia del
Deporte: Estado de la cuestión. Revista de
Psicologia del Deporte, 23(1), 103-103.
Antúnez, J.M.; Navarro-Humanes, J.F.; Adan, A.
personality characteristics of young healthy
adults. Personality and Individual Differences,
68, 136-142.
Antúnez, J.M.; Navarro-Humanes, J.F.; Adan, A.
(2014) Tipología circadiana y problemas de
salud mental. Anales de Psicología, 30 (3), 971984.
Bartés, M.; Adan, A.; Solé, J.; Caldú, X.; Falcón,
C.; Pérez-Pàmies, M.; Bargalló, N.; Serra, J.M.
(2014) Cerebral networks of sustained attention
and working memory: A functional magnetic
resonance imaging study based on the
Continous Performance Test. Revista de
Neurologia, 58(7), 289-295.
Bendayan, R.; Arnau, J.; Blanca, M. J.; Bono, R.
(2014) Comparison of the procedures of
Fleishman and Ramberg et al. for generating
non normal data in simulation studies. Anales
de Psicología, 30(1), 364-371.
Benitez, S.; Guàrdia, J.; Urzua, A. (2014)
Factorial structural analysis of the Spanish
version of whoqol-bref: an exploratory
structural equation model study. Quality of Life
Research, 23(8), 2205-2212.
Biswas, A.; Adan, A.; Haldar, P.; Majumder, D.;
Natale, V.; Randler, C.; Tonetti, L.; Sahu, S.
(2014) Exploration of the transcultural
properties of the reduced version of
(rMEQ) using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system. Biological Rhythm Research, 45 (7),
Bosch, L.; Ramon-Casas, M. (2014) First
translation equivalents in bilingual toddlers'
expressive vocabulary: does form similarity
matter? International Journal of Behavioral
Development, 35 (4), 317-322.
Arbach-Lucioni, K.; Redondo-Illescas, S.; Singh,
J.P.; Andres-Pueyo, A. (2014) Violent crimes in
native and foreign national offenders.
International Journal of Law Crime and Justice,
Cameron, B.D.; de la Malla, C.; López-Moliner,
J. (2014) The role of differential delays in
integrating transient visual and proprioceptive
information. Frontiers In Psychology, 5, 1-12.
Arnau, J.; Bendayan, R.; Blanca, M. J.; Bono, R.
(2014) The effect of skewness and kurtosis on
the Kenward-Roger approximation when group
distributions differ. Psicothema, 26(2), 279-285.
Carrera, M.J.; Guàrdia, J. & Pero, M. (2014)
Estilo linguistic en el proceso electoral de
México: Análisis del Language Style Matching.
Revista Mexicana de Psicologia, 31(2), 138-152.
Barreira, D.; Garganta, J.; Castellano, J.;
Prudente, J.; Anguera, M.T. (2014) Evolución
del ataque en el fútbol de élite entre 1982 y
2010: Aplicación del análisis secuencial de
retardos. Revista de Psicologia del Deporte,
23(1), 139-146.
Carrera-Fernández, M.J.; Guàrdia-Olmos, J.;
Peró-Cebollero, M. (2014) Qualitative Methods
of Data Analysis in Psychology: an Analysis of
the Literature. Qualitative Research. 14(1), 2036.
Annual report 2014
Castro, K.; Kirchner, T.; Planellas, I. (2014)
Predicción de conducta autodesctructiva en
adolescentes españoles mediante tipologías de
afrontamiento. Universitas Psychologica, 13, 1.
Caqueo-Urízar, A.; Urzúa, A.; Ferrer, R.; Pereda,
N. (2014). Afrontamiento y etnia: Estrategias en
niños y niñas Aymara [Coping and ethnicity:
Strategies in Aymara children]. Terapia
Psicológica, 32(2), 79-86.
Celdrán, M.; Villar, F.; Triadó, C. (2014) Thinking
about my grandparent: How dementia
perceptions of their grandparents. Journal of
Aging Studies, 29(1), 1-8.
Chamizo, V.D.; Rodríguez, Clara A.; Torres,
Irene; Torres, Marta N.; Mackintosh, N.J. (2014)
What makes a landmark effective? Sex
differences in a navigation task. Learning &
Behavior, 42(4), 348-356.
Chyzhyk, D.; Dacosta-Aguayo, R.; Mataró, M.;
Graña, M. (2014) An Active Learning approach
for Stroke lesion segmentation on multimodal
MRI data. Neurocomputing, 26, 1-21.
Civile, C.; Chamizo, V.D.; McLaren, I.P.L.;
Mackintosh, N.J. (2014) The effect of disrupting
configural information on rat’s performance in
the Morris water maze. Learning and
Motivation. Learning and Motivation, 48, 5566.
Company, V; Andres-Pueyo, A (2014) The
Spanish version of Criminal Sentiment Scale
Modified (CSS-M): Factor structure, reliability
and validity. European Journal of Psychology
Applied to Legal Context.
Conde-Sala, J.L.; Reñé-Ramírez, R.; TurróGarriga, O.; Gascón-Bayarri, J.; CampdelacreuFumadó, J.; Juncadella-Puig, M.; Rico-Pons, I.;
Garre-Olmo, J. (2014) Severity of dementia,
anosognosia and depression in relation to the
quality of life of patients with Alzheimer’s
disease: discrepancies between patients and
caregivers. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 22(2), 138-147.
Conde-Sala, J.L.; Turró-Garriga, O.; CalvóPerxas, L.; Vilalta-Franch, J.; López-Pousa, S.;
Garre-Olmo, J. (2014) Three-year trajectories of
caregiver burden in Alzheimers disease. Journal
of Alzheimer's Disease, 42(2), 623-633.
Dacosta-Aguayo, R.; Graña, M.; FernandezAndujar, M.; López-Cancio, E.; Cáceres, C.;
Bargallo, N.; Barrios, M.; Clemente, I.; Dávalos,
A.; Auer, T.; Mataró, M. (2014) Structural
integrity of the contralesional hemisphere
predicts cognitive impairment in chronic stroke.
PLoS One, 9, (1), e86119.
Dacosta-Aguayo, R.; Graña, M.; Savio, A.;
Fernández-Andújar, M.; Millán, M.; LópezCancio, E.; Cáceres, C.; Bargalló, N.; Garrido, C.;
Barrios, M.; Clemente, I.C.; Hernández, M.;
Munuera, J.; Dávalos, A.; Auer, T.; Mataró, M.
(2014) Prognostic value of changes in restingstate functional connectivity patterns in
cognitive recovery after stroke: A 3T fMRI pilot
study. Human Brain Mapping, 35(8), 38193831.
de la Malla, C; López-Moliner, J.; Brenner, E.
(2014) Dealing with delays does not transfer
across sensorimotor tasks. Journal of Vision, 14,
12(8), 1-17.
Dolado, R.; Beltran, F.S.; Quera, V. (2014)
Modeling the Emergence of Social Structure
from a Phylogenetic Point of View. Jasss-The
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social
Simulation, 17, 8.
Escera, C.; Malmierca, M.S. (2014) The auditory
novelty system: An attempt to integrate human
and animal research. Psychophysiology, 51, 111123.
Escera, C; Leung, S; Grimm, S. (2014) Deviance
detection based on regularity encoding along
the auditory hierarchy: electrophysiological
evidence in humans. Brain Topography, 27(4),
Annual report 2014
Esposito, F.; Puig, M.S.; Zapata, L.P.;
Puigcerver, L.; Esperalba López, N.; Sánchez, C.;
del Castillo, G. Cañete Crespillo, J.; Supèr, H.
(2014) EPA-1538-Modulation in attention
related eye vergence is disrupted in children
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
European Psychiatry, 29(1), 1.
Evans, J. J.; Gast, D. L.; Perdices, M.; Manolov,
R. (2014) Single case experimental designs:
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24(3-4),
Feixas, G.; Montesano, A.; Company, V.; Salla,
M.; Dada, G.; Pucurull, O.; Trujillo, A.; Paz, C.;
Muñoz, D.; Gasol, M.; Saúl, L.A.; Lana, F.; Bros,
I.; Ribeiro, E.; Winter, D.; Carrera, M.J.;
Guàrdia, J. (2014) Cognitive conflicts in major
depression: Between desired change and
personal coherence. British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 1-18.
Feixas, G.; Montesano, A.; Erazo-Caicedo, M.I.;
Compañ, V.; Pucurull, O. (2014) Implicative
Dilemmas and Symptom Severity in Depression:
A preliminary and content analysis study.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 27, 31-40.
Feixas, G.; Montesano, A.; Paz, C. (2014) Are
cognitive conflicts a neglected individual
Differences, 60, 26-26.
Fernández-Andujar, M.; Doornink, F.; DacostaAguayo, R.; Soriano, J.J.; Miralbell, J.; Bargalló,
N.; López-Cancio, E.; Pérez de la Ossa, N.;
Gomis, M.; Millan, M.; Barrios, M.; Cáceres, C.;
Clemente, I.; Dávalos, A.; Mataró, M. (2014)
Thalamic microstructural abnormalities related
to cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients.
Neuropsychology, 28 (6), 984-996.
Fernández-Andújar, M; Soriano-Raya, J. J.;
Miralbell, J.; López-Cancio, E.; Cáceres, C.;
Bargalló, N.; Barrios, M.; Arenillas, J. F.; Toran,
P.; Alzamora, M.; Clemente, I.; Dávalos, A.;
Mataró, M. (2014) Thalamic diffusion
differences related to cognitive function in with
white matter lesions. Neurobiology of Aging,
35(5), 1103-1110.
Ferrer, L.; Kirchner, T. (2014) Suicidal tendency
in a sample of adolescent outpatients with
Adjustment Disorder: gender differences.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55(6), 1342-1349.
García-García, I.; Horstmann, A.; Jurado, M.A.;
Garolera, M.; Chaudhry, S.J.; Margulies, D.S.;
Villringer, A.; Neumann, J. (2014) Reward
processing in obesity, substance and nonsubstance addiction. Obesity Reviews, 15(11),
Garzón, B.; Lapresa, D.; Anguera, M.T.; Arana,
J. (2014) Del minibasket al baloncesto: Efectos
de la actual configuración reglamentaria en el
patrón técnico de lanzamiento de tiro libre.
Revista de Psicologia del Deporte, 23(1), 77-85.
Giné, A.; Font, J.; Guàrdia, J.; Balcells, A.; Valls,
J.; Carbó, M. (2014) Using the sisto better align
the funding of residential services to assessed
support needs. Research in Developmental
Disabilities, 25, 1144-1151.
Gómez-Benito, J.; Guilera, G.; Pino, O.;
Tabarés-Seisdedos, R.; Martínez-Arán, A.
(2014) Comparing neurocognitive impairment in
schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder using the
sale. International Journal Of Clinical And
Health Psychology, 14, 28-136.
Gómez-Benito, J.; Van de Vijver, F.J.R.;
Balluerka, N.; Caterino, L. (2014) Cross-cultural
and gender differences in ADHD among young
adults. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
González-Franco, M.; Peck, T.C.; RodríguezFornells, A.; Slater, M. (2014) A Threat to a
Virtual Hand Elicits Motor Cortex Activation.
Experimental Brain Research, 232(3), 875-887.
González-Giraldo, Y.; Rojas, J.; Novoa, P.;
Mueller, S.T.; Piper, B.J.; Adan, A.; Forero, D.A.
(2014) Functional polymorphisms in BDNF and
COMT genes are associated with objective
differences in arithmetical functioning in a
sample of young adults. Neuropsychobiology,
70, 152-157.
Annual report 2014
González, M.; Trujillo, A.; Pereda, N. (2014).
Corporal punishment in rural Colombian
families: Prevalence, family structure and sociodemographic variables. Child Abuse & Neglect,
38, 909-916.
Guàrdia, J.; Peró, M.; Hervàs, A.; Capilla, R.;
Soriano, P.P.; Porras, M. (2014) Factors related
with the university degree selection in Spanish
public university system. A structural equation
model analysis. Quality & Quantity, 49 (2), 541557.
Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J.; Rus-Calafell, M.;
González-Conde, J. (2014) Creation of a new set
of dynamic virtual reality faces for the
assessment and training of facial emotion
recognition ability. Virtual Reality, 18, 1,61-71.
Hernandez, S., Escartín, J., & van Dick, R. (2014)
Gender And Leadership In Spain: A Systematic
Review On Some Key Aspects. Sex roles, 70 (1112), 522-537.
Camerino, O., Jonsson, G.K., Blanco-Villaseñor,
A., Lopes, A. y Anguera, M.T. (2014) Programas
informáticos de registro, control de calidad del
dato, y análisis de datos. Revista de Psicologia
del Deporte, 23(1), 111-121.
Iglesias, T.; Luitsko, L.; Tous, J.M. (2014)
Proprioceptive diagnostics in attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. Psicothema, 26(4), 477482.
Kirchner, T.; Forns, M.; Soler, L.; Planellas, I.
(2014) Post-Traumatic Stress Problems Among
Poly-Victimized Spanish Youth: Time Effect of
Past vs. Recent interpersonal victimizations.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 38 (8), 1303-1312.
Kokkianra, E.; Slater, M. (2014) Measuring the
effects through time of the influence of
visuomotor and visuotactile synchronous
stimulation on a virtual body ownership illusion.
Perception, 43, 43-58.
Lapresa, D.; Alsaura, R.; Arana, J.; Anguera,
M.T.; Garzón, B. (2014). Análisis observacional
de la construcción de las secuencias ofensivas
que acaban en lanzamiento en baloncesto de
categoría infantile. Revista de Psicologia del
Deporte, 23(2), 365-376.
Liu, Y.; Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2014) Identifying
the source of misfit in item response theory
models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49,
Liutsko, L.; Miuños, R.; Tous-Ral, J.M. (2014)
Age-related differences in proprioceptive and
visuo-proprioceptive function in relation to fine
motor behavior. European Journal of Ageing,
11(3), 221-232.
Lojo, C., Facal, D., Guàrdia, J. & Juncos, O.
(2014) Structural model for estimating the
influence of cognitive reserve on cognitive
performance in adults with subjective memory
Neuropsychology, acu007.
Lopez-Fernandez, O.; Honrubia-Serrano, M.L.;
Gibson, W.; Griffiths, M.D. (2014) Problematic
Internet use in British adolescents: An
exploration of the addictive symptomatology.
Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 224-233.
López-Olóriz, Jorge; Lopez-Cancio, E.; Arenillas,
J.F.; Hernández, M.; Dorado, L.; DacostaAguayo, R.; Barrios, M.T.; Soriano-Raya, J.J.;
Miralbell, J.; Bargalló, N.; Caceres, C.; Toran, P.;
Alzamora, M.; Davalos, A.; Mataro, M. (2014)
Diffusion tensor imaging, intracranial vascular
resistance and cognition in middle-aged
Diseases, 38(1), 24-30.
Loreto-Quijada, D.; Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J.;
Nieto,R.; Gutiérrez-Martínez, O.; Ferrer-García,
M.; Saldaña, C., Fusté-Escolano, A.; Liutsko, L.
(2014) Differential effects of two virtual reality
interventions: distraction versus pain control.
Networking, 17(6), 353-358.
Magallón-Neri, E.; De la Fuente, J.E.; Canalda,
G.; Forns, M.; García, R.; González, E.; Lara, A.;
Castro-Fornieles, J. (2014) Neither too much,
nor too little. The dilemma of identifying
personality pathology in adolescent patients
with self-reports. Psychiatry Research, 215, (3),
Annual report 2014
Manolov, R.; Gast, D.L.; Perdices, M.; Evans, J.J.
(2014) Single-case experimental designs:
Reflections on conduct and analysis.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24, (3-4),
Manolov, R.; Guilera, G.; Sierra, V. (2014)
Weighting strategies in the meta-analysis of
Methods, 46 (4), 1152-1166.
Manolov, R.; Sierra, V.; Solanas, A.; Botella, J.
(2014) Assessing functional relations in singlecase designs: Quantitative proposals in the
context of the evidence-based movement.
Behavior Modification.
Marqués-Iturria, I.; Garolera,M.;Pueyo, R.;
Segura, B.; Hernan, I.; García-García, I.;
Sánchez-Garre, C.; Vernet-Vernet, M.; SenderPalacios, M.J.; Narberhaus, A.; Ariza, M.;
Junqué, C.; Jurado, M.A. (2014) The interaction
effect between BDNF val66met polymorphism
and obesity on executive functions and frontal
structure. American Journal of Medical Genetics
Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 165B, (3),
Mataro, M.; Soriano-Raya, J.J.; Lopez-Olóriz, J.;
Dacosta-Aguayo, R. (2014) Cerebrovascular
markers in lowered cognitive function. Journal
of Alzheimer's Disease, 42, S383-S391.
Maydeu-Olivares, A.; Joe, H. (2014) Assessing
approximate fit in categorical data analysis.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49, 305-328.
Montesano, A.; Feixas, G.; Erazo-Caicedo, M.I.;
Saúl, L.A.; Dada, G.; Winter, D (2014) Cognitive
conflicts symptom severity in Dysthymia: "I'd
rather be good than happy”. Salud Mental, 37,
Montesano, A.; Feixas, G.; Muñoz, D.; Compañ,
V. (2014) Systemic couple therapy for
Dysthymia: A one-year follow-up case study.
Psychotherapy, 51, 30-40.
Morales-Sánchez, V.; Pérez-López, R.; Anguera,
M.T. (2014) Tratamiento metodológico de la
observación indirecta en la gestión de
organizaciones deportivas. Revista de Psicologia
del Deporte, 23(1), 201-207.
Muñoz-Moreno, J.A.; Pérez-Álvarez, N.; MuñozMurillo, A.; Prats, A.; Garolera, M.; Jurado,
M.A.; Fumaz,C.R.; Negredo, E.; Ferrer, M.J.;
Clotet, B. (2014) Classification Models for
Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV Infection
Based on Demographic and Clinical Variables.
PLoS One, 9(9), e107625.
Núñez-Peña, M.I.; Colomé, A.; Tubau, E. (2014)
Efficiency of arithmetic procedures modulates
the problem-size effect in subtraction. Spanish
Journal of Psychology.
Núñez-Peña, M.I.; Guilera, G.; Suárez-Pellicioni,
M. (2014) The single-item math anxiety scale
(SIMA): an alternative way of measuring
Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(4), 306-317.
Núñez-Peña, M.I.; Suárez-Pellicioni, M. (2014)
Less precise representation of numerical
magnitude in high math anxious individuals: An
ERP study of the size and distance effects.
Biological Psychology, 103, 176-183.
Ojeda, D.A.; Niño, C.L.; López-León, S.;
Camargo, A.; Adan, A.; Forero, D.A. (2014) A
functional polymorphism in the promoter region
of MAOA gene is associated with sleepiness in
healthy subjects. Journal of the Neurological
Sciences, 337, 176-179.
Ojeda, D.A.; Perea, C.S.; Suárez, A.; Niño, C.L.;
Gutiérrez, R.M.; López-León, S.; Adan, A.;
Arboleda, H.; Camargo, A.; Forero, D.A. (2014)
Common functional polymorphisms in SLC6A4
and COMT genes are associated with circadian
phenotypes in a South American sample.
Neurological Sciences, 34(1), 41-47.
Penna, M.P.; Agus, M.; Pero, M.; Guardia, J.;
Pessa, E. (2014) The use of imagery in statistical
reasoning by university undergraduate students:
a preliminary study. Quality & Quantity, 48,
Pereda, N.; Gallardo-Pujol, D. (2014) One hit
makes the difference: The role of
polyvictimization in childhood in lifetime
revictimization on a Southern European sample.
Violence and Victims, 29(2), 217-231.
Annual report 2014
Pereda, N.; Guilera, G.; Abad, J. (2014)
Victimization and polyvictimization of Spanish
children andyouth: Results from a community
sample. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38, 640-649.
Ramon-Casas, M.; Bosch, L. (2014) Consonants,
vowels and levels of specification in the
phonological representations of the first lexicon:
a review. Anales de Psicología, 30, 703-715.
Perez Zapata, L.; Aznar-Casanova, A.; TorroAlves, N.; Supèr, H. (2014) Are first-order
disparity gradients spatial primitives for
orientation of lines on the ground
plane? Psychology and Neuroscience, 7(3), 285299.
Rebassa, A.; Colell, M.; Munar, E.; Cela, C.J.
(2014) Vigilance by Sentinels in a group of
baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in a zoo
setting. Journal of Primatology, 3, 2.
Pérez Zapata, L.; Solé-Puig, M.; AznarCasanova, J.A.; Supèr, H. (2014) Evidence for a
role of corrective eye movements during gaze
fixation in saccade planning. European Journal
of Neuroscience, 1-7.
Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J.; García-Rodríguez, O.
(2014) Effects of Systematic Cue Exposure
Through Virtual Reality on Cigarette Craving.
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(11), 14701477.
Pino, O.; Guilera, G.; Gómez-Benito, J.; NajasGarcía, A.; Rufián, S.; Rojo, E. (2014)
Neurodesarrollo o neurodegeneración: Revisión
sobre el origen de la esquizofrenia. Actas
Españolas de Psiquiatria, 42(4), 185-195.
Portellano-Ortiz, C.; Turró-Garriga, O.; GascónBayarri, J.; Piñan-Hernández, S.; MorenoCordón, L.; Viñas-Diez, V.; Reñé-Ramirez, R.;
Conde-Sala, J.L. (2014) Anosognosia y depresión
en la percepción de la calidad de vida de los
pacientes con la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Evolución a los 12 meses. Revista de
Neurología, 59(5), 193-204.
Prada, L.; Barceló, F.; Hermann, C.S.; Escera, C.
(2014) EEG delta oscillations index inhibitory
control of contextual novelty to both irrelevant
distracters and relevant task.switch cues.
Psychophysiology, 51(7), 658-671.
Ramon-Casas, M.; Bosch, L. (2014) Phonological
representation of words in the first lexicon:
consonants, vowels and levels of specification.
Anales de Psicología.
Recasens, M.; Grimm, S.; Capilla, A.; Nowak, R.;
Escera, C. (2014) Two sequential processes of
change detection in hierarchically ordered areas
of the human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex,
24, 143-153.
Reinoso, M.; Pereda, N.; Van den Dries, L.; G.
Forero, C. (2014) Internationally adopted
children’s general and adoption-specific
stressors, coping strategies and psychological
adjustment. Child & Family Social Work.
Rodrigo, T.; Gimeno, E.; Ayguasanosa, M.;
Chamizo, V.D (2014) Navigation with two
landmarks in rats (Rattus norvegicus): the role
of landmark salience. Journal of Comparative
Psychology, 128, 378-386.
Rodríguez-Carballeira, A.; Porrúa-García, C.;
Escartín, J.; Martín-Peña, J.; Almendros, C.
(2014) Taxonomy and hierarchy of psychological
relationships. Anales de Psicología, 30(3), 916926.
Romeo, A.; Supèr, H. (2014) A feed-forward
spiking model of shape-coding by IT cells.
Frontiers In Psychology, 5, 481.
Romeo, A.; Supèr, H. (2014) Approximations to
the time evolution of an Izhikevich neuron.
Inernational Journal of Modern Physics, 25,
(10), 16.
Rufi, S.; Javaloy, F.; Batista-Foguet, J. M.;
Solanas, A.; Páez, D. (2014) Flow dimensions on
daily activities with the Spanish version of the
flow scale (DFS). Spanish Journal of Psychology.
Annual report 2014
Rufián, S.; Pino, O.; Gómez-Benito, J.; Guilera,
G.; Rojo, E. (2014) La escala de depresión de
Hamilton: ¿es realimente un instrumento útil en
la esquizofrenia? Anales de Psicología.
Rus-Calafell, M.; Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J.;
Ribas-Sabaté, J. (2014) A virtual realityintegrated program for improving social skills in
patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 45(1), 81-89.
Santos, A.; Resmini, E.; Crespo, I.; Pires, P.;
Vives-Gilabert, Y.; Granell, E.; Valassi, E.;
Gómez-Anson, B.; Martínez-Momblan, M.A.;
Mataro, M.; Webb, S. (2014) Small cerebellar
cortex volume in patients with active Cushing's
syndrome. European Journal of Endocrinology,
171, 461-469.
Sarmento, H.; Anguera, M.T.; Pereira, A.;
Marques, A.; Campaniço, J.; Leitão, J. (2014)
Patterns of play in the counterattack of elite
football teams - A mixed method approach.
International Journal Of Performance Analysis
In Sport, 14, 411-427.
Sarmento, H.; Marcelino, R.; Angera, M.T.;
Matos, N.; Campaniço, J.; Leitao, J. (2014)
Match analysis in football – A Systematic review.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(20), 1831-1843.
Schumann, G.; Binder, E.B.; Holte, A.; de Kloet,
E.R.; Oedegaard, K.J.; Robbins, T.W.; WalkerTilley, T.R.; Brown, V.J.; Buitelaar, J.;
Cicocioppo, R.; Cools, R.; Escera, C. (2014)
Stratified medicine for mental disorders.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, 5-50.
Soldevilla, J.M.; Feixas, G.; Varlotta, N.; Cirici,
R. (2014) Characteristics of the Construct
Systems of women victims of intimate partner
violence. Journal of Constructivist Psychology,
27, 105-110.
Soriano-Raya, J. J.; Miralbell, J.; López Cancio,
E.; Bargalló, N.; Arenillas, J. F.; Barrios, M.;
Caceres, C.; Toran, P.; Alzamora, M.; Davalos,
A; Mataro, M. (2014) Tract-specific fractional
anisotropy predicts cognitive outcome in a
community sample of middle-aged participants
with white matter lesions. Journal of Cerebral
Blood Flow and Metabolism, 34(5), 861-869.
Suárez-Pellicioni, M.; Núñez-Peña, M.I.;
Colomé, A. (2014) Reactive recruitment of
attentional control in math anxiety: An ERP
study of numeric conflict monitoring and
adaptation. PLoS One, 9, e99579-e99579.
Supèr, H.; Marco,J.; Zapata, J.P.; Crespillo, J.C.;
Puig, M.S. (2014) Role of vergence during eye
fixation in orienting visual attention. Journal of
Vision, 14(10), 9.
Supèr, H.; Romeo, A. (2014) Approximate
Emergent Synchrony in Spatially Coupled
Spiking Neurons with Discrete Interaction.
Neural Computation, 26 (11), 2419-2440.
Supèr, H.; Romeo, A. (2014) Coding depth
perception from image defocus. Vision
Research, 105, 199-203.
Taylor, G; Scharlemann, J.P.W.; Rowcliffe, M.;
Kumpel; N. Fa, J.E.; Melisch, R.; Milner-Gulland,
E.J.; Bhagwat, S.; Abernethy, K.A.; Ajonina,
A.S.; Albrechtsen, L.; Allebone-Webb, S.;
Brown, E.; Brugiere, D.; Clark, C.; Colell, M.;
Cowlishaw, G,; Crookes, D.; others. (2014)
Synthesising Bushmeat research effort in West
and Central Africa: A new regional database.
Biological Conservation, 181, 199-205.
Torres, M.N.; Rodríguez, C.A.; Chamizo, V.D.;
Mackintosh, N.J. (2014) Landmark vs. geometry
learning: Explaining female rasts’ selective
preference for a landmark. Psicológica, 35, 81100.
Tous, J.M.; Muiños, R.; Liutsko, L. (2014)
Personality differences of applicants for the gun
license (proprioceptive and verbal tests). Anales
de Psicología, 30, 3.
Trujols, J.; Iraugi, I.; Oviedo-Jokes, E.; Guàrdia,
J. (2014) A critical analysis of user satisfaction
surveys in addiction services: Opioid
maintenance treatment as a representative case
study. Patient Preference And Adherence, 8, 111.
Turró-Garriga, O.; Conde-Sala, J.L; ReñéRamírez, R.; López-Pousa, S.; Gascón-Bayarri,
J.; Garre-Olmo, J. (2014) Prevalencia de
anosognosia en la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Medicina Clínica, 143(1), 13-19.
Annual report 2014
Turró-Garriga, O.; Garre-Olmo, J.; VilaltaFranch, J.; López-Pousa, S.; Reñé-Ramírez, R.;
Conde-Sala, JL. (2014) Abridged scale for the
screening anosognosia in dementia patients.
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology,
27(3), 220-226.
Yepes-Baldó, M.; Romeo, M.; Berger, R.;
Quijano, S.; Gómez-Benito, J. (2014)
Development and factorial structure of the
Psychological Human Capital Questionnaire
(PHCQ). European Journal of Psychological
Valera, S.; Guàrdia, J. (2014) Perceived
insecurity and fear of crime in a city with low
crime rates. Journal of Environmental
Psychology, 38, 195-205.
Vidal-Piñeiro D, Martin-Trias P, ArenazaUrquijo EM, Sala-Llonch R, Clemente IC, MenaSánchez I, Bargalló N, Falcón C, Pascual-Leone
A, Bartrés-Faz D. (2014) Task-dependent
Activity and Connectivity Predict Episodic
Memory Network-based Responses to Brain
Stimulation in Healthy Aging. Brain Stimulation,
7(2), 287-296.
Villar, F.; Celdrán, M. (2014) The involvement of
Spanish older people in non-degree educational
programs: Reasons for and barriers to
participation. Journal Of Aging & Social Policy,
26, 370-385.
Villar, F.; Celdrán, M.; Fabà, J.; Serrat, R. (2014)
Barriers to sexual expression in residential aged
care facilities (RACFs): comparison of staff and
residents’ views. Journal of advanced nursing,
70(11), 2518-2527.
Villar, F.; Celdrán, M.; Fabà, J.; Serrat, R. (2014)
Staff attitudes towards sexual relationships
among institutionalized people with dementia:
predominate? International Psychogeriatrics,
26(3), 403-412
Villar, F.; Fabà, J.; Serrat, R.; Celdrán, M. (2014)
What happens in their bedrooms stays in their
bedrooms: Staff and residents’ reactions
Toward male–female Sexual intercourse in
residential aged care facilities. Journal of Sex
Villar, F.; Serrat, R.; Fabà, J.; Celdrán, M. (2014)
Staff reactions towards lesbian, gay or bisexual
people living in residential aged care facilities
who actively disclose their sexual orientation.
Journal of Homosexuality.
Annual report 2014
6. Patents
Method of measuring attention
Supér, Hans; Sol·licitud PCT/EUR/USA
A method for automated decision making
Slater, Mel; Sol·licitud PCT/EUR/USA
Annual report 2014
7. PhD Thesis
The role of the human auditory middle latency
response in auditory novelty detection
Author: Heike Althen
Supervisor: Carles Escera
Source localization of deviance detection and
regularity encoding in the auditory brain
Author: Marc Recasens,
Supervisor: Carles Escera
Tendências evolutivas da dinámica tática em
Futebol de alto rendimento
Author: Daniel Barreira
Supervisor: Júlio Garganta & M. Teresa Anguera
Riesgos psicosociales asociados a los partos
múltiples como consecuencia de los
tratamientos de reproducción asistida
Author: María Montserrat Roca Bes
Supervisor: José Gutiérrez Maldonado
remodeling related to cognitive recovery in
ischemic stroke patients
Author: Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo
Supervisor: Maria Mataró Serrat
Los conflictos cognitivos y la construcción del sí
mismo y de los otros en los Trastornos de la
Conducta Alimentaria
Author: Gloria Dada Sánchez
Supervisor: Guillem Feixas Viaplana
functioning in cerebrovascular disease
Author: Marina Fernández Andújar
Supervisor: Maria Mataró Serrat & Immaculada
Concepción Clemente Lapena
Relaciones entre las prácticas parentales y los
estilos de socialización familiar en la cultura
española: el modelo bidimensional parental y
el ajuste de los hijos
Author: Leonor Fernández Domenech
Supervisor: José Fernández García & Feliciano E.
Veiga & Roser Bono Cabré
Social skills training for schizophrenia patients
using virtual reality
Author: María del Mar Rus Calafell
Supervisor: José Gutiérrez Maldonado
Abnormal numerical processing in mathanxious individuals: Evidence from eventrelated brain potentials
Author: Macarena Suárez Pellicioni
Supervisor: María Isabel Núñez Peña & Àngels
Funciones orbitofrontales en la enfermedad de
Author: María Carmen Tayó Juli
Supervisor: María Ángeles Jurado
Spatio-temporal aspects in the control of the
visuomotor system
Author: Borja Rodríguez-Herreros
Supervisor: Joan López-Moliner
Functional brain activity in obesity
Author: Isabel García García
Supervisor: María Angeles Jurado & Maite
Poly-victimization and its association with
protective and vulnerability variables in
adolescence: Mediator role of self-esteem
Author: Laia Soler Corbella
Supervisor: María Forns & Teresa Kirchner
Watching Sounds: an Investigation of the
Auditory Influences on Visual Processing
Author: Alexis Pérez Bellido
Supervisor: Joan López Moliner
Annual report 2014
8. Activities (IP's)
Awards and Honors
Anguera, M.T. Member of Steering Committee
of the Council for Doctoral Education at the
European University Association (EUA-CDE)
Anguera, M.T. Member of Scientific Committee
of Eight Meeting of MASI - Research Network on
Methodology for the Analysis of Social
Interaction. University of Iceland. Reykjavík
Anguera, M.T. Acting Chair for the University of
Barcelona for the First Arab-Euro Conference on
Higher Education (AECHE)
Arias Pujol, E.; Fieschi Viscardi, E.; Miralbell
Blanch, J.; Castelló Torra, C.; Solevila i Jané, A.;
Teresa Anguera, M.; Mestres Martorell, M. VI
Premio de Investigación en Salud Mental Infantil
y Juvenil convocado por la Revista de
Psicopatología y Salud Mental del niño y del
adolescente y patrocinado por el Ayuntamiento
de Sant Boi de Llobregat. Uso de la imitación en
psicoterapia psicoanalítica con un niño con
trastorno del espectro autista grave: efectos de
la interacción social recíproca
Dacosta-Aguayo, R. 3ª Edició Premi Barraquer i
Bordas que es lliura de forma biennal a una tesi
doctoral realitzada dins l’àmbit de la
neuropsicologia en una universitat catalana.
Societat Catalana de Neuropsicologia. Accèssit:
remodeling related to cognitive recovery in
ischemic stroke patients”
Maydeu-Olivares, A.
Psychometric Society.
Maydey-Olivares, A. Head of the organizing
committee. 79th Meeting of the Psychometric
Society. Madison (USA)
Maydey-Olivares, A. Member of the Organizer
Committee. “V Jornada de Victimologia:
Victimització infantojuvenil: L’efecte protector
de les estructures socials”. Centre d’Estudis
Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Barcelona
Montesano, A.; Feixas, G.; Muñoz, D.; Compañ,
V. Second Prize of the “I Premi de Joves
Investigadors” of the Department of Personality,
Assessment and Psychological Treatments,
Universitat de Barcelona for the article Systemic
couple therapy for dysthymia: An evidencebased case study. (2014) Psychotherapy, Vol.
51, 1 p. 30-40
Noemí, P. Member of the Organizer Committee.
V Conference of Victimology: Child and
adolescent victimization: The protective effect
of social structures. Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i
Formació Especialitzada, Barcelona (Spain)
Keynote lectures
Adan, A. “Biological rhyhms in psychiatry”. XVI
World Congress of Psychiatry. World Psychiatry
Association. Madrid (Spain)
Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J. Member of Scientific
Committee. 19th Annual CyberPsychology and
CyberTherapy Conference. Virtual Reality
Medical Institute. Washington (USA)
Andres, A. “Predicción del Comportamiento: el
caso de la peligrosidad criminal.” Facultad de
Psicologia. Universidad de las Islas Baleares.
Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
Jurado, M.A. Member of the Organizer
Committee. 63ena Reunió d'Hivern SCNPS &
Secció NPS del COPC. Barcelona (Spain)
Bosch, L. “From language differentiation to
language-specific processing in bilingual
learners: some unanswered questions.” Utrecht
University, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Jurado, M.A. Member of the Organizer
Committee. 64ena Reunió de Primavera de la
Societat Catalana de Neuropsicologia Entrenant
el Cervell: Aplicacions de la Rehabilitació
Neuropsicològica. Barcelona (Spain)
Bosch, L. “Impacto de la prematuridad sobre el
desarrollo inicial del lenguaje”. XLVI sesión
científica AELFA. Barcelona (Spain)
Annual report 2014
Bosch, L. “La prematuritat com a factor de risc
en el desenvolupament neurocognitiu: dades
del primer any de vida”. 63ª reunió d'hivern de
la Societat Catalana de Neuropsicologia.
Barcelona (Spain)
Bosch, L. “Input factors and adaptive perceptual
processes in the young bilingual learner”.
Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology.
Aix-en-Provence (France)
Bosch, L. “Adaptive processes in the perception
and representation of contrasts by infant dual
language learners”. International symposium
“Plasticity-III”, organized by the University of
Turku. Turku (Finland)
Bosch, L. “Bilingual first language acquisition:
Early adaptive responses to a dual language
input”. Oxford Brookes University. Oxford (UK)
Bosch, L. “Plasticidad y categorización fonética
en el bilingüe”. ). Jornada sobre bilingüismo: el
español en contraste con el catalán.
Departamento de Filología Española de la
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona
Conde-Sala, J.L.; Turró-Garriga, O., CrespoLópez, M.; León-Salas, B.; Bárrios, H.S. “Quality
of life in patients with dementia and cognitive
impairment”. XVI World Congress of Psychiatry.
Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría-WPA. Madrid
Escartín, J., & Zapf, D. “Symposium: From
Conflicts to Bullying in Organizations:
Disentangling the Boundaries”. International
Conference on Applied Psychology. American
Psychological Association (APA). Paris (France)
Neuromarketing-Acercando la Neurociencia a
las Marcas”. Jornada Cátedra Heineken.
Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia
Escera, C. “Avaluació de la disfunció cognitiva
mitjançant EEG i potencials evocats”. Institut de
Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions (INAD) del Parc de
Salut Mar. Barcelona (Spain)
Escera, C. “Neural mechanisms of auditory
perception: regularity encoding and deviance
detection from brainstem to cortex”. Neuronus
– IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum. Krakow
Escera, C. “Neuromarketing”. I Jornada de
Recerca i Empresa, Facultat de Psicologia,
Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona (Spain)
Escera, C. “Tagging the acoustic world:
regularity encoding from brainstem to cerebral
Psychophysiology. Hiroshima (Japan)
Escera, C. “The contribution of cognitive
neuroscience to neurology and psychiatry”.
Fukushima Medical University. Fukushima
Escera, C. “Regularity encoding and deviance
detection as a basic auditory function:
Fukushima Medical University. Fukushima
Escera, C. “Cognition neuroimaging and genes in
cohort studies”. B-DEBATE: Environment and
Barcelona (Spain)
Gallardo-Pujol, D.; Cohen T. “Current directions
in the study of Character: The four W questions
(what, when, why and where)”. Society for
Personality and Social Psychology meeting.
Austin (USA)
gestor/político universitario. Escala SIHEM-UB”.
XI Foro Internacional sobre Evaluación de la
calidad de la Investigación y la Educación
Superior (FECIES). Bilbao (Spain)
López-Moliner, J. “Uncertainty and prediction in
timing tasks”. Univertät Giessen. Giessen
López-Moliner, J. “Predictive plus online visual
information optimizes temporal precision”.
European Conference on Visual Perception.
Belgrade (Serbia)
Annual report 2014
Maydeu-Olivares, A. “Goodness of fit in
structural equation models”. Presidential
address to the Psychometric Society. Madison
Redondo, S. “Evaluación y predicción del riesgo
de reincidencia en agresores sexuales”. I
Congreso de Estudiantes de Criminología de la
Universidad de Málaga. Málaga (Spain)
Pereda, N. “Mesa de victimologia”. III Jornades
de Psicologia i Llei. Universitat de Barcelona.
Barcelona (Spain)
Pereda, N. “Un de cada cinc? L’extensió de
l’abús sexual infantile”. Associació ASPACE:
Trencar el silenci: L'abús sexual a l'entorn de la
petita infància. Barcelona (Spain)
Redondo, S. “Procesos de transición y
desistimiento entre la delincuencia juvenil y la
adulta”. Nuevas perspectivas en la actuación
social y judicial con jóvenes delincuentes.
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete
Pereda, N. “Experiencias de victimización en
menores infractores atendidos por el sistema de
justicia juvenil y menores en situación de
acogimiento”. XII Congreso Internacional de
Infancia Maltratada. Federación de Asociaciones
para la Prevención del Maltrato Infantil (FAPMI).
Bilbao (Spain)
Pereda, N. “Victimització en joves de protecció
a la infància i l'adolescència i de justícia
juvenile”. Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació
Especialitzada: La victimització d'infants i joves
en risc. Barcelona (Spain)
Pereda, N. “Visió des de la investigació i des de
la pràctica d’una entitat de servei de la situació
actual en els casos d’abús sexual infantile”.
Direcció General De La Policia: Bones pràctiques
en el tractament dels abusos sexuals a infants i
adolescents. Barcelona (Spain)
Peró, M.; Guàrdia, J. “Evaluación de
gestor/político universitario. Escala SIHEM-UB”.
XI Foro Internacional sobre Evaluación de la
Calidad de la Investigación y la Educación
Superior (FECIES). Asociación Española de
Psicología Conductual, Universidad de Deusto y
Universidad de Granada. Bilbao (Spain)
Pueyo, R. “Investigación en neurociencia”.
Facultat de Ciències Socials, Universitat Abat
Oliba CEU. Barcelona (Spain)
Quera, V. “Behavior sequence analysis”.
Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa.
Lisboa (Portugal)
Supèr, H. “Eye vergence as a measure of cognitive
visual processing. Clinical applications of Smart
glasses”. University of Twente. Enschede (The
Supèr, H. “Mental Eye Movement (MEM): a
proposition for a new role of vergence”. Radboud
University. Nijmegen (The Netrelands)
Supèr, H. “From Visca to Braingaze”. 1a Jornada
d'Innovació del CSdM. Mataró (Spain)
Tous, J.M.; Liutsko, L.; Malova, Y.; Gutiérrez, J.
“Proprioceptive diagnostics of temperament
and character as a tool for psychophysiological
studies”. X International interdisciplinary
congress Neuroscience for Medicine and
Psychology. I.P. Pavlov Russian Physiological
Society. Sudak (Russia)
Via, M. “Proyecto '1000 Genomes'. Mesa
Redonda: Actualización de los grandes
proyectos genómicos”. Barcelona (Spain)
Adan, A. “Chronotype and mental health”. XVI
World Congress of Psychiatry. World Psychiatry
Association. Madrid (Spain)
Aguilar-Lleyda, D; Tubau, E., López-Moliner, J.
Biases in number representation as a byproduct of optimising visuomotor responses.
Vision Science Society Meeting, St Petersburg,
Florida (USA)
Anguera, M.T. Ahondando vías para la
Iberoamericano de Psicología. Lisbon (Portugal)
Annual report 2014
Anguera, M.T., Camerino, O. & Castañer, M.
“Appying mixed methods research to sport,
physical education and dance”. Mixed-Methods
International Research Association Conference.
Boston (USA)
Chamizo, V.D.; Rodríguez, C.A.; Torres, I.;
Torres, M.N.; Mackintosh, N.J. “What makes a
landmark effective?”. Associative Learning
Symposium XVIII. University of Cardiff. Wales
Anguera, M.T. & Sánchez-Algarra, P.
“Quantitizing and qualitizing: The benefits of
observational methodology”. Mixed-Methods
International Research Association Conference.
Boston (USA)
Chamizo, V.D.; Rodríguez, C.A.; Mackintosh,
N.J. “What makes a landmark effective in
juvenile rats?”. First joint Portuguese-Spanish
Meeting on Comparative Psychology with the
XXVI. International Meeting of the Spanish
Society for Comparative Psychology. Braga
Ballester-Plané, J.; Laporta-Hoyos, O.; Macaya,
A.; Póo, P.; Meléndez, M.; Vázquez, E.;
Delgado, I.; Narberhaus, A.; Castelló, T.; Russi,
M.E.; Tenorio, V.; Zubiaurre-Elorza, L.; TorrojaNualart, C.; Segarra, D.; Pueyo, R. “Total and
regional corpus callosum volumes are related to
intelligence and motor function in dyskinetic
cerebral palsy”. European Academy of
Paediatrics. Barcelona (Spain)
Barrios, M.; Guilera, G.; Gómez-Benito, J.
“Influence of meta-analytical studies on
individual impact indicators”. 28th International
Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris (France)
Barrios, M.; Guilera,
“Selection of the most
for schizophrenia: An
European Congress of
(The Netherlands)
G.; Gómez-Benito, J.
suitable ICF categories
expert survey study”.
Methodology. Utrecht
Bosch, L. “The emerging lexical-semantic
system: Findings from a cross-language, direct
assessment of word comprehension”. IRG
challenges in linguistic research. Amsterdam
(The Netherlands)
Bosch, L.; Ramon-Casas, M. “Exploring phonetic
perception, categorization and phonemic
representation in young bilinguals: the
challenge of input variability”. IRG Conference:
Negotiating methodological challenges in
linguistic research. Fribourg (Switzerland)
Celdrán, M.; Baeza, R.; Moragas, O.; Sullà, M.
“Grandparent visitation rights in Spain: Are
grandparent voices taken into account to grant
or deny visits?”. International conference “Care,
Health and Well-being: the views of older
people”. Faro (Portugal)
Conde-Sala, J.L. “Discrepancias respecto a la
percepción de la calidad de vida de los pacientes
con la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Estudio
longitudinal de 3 años”. Jornada de Conclusión
de las sesiones generales de Investigación.
Institut d'Assistència Sanitària, Hospital Sta.
Caterina. Institut d'Assistència Sanitària de
Girona. Girona (Spain)
de la Malla and López-Moliner, J. Hitting targets
moving in simple harmonic motion. European
Conference in Visual perception, Belgrade
de la Malla and López-Moliner, J. Coupling
Reaction and Movement times. Vision Science
Society Meeting, St Petersburg, Florida (USA)
Ferrer-Garcia M.; Gutiérrez-Maldonado J.; Pla
J.; Riva, G.; Andreu-Gracia, A.; Dakanalis, A.;
Fernández-Aranda, F.; Forcano, L.; RibasSabaté, J.; Riesco, N.; Rus-Calafell, M.; Sánchez,
I.; Sánchez-PLanell, L. “Development of a VR
Application for Binge Eating Treatment:
Identification of Contexts and Cues Related to
Bingeing Behavior in Spanish and Italian
Patients”. 19th Annual CyberPsychology and
CyberTherapy Conference. Virtual Reality
Medical Institute. Washington (USA).
Gallardo-Pujol, D. “Under pressure to obey and
conform: The role of character in a virtual
reprise of Milgram’s experiment”. Fifteenth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology. Austin (USA)
Annual report 2014
Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J.; Ferrer-Garcia, M.; Pla,
J.; Andrés-Pueyo, A. “Virtual humans and
formative assessment to train diagnostic skills in
bulimia nervosa”. 19th Annual CyberPsychology
and CyberTherapy Conference. Virtual Reality
Medical Institute. Washington (USA)
Laporta-Hoyos, O.; Ballester-Plané, J.; Vázquez,
E.; Delgado, I.; Narberhaus, A.; Póo, P.;
Macaya, A.; Meléndez, M.; Castelló, T.; Russi,
M.E.; Tenorio, V.; Zubiaurre-Elorza, L.;
Miralbell, J.; Segarra, D.; Pueyo, R. “Association
of motor function with basal ganglia and
thalamus volumes in dyskinetic cerebral palsy”.
European Academy of Paediatrics. Barcelona
Laporta-Hoyos, O.; López-Vera, S.; Pueyo, R.;
Mataró, M.; Jurado, M. Á.; Ariza, M.; GarcíaDíaz, A. I.; Caldú, X.; Clemente, I. “Factores
relacionados con la utilidad percibida del
material interactivo (e-learning) o en papel
(aprendizaje tradicional)”. CIDUI Congrés
internacional de Docència Universitària i
Innovació. Congrés Internacional Docència
Universitària e Innovació (CIDUI). Tarragona
Liutsko, L.; Iglesias, T.; Tous, J.M.
“Proprioceptive indicators of temperament and
character in children with ADHD”. International
academic conference “Education, Culture and
Society”. Wroclaw (Poland)
Liutsko, L.; Gutiérrez, J.; Ferrer Garcia, M.;
Malova, Y. “Relación del BMI (body-mass index)
con los componentes verbales y propioceptivos
de la personalidad como indicadores
constructivos de la inteligencia emocional”. II
Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional. Barcelona
Liutsko, L.; Malova, Y.; Gutiérrez, J.; Tous, J.M.
“Proprioceptive personality reconstruction in
immigrants in Spain”. International conference
Ethnoculturtal identity as a strategic resource of
consciousness of society the condition of global.
Prague (Check republic)
Liutsko, L.; Tous, J.M.; Gutiérrez, J. “How are
you feeling? Propioceptive keys of emotional
intelligence”. Congrés Internacional d'Educació
Emocional. Psicologia positiva i benestar. ICE –
UB. Barcelona (Spain)
Liutsko, L.; Tous, J.M.; Segura, S. “Effects of
dual task (fine motor precision + cognitive
charge) on proprioception.” International
academic conference “Education, Culture and
Society”. Wroclaw (Poland)
López-Moliner, J.; de la Malla, C. “Predictive
plus online information optimizes precision”.
European Conference on Visual Perception,
Belgrade (Serbia)
López-Moliner, J.; Brenner, E. “When one must
look at the ball in order to be able to catch it”.
Vision Science Society Meeting, St Petersburg,
Florida (USA)
Magallón, E.; Forns, M.; Kirchner, T.; Soler, L.;
Segura, A. “Patrones de Poli-victimización,
Psicopatología y Personalidad”. X Congreso
Nacional de Trastorno de la Personalidad.
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Barcelona
Magallón-Neri, E.; Forns, M.; Amat, C.;
Kirchner, T. “Evaluación ecológica momentánea
en adolescentes con síndrome de Asperger”. IV
Symposium Nacional Psicología Clínica y de la
Salud con Niños y Adolescentes. Elche (Spain)
Manolov, R. “Reflections on single-case data
analysis”. EARLI SIG 15: Special Education needs:
Challenges in Learning and instruction.
Universität Zürich. Zürich (Switzerland)
Manolov, R.; Krasny-Pacini, A.; Evans, J.;
Chevignard, M. “Evidence-based rehabilitation
using single-case experimental designs: From
protocol design to statistical interpretation of
intervention effect”. 19th European Congress of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. European
Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Marsella (France)
Manolov. R.; Leiva, D.; Peró-Cebollero, M.;
Solanas, A.; Guàrdia-Olmos, J.; Losada, J.L. “La
evaluación individual, grupal y por pares: ¿qué
aporta en “Técnicas de Investigación?”. VIII
Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària
i Innovació. ICE-UB. Tarragona (Spain)
Maydeu-Olivares, A. “Goodness of fit in
covariance structure models”. Society of
Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Nashville
Annual report 2014
Maydeu-Olivares, A. “Instrumental variable
estimation of structural equation models in
Marketing: Issues and Solutions”. Marketing
Dept. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill
Marquez-Arrico, J.E.; López-Vera, S.; Benaiges,
I.; Adan, A. “Influence of dual diagnosis’
comorbidity in health related quality of life”. XVI
World Congress of Psychiatry. World Psychiatry
Association. Madrid (Spain)
Marquez-Arrico, J.E.; Prat, G.; Benaiges, I.;
Adan, A. “Temperament and character
dimensions in patients with dual diagnosis:
Differences regarding comorbidity” XVI World
Congress of Psychiatry. World Psychiatry
Association. Madrid (Spain)
Saldaña, O.; Escartín, E.; Martín-Peña, J.;
Jiménez, Y.; Ceja, L.; Varela-Rey, A.; Vidal, T.;
Rodríguez-Carballeira, A. “Fortalezas personales
relacionadas con el rendimiento académico y
profesional en el campo de la Psicología Social y
la Psicología Social Aplicada”. I Congreso
Internacional de Educación Emocional. ICE-UB.
Barcelona (Spain)
Núñez-Peña, M. I.; Bono Cabré, R.; SuárezPellicioni, M. “Evaluación formativa en
Educación Superior: Impacto en estudiantes con
ansiedad a las matemáticas”. Congrés
Internacional de Docència Universitària o
Innovació. Tarragona (Spain)
Paz, C.; Pucurull, O.; Feixas, G. “Content
analysis of cognitive conflicts in anxiety
patients”. 45th International annual meeting of
the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Society
for Psychotherapy Research. Copenhagen
Peró-Cebollero, M.; Guàrdia-Olmos, J.;
Manolov. R.; Leiva, D.; Solanas, A.; Losada, J.L.;
Salafranca, Ll.; Turbany, J. “Utilitat del treball
de recerca en el procés d’aprenentatge en
l’assignatura de Tècniques de Recerca”. VIII
Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària
i Innovació. ICE-UB. Tarragona (Spain)
Saldaña, O.; Escartín, E.; Martín-Peña, J.;
Jiménez, Y.; Ceja, L.; Varela-Rey, A.; Vidal, T.;
Rodríguez-Carballeira, A. “Fortalezas personales
relacionadas con el rendimiento académico y
profesional en el campo de la Psicología Social y
la Psicología Social Aplicada”. I Congreso
Internacional de Educación Emocional. ICE-UB.
Barcelona (Spain)
Supèr, H. “Role of vergence during eye fixation
in orienting visual attention”. Vision Science
Society. Floriday (USA)
Supèr, H.; Solé Puig, M.; Pérez Zapata, L.;
Puigcerver, L.; Esposito, F.L.; Esperalba López,
N.; Sánchez, C.; del Castillo, G.; Cañete
Crespillo, J. “Attention related eye vergence is
disrupted in children with adhd”. XVI World
Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid (Spain)
Trujillo, A.; Paz, C.; Pucurull, O.; Ortiz, E.;
Feixas, G. “Using the CORE-OM in Spanish to
assess change in psychotherapy in primary
care”. 45th International annual meeting of the
Society for Psychotherapy Research. Society for
envejecimiento”. Villahermosa (México)
Pereda, N.; Guilera, G.; Abad, J. “The burden of
lifetime polyvictimization in psychological
distress”. International Family Violence and
Child Victimization Research Conference. Crimes
against Children Research Center. Portsmouth
Annual report 2014
9. Event organization
During 2014 the workshop titled “Jornada de
treball en neurociencia, conducta I noves
tecnologies” was organized by Institute for
Brain, Cognition and Behavior (IR3C) of
University de Barcelona and the Biomedical
Engineering Research Centre (CREB) of
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The
workshop was held the 22nd of January 2015 at
Palau de les Heures, Campus Mundet.
The objective of the workshop was to promote
the collaboration between IR3C and CREB and
the program was consciently organized to
achieve the goal. First, Dr. Carles Escera director
of IR3C and Dr. Pere Caminal director from CREB
opened the ceremony. Afterwards, during the
morning, 16 oral presentations were done by
researchers from both centers which clearly
evidenced the potential synergies among
research groups. Then, during the afternoon,
researchers could further interact and talk
about future collaborating projects in a relax
atmosphere by meetings previously arrenged.
Finally, the event was closed with smiles and
laughter motivated by Big Van Theory, a
scientific dissemination group.
The workshop was successful and fruitful; about
a hundred people attended and promoted the
beginning of a dozen collaborations between
IR3C and CREB researchers.
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