How to compare two white textile inks

How to compare two white Textile Inks
in the Ink Room
1. Prepare a screen with a mesh of 43 s/cm (110 s/inch) with two exactly equal
figures having relatively large areas. It is suggested a minimum area of 8 x 8
cm and a separation between the figures of a minimum of 4 cm. The bigger the
figures, the better.
2. Place the two inks to be compared at the edge of each figure on the screen,
one for each figure.
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]
3. The strickle or squeegee must have a hardness of 70D or 80D and have a
minimum length to be able to sweep both figures completely.
4. The fabric to be printed must be colored black and must overlap the two
figures on the screen by several centimeters.
5. Make an initial print to penetrate the mesh with both inks. Dry. Apply a
second pass. Discard this first printing.
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]
6. Place a new cloth, the same as the other one and print, go forward,
come back, go forward, come back. Dry. Remove the cloth and heat
cure it in the dryer at 160 °C (1 minute). This is the test printing on one hand.
7. Place the other cloth the same as the former one to make another print, but
this time it will be to test both hands. Print go and return, go and return. Predry
print again, go and return, go and return. Remove the cloth and heat cure
in the dryer at 160 °C (1 minute).
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to get a second set of samples for washing tests.
1. Coverage: Check the printing on one hand and both hands for the
difference in coverage.
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]
2. Whiteness: Check the difference in whiteness of the printing of both
3. Softness: Check the printing on one hand and both hands for the softness
to touch.
4. Elasticity: Check the printing of both hands for the level of elasticity,
stretching the fabric in the sense perpendicular to the lay of the fibers. It must
be checked which breaks first.
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]
5. Flexibility: In the printing on both hands double both printings and check
which is harder to double.
6. Washing: Submit the second set of samples to washing according to
client’s standard. To see which printing has loosened more, the cloths have to
be dried afterwards in the curing dryer.
PRINTOP® is a registered trademark of SOCIEDAD QUÍMICA ALEMANA S.A.
Headquarters: Av. Revolución 842 – Zona Industrial – Ventanilla / Callao Lima – Perú
Phone: +(51-1) 613-4242 Fax: +(51-1) 613-4243 / [email protected]