GAIA : BANQUE DOCUMENTAIRE : Genre et budgets : Analyse et

et budgets :
Analyse et information
dans les
Genre et budgets
: Amériques
Analyse et information dans les Amériques
Réseau des femmes parlementaires des Amériques
Réseau des femmes parlementaires des Amériques
Table des matières
Présentation de la banque documentaire GAIA............................................................................3
Glossaires .....................................................................................................................................3
Documents de référence...............................................................................................................3
Bibliothèques virtuelles et banques de données...........................................................................5
Théories et concepts.....................................................................................................................5
Analyse différenciée selon le genre (mainstreaming) ...............................................................8
Outils généraux et méthodologie ..................................................................................................9
Instruments de formation ........................................................................................................11
Initiatives et projets (général)......................................................................................................12
Initiatives et projets par thème ....................................................................................................13
Développement durable ..........................................................................................................13
Éducation ................................................................................................................................13
Lutte contre la pauvreté ..........................................................................................................13
Violence ..................................................................................................................................14
Initiatives et projets dans les Amériques.....................................................................................14
Amérique latine et Antilles (général) .......................................................................................14
Amérique du Nord ...................................................................................................................15
États-Unis d'Amérique......................................................................................................15
Amérique centrale ...................................................................................................................16
Antilles ....................................................................................................................................16
Région andine .........................................................................................................................17
Pérou ..................................................................................................................................17
Cône Sud ................................................................................................................................17
Brésil ..................................................................................................................................17
Chili ....................................................................................................................................18
Initiatives et projets dans les autres régions ou pays .................................................................18
Afrique du Sud ..................................................................................................................19
Côte d’Ivoire ......................................................................................................................20
Ghana .................................................................................................................................20
Mauritanie ..........................................................................................................................20
Asie et Moyen-Orient ..............................................................................................................21
Philippines .........................................................................................................................22
Indonésie ...........................................................................................................................22
Pakistan .............................................................................................................................22
Europe ....................................................................................................................................22
France ................................................................................................................................23
Pays basque ......................................................................................................................23
Initiatives et projets des organisations interparlementaires ........................................................24
Union interparlementaire.........................................................................................................24
Initiatives et projets des organisations intergouvernementales ..................................................25
Commonwealth Secretariat.....................................................................................................25
Nordic Council of Ministers .....................................................................................................25
Organisation de coopération et développement économiques (OCDE) .................................25
Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) ..................................................................................26
Initiatives et projets locaux..........................................................................................................26
Principaux sites internet de référence.........................................................................................28
Répertoires de personnes-ressources........................................................................................30
Principales activités réalisées (conférences, séminaires, formations) ........................................30
Présentation de la banque documentaire GAIA
Conçue et créée par le Réseau des femmes parlementaires des Amériques, la banque
documentaire GAIA présente les principales études et analyses publiées en matière de budget
analysé selon le genre, en accordant une attention particulière aux publications et initiatives
réalisées dans les Amériques. Elle a principalement pour but d’informer les parlementaires des
concepts de base et des outils permettant une analyse différenciée selon le genre des budgets
nationaux ou locaux. En référant à diverses initiatives existantes dans différents pays, à des
sites internet spécialisés ainsi qu’à certaines personnes-ressources en la matière, cette banque
documentaire offre également un appui aux parlementaires intéressés à élaborer un tel projet
au sein de leur propre assemblée.
Glosario d’Infopolis (ES)
Documents de référence
Bartle, John R. and Marilyn Marks Rubin. "The Potential of Gender Budgeting: Has its Day
Come?", 2002. (EN)))
Budlender, Debbie. "Review of Gender Budget Initiatives", 2001. (EN)))
Budlender, Debbie. "A Global Assessment of Gender Responsive Budget Initatives", 2001.
Budlender, Debbie et al. "Gender Budgets Make Cents : Understanding Gender Responsive
Budgets", vol.1, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2002. (EN)))
Budlender, Debbie y Rhonda Sharp. "How to Do a Gender-Sensitive Budget Analysis :
Contemporary Research and Practice", Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999. (EN)))
"Cómo Realizar un Análisis de Presupuesto Sensible al Género: Investigaciones y Prácticas
Contemporáneas". (ES)
Elson, Diane. "Accountability for the Progress of Women : Women Demanding Action" in
Diane Elson, Progress of the World’s Women : UNIFEM Biennal Report, New York, United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2002. (EN)))
"Responsabilidad por el progreso de la mujer: las mujeres exigen acción" en El progreso de
las mujeres en el mundo. (ES)
"Obligation de rendre compte du progrès des femmes : les femmes exigent des résultats"
dans Le progrès des femmes à travers le monde. (FR)
Elson, Diane. "Iniciativas de Presupuestos con Enfoque de Género como Ayuda a la
Transversalidad de Género", Presentación en la Conferencia sobre Presupuestos Públicos
con Enfoque de Género, Vitoria, Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, 1-2 Octubre de
2001. (ES)
International Center for Research on Women. "Gender Analysis of Budgets : Background
Brief", 2002. (EN)))
Lowe Morna, Colleen. "Gender Budgeting : Myths and Realities", At the 25 Years
International Womens Politics Workshop, Bonn, 13-14 October 2000. (EN)))
Sarraf, Feridoun. "Gender-Responsive Government Budgeting", FMI, 2003. (EN)))
Autres documents non disponibles dans Internet
Condition féminine Canada. "Budgets et égalité des sexes : un aperçu", Direction de
l’analyse comparative entre les sexes, février 2000. (FR)
Hurt, Karen and Debbie Budlender. Money Matters: Women and the Government Budget,
South Africa, IDASA, 1998. (EN)))
Hurt, Karen and Debbie Budlender. Money Matters 2: Women and the Local Government
Budget, South Africa, IDASA, 2000. (EN)))
Hurt, Karen and Debbie Budlender. Money Matters 3: Women and Government Revenue,
South Africa, IDASA, 2001. (EN)))
Bibliothèques virtuelles et banques de données
Note : À partir de la fin septembre 2003, le site Genie sera incorporé au site Siyanda. Le site
Genie demeure tout de même en ligne pour trois mois à partir de cette date.
Biblioteca Digital "Presupuestos Públicos En-clave de Género" de Infopolis (ES)
Genie- Gender Information Exchange (Résumé en anglais - EN)))))
Siyanda - Mainstreaming Gender Equality (Résumé en anglais - EN)))
Théories et concepts
Bakker, Isabella (York University, Toronto, Canada). "Fiscal Policy, Accountability and
Voice : The Example of Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives", UNDP, 2002. (EN)))
Beltrán Barco, Arlette (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú). "Análisis del Presupuesto Público
con Enfoque de Género", Documento de trabajo, Proyecto sobre la Transparencia
Presupuestal, Mayo 2001. (ES)
Demery, Lionel. "Gender and Public Spending", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels (EN)))
Towards/ldemeryGender%20benefit%20incidence %20September%202001.doc
Elson, Diane. "Gender Budget Initiative : Background Papers", Commonwealth Secretariat,
1999. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "Gender Budget Initiatives as an Aid to Gender Mainstreaming", Paris,
November 23-24, 2000. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives : Some Key Dimensions and Practical
Examples", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting, A High Level Conference hosted by
the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial
Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels (EN)))
Ferrán de Urdaneta, Lourdes (Universidad Central de Venezuela). "Género, Presupuestos
Gubernamentales y Cuentas Nacionales", Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe :
Reducción de la Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Género, Panel no. 7 :
Presupuestos Nacionales con Enfoque de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de
Agosto de 2002. (ES)
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena (FUNDAR, México). "Análisis de Presupuestos con Enfoque de
Género", Seminario-Taller : Elaboración de Presupuestos en Salud con Perspectiva de
Género, México, 15 al 17 de Abril de 2002. (ES)
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena. "A Practical Tool to Advance Towards Equity", Gender and
Development in Brief, No.12, 2002. (EN)))
"Género y presupuestos: Una herramienta práctica para avanzar hacia la equidad", Género
y Desarrollo en breve. (ES)
"Genre et budgets : un instrument au service de l’équité", Développement et genre en bref.
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena. "Gender and Budgets : Overview Report", in Gender and
Budgets Cutting Edge Pack, BRIDGE, 2003. (EN)
Hofbauer Balmori, H., Sánchez-Hidalgo, D. y V. Zebadúa Yáñez. "Presupuestos Sensibles
Al Género: Conceptos y Elementos Básicos", Ministry of Health, 2002. (ES)
Rake, Katherine. "Introducing a Human Dimension to the Economy: Engendering the
Budget", 2001. (EN)))
Ruyter Van Steveninck, M.A. de and A.W. de Groot. "Gender and Economic Development,
the Work of Diane Elson, Summary and Comments, Final Report", Rotterdam : The
Netherlands - DGSI and NEI, 1998. (EN)
Scott, Roxanne. "Gender Responsive Approach to Budgets", World Bank. (EN)))
UNIFEM, Región andina. "Iniciativas Presupuestarias Sensibles al Género" (ES)
Vandemoortele, J. "Are User Fees and Narrow Targeting Gender-neutral ?", United Nations
Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 2002. (EN)))
VeneKlasen, L. "The Politics of Gender Budget Work: Linking Research and Advocacy".
Zebadúa Yáñez, Verónica (FUNDAR, México). "Presupuestos Sensibles al Género : La
Experiencia Mexicana", Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe : Reducción de la
Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Género, Panel no. 7 : Presupuestos
Nacionales con Enfoque de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de Agosto de 2002.
Dossier Informativo "Presupuestos Públicos En-clave de Género" (ES)
Autres documents non disponibles dans Internet
AGENDE (Brasil). "Monitoreamiento do Orçamento e Evaluación das Politicas Publicas sob
a Perspectiva de Gênero", Documento sin publicar, 2000. (PO)
Elson, Diane. "A Tool for Implementing the Platform for Action: Gender-Sensitive Budget
Analysis", Paper presented for the Workshop on Gender, Macroeconomics and
Globalization hosted by the UNDP, Ford Foundation, University of Utah and MacArthur
Foundation, New York, 25-26 March, 1999. (EN)
Elson, Diane. "Gender-Neutral, Gender-Blind, or Gender-Sensitive Budget ? : Changing the
Conceptual Framework to Include Women's Empowerment and The Economy of Care",
Preparatory Country Mission to Integrate Gender into National Budgetary Policies and
Procedure, London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1997. (EN)
Hartmann, Heidi. "A Feminist Perspective on the Federal Budget: A Summary", Briefing
Paper, Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) Publication, 1996. (EN)
Palmer, Ingrid. "Public Finance from a Gender Perspective", World Development, Vol. 23,
No.11, 1995, pp. 1981-1986. (EN)
Sharp, Rhonda. "Women's Budgets" in Meg Lewis and Janice Petersen (eds.), Feminist
Dictionary of Economics, New York, Edward Elgar Publishers, 1999. (EN)
Zamora Rivas, Miriam y Rosalía Soley Reyes (Mélida Anaya Montes, San Salvador).
Análisis del Presupuesto General del Estado desde la Prespectiva de Género, Movimiento
de Mujeres Mélida Anaya Montes, Agosto de 2000. (ES)
Analyse différenciée selon le genre (mainstreaming)
Brève description
L’analyse différenciée selon le genre (mainstreaming) évalue et compare les répercussions
de diverses politiques et mesures législatives et gouvernementales sur les femmes et le
hommes, dans une multitude de domaines, par exemple la santé et l'éducation. Les budgets
constituent ainsi l’un des nombreux aspects pouvant faire l’objet d’une analyse différenciée
ou comparative selon le genre. La présente section de la banque documentaire a pour but
de proposer quelques textes de référence sur l’analyse différenciée ou comparative selon le
genre, qui présentent les théories et les concepts généraux à la base de cette approche.
Pour en savoir davantage sur l’analyse différenciée ou comparative selon le genre et ses
applications, voir la bibliographie et la liste de personnes-ressources mentionnées à la fin de
la présente section.
BRIDGE. Development and Gender in Brief: Approaches to Institutionalising Gender, May
1997. (EN)))
Bureau de l'égalité entre hommes et femmes, "Gender! A Partnership of Equals
(Approaching Gender Issues)", Genève, Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), 2000.
Derbyshire, Helen. "Mainstreaming: Gender Manual: A Practical Guide for Development
Policymakers and Practitioners", UK, Department for International Development, 2002.
Human Resources Development Canada. "Gender-based Analysis Backgrounder", 1997.
Développement des ressources humaines Canada. "Analyse comparative entre les sexes Document de fond", 1997. (FR)
Human Resources Development Canada. "Gender-based Analysis Guide", 1997. (EN)
Développement des ressources humaines Canada. "Guide pour l’analyse comparative entre
les sexes", 1997. (FR)
Massé, Hélène, Laberge, Michèle et Ginette Massé. "L'analyse différenciée selon les sexes
au gouvernement du Québec : vers une mobilisation interne et des alliances stratégiques
pour l'égalité", Lien social et Politiques, No. 47, 2002. (FR)
Meentzen, Angela y Enrique Gomáriz. "Aplicando la Democracia de Género : Estudio sobre
la Implementación Metodológica y Operativa de la Democracia de Género en la
Planificación y Evaluación de Proyectos", Berlín, Fundación Heinrich Böll, Abril 2002. (ES)
Status of Women Canada. "Gender-based Analysis: A Guide for Policy-Making", 1998.
Condition féminine Canada. "Analyse comparative entre les sexes : Guide d'élaboration de
politiques", 1998. (FR)
Status of Women Canada. "An Integrated Approach to Gender-based Analysis". (EN)))
Condition féminine Canada. "Une approche intégrée à l'analyse comparative entre les
sexes". (FR)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). "Gender Mainstreaming Learning and
Information Packs", 2001. (EN)
"Mainstreaming: Bibliographies", Department for International Development, UK (DFID),
1999. (EN)
"Mainstreaming: Contacts", Department for International Development, UK (DFID), 1999.
Outils généraux et méthodologie
Beltrán Barco, Arlette (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú). "Análisis del Presupuesto Público
con Enfoque de Género", Documento de trabajo, Proyecto sobre la Transparencia
Presupuestal, Mayo 2001. (ES)
Elson, Diane. "Gender Budget Initiative Tools", Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999. (EN)
Elson, Diane. "Gender Budget Initiatives as an Aid to Gender Mainstreaming", Paris,
November 23-24, 2000. (EN)))
Esim, Simel. "Impact of Government Budgets on Poverty and Gender Equality", International
Center for Research on Women (ICRW), April 2000. (EN)))
Hewitt, Guy. "GRBI: Tools and Methodology", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)))
Himmelweit, Susan. "Tools for Budget Impact Analysis: Taxes and Benefits", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)))
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena. "Gender and Budgets : Overview Report", in Gender and
Budgets Cutting Edge Pack, BRIDGE, 2003. (EN)))
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Claudia Vinay Rojas (FUNDAR, México). "Presupuestos
Sensibles al Género : Herramientas Metodológicas : Experiencias Internacionales y de
México", Proyecto Fortaleciendo la Incidencia de Mujeres Líderes en Presupuestos
Públicos con Enfoque de Généro, Fundar y Equidad de Généro, Diciembre 2002. (ES)
Krug, B. and I. Van Staveren. "Gender Audit: Whim or Voice", 2002. (EN)))
Martínez Medina, Concepción (Equidad de Genero : Ciudadana, Trabajo y Familia AC,
México). "Hacia la Construcción de Presupuestos Sensibles al Género : Metodología de
Seguimiento y Evaluación de los Recursos Destinados a Tres Programas de Combate a la
Pobreza en México", Primer Encuentro de Investigación Aplicada sobre Desarrollo Social :
Resultados del Programa de Investigación para el Desarrollo Local 2002, Secretaría de
Desarrollo Social y Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Social de México, Febrero y Marzo
2002. (ES)
Philippe-Raynaud, Françoise. "Le jaune budgétaire des droits des femmes", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (FR)étaire.doc
Scott, Roxanne. "Gender Responsive Approach to Budgets", World Bank. (EN)))
Sen, Gita. "Gender Mainstreaming in Finance : A Reference Manual for Governments and
Other Stakeholders", Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999. (EN))
Swirski, Barbara. "What is a Gender Audit", August 2002. (EN)))
Vinay Rojas, Claudia, Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Lucía Pérez Fragoso (FUNDAR, México).
"Mujeres y Pobreza : El Presupuesto del Gasto Social Focalizado Visto Desde la
Perspectiva de Género", Proyecto Fortaleciendo la Incidencia de Mujeres Líderes en
Presupuestos Públicos con Enfoque de Généro, Fundar y Equidad de Généro, Noviembre
2001. (ES)
Autres documents non disponibles dans Internet
Elson, Diane. "Integrating Gender Issues into Public Expenditure : Six Tools", Mimeo,
GENECON Unit, Graduate School of Sciences, University of Manchester, 1997. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "Integrating Gender Issues into National Budgetary Policies and Procedures
within the Context of Economic Reform: Some Policy Options", Preparatory Country Mission
to Integrate Gender into National Budgetary Policies and Procedure, London,
Commonwealth Secretariat, 1997. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "The Development of Policy Options for Governments to Integrate Gender into
National Budgetary Policies and Procedure: Tool 3, Gender-Aware Policy Evaluation of
Public Expenditure by Sector", Preparatory Country Mission to Integrate Gender into
National Budgetary Policies and Procedure, London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1997.
Elson, Diane. "The Development of Policy Options for Governments to Integrate Gender into
National Budgetary Policies and Procedure : Tool 1, Gender-Disaggregated Beneficiary
Assessment of Public Service Delivery and Budget Priorities", Preparatory Country Mission
to Integrate Gender into National Budgetary Policies and Procedure, London,
Commonwealth Secretariat, 1997. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "The Development of Policy Options for Governments to Integrate Gender into
National Budgetary Policies and Procedure: Tool 2, Gender-Disaggregated Public
Expenditure Incidence Analysis", Preparatory Country Mission to Integrate Gender into
National Budgetary Policies and Procedure, London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1997.
Guerrero, Elizabeth y Alejandra Valdes (Hexagrama Consultoras, Chile). "Matriz de Análisis
de los presupuestos municipales", Documento preliminar, 2000. (ES)
Instruments de formation
Budlender, Debbie & Rondha Sharp. "How to Do a Gender-Sensitive Budget Analysis :
Contemporary Research and Practice", Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999. (EN)))
"Cómo Realizar un Análisis de Presupuesto Sensible al Género : Investigaciones y
Prácticas Contemporáneas" (ES)
Elson, Diane. "Gender Budget Initiative Tools", Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999. (EN)))
Hofbauer Balmori, H., Sánchez-Hidalgo, D. y V. Zebadúa Yáñez. "Presupuestos Sensibles
Al Género: Conceptos y Elementos Básicos", Ministry of Health, 2002. (ES)
Autres documents non disponibles dans Internet
CASE, GETNET and UNIFEM. Money Matters : Workshop Materials on Gender and
Government Budgets, Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, 2000. (EN)))
Robinson, Sarah (ed.). "The Purse or The Wallet? Proceedings of the Women's Budget
Group Seminar", held at Church House Conference Centre, Westminster, London, February
12, London: Fawcett Society. (EN)))
Rusimbi, M., Budlender, D., Shayo, R. and S. Pehrsson. "Checklist for Mainstreaming
Gender into the Government Budget", Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Ministry of Finance,
September 2000. (EN)))
Initiatives et projets (général)
Bakker, Isabella (York University, Toronto, Canada). "Fiscal Policy, Accountability and
Voice : The Example of Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives", UNDP, 2002. (EN)))
Budlender, Debbie et Guy Hewitt. "Gender Budgets Make More Cents : Country Studies and
Good Practice Book and Report", vol.2, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2002. (EN)))
Elson, Diane. "Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives : Some Key Dimensions and Practical
Examples", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by
the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial
Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels (EN)
"Gender Perspective on Budgeting: Country Responses", 22nd Annual Meeting of Senior
Budget Officials, OECD, Paris, 21-22 May 2001 (EN) (FR)
"Committing to the Global Vision that all Governments Should Engage in Gender
Responsive Budgeting by 2015" (EN)))
Initiatives et projets par thème
Développement durable
Elson, Diane and Nilufer Cagatay. "Engendering Macroeconomic Policy and Budgets for
Sustainable Development", First Global Forum on Human Development, New York, UN, July
1999. (EN)))
Demery, Lionel. "Gender and Public Spending", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
activities/Towards/ldemeryGender%20benefit%20incidence %20September%202001.doc
Senapaty, Manju. "Gender Budget Initiative in India—Education Sector Insights", The
Department for International Development, UK (DFID)-India, July 2002. (EN)))
Lutte contre la pauvreté
Budlender, Debbie and Neil Newman, dir. "Developmental Social Welfare: Who Benefits,
Who Pays ?", IDASA. (EN)))
Martínez Medina, Concepción (Equidad de Genero : Ciudadana, Trabajo y Familia AC,
México). "Hacia la Construcción de Presupuestos Sensibles al Género : Metodología de
Seguimiento y Evaluación de los Recursos Destinados a Tres Programas de Combate a la
Pobreza en México", Primer Encuentro de Investigación Aplicada sobre Desarrollo Social :
Resultados del Programa de Investigación para el Desarrollo Local 2002, Secretaría de
Desarrollo Social y Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Social de México, Febrero y Marzo
2002. (ES)
Montealegre, Eduardo (Ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público de Nicaragua).
"Presupuestos Nacionales como Herramienta para la Implementación de las Políticas de
Reducción de la Pobreza", Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe : Reducción de la
Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Género, Panel no. 7 : Presupuestos
Nacionales con Enfoque de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de Agosto de 2002.
Vinay Rojas, Claudia, Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Lucía Pérez Fragoso (FUNDAR, México).
"Mujeres y Pobreza : El Presupuesto del Gasto Social Focalizado Visto Desde la
Perspectiva de Género", Proyecto Fortaleciendo la Incidencia de Mujeres Líderes en
Presupuestos Públicos con Enfoque de Généro, Fundar y Equidad de Généro, Noviembre
2001. (ES)
Demery, Lionel. "Gender and Public Spending", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)))
Towards/ldemeryGender%20benefit%20incidence %20September%202001.doc
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena (FUNDAR, México). "Análisis de Presupuestos con Enfoque de
Género", Seminario-Taller : Elaboración de Presupuestos en Salud con Perspectiva de
Género, México, 15 al 17 de Abril de 2002. (ES)
Hofbauer Balmori, H., Sánchez-Hidalgo, D. y V. Zebadúa Yáñez. "Presupuestos Sensibles
Al Género: Conceptos y Elementos Básicos", México, Secretaría de Salud, 2002. (ES)
Klugman, B. and D. McIntyre. "From Policy, Through Budgets, to Implementation: Delivering
Quality Health Care Services", IDASA, 2000. (EN)
Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR). State Financing of Initiatives to
Combat Violence Against Women, in collaboration with the South African Women’s Budget
Initiative, CASE, IDASA and GETNET. (EN)
Initiatives et projets dans les Amériques
Amérique latine et Antilles (général)
Borges Sugiyama, Natasha. "Gendered Budget Work in the Americas: Selected Country
Experiences", October 2002. (EN)
Esim, Simel. "Gender-Sensitive Budget Initiatives for Latin America & The Caribbean: A
Tool For Improving Accountability And Achieving Effective Policy Implementation", 2000.
"Iniciativas de Presupuestos para América Latina y el Caribe con Enfoque de Género : Una
Herramienta Para Mejorar la Fiscalización y Lograr la Implementación Efectiva de Políticas"
Moreno Ruiz, María José, Promoting Gender Equality through Public Budgets, LatinAmerican Experiences, German Technical Cooperation, Gender Sector Advisory Project,
March 2003. (EN)
UNIFEM, Región andina. "Iniciativas en América Latina". (ES)
Amérique du Nord
États-Unis d'Amérique
San Francisco CEDAW Taskforce / Commission on the Status of Women. "Guidelines for a
Gender Analysis : Human Rights with a Gender Perspective", United States, July 2000. (EN)
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena (FUNDAR, México). "Análisis de Presupuestos con Enfoque de
Género", Seminario-Taller : Elaboración de Presupuestos en Salud con Perspectiva de
Género, México, 15 al 17 de Abril de 2002. (ES)
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena. "Case Study: Gender Analysis in Policy Planning and Budgeting"
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Gabrial Lara (FUNDAR, México). "Del Discurso a la Práctica :
Invisibles en el Presupuesto", Pe$o$ y ContraPe$o$, Año 2, Num. 1, Marzo 2002. (ES)$o$ycontrape$o$-4.pdf
Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Claudia Vinay Rojas (FUNDAR, México). "Presupuestos
Sensibles al Género : Herramientas Metodológicas : Experiencias Internacionales y de
México", Proyecto Fortaleciendo la Incidencia de Mujeres Líderes en Presupuestos
Públicos con Enfoque de Généro, Fundar y Equidad de Généro, Diciembre 2002. (ES)
Martínez Medina, Concepción (Equidad de Genero : Ciudadana, Trabajo y Familia AC,
México). "Hacia la Construcción de Presupuestos Sensibles al Género : Metodología de
Seguimiento y Evaluación de los Recursos Destinados a Tres Programas de Combate a la
Pobreza en México", Primer Encuentro de Investigación Aplicada sobre Desarrollo Social :
Resultados del Programa de Investigación para el Desarrollo Local 2002, Secretaría de
Desarrollo Social y Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Social de México, Febrero y Marzo
2002. (ES)
Vinay Rojas, Claudia, Hofbauer Balmori, Helena y Lucía Pérez Fragoso (FUNDAR, México).
"Mujeres y Pobreza : El Presupuesto del Gasto Social Focalizado Visto Desde la
Perspectiva de Género", Proyecto Fortaleciendo la Incidencia de Mujeres Líderes en
Presupuestos Públicos con Enfoque de Généro, Fundar y Equidad de Généro, Noviembre
2001. (ES)
Zebadúa Yáñez, Verónica (FUNDAR, México). "Presupuestos Sensibles al Género : La
Experiencia Mexicana", Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe : Reducción de la
Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Género, Panel no. 7 : Presupuestos
Nacionales con Enfoque de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de Agosto de 2002.
Amérique centrale
Montealegre, Eduardo (Ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público de Nicaragua).
"Presupuestos Nacionales como Herramienta para la Implementación de las Políticas de
Reducción de la Pobreza", Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe : Reducción de la
Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Género, Panel no. 7 : Presupuestos
Nacionales con Enfoque de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de Agosto de 2002.
Dalrymple, Kelvin (Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Barbados). "Gender Sensitive
Budgeting : The Case of Barbados", UNDP Workshop on Pro-Poor, Gender- and
Environment-Sensitive Budgets, June 28-30,1999. (EN)
Région andine
Vargas-Valente, Virginia. "Budgets and Democratic Governance Processes", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Beltrán Barco, Arlette (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú). "Análisis del Presupuesto Público
con Enfoque de Género", Documento de trabajo, Proyecto sobre la Transparencia
Presupuestal, Mayo 2001. (ES)
Cône Sud
Butto Zarzar, Andrea Lorena. "Gender and the Participatory Budget in Recife", Gender and
Development in Brief, No.12., 2002. (EN)
"Género y el presupuesto participativo en Recife", Género y Desarrollo en breve. (ES)
"Genre et budget participatif à Recife", Développement et genre en bref. (FR)
CFEMEA e SOS Corpo (Brasil). "Estratégias para Transversalizar a Perspectiva de
Promoção da Igualdade de Gênero no Futuro Governo Lula", Centro Feminista de estudos
e Assessoria (CFEMEA), Novembro 2002. (PO)
IBAM (Brasil). "Gastos Públicos e Cidadania de Mulheres e Homens : Uma Comparação
entre Intenções (o orçamento) e Ações (o realizado) em Municípios Selecionados",
fevereiro de 2003. (PO)
Magalhães Graça, Eliana (Centro Feminista de Estudos e Assessoria, Brasil). "O CFEMEA
e o Contrôle dos Gastos Públicos", Centro Feminista de estudos e Assessoria (CFEMEA),
28 de Setembro de 2001. (PO)
Rodrigues, Almira (Centro Feminista de Estudos e Assessoria, Brasil). Construindo a
perspectiva de gênero na legislação e nas políticas públicas, Centro Feminista de Estudos
e Assessoria, (PO)
Valdés, Alejandra y Elizaberth Guerrero. "Género en los Presupuestos Municipales",
Hexagrama Consultoras, Chile, Octubre 2001. (ES)
Initiatives et projets dans les autres régions ou pays
Byanyima, Winnie. "Strengthening Parliamentary Governance through Gender Budgeting:
The Experience of Three African Countries", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
(Afrique du Sud, Tanzanie, Ouganda)
Fleshman, Michael. "Gender Budgets Seek More Equity", Afrique Relance, vol.16, no.1,
April 2002, pp.4-11. (EN) (Afrique du Sud, Tanzanie, Ouganda)
"Des budgets en quête d’équité entre les sexes" (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. Key Issues and Guidelines, Seminar on "Parliament and the
Budgetary Process, Including From a Gender Perspective", Nairobi (Kenya), 22 - 24 May
2000. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Conclusions et lignes directrices du séminaire régional : "Le
Parlement et le processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre
hommes et femmes", Naïrobi, Kenya, 22-24 mai 2000. (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. General Report of the Regional Seminar on "Parliament and the
Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective", Bamako (Mali), 1-3 November
2001. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Rapport général du séminaire régional : "Le Parlement et le
processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre hommes et femmes",
Bamako, Mali, 1-3 novembre 2001. (FR)
Southern African Development Community (SADC). "Gender Budgets : Women’s Economic
Empowerment" dans SADC Gender Monitor, chapitre 4, 1999. (EN)
Afrique du Sud
Budlender, Debbie. "The South African Women's Budget Initiative", 1998. (EN)
Budlender, Debbie. "The Political Economy of Women’s Budgets in the South",
Commonwealth Secretariat, 2000. (EN)
Budlender, Debbie. "An Introduction to the fifth Women’s Budgets", IDASA, 2000. (EN)
Budlender, Debbie and Neil Newman, dir. "Developmental Social Welfare: Who Benefits,
Who Pays ?", IDASA. (EN)
Çagatay, Nilüfer, Keklik, Mümtaz, Lal, Radhika and James Lang. "Budgets as if People
Mattered: Democratizing Macroeconomic Policies", chap. 3, UNDP, May 2000. (EN)
Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR). State Financing of Initiatives to
Combat Violence Against Women, in collaboration with the South African Women’s Budget
Initiative, CASE, IDASA and GETNET. (EN)
Coopoo, Sikhander. "Women and Local Government Revenue", in Parliamentary Committee
on the Quality of Life and Status of Women, CASE and IDASA, Women’s Budget Series,
2000. (EN)
Goldman, T. "Customs and excise" in Parliamentary Committee on the Quality of Life and
Status of Women, CASE and IDASA, Women’s Budget Series, 2000. (EN)
Govender, Pregs. "Lessons Learned in Practice: The Role of Parliament", Towards Gender
Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to
launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October
2001, Brussels. (EN)
Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA). "The South African Women's Budget",
Cape Town (Afrique du Sud), 2000. (EN)
Klugman, B. and D. McIntyre, "From Policy, Through Budgets, to Implementation: Delivering
Quality Health Care Services", IDASA, 2000. (EN)
Smith, Terence. "The Tax Toll on Women", IDASA. (EN)
Smith, Terence. "Women and Tax in South Africa" in Parliamentary Committee on the
Quality of Life and Status of Women, CASE and IDASA, Women’s Budget Series, 2000.
Tanya, Goldman. "Customs and Axcise - and Women", IDASA. (EN)
Côte d’Ivoire
Demery, Lionel. "Gender and Public Spending", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Demery, Lionel. "Gender and Public Spending", Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A
High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to
Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Scott, Roxanne. "Overview: International Perspective of Gender-responsive Budgeting",
Workshop on Gender-responsive Budgeting in Pakistan, World Bank, November 20-21,
2002. (EN) (Powerpoint)
Rusimbi, Mary. "Tanzania Gender Networking Programme", Towards Gender Responsive
Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A
Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001,
Brussels. (EN)
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme. "Affecting Macro-Economic Policy and
Processes - The Gender Budget Initiative", Tanzania, October 2000. (EN)
"Influencing Macroeconomic Processes in Tanzania", Gender and Development in Brief,
No.12., 2002. (EN)
Influyendo en los procesos macroeconómicos en Tanzania, Género y Desarrollo en breve.
Influer sur les processus macro-économiques en Tanzanie, Développement et genre en
bref. (FR)
Asie et Moyen-Orient
Chen, Lanyan. "Human Dimension in Asian Economies : Engendering the Philippine
Budget", Asia-Europe Foundation, 2001. (EN)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. General Report of the Seminar for Asian Parliaments on
"Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective", Manila
(Philippines), 23-25 June 2002. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Rapport général du Séminaire régional : "Le Parlement et le
processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre hommes et femmes",
Manila, Philippines, 23-25 juin 2002. (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. General Report of the Seminar for Parliaments of the South West
Asia on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective",
Colombo (Sri Lanka), 26-28 May 2003. (EN)
Rapport général du Séminaire à l'intention des parlements de l'Asie du Sud-Ouest sur le
Parlement et le processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective de l'équité entre
hommes et femmes, Colombo (Sri Lanka), 26-28 mai 2003. (FR)
Jain, Devaki. "Recreating the Budgetary Process : Women Direct Fiscal Policy", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Senapaty, Manju. "Government of India Budget 2000-2001 and Gender", Paper presented
at the Inter-Agency Workshop on Improving the Effectiveness of Integrating Gender Into
Government Budgets organised by Commonwealth Secretariat, London, April 2000. (EN)
Senapaty, Manju. "Gender Budget Initiative in India—Education Sector Insights", The
Department for International Development, UK (DFID)-India, July 2002. (EN)
Çagatay, Nilüfer, Keklik, Mümtaz, Lal, Radhika and James Lang. "Budgets as if People
Mattered: Democratizing Macroeconomic Policies", chap. 3, UNDP, May 2000. (EN)
Chen, Lanyan. "Human Dimension in Asian Economies : Engendering the Philippine
Budget", Asia-Europe Foundation, 2001. (EN)
Reyes, Celia. "Gender and Development Initiative in the Philippines", Towards Gender
Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to
launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October
2001, Brussels. (EN)
VeneKlasen, Lisa. "Highlights from Citizen/Gender Budget Advocacy in Indonesia". (EN)
Reyes, Socorro L. "Gender Sensitive Budgeting (GSB) in Pakistan: Challenges and
Responses", Workshop on Gender-responsive Budgeting in Pakistan. World Bank,
November 20-21, 2002. (EN)
Degraef, Veronique (Equality Advisor to the Vice-Prime-Minister, Ministry of Employment
and Political Equality, Belgium). “Is ‘gender budgeting’ an inclusive part of the gender
mainstreaming strategy in EU policies?”, Conference Gender Budgets, Financial Markets,
Financing for Development. The Gender Dimensions of the Global Financial Architecture,
February 19th and 20th 2002 organised by the Heinrich Boell Foundation Berlin (EN)
Philippe-Raynaud, Françoise. "Le jaune budgétaire des droits des femmes", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (FR)étaire.doc
"A Gender Perspective on Budgeting", Report by the French Ministry of Economy, Finance
and Industry entitled Projet de loi de finance pour 2001 and presented at the 22nd Annual
Meeting of Senior Budget Officials, OECD, Paris, 21-22 May 2001. (EN)
Himmelweit, Susan. "Tools for Budget Impact Analysis: Taxes and Benefits", Towards
Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of
Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 1617 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Himmelweit, Susan. "The Work of the UK Women’s Group", Secretariat of the
Commonwealth, 2000. (EN)
Rake, Katherine. "Introducing a Human Dimension to the Economy: Engendering the
Budget", 2001. (EN)
Pays basque
Fitzgerald, Rona. "Iniciativa de Presupuestos Públicos con Enfoque de Género", Exposición
en el II Seminario, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 21 y 22 de Marzo de 2002. (ES)
McKay, Ailsa y Rona Fitzgerald. "Presupuestos Sensibles al Género en la Comunidad
Autónoma del País Vasco", Emakunde / Instituto Vasco de la Mujer, Octubre de 2002. (ES)
(Document non disponible dans Internet)
Youth and Gender Sensitive Public Expenditure Management in the Pacific : A University of
South Australia project with the Governments of Samoa and The Republic of The Marshall
Islands Funded by the Asian Development Bank. (EN)
Çagatay, Nilüfer, Keklik, Mümtaz, Lal, Radhika and James Lang. "Budgets as if People
Mattered: Democratizing Macroeconomic Policies", chap. 3, UNDP, May 2000. (EN)
Sharp, Rhonda et Ray Broomhill. "Budgeting for Equality : The Australian Experience",
Feminist Economics, vol.8, no.1, mars 2002, pp.25-47. (EN)
Initiatives et projets des organisations interparlementaires
Union interparlementaire
Inter-Parliamentary Union. Key Issues and Guidelines, Seminar on "Parliament and the
Budgetary Process, Including From a Gender Perspective", Nairobi (Kenya), 22 - 24 May
2000. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Conclusions et lignes directrices du séminaire régional : "Le
Parlement et le processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre
hommes et femmes", Naïrobi, Kenya, 22-24 mai 2000. (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union.General Report of the Regional Seminar on "Parliament and the
Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective", Bamako (Mali), 1-3 November
2001. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Rapport général du séminaire régional : "Le Parlement et le
processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre hommes et femmes",
Bamako, Mali, 1-3 novembre 2001. (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union.General Report of the Seminar for Asian Parliaments on
"Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective", Manila
(Philippines), 23-25 June 2002. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Rapport général du Séminaire régional : "Le Parlement et le
processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective d’équité entre hommes et femmes",
Manila, Philippines, 23-25 juin 2002. (FR)
Inter-Parliamentary Union.General Report of the Seminar for Parliaments of the South West
Asia on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including From a Gender Perspective",
Colombo (Sri Lanka), 26-28 May 2003. (EN)
Union interparlementaire. Rapport général du Séminaire à l'intention des parlements de
l'Asie du Sud-Ouest sur le Parlement et le processus budgétaire, notamment dans la
perspective de l'équité entre hommes et femmes, Colombo (Sri Lanka), 26-28 mai 2003.
Initiatives et projets des organisations intergouvernementales
Commonwealth Secretariat
Commonwealth Secretariat. "A Commonwealth Initiative to Integrate Gender Into National
Budgetary Processes", 1999. (EN)
Commonwealth Secretariat, "Gender-Responsive Budgets : A Review of Commonwealth
Experiences", 2002. (EN)
Cox, Winston. Speech : "The Commonwealth Program", Towards Gender Responsive
Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A
Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001,
Brussels. (EN)
Nordic Council of Ministers
Helgason, Sigurdur. Speeches : "Nordic Council of Ministers", Towards Gender Responsive
Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the Government of Belgium to launch A
Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial Governance, 16-17 October 2001,
Brussels. (EN)
Organisation de coopération et développement économiques (OCDE)
Report, 22nd Annual Meeting of Senior Budget Officials, OECD, Paris, 21-22 May 2001.
Statement by the Chair, 22nd Annual Meeting of Senior Budget Officials, OECD, Paris, 2122 May 2001. (EN)
Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), "Pro-Poor, Gender- and EnvironmentSensitive Budgets Project", 1999. (EN)
Fonds de développement des Nations Unies pour la femme (UNIFEM). "Gender Responsive
Budgets", New York, 2001. (EN)
Initiatives et projets locaux
Butto Zarzar, Andrea Lorena. "Gender and the Participatory Budget in Recife", Gender and
Development in Brief, No.12., 2002. (EN)
"Género y el presupuesto participativo en Recife", Género y Desarrollo en breve. (ES)
"Genre et budget participatif à Recife", Développement et genre en bref. (FR)
Coopoo, Sikhander. "Women and Local Government Revenue", IDASA. (EN)
IBAM (Brasil). "Gastos Públicos e Cidadania de Mulheres e Homens : Uma Comparação
entre Intenções (o orçamento) e Ações (o realizado) em Municípios Selecionados",
fevereiro de 2003. (PO)
San Francisco CEDAW Taskforce / Commission on the Status of Women. "Guidelines for a
Gender Analysis : Human Rights with a Gender Perspective", United States, July 2000. (EN)
Valdés, Alejandra y Elizaberth Guerrero. "Género en los Presupuestos Municipales",
Hexagrama Consultoras, Chile, Octubre 2001. (ES)
Initiatives et projets (documents non disponibles dans Internet)
Akilimali, Gemma. 1997. "Gender Budget Initiative (GBI). Tanzania's Experience. A short
brief" to be presented at a workshop on "Mainstreaming a Gender Equality Perspective into
National Budgets," Stockholm, Sweden, 17th December 1997. (EN)
Australie. Ministry for Women's Policy (1998). State Budget 1998-99: Women's Budget
Package, Queensland (Australie). (EN)
Australie. Office of the Status of Women (1994). Women's Budget Statement 1994-1995,
Canberra. (EN)
Australie. Office of the Status of Women (1995). Women's Budget Statement 1995-1996,
Canberra. (EN)
Bakker, Isabella and Diane Elson (1998). "Towards Engendering Budgets in Canada", in
Alternative Federal Budget Papers, Ottawa : Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1998.
Budlender, Debbie, Ed. Engendering Budgets: The Southern African Experience, UNIFEM
SARO, November 1999. (EN)
Budlender, Debbie, Buenaobra, M., Rood, S. and M.Sol Sadorra, Ed. Gender Budget Trail :
The Philippine Experience, Philippines, The Asia Foundation, 2001. (Summary in English in
Bridge (a) p.22) (EN)
Commission on Gender Equality (Afrique du Sud) (1997). "The National Budget and Gender
Equity Concerns in Public Allocation and Expenditure", Braamfontein (Afrique du Sud),
Commission on Gender Equality. (EN)
Fonds de développement des Nations Unies pour la femme (UNIFEM) (1998). "The South
African Women's Budget Initiative as an Advocacy Instrument", New York, UNIFEM. (EN)
Rake, Katherine. "Gender Budgets: The Experience of the UK's Women's Budget Group",
Copenhagen, March 25, 2002. (EN)
Ruzvidzo, Thoko, Kwanele Ona Jirira and Theresa Moyo. 1999. "Gender Analysis of the
Zimbabwe Government Budget Allocation Process". Paper presented at the International
Association for Feminist Economics Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, June
17-19, 1999. (EN)
Sharp, Rhonda and Ray Broomhill. 1998. "International Policy Developments in
Engendering Government Budgets" in Elizabeth Shannon (ed.) Australian Women's Policy
Structures. Hobart: Centre for Public Management and Policy, University of Tasmania. (EN)
Sharp, Rhonda and Ray Broomhill. 1990. "Women and Government Budgets". Australian
Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-14. (EN)
Stark, Agneta and Stefan de Vylder. 1998. Mainsreaming Gender in Namibia's National
Budget. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). (EN)
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP), Budgeting with a Gender Focus, 1999.
UNIFEM. 1998. Engendering Budgets: The Southern African Experience. Report of a
UNIFEM Regional Workshop (Harare, Zimbabwe, 9-10 November 1998). (EN)
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). 1998. The Women's
Budget Project. Peace & Freedom (March/ April) (EN)
Bibliographie de la bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec (FR)
Bibliografía comentada recomendada por Emakunde (ES)
K.U.L.U. - Women and Development : Resources (EN)
Reeves, Hazel and Charlie Sever. "Gender and Budgets Supporting Resources Collection"
in BRIDGE, Gender and Budgets Cutting-Edge Pack, 2003. (Summary in English)
Reeves, Hazel and Heike Wach. "Women’s and Gender Budgets: An Annotated Resource
List", BRIDGE, 1999. (Summary in English-EN))
Status of Women Canada : Resources (EN)
Condition féminine Canada : Ressources (FR)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) : Resources (EN)
Principaux sites internet de référence
Note : À partir de la fin septembre 2003, le site Genie sera incorporé au site Siyanda. Le site
Genie demeure tout de même en ligne pour trois mois à partir de cette date.
Ações em Gênero Cidadania e Desenvolvimento (AGENDE), Brasil (PO)
BRIDGE, Grande-Bretagne (EN)
Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico, Perú (ES)
Centro Feminista de Estudos e Assessoria (CFEMEA), Brasil (PO)
Commonwealth Secretariat - Tools for a Gender Analysis of the National Budget, GrandeBretagne (EN)
Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE) (EN)
Emakunde - Instituto Vasco de la Mujer, España (ES)
Engender, Scotland (EN)
FUNDAR, México (ES)
Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives (UNIFEM, Commonwealth Secretariat, IDRC) (EN)
Genie- Gender Information Exchange (EN)
Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin (EN)
Infopolis - Biblioteca Digital, España (ES)
Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) (EN)
Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Municipal (IBAM), Brasil (PO)
International Budget Project (EN)
K.U.L.U. - Women and Development, Danemark (EN)
Siyanda - Mainstreaming Gender Equality (EN)
Status of Women Canada/Condition féminine Canada (EN) (FR)
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) (EN)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (EN)
World Bank (EN)
Répertoires de personnes-ressources
Especialistas latinoamericanas (ES)
Document Word
Personas expertas, datos profesionales e información de contacto (ES)
Reeves, Hazel and Charlie Sever. "Gender and Budgets Supporting Resources Collection"
in BRIDGE, Gender and Budgets Cutting-Edge Pack, 2003. (EN)
Reeves, Hazel and Heike Wach. "Women’s and Gender Budgets : An Annotated Resource
List", BRIDGE, 1999. (EN)
Principales activités réalisées (conférences, séminaires, formations)
Séminaire sur les budgets gouvernementaux analysés selon le genre - San Salvador, El
Salvador, du 19 au 20 septembre 2003 - organisé par le Parlement centraméricain en
collaboration avec le Réseau des femmes parlementaires des Amériques (FR)
Seminar for Parliaments of the South West Asia on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process,
Including from a Gender Perspective", Inter-Parliamentary Union, Colombo (Sri Lanka), 2628 May 2003. (EN)
Séminaire à l'intention des parlements de l'Asie du Sud-Ouest sur le Parlement et le
processus budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective de l'équité entre hommes et femmes,
Union parlementaire, Colombo (Sri Lanka), 26-28 mai 2003. (FR)
Seminar for Asian Parliaments on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a
Gender Perspective", Inter-Parliamentary Union, Manila (Philippines), 23-25 June 2002.
Séminaire à l'intention des Parlements asiatiques sur le "Parlement et le processus
budgétaire, notamment dans la perspective de l'équité entre hommes et femmes", Union
interparlementaire, Manille, Philippines, 23-25 juillet 2002. (FR)
Regional Seminar on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender
Perspective", Inter-Parliamentary Union, Bamako (Mali), 1-3 November 2001. (EN)
Séminaire sur "Le Parlement et le processus budgétaire notamment dans une perspective
d'équité entre hommes et femmes", Union interparlementaire, Bamako, Mali, 1-3 novembre
2001. (FR)
Seminar on "Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective",
Inter-Parliamentary Union, Nairobi (Kenya), 22 - 24 May 2000. (EN)
Séminaire sur "Le Parlement et le processus budgétaire notamment dans une perspective
d'équité entre hommes et femmes", Union interparlementaire, Naïrobi, Kenya, 22-24 mai
2000. (FR)
Séminaires d’Emakunde, 2000 à 2002 (ES)
Taller latinoamericano sobre actividades participativas presupuestarias con enfoque de
género, organizado por UNIFEM, Quito, Ecuador, 12-16 de marzo de 2001. (ES)
Workshop on Gender-responsive Budgeting in Pakistan, World Bank, November 20-21,
2002. (EN)
Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe : Reducción de la Pobreza, Gobernabilidad
Democrática y Equidad de Género, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 al 30 de Agosto de 2002 (ES)
Gender-Responsive Budgeting Module - Presented as part of Course on Fiscal Federalism Russia, World Bank, May 2002. (EN)
Workshop on Gender Responsive Budgeting. World Bank, April 3, 2002. (EN)
Conference "Gender Budgets, Financial Markets, Financing for Development. The Gender
Dimensions of the Global Financial Architecture", February 19th and 20th 2002 organised by
the Heinrich Boell Foundation Berlin (EN)
Towards Gender Responsive Budgeting : A High Level Conference hosted by the
Government of Belgium to launch A Global Vision to Strengthen Economic and Financial
Governance, 16-17 October 2001, Brussels. (EN)
Holvoet, Nathalie. "Conference Report : Strengthening Economic and Financial Governance
Through Gender Responsive Budgeting". (EN)
22nd Annual Meeting of Senior Budget Officials, OECD, Paris, 21-22 May 2001.
Report (EN)
NH_Statement_to_OECD.doc?ois=yes&template=blank. htm
Statement by the Chair (EN)
SBO_Statement_by_the_chair1.doc?ois=yes&template= blank.htm
Workshop on LDCs : Building Capacities for Mainstreaming Gender in Development
Strategies, 21-23 mars 2001, Afrique du Sud. (EN)
Ministerial Conference on Gender Mainstreaming, Competitiveness and Growth, OECD,
Paris, 23-24 November 2000. (EN)
Conférence ministérielle, Compétitivité et croissance : Intégration des questions d'égalité
homme-femme (FR)
Porto AlegreHangzhou International Seminar, 19-21 October 2000, Porto Alegre
Participatory Budget (EN)
Inter-Agency Workshop on Improving the Effectiveness of Applying a Gender Analysis to
Governement Budgets, Londres, avril 2000. (EN)
grbi/docs/Inter-AgencyMeetingReport.pdf?OutsideInServer= noInter-Age
Workshop on Pro-Poor, Gender- and Environment-Sensitive Budgets, UNDP, New York, 2830 June 1999. (EN)
Workshop Engendering Budgets : The Southern African Experience, South African
Development Community and UNIFEM SARO, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1998. (EN)