Intratracheal Atomization Infectious Diseases in of the PEDRO LUIS de M. LOTT, M.D., F.A.P.H. treatment with of aerosols has due in are used for condensed fine and in small The to this we the System and pulmonary Harold Technical Therapy and VIII, recommends the general where We the de We ary Vias and Tests years, particles outflow diameter. on 1942) few nebulizers of droplets July aspiration are of much very thicker Mucosography of that these the terminal The Bronchi with (New England use the our droplets bronchi anesthesia to the be used was used, system of Tuberculosis Havana (Instituto Doctor presented of our could its the pulmonlungs, Investigation this method considered, and of A. Antonetti). different abscess of first part conditions solution Center, atomization respiratory of Profesor The what of used. Department University del reference Medical the be patients who as bronchiectasis, etc. under of should General work on his Special technique diseases liquids Servicio of of in the of the the lungs, to prove the Commanding Service, in and the tolerance volume by the tract. were performed with penicillin, peroxide and sulfa drugs. Finally the first series of applications, action and Its known tolerance. Direct last thick the in works tract present, Peroxide of of Respiratorias, concentration bronchial outflow our Staff of Warfare the selected a group of suppurations such applied. an Lung our studies of Medicine gangrene of was directed be the Hydrogen amounts began Faculty the only micra (Radiology, pulmonary treatment great the At which in respiratory during allowing than two of the Chemical of to Penicillin 1946), M.D. alveoli. A. Abramson Division, Aerosol in cause the antibiotics. in demonstrated F.C.C.P., REVUELTA, of popular of procedure sprayers have the Respiratory reach by gravity and use the apparatus particles, less common and diseases quite the RENE Cuba infectious become particular M.D., and Havana, The System F.C.C.P., BUSTAMANTE, M.D., of Report L. FARIAS, SUAREZ Treatment Respiratory Preliminary 0. the examination was made of 546 Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 streptomycin, we decided bearing in the patients hydrogen to use penicillin mind its antibiotic sputum from in the Volume XV INTRATRACHEAL bacteriological in to point all the cases. demonstrate the blood. of the Cultures determinations conditions antibiotics in the of by therapy view. of sputum. were out routinely series were performed of the antibiotics made absorption, were carried in for the retention Comparative inhalation 547 were Several determinations the levels or concentrations Other studying ATOMIZATION or studies purpose of elimination with other in of methods made. Technique The one. technique We the end (Fig. 1) we and atomization sprayer that gives may be placed easily in or in the trachea under is very obtained. start the intratracheal a long designed sults We of take our satisfactory procedure trachea by During the atomization lean inhale towards strongly the FIGURE in 1: side order The of atomizer Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 we are the of 1/2 in the larynx above with pharynx, per cent the the re- larynx pantocaine. have treat and the trachea difficult the epiglottis The apparatus the we to a atomization, pleased pantocaine are going anesthetize not fine behind cords. anesthetizing a solution we to is very the larynx, the vocal and by spraying a the we and Vocal patient have the cords. him bron- 548 PEDRO chial tract on anesthesia and side. is well then for that After to technique. in a straight body completely spray bent to the segment atomization the ponding to and must to cough. upper to the placed position The quantity of diseases the the as be the pulmonary after is always two of the located used varies or the corres- trying used, one and Right lesion solution the treat, possible substance in to be and position the long to is placed on the blood, sputum The this of period disappeared zones of develops. eter of done Petri not for the according 20 cc. of an minutes. 1/10. the surface or Petri time of the with the it agar. to for in the through the culture the in agar. We observed the dish where no our studies 100 units of hours, the after rings determine the demonstrates a zone antibiotic of has circular bacteria diamthe 24 millimeters in each 100 cc. examined. pertinent studies, action in and numbers of the millimeter per In to 24 of with antibiotic are inside we filled for liquid antibiotic action. corresponds antibiotic graphs expressed are tested refrigerated the refrigerator, the With a millimeter crystal ruler we the zone of inhibition. This diameter material in rings be of Washington) hours The secretions have medium, dishes all by difussion Inhibition of extent of of inhibition agar from 24 we determination technique solid received keeping other The following (strains After sputum medium. dishes aureus diluted properties. culture was in It action going special control as action investigators: culture on the sprayed blood-agar staphylococcus whole figures be bacteriological cent antibiotic Oxford All a spray trachea, up to should the and may exact 5 per the our of are treatment. as adopted the straight where position the trachea have in according in that the with an air compressor The patient must we segments this we placed head the so in 1949 Investigations: For of back is in Laboratory add the patient pulmonary solution side of the kind the minutes solution tube pounds. the object remain lobe. used to May, sprayer is with the Trendelemburg’s aqueous of or is the to a rubber or seven towards front which our sprayer position AL a few place with the six bent ET waiting we Before its container is connected allowing a pressure of seated FARIfiAS, established, commence this L. units in units per this cc. each of the Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 with per each way which are older method. paper, 100 starting in 100 the those cubic cc., as antibiotic easier to Accordingly, millimeter material action handle all equals tested of Fleming, centimeter. all humoral express We present indexes are is expressed than the decimal our graphs are made one (blood, unit sputum, of antibiotic etc.). in INTRATRACHEAL xv Volume Clinical 549 ATOMIZATION Considerations: The cases selected were patients who formerly had received oral medication or antibiotics administered parenterally. During the trial of this method, intratracheal crystalline penicillin was used exclusively. any other Among the pital for diagnosis of the other cases in the abscess an antibiotic sulfa chial secretions selected, middle lobe operation. of lung, with and No lung high There which purulent. The bronchial in solutions application following of lesions. by our maximal morphine method, doses was been made penicillin was no was employed at a definite treatments with in quite pharyngeal by giving atropine. the the 24 hours day, had and and using In each reflex. previously Following no of We an the bloody anemia most aggravating not show tracheowere noticed obviated injection second to given crystalline application We bron- were moderate a did saline. hos- hospital amount applications every with the suspecting an abscess given simultaneously toxic, at night examination neoplasm entered to in cc. Intratracheal one a who and were reduction 300 of 400,000 units 15 to 20 cc. of isotonic of lung admission had of patient had right his reached Five patient the Before tumor doses drugs. one of with much cough, especially dyspnea. The bronchoscopic him medication time. penicillin and the in this of in first in the 1.0 mg. application, the continuous coughing of the patient was relieved, the expectoration began to diminish and at the end of the fourth application it had come down to 15 cc. in 24 hours. The patient’s general condition Improved and his recovery was maintained for several weeks, when refusing surgical intervention, he left the hospital. In bronchiectasls toration in 24 hours we have observed with a modification quick of reduction of the bacterial expecflora. The graphic curve of concentration of antibiotic of sputum and blood simultaneously obtained in this group have been very Interesting. We observed that the concentration of antibiotic In the blood was maintained during the first eight hours, fluctuating between 15 and 2 units per each 100 cc. In the sputum, in the same number of hours, the antibiotic action fluctuated between 125 and 35 units per each 100 cc. In case number 5 (FIg. 2), multiple bronchiectasis of both lung bases, using always 300,000 units of penicillin at a time, with our method a remarkable difference has been observed in the levels simultaneously obtained from sputum and blood. In case number 2 (Fig. 3), abscess of the vertex of the lower lobe of the left lung cleared promptly under the effect of our treatment. This case, a 31 year old farmer, with a lung affection Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 550 PEDRO L. FARI1AS, ET AL May, 1949 -4 .3, 4 . . . .t .:j00E -.4 -1 .0“3 “3 C) #{149} n I “a E 0 -‘ 0 “3 Cl) ri 114 r Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 4 Volume XV INTRATRACHEAL of seven months’ duration, high temperature, with asthenia, month of was characterized coughing, loss Illness parenterally, with examination showed abundant of energy sulfa drugs no 551 ATOMIZATION and by pain anorexia. were given improvement in the flank, purulent expectoration, During orally and in his condition. a noticeable oral his penicillin The sepsis, “watch second physical glass” and a condensation syndrome at the left-scapular-vertebral with several subcrepitant rales. Mucopurulent sputum numerous pyogenlc staphylococcus cocci. aureus. Its culture There was revealed slight young cells predominating. On ination we found very originating lower lobe In secretions presence anemia, leucocytes, fetid the nails zone, showed with of 15,000 bronchoscopic exam- from the left bronchi. all, twenty-five intratracheal applications were made in this case, with maximum dose of 400,000 units of penicillin in a solution of 5 cc. of isotonic saline. After the fourth application we noticed was that the expectoration less, his appetite application applications coughing, the and patient his fever general weight. Nothing important tion of the chest. In the of tion the contrast (Fig. catarrahlis medium 4). In the cocci were FIGURE and condition asthenia coughing condition felt better general and diminished, was had improved. at the good. ceased. used in the culture observable Fig. 5: One month first 20 expectoration, had his normal of the examina- patient’s sputum (Fig. 5). Concentration appex later: Complete of the left lower only of peni- 5 FIGURE abscess Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 every bronchographic of the 4 4: Pulmonary After of the His He night was noticed in the physical examinax-ray picture we only observed traces final Fig. end at lobe. resorption of the process. 552 PEDRO L. cillin in the blood and to those in our former described in the hospital ing any infection. sputum for several further clinical FARIRAS, curves SUMMARY during May, AL treatment observation. weeks or ET after without made daily 3) We preferred crystalline erated; the volume used has advantage, for it delays the pharyngeal irritation. with kept observ- of the CONCLUSIONS 2) ThIs preliminary report covers a group of cases penicillin which we have used in different concentrations, 100,000 and 500,000 units disolved in isotonic saline was similar was manifestations 1) We have used a technique developed by us for of the respiratory tract and applied to the treatment tive diseases of the lung. application of penicillin. was patient treatment, radiographic AND This 1949 progressive increase mucosography of suppuratreated with between solution. The in the doses penicillin because it is better tolbeen 5 cc. Larger amounts show no method, and the patient develops 4) It is an easy method to use, with the patient. The amount of anesthesia ization of 2 cc. of 1/2 per cent pantocain some patients we have sprayed without good tolerance. no risk or disturbance to used is very small, atomsolution is sufficient. In anesthesia, and noticed 5) We perform the atomization continuously. That is, In both phases of respiration, in order that the patient may keep open the glottis to avoid coughing and pharyngeal contractions. 6) fer We have used the supreglottic FIGURE the supra technique 6: Petri.dishes and infraglottic technique. We because it is better tolerated. showing the different intensity action of sputum and blood. Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 pre- of the antibiotic Volume 7) XV The INTRATRACHEAL results obtained succeeded in improving some of which were having been previously and sulfa 553 ATOMIZATION are definately encouraging. and curing suppurative of more than six month’s treated without success We have lung conditions duration and with penicillin drugs. 8) It is Interesting to point out that the simultaneous study of sputum and blood in our patients shows high antibiotic action in the sputum and quite low antibiotic action in the blood. It is easy to see in our graphs that the antibiotic action of the sputum fluctuates between 130 units as maximum and 40 units as minimum, the antibiotic action of the blood fluctuates between 30 units as maximum and 2 units as minimum. These facts to explain: bring forth (a) Does the high represent the whole any other antibiotic (b) Does acumulative certain questions which bacteriostatic penicillin action? power concentration found or the high bacteriostatic or eliminative action? action (c) Do proteins of the expectoration have anything to do with the “delayed the penicillin deposited in the bronchi? 9) tance The results obtained of the topical action 10) Finally, monary area of the drug other method Atomizer FIGURE with this the highest used, which, of Inhalation described 7: Petri point toward of antibiotics. try in the sputum is it related to found correspond (mucins, mucolds, effect” in connection the shall extraordinary to etc.), with impor- method we can direct to a certain pulpercentage in volume and concentration to our belief Is not obtainable by any used up to the present moment. manufactured dishes we by the DeVllbiss Company. showing the different intensity of the antibiotic action of sputum and blood. Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 554 PEDRO L. RESUMEN 1) Hemos empleado la mucosografia una tratado unidades Se aplicO respiratorio May, por nosotros y aplicada para al tratamiento incluye un grupo de casos en concentraciones de 100,000 una soluciOn isotOnica de cloruro el tratamiento 1949 del pulmOn. preliminar con peniciina disueltas en AL t#{233}cnica perfeccionada supuradas 2) Este informe ET CONCLUSIONES Y del aparato de las enfermedades FARIfAS, diariamente, con aumento que hemos a 500,000 de sodio. progresivo en la dosis de penicilina. 3) Preferimos Se ha usado ofrecen volumen ventaja, irritaciOn 4) Es la penicilina un pues cristalina de porque es m#{225}s tolerable. 5 cc. Cantidades demoran m#{225}s grandes el m#{233}todoy el paciente un m#{233}todof#{225}cil de usar al paciente. Es que muy no tiene pequefla la tesia a algunos pacientes 5) Ejecutamos fases y lo han la pulverizaciOn de la respiraciOn, glotis abierta para evitar 6) Hemos empleado soportado peligro cantidad t#{233}sico empleada, es suficiente la pulverizaciOn soluciOn de pontocalna al 0.5 por ciento. Hemos ferimos de farlngea. desasosiego dos no sufre bien. es decir, en el paciente mantenga la tos y las contracciones la t#{233}cnica supraglOtica la t#{233}cnica supraglOtica porque e infraglOtica. es ms algunos meses y penicilina hablan sido tratados y sulfonamidas. de 8) Es Interesante los cuales indicar simult#{225}neodel esputo y de hablan en existido sin nuestros la sangre la Pre- tolerable. previamente que, las faringeas. 7) Los resultados obtenidos son definitivamente Hemos logrado la mejorla o la curaciOn en estados pulmOn, anes- de 2 cc. de una rociado sin anes- continuamente, a fin de que ni causa de alentadores. supurados del m#{225}sde por buen pacientes, demostrO una el estudio acciOn biOtica elevada en el esputo y una acciOn antibiOtica baja en la sangre. Se puede ver en nuestras gr#{225}ficas que antibiOtica del esputo fluctUa entre 130 unidades y 40 unidades como minimo, y la acciOn antibiOtica flucta entre 30 unidades como m#{225}xlmo y 2 seis #{233}xito con anti- bastante la acciOn como m#{226}ximo de la sangre unidades como minimo. Estos hechos sugieren ciertas preguntas que trataremos de contestar: (a) ,Representa la entera alguna (b) acciOn el elevado concentraciOn otra acciOn Corresponde acumulativa poder bacteriost#{225}ticodel de la penicilina, esputo o est#{225} relacionado con antibiOtica? la elevada o eliminativa? Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016 acciOn bacteriost#{225}tica a una Volume INTRATRACHEAL XV que ver las proteinas etc.) con el “efecto (C) Tienen algo (mucinas, mucoides, china 9) Los portancia depositada resultados en 10) Finalmente, con pulmonar el porcentaje de la droga empleada, #{149} medlante ningun otro tualidad. de la demorado” expectoraciOn de la peni- los bronquios? obtenidos de la acciOn 555 ATOMIZATION tOpica demuestran la extraordinaria im- de los antibiOticos. este m#{233}todo podemos aplicar a una zona m#{225}s alto, en volumen y en concentraciOn, lo que, en nuestra opiniOn, no es obtenible m#{233}todo de InhalaciOn usado hasta la ac- Downloaded From: on 11/17/2016