Map with selected contents List with selected

Map with selected contents
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List with selected contents
1.- Romanesque Church of Villaute
The Romanesque art, one of the most important artistic styles in our province, has left its influence in several villages.
Town: Villaute (Villadiego)
2.- Path of Los Torreones
Al noroeste de la provincia y a 38 km de la capital, se encuentra la localidad de Villadiego, capital del municipio más
extenso de Burgos. Villadiego está declarado Conjunto Histórico Artístico.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 16 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 230 meters
3.- Path of Peña Amaya
Se trata de una 'lora' delimitada por grandes cortados calizos de paredes verticales, muy poco accesibles y formada por
dos plataformas calcáreas superpuestas.
Town: Amaya
Distance: 12 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 400 meters
4.- Path of Ruinas de Tabanera
Si se tiene en cuenta que un silo era un lugar subterráneo y seco donde se guardaba el trigo, semillas y forrajes, cabe
pensar que en el siglo XI Villasilos era un vasto y seguro almacén.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 14 km
Estimated time: 3 hours
Accumulated slope: 230 meters
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5.- Path of El Cueto
En tiempos Castrojeriz y su casto antiguo, situado en la falda de la montaña, albergaba monumentales iglesias,
conventos, hospitales, hospederías, mesones e importantes comercios.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 13,4 km
Estimated time: 3 hours
Accumulated slope: 230 meters
6.- Path of Arroyo del Valle
El nombre de Castrillo de Murcia deriva de Castriel de Muza. Castriel hace referencia al carácter fortificado, y Muza
podría derivar del Adaliz Musulman Muza, que construyó en la zona un fortín.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 13,9 km
Estimated time: 3 hours
Accumulated slope: 260 meters
7.- Path of El Alto de Castarreño
En la Edad Media fue una de las poblaciones más importantes en el Camino de Santiago, ya que contaba con dos
hospitales donde se atendían a los peregrinos.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 14,5 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 310 meters
8.- Path of Los Medievales
El adobe está formado por una masa de barro mezclado con paja, moldeado en forma de ladrillo y secado al sol para su
posterior uso para construir paredes y muros.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: 11,5 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 40 minutes
Accumulated slope: 130 meters
9.- Path of La Gargantilla
En un inicio se puede disfrutar de un paisaje meramente mediterráneo dominado por encinares y terrenos baldíos
cubiertos de matorral de aliaga y espliego, los dedicados a la ganadería ovina.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: Without branch: 10,4 km/With branch: 15,4 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 240 meters
10.- Path of Puentes de Amaya
Despoblado desde mediados de los años sesenta, hoy sin ninguna casa en pie, este pueblo solo posee un montón de
ruinas apenas perceptibles por la salvaje vegetación que lo envuelve.
Town: Amaya
Distance: 9,9 km
Estimated time: 2 hours
Accumulated slope: 300 meters
11.- Path of El Encinar del Mazo
El sendero discurre por dos paisajes diferentes. La primera parte discurre por el valle del río Odra, entre fértiles fincas
de cultivo y frutales; posteriormente el relieve se vuelve más abrupto.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 8,6 km
2 / 20
Estimated time: 2 hours
Accumulated slope: 140 meters
12.- Path of Las Peladoras
En esta villa se asentó una legión romana, al mando del emperador Octavio Augusto, que trataba de someter a los
pueblos cántabros y astures y romanizar la región.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 10,6 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 155 meters
13.- Romanesque Church of Boada de Villadiego
The Romanesque art, one of the most important artistic styles in our province, has left its influence in several villages.
Town: Boada de Villadiego (Villadiego)
14.- Romanesque Church of Arenillas de Villadiego
The Romanesque art, one of the most important artistic styles in our province, has left its influence in several villages.
Town: Arenillas de Villadiego (Villadiego)
15.- Villa’s Door
Witness of a glorious past, this arc brings together the history and art of Villadiego.
Address: Avda. Reyes Católicos s/n
Town: Villadiego
16.- San Lorenzo Church
Inside San Lorenzo Church we can find the Sacred Art Museum, where it's kept a great number of religious objects.
Town: Villadiego
17.- El Castillo Hotel **
Address: Autovía del Camino de Santiago A-231, salida 135
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 06 06
18.- Carrecalzada Hotel**
Address: Embarcadero del Canal de Castilla
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 628 629 997
19.- Path of Valbonilla
Al noreste de la localidad se encuentran las ruinas de la antigua aldea de La Pedraja, cerca del manantial de
Fuentelencina, y al oeste, los restos del convento de monjes canónigos de San Agustín.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 7,6 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 190 meters
20.- Path of Los Hortelanos
La iglesia parroquial de la Asunción, el ayuntamiento, la Casa del Cordón, la Casa de los Palazuelos, la Ermita de Nuestra
Señorita de Zorita o el Canal de Castilla son sus principales referentes.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: 9,7 km
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Estimated time: 2 hours
Accumulated slope: 35 meters
21.- Path of Las Lastras
En la Edad del Hierro hubo gran actividad humana en el Castro del Perul, enclave privilegiado dado que es un lugar fácil
de defender y cercano a los Castros de Peña Amaya, Ulaña y Valdecastro.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 13,7 km
Estimated time: 3 hours
Accumulated slope: 270 meters
22.- Path of Los Navegantes
El objetivo de su construcción fue evitar el aislamiento en el que se encontraba la meseta castellana. Este canal actuó
como vía de comunicación y transporte.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: Without branch: 14,5 km/With branch: 17,3 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 45 meters
23.- MB Route La dehesa
Como se indicó en ruta Los Negrales, una vez que se alcanza el encinar de la Dehesa se puede regresar a Sasamón o
bien ampliar el recorrido por el bosque de La Dehesa y Yudego y Villandiego.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 34.6 km
Estimated time: 4 hours y 20 minutes
Accumulated slope: 350 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
24.- MB Route De los Navegantes
El canal de Castilla fue uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos y relevantes de la ingeniería civil de la España del siglo
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: 25,6 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 20 minutes
Accumulated slope: 190 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
25.- MB Route Los llanos de Villadiego
Los campos o llanos de Villadiego son una extensa y fértil planicie que se extiende entre los ríos Odra y Brullés,
quedando delimitada por las formaciones de Las Loras por el norte.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 28 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 370 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
26.- MB Route Las Loras
Las loras son una formación geológica singular, de relieve invertido, donde las zonas de mayor altitud fueron hace
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millones de años los fondos de los valles.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 39,8 km
Estimated time: 5 hours
Accumulated slope: 460 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
27.- MB Route Riberas del Odra
El río Odra nace en las proximidades de la Peña Amaya y después de atravesar la llanada de Humada y el desfiladero de
Los Piscardanos, fluye remansadamente por la fértil llanura cerealista.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 33,3 km
Estimated time: 4 hours y 10 minutes
Accumulated slope: 310 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
28.- Concha Restaurant
Address: C/ General Mola, 15
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 13
29.- Leo Restaurant
Address: C/ General Mola, 8
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 02
30.- Mesón del Pisuerga Restaurant
Address: C/ Pisuerga, 52
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 44
31.- MB Route De la Mota
La gran parte del río Pisuerga es la protagonista de la gran parte del recorrido. El paso por la ermita de Zorita y el
pueblo de Valtierra de Pisuerga permiten disfrutar de un bonito paseo.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: 21,7 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 45 minutes
Accumulated slope: 90 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
32.- MB Route Los negrales
El encinar de los Negrales, la principal superficie arbolada de este sendero, da nombre a la ruta. La presencia de
bosquecillos de encinas es una constante a lo largo del recorrido.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 25,9 km
Estimated time: 3 hours y 15 minutes
Accumulated slope: 280 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
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Phone number:
33.- MB Route Los Casares
En el valle de Villajos conviven una gran multitud de especies animales. Las orillas del arroyo, el páramo y la presencia
de pequeñas manchas de vegetación, ofrecen un hábitat idóneo para vivir.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 16,1 km
Estimated time: 2 hours
Accumulated slope: 230 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
34.- MB Route Huellas romanas de Segisama
Al mando del mismísimo emperador Octavio Augusto se instaló el campamento romano de Segisama Julia, situado en
las proximidades de la villa de Sasamón, que trataba de someter a los pueblos cántabros.
Town: Sasamón
Distance: 11,1 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 35 minutes
Accumulated slope: 80 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
35.- MB Route Peones de Amaya
El recorrido se inicia en el punto de acogida BTT de Amaya, coincidiendo inicialmente con la ruta de BTT del Valle de
Town: Amaya
Distance: 8,4 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 5 minutes
Accumulated slope: 180 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
36.- MB Route Vega del Odra
El recorrido se inicia en el punto de acogida de Castrojeriz. Después de bajar por las calles de la localidad se cruza la
carretera que conduce a Pampliega.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 12,8 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 40 minutes
Accumulated slope: 145 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
37.- MB Route De los Carros
Desde el centro de Turismo Rural de Carrecalzada puede realizarse este recorrido como opción para quienes deseen
ampliar la ruta de los Navegantes y hacer algunos kilómetros más por cómodos caminos.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Distance: 8,9 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 10 minutes
Accumulated slope: 75 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
6 / 20
Phone number:
38.- MB Route Ribera del Brullés
Las loras son una formación geológica singular, de relieve invertido, donde las zonas de mayor altitud fueron hace
millones de años los fondos de los valles.
Town: Villadiego
Distance: 7,3 km
Estimated time: 1 hour
Accumulated slope: 60 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
39.- MB Route Valdeamaya
El recorrido se inicia en el punto de acogida de Amaya, coincide inicialmente con las rutas de senderismo de Puentes de
Amaya y Peña Amaya.
Town: Amaya
Distance: 11,7 km
Estimated time: 1 hour y 30 minutes
Accumulated slope: 200 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
40.- MB Route Valle de Riomance
Una vez que se sale de la localidad de Peones existe una bifurcación de caminos donde una flecha direccional indica
que los senderos de Peones de Amaya y Arroyo de Riomance se separan.
Town: Amaya
Distance: 16,4 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 05 minutes
Accumulated slope: 320 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
41.- MB Route La Degollada
La salida de Castrojeriz se realiza bajando, por el entramado de calles que caracteriza a la villa, desde el punto de
acogida BTT hasta la carretera que rodea la localidad por su parte baja.
Town: Castrojeriz
Distance: 19,2 km
Estimated time: 2 hours y 35 minutes
Accumulated slope: 260 meters
If you want to rent a bicycle go to the :
Phone number:
42.- Vega Restaurant
Address: C/ Plaza España, 9
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 11
43.- Santa María Parish
Parish of Villadiego, this church shows a beautiful façade and an interior which includes star-shaped vaults.
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Address: C/ Santa María s/n
Town: Villadiego
44.- Melgar de Fernamental Hostel
Address: C/ Costanilla de la Azafata s/n
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 227 318
45.- Casa de los Palazuelos
As a symbol of power, some important families of Melgar built ancestral houses with beautiful coats of arms. Casa de los
Palazuelos and Casa del Cordón are good examples of this type of houses.
Address: C/ Sabiniano Sierra, 7
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
46.- La Taberna Boarding House
Address: C/ Real de Oriente, 41
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 76 10
47.- Antiguo Convento de San Antón Hostel (Way of St. James)
Address: Ctra. Hontanás-Castrojeriz, s/n
Town: San Antón (Castrojeriz)
Phone number: 607 922 127
48.- Camino de Santiago Camping (2ª category)
Address: C/ Virgen del Manzano, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 72 55
49.- San Juan Hostel (Road to Santiago)
Address: Calle Cordón s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 71 13
50.- San Esteban Hostel (Road to Santiago)
Address: Plaza Mayor, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
51.- Casa Nostra Hostel (Road to Santiago)
Address: C/ Real de Oriente, 52
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 74 93
52.- Ana Rural House
Address: Ctra. Castrojeriz, 3
Town: Hinestrosa (Castrojeriz)
Phone number: 947 37 72 51
53.- The villages of Amaya, Peones y Puentes
These three small agricultural villages, which have been able to preserve their traditions over the years, are situated in
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the surrounding area of Peña Amaya.
Town: Amaya, Peones y Puentes de Amaya
54.- Camino de Santiago Hostel (Road to Santiago)
Address: C/ Virgen del Manzano s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 72 55
55.- San Miguel de los Angeles abbey
This religious building was erected with the consent of the bishop of Burgos, Don Luis de Acuña, in the centre of the
town, during the middle of the fifteenth century.
Address: Calle Monjas, s/n
Town: Villadiego
56.- Bar Yoin
Address: Carretera de Herrera s/n
Town: Sotresgudo
Phone number: 947360515
57.- Santa Ana cultural center
The former church of Santa Ana, one of the symbols of Melgar de Fernamental, stands tall in the centre of the Plaza de
España, close to the Town Hall building.
Address: Plaza de España, s/n
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
58.- San José hermitage
On the route between Melgar and the hermitage of Zorita you will find this small religious building, in an attractive
natural setting.
Address: Ctra. Valtierra de Riopisuerga, s/n
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
59.- Gate of del Monte
Close to the remains of one of the old walls and one of its seven doors that served to protect the town, we can find in
Castrojeriz a square called “Puerta del Monte”.
Address: Paseo Puerta del Monte, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
60.- Main square of Castrojeriz
This emblematic Plaza Mayor is presided over by the Town Hall building. The square has a curious elongated shape, in
line with the rest of the ensemble.
Address: Plaza Mayor, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
61.- Santa Clara abbey
Santa Clara convent was built in the outskirts of the town in the fourteenth century although It was refurbished in the
eighteenth century.
Address: Ctra. Convento de Santa Clara, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
62.- San Francisco abbey
It is located on the lower part of the site, in a place that pilgrims who passed through used to call “Camino de los
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franceses” (French way).
Address: Ctra. Hontanas, BU-4013, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
63.- Christ hermitage
This hermitage, which has very reduced dimensions, is located in the outskirts of this small town, next to the road that
goes to Coculina.
Town: Villadiego
64.- Casa de Felix Pascual Rural House
Address: C/ Lavaderos, s/n
Town: Hinestrosa (Castrojeriz)
Phone number: 947 22 56 75
65.- La Mora Cantana Rural House
Address: Avda. Colegiata, 4
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 670981550
66.- La Cachava Restaurant
Address: C/ Real de Oriente, 83
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 85 47
67.- Amaya Rural House
Address: C/ San Juan, 10
Town: Amaya (Sotresgudo)
Phone number: 947 36 32 16
68.- Villa de Melgar Youth Hostel
Address: C/ Costanilla de la Azafata s/n
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 25 70
69.- Carrecalzada Restaurant
Address: Embarcadero del Canal de Castilla
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 628 629 997
70.- Tower of Villaute
Silent witnesses of the greatness of Castile, the towers of Villaute, Villanoño and Olmos have a similar structure.
Town: Villaute (Villadiego)
71.- Medieval Tower of Olmos de La Picaza
Silent witnesses of the greatness of Castile, the towers of Villaute, Villanoño and Olmos have a similar structure.
Town: Olmos de Picaza (Villadiego)
72.- The Villanoño Tower
Silent witnesses of the greatness of Castile, the towers of Villaute, Villanoño and Olmos have a similar structure.
Town: Villanoño (Villadiego)
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73.- Major Square of Villadiego
The main square, center of the whole village, invites us to take a walk and admire its special buildings and curious
Address: Plaza Mayor
Town: Villadiego
74.- Cordón Restaurant
Address: C/Cordón, 2
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 02
75.- Las Cruzadas Restaurant
Address: Paseo Puerta del Monte s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 47
76.- La Taberna Restaurant
Address: C/ Real de Oriente, 41
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 76 10
77.- Casa Faulin Rural House
Address: Plazuela de San Juan s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 70 61
78.- Casa del Camping Rural House
Address: C/ Camino de Santiago, 1
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 72 55
79.- El Manzano Guesthouse *
Address: Calle Virgen del Manzano Nº 5
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 18
80.- Puerta del Monte Guesthouse **
Address: Paseo Puerta del Monte, s/n
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 47
81.- Mesón de Castrojeriz Guesthouse **
Address: C/ Cordón, 1
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 10
82.- La Cachava Hotel **
Address: C/ Real de Oriente, 83
Town: Castrojeriz
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Phone number: 947 37 85 47
83.- La Posada Hotel ***
Address: C/ Landelino Tardajos, 5
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 10
84.- El Mesón de Castrojeriz Restaurant
Address: C/ Cordón, 1
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 37 86 10
85.- Velasco Palace
Symbol of one of the major families of Castile, the Velasco, the palace is a good example of the economic power of its
Address: Plaza Mártires de la Tradición s/n
Town: Villadiego
86.- The River Odra
The waters of the river Odra, when it passes through Castrojeriz, will make us enjoy the forms and colours of nature.
Town: Castrojeriz
In Melgar, the water is essential to understand the development of the village.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
A Celtic village lies at the origin of Sasamón.
Town: Sasamón
89.- Interpretation Centre about El Colacho
Town: Castrillo de Murcia (Sasamón)
The comic book artist Angel Pardo Ruiz lived and died in Villadiego. He was one of the illustrators who did the drawings
for the well-known comic “Capitan Trueno”.
Address: C/ Puente Romano s/n
Town: Villadiego
91.- Boat of Castilla Channel
Address: Carrecalzada
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 628 629 997
Estimated time: 1 hour
92.- La Cambija Rural House
Address: C/ La Solana s/n
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 630 16 73 55
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93.- Casa Abanades Rural House
Address: C/ Sabiniano Sierra, 5
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 657837236
94.- Leo Guesthouse *
Address: C/ General Mola, 8
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 02
Castrojeriz is one of the most important villages of the Road to Santiago.
Town: Castrojeriz
96.- Arch of San Miguel and Stone Crosses
On the outskirts of Sasamón, like a huge door opened to nature, you can see the arc of San Miguel. They are the only
remains of the village and church of San Miguel de Mazarreros.
Town: Sasamón
97.- Church of Asunción in Yudego
Besides the beauty of its landscapes, this municipality stands out because of the worthy churches the visitor can
contemplate. The church of Olmillos is the most important one.
Town: Yudego (Sasamón)
98.- The Romanesque Church of Vallunquera
The near village of Vallunquera has a nice church that preserves part of its Romanesque construction.
Town: Vallunquera (Castrojeriz)
99.- Church of Villasilos
The small villages of Villasilos and Villaveta have two exceptional churches. They are really big and beautiful.
Town: Villasilos (Castrojeriz)
100.- Church of Villaveta
The small villages of Villasilos and Villaveta have two exceptional churches. They are really big and beautiful.
Town: Villaveta (Castrojeriz)
101.- The Tower of Hinestrosa
This tower, built in the fifteenth century, is still standing. Modified through the years, it belonged to the Marquis of
Town: Hinestrosa (Castrojeriz)
102.- The Church of Santo Domingo
As a witness of time, the church of Santo Domingo waits for the pilgrims that walk along the streets of Castrojeriz.
Address: Calle Real
Town: San Antón (Castrojeriz)
103.- Roman Bridges of Sasamón
As witnesses of a glorious past, three roman bridges still remain on the outskirts of Sasamón.
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Town: Sasamón
104.- Abánades Aqueduct
You can discover the importance of this magnificent channel by sailing in a boat. You will enjoy a breathtaking natural
Address: Canal de Castilla
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
105.- Convent of San Antón
As a magic entry to the village of Castrojeriz, the arch of San Antón protects the entrance to this ancient convent. Its
beautiful ruins echo a time past.
Address: Barrio de San Antón
Town: San Antón (Castrojeriz)
106.- Concha Guesthouse *
Address: C/ General Mola, 15
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 37 20 13
107.- El Sauce Rural House
Address: Camino del Calvario s/n
Town: San Llorente de la Vega (Melgar de Fernamental)
Phone number: 947 37 22 59
108.- El Hidalgo Rural House
Address: C/ San Juan, 42-44
Town: Amaya (Sotresgudo)
Phone number: 947 36 32 16
109.- "Las de Villadiego" Rural House
Address: Villalibado s/n
Town: Villalibado (Villadiego)
Phone number: 616 885 308
110.- Las Cabañas de Barrios Rural House
Address: C/ San Pedro, 10
Town: Barrios de Villadiego (Villadiego)
Phone number: 947 72 05 03
111.- Puerta Norte Rural House
Address: C/ Vega, 10
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 18 78
112.- Villa del Brulles Rural House
Address: Plaza Mayor, 19
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 17 09
113.- El Safari Center of Rural Tourism
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Address: Avda. Burgos, 8
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 00 00
114.- El Molino de Plata Center of Rural Tourism
Address: C/ Castrojeriz, 13-14
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 57 28 55
115.- Viacos Hotel *
Address: Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 17 32
116.- Peña Amaya Rural House
Address: C/ San Juan, 12
Town: Amaya (Sotresgudo)
Phone number: 947 36 32 16
117.- Marinaceli Rural House
Address: C/ Real, 5
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 627 28 54 62
118.- El Castillo Guesthouse
Address: Autovía del Camino de Santiago A-231, salida 135
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 06 06
119.- Casa Gloria Rural House
Address: C/ Arco, 1
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 37 00 59
120.- Ermita I Rural House
Address: C/ Ermita de San Isidro, s/n
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 37 00 59
121.- Ermita II Rural House
Address: C/ Ermita de San Isidro, s/n
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 37 00 59
122.- Castillo Goyito Rural House
Address: C/ Ronda, nº 15
Town: Citores del Páramo (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 411 262
123.- Humilladero Rural House
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Address: C/ Alta, 36
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 37 02 75
124.- Castillo Eugenio Rural House
Address: C/ Ronda, nº 15 bis
Town: Citores del Páramo (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 411 262
125.- Señorío de Olmillos Hotel ****
Address: Camino de Santa Lucía s/n
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 40 09
126.- Santa Coloma del Camino Hotel ***
Address: Ctra. a Villandiego, km. 1
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 04 98
127.- Cueva de Mayla Boarding House
Address: C/ Mayor, 11
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 00 42
128.- The Church of San Juan
The parish of Castrojeriz still preserves part of its ancient construction. This magnificent church was built by the famous
architect Rodrigo Gil de Ontañón.
Address: Calle Real
Town: Castrojeriz
129.- Señorío de Olmillos Restaurant
Address: Camino de Santa Lucía, s/n
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 40 09
130.- Sacred Art Museum of Sasamón
It occupies part of the church of Santa María la Real and keeps several religious objects and works of art.
Address: Plaza Mayor s/n
Town: Sasamón
131.- Painting Museum of Villadiego
A museum that contains a private collection of paintings, furniture, tapestries and china, donated by Lorenzo Albarrán to
the village of Villadiego.
Address: Arco de la Cárcel Avda. Reyes Católicos s/n
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 361 700
132.- Sacred Art Museum of Villadiego
Contains a lot of religious objects (sacred crosses, religious clothes, furniture…), documents and works of art, apart from
the altarpieces and paintings that belong to the church.
Address: Iglesia de San Lorenzo
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Town: Villadiego
133.- Ethnographic Museum of Villadiego
Several traditional tools are distributed by subjects such as “the fields”, “the school”, “the religion”, etc.
Address: Arco de la Cárcel Avda. Reyes Católicos s/n
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 361 700
134.- Salaguti Museum
This original house built by its owner, Carlos Salazar Gutierrez, SALAGUTI, has a very interesting collection of the works
of art that he has made throughout the years.
Town: Sasamón
135.- Sacred Art Museum of Castrojeriz
It contains medieval sculptures, paintings, parchments and several objects made of gold or silver.
Address: Barrio del Manzano
Town: Castrojeriz
136.- Las Loras
The northern area of the Villadiego municipality is interesting due to its orography, formed by a particular type of relief.
Town: Villadiego
137.- The Festivity of "El Colacho"
Every year, the festivity of “El Colacho” takes place in the village of Castrillo de Murcia. It is an ancestral tradition with a
lot of colour and fun.
Town: Castrillo de Murcia (Sasamón)
138.- Ethnographic Museum "Pilar Ramos de Guerra"
It is divided in two floors and different sections that represent activities of everyday life in the village.
Address: Casa de los Palazuelos C/ Sabiniano Sierra, 7
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 372 010
139.- Contemporary Art Museum "Ángel Miguel de Arce"
It belonged to the Templar and, nowadays, it has more than 250 works of art of different artistic styles, from the
nineteenth century to our days.
Address: Antiguo hospital de peregrinos
Town: Sasamón
140.- Tourist Office Villadiego
Address: Villa’s Door. C/ Vega, s/n
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 361 700
141.- Hotel El Castillo Restaurant
Address: Autovía Camino de Santiago A-231, salida 135
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
Phone number: 947 37 06 06
142.- La Cueva de Mayla Restaurant
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Address: C/ Mayor, 11
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 00 42
143.- Gloria Restaurant
Address: C/ Arco, 1
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 37 00 59
144.- Viacos Restaurant
Address: Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 17 32
145.- Ronny Restaurant
Address: Avda. Reyes Católicos, 8
Town: Villadiego
Phone number: 947 36 16 43
146.- Tourist Office Melgar de Fernamental
Address: Casa de los Palazuelos C/ Sabiniano Sierra, 7
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
Phone number: 947 372 010
147.- Tourist Office Sasamón
Address: Plaza Mayor, 1
Town: Sasamón
Phone number: 947 370 012
148.- Tourist Office Castrojeriz
Address: Ayuntamiento de Castrojeriz, Plaza Mayor, 3
Town: Castrojeriz
Phone number: 947 377 001
149.- Lic and Zepa in Peña Amaya
The special orography of the land that surrounds Amaya has favored the categories of both protected area and a natural
Town: Amaya
150.- Ancient Village in Peña Ulaña
Thanks to their special location, Peña Amaya and Peña Ulaña confirm the existence of villages since the Iron Age and
through the centuries.
Town: Amaya
151.- The Stone Cross of San Isidro
There is not a stone cross as spectacular as this one in the whole province. It is unique thanks to its height and the
exceptional carving.
Address: Ctra. a Villadiego
Town: Sasamón
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152.- City Walls and Ancestral Houses
Part of the city walls and a door are still preserved in Sasamón, as a symbol of its glorious past. Some ancestral houses
were built by important families of the village.
Address: Ctra. a Olmillos
Town: Sasamón
153.- Church of Asunción of Olmillos
Besides the beauty of its landscapes, this municipality stands out because of the worthy churches the visitor can
contemplate. The church of Olmillos is the most important one.
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
154.- Church of Villasidro
Besides the beauty of its landscapes, this municipality stands out because of the worthy churches the visitor can
contemplate. The church of Olmillos is the most important one.
Town: Villasidro (Sasamón)
155.- Church of Villandiego
Besides the beauty of its landscapes, this municipality stands out because of the worthy churches the visitor can
contemplate. The church of Olmillos is the most important one.
Town: Villandiego (Sasamón)
156.- Castilla Channel
You can discover the importance of this magnificent channel by sailing in a boat. You will enjoy a breathtaking natural
Address: Embarcadero de Carrecalzada
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
157.- The Castle of Castrojeriz
As a guardian that protects its village, the castle of Castrojeriz is situated in a hill over the village. The view of the
municipality is incredible from this spot.
Town: Castrojeriz
158.- The Collegiate Church of Nuestra Señora del Manzano
The ancient Collegiate Church of Castrojeriz, called “the Manzano or Almazan”, guards inside the sculpture of the Virgin,
patron saint of the village.
Address: Barrio del Manzano
Town: Castrojeriz
159.- The Collegiate Church of Santa María
The Collegiate Church of Santa María la Real is the landmark of Sasamón. The sculptures presented in its portals tell us
the thoughts of those who built the place “for the greater glory of God.”
Address: Plaza Mayor s/n
Town: Sasamón
160.- Castle of Olmillos
This castle of Olmillos is one of the most beautiful and well preserved in Castilla. Behind the high walls and towers the
place is now the site of a hotel.
Town: Olmillos de Sasamón (Sasamón)
161.- Lock 14th and San Llorente Waterwheel
You can discover the importance of this magnificent channel by sailing in a boat. You will enjoy a breathtaking natural
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Address: Canal de Castilla
Town: San Llorente de La Vega (Melgar de Fernamental)
162.- Ancient Villages in Peña Amaya
Thanks to their special location, Peña Amaya and Peña Ulaña confirm the existence of villages since the Iron Age and
through the centuries.
Town: Amaya
163.- The Church of La Asunción
The Church of la Asunción is the landmark of Melgar. Lighting plays a key role in the building, where some important
works of art are guarded.
Address: Plaza Fernán Armentarez
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
164.- Casa del Cordón
As a symbol of power, some important families of Melgar built ancestral houses with beautiful coats of arms. Casa de los
Palazuelos and Casa del Cordón are good examples of this type of houses.
Address: C/ Sabiniano Sierra
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
165.- Zorita Hermitage
Every year on 8 September, the festivity of Virgin de Zorita takes place in Melgar. The hermitage, where this Virgin is
venerated, is situated in a magic and natural setting.
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
166.- The Pisuerga Bank
The bank of the Pisuerga river gives colour to this area. You can enjoy nature by walking between cereal fields and trees
that surround the river.
Address: C/ Rivera del Pisuerga
Town: Melgar de Fernamental
167.- Church of Valtierra de Riopisuerga
The Romanesque art has left its mark in these two small churches situated in two villages near Melgar.
Town: Valtierra de Pisuerga (Melgar de Fernamental)
168.- Church of Tagarrosa
The Romanesque art has left its mark in these two small churches situated in two villages near Melgar.
Town: Tagarrosa (Melgar de Fernamental)
169.- Tagarrosa Tower
As other medieval towers, the Tagarrosa Tower shows its wide and defensive walls, silent witnesses of ancient fights.
Town: Tagarrosa (Melgar de Fernamental)
170.- The Way of St. James
Castrojeriz is a symbol of the Way of St. James. Historical and hospitable village, Castrojeriz receives those who are
doing the Way of St. James with pleasure.
Address: Calle Real
Town: Castrojeriz
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