1. The courses listed below are examples of transfer credit given in

Updated March 30, 2011
1. The courses listed below are examples of transfer credit given in the past. Students are not
limited to only theses courses and may submit additional courses for assessment if they are
offered by the exchange partner
2. These courses may not be offered every semester.
Exchange Transfer Credit Disclaimer: Information provided in this document is for reference
purposes only. The final decision regarding transfer credits is made by the Admissions office in
consultation with the specific faculties.
**Courses listed are taught in Spanish unless otherwise indidcated
Argentina - Universidad Blas Pascal
Administracion III
Administracion de la Produccion
Administration de Personal
Antropologia Filosofica
Commercial Investigation
Compartamiento Organacional II
Cultura Popular Argentina
Curso Intensivo De Espanol Y Cultura Argentina
El Sistema Financiero Argentino Y Mercado
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Anth 2xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Hum. 2xxx
SSCI 2xxx
de Capitales
Epistemología de las Ciencias Ambientales
Espanol I (pre-semester course)
Mgt. 3xxx
Phil 2xxx
Espanol I
Espanol Advanced I
Espanol Advanced II
Finanzas Internacionales
Fuentes Y Medios de Financiaciin
Gramatica de Espanol
Historia Moderna Argentina
Historia Social Economina Argentina
Imagen Corporatina I (Corporate Imaging)
Informatica Aplicada Al Comercio Exterior
Intermediate Spanish
Innovation Strategy:from idea to Market
International Academic Program in Architecture (Summer)
International Logistics
Introduccion A Los Generos Literarios
Logistica Comercial
Los Negocios Internacional
Marketing International
Organizational Analysis
Politica de Negocios
Span 2xxx
Span 3xxx
Span 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Span 1xxx
Hist 2xxx
Hum 2xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Span. 15xx
Mgt. 3xxx
Hum. 2xxx (If 3 cr)
Mgt. 3xxx
Span 2xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
No Mgt. credit
Mgt. 3xxx
Publicidad Promocion Commercial
Relaciones Publicas I
Seminario de Practica e Integration
Seminario de Tecnicatura (name change International Business)
Sociologia (Sociology)
Teoria del Consumidor (Theories of the
Taller Culture (Culture Workshop)
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
Soci 1xxx
Mgt. 3xxx
No credit