Presentación de PowerPoint

Tendencias en la formación en
Computación o Informática
Ludvik D. Medic
Director EPICS-FIA
Octubre 18, 2013
Breve historia de la Ingeniería
Breve historia de la Computación
Qué es Informática
Computing Curricula
Tendencia global y local
Perspectiva USMP
Disciplinas de Ingeniería comúnmente aceptadas
From Honour, E.,
“Characteristics of Engineering Disciplines,"
13th Int’l Conference on Systems Engineering, 1999.
“Modern” Engineering in France
• In 1676 the French Minister of War created the
CORPS OF ENGINEERS in the French army.
– Personnel were recruited from the lower French
nobility and the upper middle class
• In 1716 Louis XV created the Corps des Ponts et
– A Network of Roads was created to speed
deployment of Troops
Bruce Mayer, PE
• First Schools Founded in France
– 1747 – École des Ponts et Chausseses
– 1749 – École du corps royal du genie
– 1778 - École des mines
– 1794 - École polytechnique
• (School for Theoretical and Mathematical Engineering)
• By 1800 engineering was an established
profession in France
Bruce Mayer, PE
“Modern” Engineering in England
By senior practitioners
Cambridge - Mechanical Science 1790
Smeton: first “Civil” Engineer
Between 1750 to 1850, the
Industrial Revolution dominated the
evolution of engineering.
• Influenced by Savery, Newcomen, Watt and Trevithick
and their steam engines;
• By Whitworth and the development of screw-cutting
and other machine tools, machinery for the mass
production of goods;
• And by Stephenson, Brunel and others system of
transportation - the railways
First Professional Society
ICE was founded in 1818 by a small group of idealistic
young men.
We were granted a royal charter in 1828 where we
declared that our aim was to "foster and promote the
art and science of civil engineering".
That is still our aim today. Now the number of members
has grown, and ICE represents nearly 80,000 members
• 1818 - Institution of Civil Engineers founded
in Britain, the FIRST Professional Society for
• 1824 - Franklin Institute of Philadelphia was
formed to educate crafts persons in the
scientific principles of their work
• 1867 - The American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
was formed.
Bruce Mayer, PE
• 1871 - The American Institute of Mining
Engineers was formed when mining
engineers split from the ASCE.
• 1880 - American Society
of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) was formed.
• 1884 - American
Institute of Electrical
Engineers was formed.
Bruce Mayer, PE
• 1907 - The American Society of Agricultural
Engineers (ASAE) Founded
• 1908 - Chem Engrs left the American Chemical
Society to form the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
• 1932 - The Society for the Promotion of
Engineering Education (SPEE)
– Later became the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET).
Bruce Mayer, PE
• 1934 - National Society of Professional
Engineers (NSPE) was formed
– Focused on economic issues affecting engineers
– Responsible for passing
legislation to require
licensing of engineers.
» Taken from The Engineer in America: A Historical Anthology from
Technology and Culture edited by
Terry S. Reynolds. 1991.
Bruce Mayer, PE
Una definición ‘clásica’ de Ingeniería
Engineering is the profession in which a
knowledge of the mathematical and
natural science gained by study,
experience, and practice is applied with
judgement to develop ways to utilize,
economically, the material and forces.
From the Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD)
the precursor (1930) to the Accrediting Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET)
The history of engineering can be roughly divided into four
overlapping phases, each marked by a revolution:
• Pre-scientific revolution: The prehistory of modern
engineering features ancient master builders and Renaissance
engineers such as Leonardo da Vinci.
• Industrial revolution: From the eighteenth through early
nineteenth century, civil and mechanical engineers changed
from practical artists to scientific professionals.
• Second industrial revolution: In the century before World War
II, chemical, electrical, and other science-based engineering
branches developed electricity, telecommunications, cars,
airplanes, and mass production.
• Information revolution: As engineering science matured after
the war, microelectronics, computers, and
telecommunications jointly produced information technology.
A Profession
(1) an occupation requiring special education (especially
in the liberal arts or sciences)
(2) the body of people in a learned occupation
(1) an authority qualified to teach apprentices
(2) a person engaged in one of the learned professions
[Shaw 1990]
The Software Engineering Profession
SWENET Module, April 2004
Developed with support from the National Science Foundation
Profesores, administradores, estudiantes,
y padres necesitan de este reporte porque
la computación es una amplia disciplina
que cruza los límites entre las
matemáticas, la ciencia, la ingeniería y
los negocios …
Computing Curricula 2005,
página 3.
Evolution of an Engineering Profession
[Shaw 1990]
The Software Engineering Profession
SWENET Module, April 2004
Developed with support from the National Science Foundation
Example: Civil Engineering
[Shaw 1990]
SE Profession - 26
Evolution of Software Engineering
[Shaw 1990]
SE Profession - 27
Most Important Topics
[Lethbridge 2000]
SE Profession - 28
Least Important Topics
[Lethbridge 2000]
SE Profession - 29
Role of Body of Knowledge
(Source: adapted from
Ford & Gibbs)
Body of
Code of
prepares for
prepares for
prepares for
raises minimum
raises minimum
Le saviez vous ?
L'origine du mot " Ordinateur "
Cette dans l'uszine IBM de
Corbeil-Essonnes qu'est né, en
1955, le mot " Ordinateur
Une lettre au professeur Perret
Sollicité par la direction de l'usine de
Corbeil-Essonnes, François Girard,
responsable du service " Promotion
Générale Publicité ", a décidé de
consulter Jacques Perret, l'un de ses
anciens maîtres, professeur de philologie
latine à la Sorbonne.
Voici la réponse de Jacques Perret.
Le 16 juin 1955
Cher Monsieur,
Que diriez-vous d' "ordinateur" ? C'est un mot correctement formé,
qui se trouve même dans le Littré comme adjectif désignant Dieu qui
met de l'ordre dans le monde. Un mot de ce genre a l'avantage de
donner aisément un verbe "ordiner", un nom d'action "ordination".
L'inconvénient est que "ordination" désigne une cérémonie religieuse
; mais les deux champs de signification (religion et comptabilité) sont
si éloignés et la cérémonie d'ordination connue, je crois, de si peu de
personnes que l'inconvénient est peut-être mineur.
D'ailleurs votre machine serait "ordinateur" (et non ordination) et
ce mot est tout à fait sorti de l'usage théologique. "Systémateur"
serait un néologisme, mais qui ne me paraît pas offensant ; il permet
"systématisé" ; - mais système ne me semble guère utilisable "Combinateur" a l'inconvénient du sens péjoratif de "combine" ;
"combiner" est usuel donc peu capable de devenir technique ;
"combination" ne me paraît guère viable à cause de la proximité de
"combinaison". Mais les Allemands ont bien leurs "combinats"
(sorte de trusts, je crois), si bien que le mot aurait peut-être des
possibilités autres que celles qu'évoque "combine".
"Congesteur", "digesteur" évoquent trop "congestion" et "digestion" "Synthétiseur" ne me
paraît pas un mot assez neuf pour designer un objet spécifique, déterminé comme votre
machine. En relisant les brochures que vous m'avez données, je vois que plusieurs de vos
appareils sont désignés par des noms d'agent féminins (trieuse, tabulatrice). "Ordinatrice"
serait parfaitement possible et aurait même l'avantage de séparer plus encore votre
machine du vocabulaire de la théologie. Il y a possibilité aussi d'ajouter à un nom d'agent
un complément : "ordinatrice d'éléments complexes" ou un élément de composition, par
exemple : "sélecto-systémateur". - "Sélecto-ordinateur" a l'inconvénient de deux "o" en
hiatus, comme "électro-ordinatrice".
Il me semble que je pencherais pour "ordinatrice électronique". Je souhaite que ces
suggestions stimulent, orientent vos propres facultés d'invention. N'hésitez pas à me donner
un coup de téléphone si vous avez une idée qui vous paraisse requérir l'avis d'un
Jacques Perret
¿De dónde proviene “Informática”?
Término inventado por Phillipe Dreyfus en
Francia en 1962 y aceptado por la Academia
Francesa en 1966.
En España fue aceptado en 1968.
INFORMATIQUÉ se deriva de:
- INFORmation y autoMATIQUÉ
Employment Patterns by Discipline
Fraction of professionals with degrees in that discipline:
Fraction of disciplinary graduates employed in that profession:
SOURCE: National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics,
SESTAT (Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System), 1999,
as presented by Caroline Wardle at Snowbird 2002
266 pages
274 pages
911 pages
The March of Progress
Eric Roberts, 2007
1536 pages
Principios para Enfocar las
Profesiones de
Computación e Informática
1. Respeto
Conozcamos y apreciemos a quienes nos han
precedido, su labor pionera y el contexto en
que se realizó.
2. Innovación
Valorando nuestros antecedentes, veámos
los cambios y evolución que experimentan
nuestras jóvenes profesiones
Principios para Enfocar las
Profesiones de
Computación e Informática
3. Institucionalización
Basémonos más en las opiniones publicadas
de Instituciones Internacionales y
4. Globalización y localización
A partir de una perspectiva más general,
identifiquemos las adecuaciones particulares
para nuestro contexto actual.
Principios para Enfocar las
Profesiones de
Computación e Informática
5. Transparencia y referencia
Publiquemos nuestras decisiones y en donde
sea pertinente, declaremos nuestras
referencias, tanto documentos institucionales
como si son opiniones individuales.
Breve historia de la Ingeniería
Breve historia de la Computación
Qué es Informática
Computing Curricula
Tendencia global y local
Perspectiva USMP
Gracias por su atención !
The Integrated Software and Systems
Engineering Curriculum Project:
Creating a Reference Curriculum for
Graduate Software Engineering Education
Kristen Baldwin and Art Pyster
October 23, 2007
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
Systems and Software Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Engineering
Applied Systems Thinking Institute