EY TAX Flash - Administrative Regulation for the bidding process for

EY TAX Flash
Administrative Regulation for the bidding
process for the exploration and extraction
In concordance with the Hydrocarbons Law the National Hydrocarbons Commission (NHC) on Friday
November 28, published the new regulation that will apply to the bidding process for the new exploration and
extraction contracts that will allow to any private company to exploit the oil & gas in Mexico.
This regulation in general establishes the process that NHC will follow in all the bidding processes, including
the fore coming Round 1, as follow we will highlight the major point of the document.
The Regulation contemplates, among other things, the creation of an internal bidding committee that will:
i) coordinate and execute all stages of the process; ii) verify the entire documentation fill in the process; iii)
evaluate the fulfillment of the requirements of the bidding terms; iv) open the offers and v) other that will
establish in the terms. The committee will be integrated by one coordinator, one secretary and all the personal
needed, all appointed by the President Commissioner (Chairman).
Now about the bidding process, the regulation confirms that the process can be establish in physical presence,
by electronic means or a combination of those, the method will be included in the bidding terms.
Also the regulation established the minimum stages that the bidding process should include, the stages will
depend of the technicalities of the area or block, and these stages are:
Aseguramiento | Asesoría | Fiscal | Transacciones
Contractualblock in sitio visit;
The regulation also establishes the minimum requirements that the bidding terms should include, must of them
are established since the Hydrocarbons Law, which are:
bidding terms, including the terms and conditions to do so. And the NHC at any time can modify or clarify the
bidding terms, this also apply to the fiscal and contractual terms only to those changes, if applicable, should
be made by the Ministries of Finance and Energy. No modification can be made after the final publication of
Acerca de los Servicios Fiscales
de EY
Su negocio sólo alcanzará su verdadero
potencial si lo construye sobre sólidos
cimientos y lo acrecienta de manera
sostenible. En EY creemos que cumplir
con sus obligaciones fiscales de manera
responsable y proactiva puede marcar
una diferencia fundamental. Por lo tanto,
nuestros 25,000 talentosos profesionales
de impuestos, en más de 135 países, le
ofrecen conocimiento técnico, experiencia
en negocios, metodologías congruentes y un
firme compromiso de brindar un servicio de
calidad, en el lugar del mundo dondequiera
usted se encuentre y sin importar el servicio
fiscal que necesite. Así es como EY marca la
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© 2014 Mancera, S.C.
Integrante de EY Global
Derechos reservados
EY se refiere a la organización global de firmas miembro
conocida como EY Global Limited, en la que cada una
de ellas actúa como una entidad legal separada. EY
Global Limited no provee servicios a clientes.
The prequalification requirements to certify the financial, technical and legal capacity should be public
and verifiable and should follow the best practice of the industry. The NHC will publish all participants that
accomplish the requirements of the prequalification.
The filling and opening of the offers should be made in the place, date and time established in the bidding
For the awarding of the contract the NHC must publish the resolution that should include:
• Thebiddingprocessresolutionandallthediscardedoffers;
• Thewinnerandthesecondbestproposal;
• Thedeadlinetosignthecontractandtofillthewarranties.
In case of no proposal or any of the ones that were fill no fulfils the terms the NHC will declare null the process.
Finally, the entire participant in order to participate in the process should pay all the fees establish by the NHC.
As mentioned before the Hydrocarbons legal framework is closing, in order to clarify all the rules for the
industry, particularly in the bidding process, which we consider one of the most important processes to motive
the success of the energy reform. This regulation is a good approach that helps to understand the rules that
the authorities and in this case the NHC will apply in the Round 1.
Nevertheless the clarifications made in this regulation the industry will have to wait until the final bidding terms
are published in order to finally know exactly the scope of the process.
- Méxicotitle Additional text
Este boletín ha sido preparado cuidadosamente por los
profesionales de EY, contiene comentarios de carácter
general sobre la aplicación de las normas fiscales, sin
que en ningún momento, deba considerarse como
asesoría profesional sobre el caso concreto. Por tal
motivo, no se recomienda tomar medidas basadas en
dicha información sin que exista la debida asesoría
profesional previa. Asímismo, aunque procuramos
brindarle información veráz y oportuna, no garantizamos
que la contenida en este documento sea vigente y
correcta al momento que se reciba o consulte, o que
continuará siendo válida en el futuro; por lo que
EY no se responsabiliza de eventuales errores o
inexactitudes que este documento pudiera contener.
Derechos reservados en trámite.