The National Information System on Biosafety

The National Information
System on Biosafety
José Eduardo Calzada Rovirosa
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock,
Rural Development, Fisheries and Food
and President of CIBIOGEM
Enrique Cabrero Mendoza
Area Director
Natalhie Beatriz Campos Reales Pineda
Area Director
Av. San Borja 938, Esq. Heriberto Frías
Col. Del Valle, Del Benito Juárez
C.P. 03100, México, D.F.
Tel: 52+ 55756878/7618/6685
[email protected]
G e n e t ic a l l y M o d ifi e d O r g a n is m s
Laura Esther Tovar Castillo
Int e r - S e cr e ta r ia l
Sol Ortiz García
Executive Secretariat of CIBIOGEM
[email protected]
C o m m is s io n o n B io s a f e ty o f
General Director of the National Council of Science and
Technology and Vice-President of CIBIOGEM
Intersecretarial CoMMission on Biosafety of
Genetically Modified Organisms
The National Information System on Biosafety:
An online Public Source for Information on Activities Related to OGMs
Mexico acknowledges in its national regulatory framework, the right of the society to have
access to information. On this issue, the Law for Biosafety and Genetically Modified
Organisms (LBGMO) offers an adequate response through its articles 108 and 109, which
also address article 20 of the Cartagena Protocol. In accordance to the legal mandate,
Mexico has implemented the National Information System on Biosafety (NISB), which
includes the National Register of GMOs. These are hosted within the Web Page of the
Intersecretarial Commission for Biosafety and Genetically Modified Organisms
(CIBIOGEM) and managed by its Executive Secretariat. The information included in the
NISB and the National Register of GMOs is the following:
National Information
System on Biosafety
I. National Register System of GMOs
II. Statistics
III. Restricted Areas
IV. Documents and Activities on Biosafety
V. Notification Formats
VI. Permit applications in Public
VII. Reports
VIII. Activities Related to the special
protection of maize
National Register of GMOs
I. Applications
a. Environmental release
b. Authorizations
II. Resolutions
a. Permits
b. Authorizations issued by
COFEPRIS, Ministry of Health
III. Suspensions and Revocations
IV. Notification of contained use
V. Requirements and additional measures
for the contained use of GMOs
VI. Accidental releases Communications
Food Safety information found in the National Register of GMOs. From 1995 to date
(updated june 2015), 146 GM events have been approved for Food, Feed and processing by
the Secretary of Health.
Crop/Authorized events
Solanum tuberosum
Gossypium hirsutum
Medicago sativa L.
Soy bean
Glycine max
Sugar beet
Beta vulgaris L.
Brassica napus
Oryza sativa
This information can be found in the Web Page addressing multiple issues directed to
different focus groups such as networks designed to be used by government officials, but
also as a outreach mechanism for society in general. Among these we have a section to
provide information to researches in biotechnology and biosafety regarding, for instance,
the different programs implemented by CIBIOGEM which may serve as source of funds to
renew/update or improve infrastructure in containment research facilities, or invitations to
submit research proposals on specific topics of biosafety or biotechnology, etc. There are
also sections to find relevant information on applicable legislation (some translated into
English, such as the Biosafety Law and its Bylaw), relevant scientific and technical
information, frequently asked questions, and a complete section on biotechnology for
children as part of the efforts of CIBIOGEM to provide information starting from a very
basic level that can be used by parents, teachers and school children of different ages.
Of course, there is also a set of links to related and important sites such as those hosted by
the Secretaries that integrate CIBIOGEM, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and its
Biosafety Clearing House, Codex Alimentarius, CERA, ISBR, EFSA, USDA, CFIA, and
many others.
General Public
Information related to:
-CIBIOGEM and Executive Secretariat
-Technical Committee, Scientific
Advisory Board and Advisory Council
-Frequently Asked Questions
School children
Sample of a record of a environmental release request taken from the National Register of
Genetically Modified Organisms.
Crop/Authorized events
Zea mays L.
Lycopersicum esculentum
Activities related to public awareness,
education and social participation such as:
-The Month´s Experiment or Activity
-Young Scientists
-Handbook (cartoon) - Biosafety in basic level
-Grants and Research funding
-Applicable National Legislation
(for instance, Notice Formats)
-Mexican Network for Monitoring of Genetically
Modified Organisms
-National Laboratory Network for the Detection,
Identification and Quantification of Genetically
Modified Organisms (RNLD-GMO)
-Scientific Protocols and Events
-Press Releases
-Newspaper Articles on Biosafety and Biotechnology
-Outreach materials for the general public