Devocion a la Santa Faz de Jesus

Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
a cargo de
Ing. Abraham Jovanny Arenas Corzas
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
a cargo de
Ing. Abraham Jovanny Arenas Corzas
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
LA VALIENTE VERONICA, Tu rostro busco señor:
TESTIMONIO DE LA VERONICA (Evangelio según Nicodemo)
Y una mujer, llamada Verónica, dijo: Doce años venía afligiéndome un flujo de sangre y, con solo
tocar el borde de su vestido, el flujo se detuvo en el mismo momento.
Y los judíos exclamaron: Según nuestra ley, una mujer no puede venir a deponer como testigo.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Isaías (52: 14)
Así como se asombraron de El muchos pues tan desfigurado tenia el aspecto que no parecía hombre.
Yo soy Verónica. Yo seguí a Cristo. En un momento, pude quitar el sudor, el polvo y la sangre de su
rostro. En ese instante, vi a Jesús cara a cara. Un día, tú estarás cara a cara con Cristo.el día del
gran viaje, el día de nuestra muerte…
Ojalá ese día nos presentemos ante el Señor Jesús, no con las manos vacías, sino con las
Manos llenas de obras de Misericordia, Ojalà que en ese día, podamos responder a las preguntas
que Jesucristo nos hará ¿Me diste de comer cuando tuve hambre? ¿Luchaste para traer agua a mi
pueblo, por que tenía mucha sed? ¿Me vestiste cuando me viste andrajoso y mal oliente, casi
¿Me diste ropa en buen estado, o me diste la ropa que ya ibas a tirar? Cuando me viste enfermo y te
dabas cuenta que no tenia medicinas. ¿hiciste un banco de medicinas para apoyar mi alivio?
¿Me apoyaste cuando, por necesidad económica tuve que salir de mi pueblo y migrar hacia el
Algunos no hemos realizado estas obras. Es necesario comenzar hoy.
Señor Dios que quisiste compartir nuestra humanidad, concedemos enjugarnos mutuamente el rostro,
en el camino de cada día. Por Cristo nuestro Señor Amen.
Peque Señor, ten misericordia de mi.
Pecamos señor, ten misericordia de nosotros.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Tito es un rey que manda en Aquitania, en la ciudad de Libia, llamada Burgidalla. Tenía Cáncer en
la fosa nasal derecha y su rostro estaba deshecho hasta el ojo.
Un Judío llamado Nathan, hijo de Naum, es enviado al emperador Tiberio como portador de un
Tratado. Tiberio también esta lleno de enfermedades, fiebres, ulceras, y con varios géneros de
La embarcación de Nathan es empujada por el viento a la ciudad de Tito. Nathan es llamado ante
Tito Y cuenta su Historia.
Tito pregunta si conoce alguien que pueda curarlo. Nathan responde: “Si hubieras vivido en
Jerusalen Habrías encontrado a un profeta, llamado Emmanuel, que curaba al pueblo”
Tito exclama”Malhaya tú, Tiberio, pues escándalo tal pasó bajo tu reinado. Yo mataria a esos
Judios con mis propias manos, pues han destruido a mi Señor”.
Al decir estas palabras la llaga del rostro desaparece, y cuantos enfermos están presentes quedan
Tito se hace bautizar y confiesa su fe en Cristo.
Envía entonces mensajeros a Vespasiano, pidiéndole que venga a toda prisa con soldados.
Vespasiano llega con 5000 hombres armados; pregunta ¿Por qué me has hecho venir ? Tito
contesta “Para destruir a los enemigos de Jesús”
Embarcan para Jerusalén. Arquelao, turbado, da su reino a su hijo; se clava su espada en el pecho
y Muere. Su hijo se une a otros reyes y se atrinchera en Jerusalén.
Tito y Vespasiano sitian la ciudad durante siete años, hasta que los habitantes comienzan a comer
Finalmente, los sitiados se rinden y entregan las llaves de la ciudad a Tito y a Vespasiano.
Unos son lapidados, otros crucificados, con la cabeza hacia abajo, o heridos a lanzadas o divididos
en cuatro partes, o vendidos a treinta por un denario.
Posteriormente empiezan a buscar la faz de Cristo y encuentran que una mujer llamada Verónica
la tiene. Apresan a Pilatos y lo encargan a cuatro piquetes de soldados.
Mandan emisarios a Tiberio, pidiéndole que les envié a Velosiano. Tiberio les dice “Baja a Judea y
busca a uno de los discípulos de aquel que llamaban Cristo, para que me cure de mi lepra.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Velosiano llega a Jerusalén después de un año siete días y primero encuentra a José de Arimatea y
Nicodemo. José narra la sepultura, su prisión y liberación por Jesús.
Entonces llega la Verónica y cuenta su curación. Velosiano la interroga y ella niega tener la faz del
Señor. Él la amenaza con tormentos, Verónica confiesa que tiene la Faz del señor en un lienzo y que
la adora a diario. Ella la muestra , Velosiano la adora, la envuelve en una tela dorada, la guarda en
una caja y se embarca para Roma.
Y Verónica abandono cuanto poseía y siguió a Velosiano. Y el le dijo Mujer ¿Qué buscas, o que
Que me ha iluminado no por mis merecimientos, si no por su piadosa misericordia. Devuélveme la
imagen de Nuestro señor Jesucristo, por que me mata el dolor de no tenerla. Si no me la devuelves yo
no te abandonaré hasta que no vea dónde la has depositado, pues quiero Miserable de mi servirla todos
los días de mi vida. Por que creo que el es mi redentor, y que Vive en la eternidad.
Y Velosiano ordenó que se admitiese a Verónica en el buque. Pasado un año llegan a la Ciudad de
Tiberio llama a Velosiano este le cuenta largamente toda la historia, incluida la destrucción de los
Entonces Tiberio le pregunta por la efigie del Señor. Al ver, la imagen la adora y su carne queda
curada. Ora al Señor. Pregunta a Velosiano si ha visto alguien que haya conocido a Cristo y sepa
como bautizar. Nathan llega y lo bautiza. Tiberio bendice a Dios y es instruido en todos los artículos
de Fe.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Sor Maria Pierina De Micheli
Josefina de Micheli, nació en Milán el 11 de septiembre de 1890. Creció en la
caridad, en la pureza y en el sacrificio.
Desde muy pequeña, alimentó el sentimiento de la reparación. A la edad de 12 años, encontrándose en la
Iglesia San Pietro in Sala, Milán, el Viernes Santo oyó una voz que le dijo: "¿Ninguno me ha dado un
beso de amor en el rostro, para reparar el beso de Judas?". Creyó que la voz era oída por todos y
experimentó pena al ver que continuaban besando las llagas. Dentro de su corazón exclamó: "Te doy yo
el beso de amor, ¡oh, Jesús, ten paciencia!", y llegado su turno le besó el Rostro.
El día 16 de mayo de 1914, vistió el hábito religioso de las Hijas de la Inmaculada Concepción, tomando
el nombre de Sor María Pierina.
Elegida Superiora de la casa de Milán, y luego Regional de Italia, se tornó
Apóstol del Divino Rostro entre sus hijas y entre aquellos que la rodeaban.
El primer viernes de cuaresma de 1936, Jesús, con profunda tristeza le dijo:
"Quiero que mi Rostro, el cual refleja las penas íntimas de mi interior, el dolor y
el amor de mi Corazón, sea más honrado. Quien me contempla, me consuela".
En mayo de 1938, mientras rezaba, se presentó sobre el altar la Santísima Virgen, llevando en sus manos
un escapulario formado por dos franelas blancas. Una tenía la imagen del Divino Rostro de Jesús con la
frase "Ilumina Domine Vultum Tuum super nos" y la otra, una Hostia circundada por rayos y las
palabras: "Mane nobiscum Domine".
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
La Madre Pierina, sobrellevando muchas dificultades, logró acuñar la medalla con las indicaciones que
había recibido de la Santísima Virgen. Ella le había dicho que todos aquellos que llevaran la medalla y
realizaran una visita cada martes al Santísimo Sacramento para reparar los ultrajes que recibió el Divino
serían fortificados en la fe,
• superarían las dificultades internas y externas,
• tendrían una muerte serena bajo la mirada de su Divino Hijo.
Dios Uno y Trino, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, que hiciste brillar los dones de tu gracia en el alma de la humilde
Sor Maria Pierina De Micheli, y quisiste que en el silencio y en la obediencia fuera la consoladora del Divino
Crucificado y la misionera de la Santa Faz de Jesús, haz que también nosotras sigamos con gozo el camino de la
caridad, para gloria tuya y bien del prójimo.
Por los méritos de tu sierva, concédenos la gracia que te pedimos, a fin de que por su eficaz intercesión, se
manifiesten para nuestro ejemplo y consuelo, las heroicas virtudes que ella praticó generosamente en este vida y
podamos venerarla un día sobre los altares. Así sea.
This ancient and venerable Catholic practice is rooted in the representation of the face of
Christ said to have been left on the towel or veil used by a holy woman thought to be named,
Veronica. An Archconfraternity of the Holy Face was established in Tours, France, 1884; its
members make reparation for the blasphemies hurled at Christ. Since St. Therese's devotion to
the Holy Face has become known, this devotion has spread worldwide.
In addition, a devout and pious nun, Sr. Pierina, who died in 1945, was given many visions
through Our Blessed Lady who appeared to her, as did Our Lord Jesus. They urged her to
make reparation for the many insults Jesus suffered in His Passion, such as to be slapped, spit
upon and kissed by Judas, as well as now being dishonored in many ways in the Blessed
Sacrament by neglect, sacrileges, and profanations.
She was given a medal which on one side bore a replica of the Holy Shroud and the
inscription: "Illumina, Domine, vultum tuum super nos." [O Lord, the light of Thy
countenance shine upon us.] On the reverse side was a radiant host with the words: "Mane
nobiscum, Domine." [Stay with us, O Lord.] After great difficulties, Sr. Pierina obtained
permission to have the medal cast. Even the expenses for the casting were miraculously met
when she found on her desk an envelope with the exact amount of the bill-----11,200 lire.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
The Evil Spirit showed his chagrin and rage at the medals by flinging them down and burning
the pictures of the Sacred Face, and beating the nun savagely.
In 1940, when the Second World War had the world in turmoil, Italy saw a wide distribution
of the medal: soldiers, sailors and pilots were provided with the replica of the Holy Face since
the medal was already famous for its miracles and countless spiritual and temporal favors.
In Our Blessed Mother's own word, the medal is a weapon for defense, a shield for courage, a
token of love and mercy and which her Divine Son wished to give the world in these troubled
days of lust and hatred for God and His Church. Devilish snares have been set to rob the
hearts of men of their faith while evil spreads the world over. Genuine apostles are few. A
Divine remedy to all these evils will be the Adorable Face of her Son, Jesus.
Whoever wears this medal and, if possible, pays a visit to the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday
in a spirit of reparation for the outrages received by the Holy Face of Our Blessed Savior
during His Passion and those bestowed on Him every day in the Sacrament of His Divine
Love, will be granted the gift of a strong Faith and the grace to fly to its defense, conquering
if need be, all exterior and interior difficulties. Moreover, they are promised a happy death
with special assistance of Christ Himself.
The very first medal of the Holy Face was offered to our glorious Pontiff, Pius XII; then the
whole world became acquainted with this special object of holy favors and devotion. No
soldier taken as a prisoner of war, and who wore the medal was ever executed. Our Blessed
Lord requested that a special feast be instituted to honor His Holy Face on Shrove Tuesday.
Pope St. Pius XII obeyed and had this day set aside to honor the Holy Face in 1958.
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[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
See also below for the internet.
Mother Mary Pierina De Micheli
Apostle of the Devotion to the Holy Face
Mother Mary Pierina De Micheli
The Servant of God
Sister Pierina was devoted to the Holy Face of Jesus
Our Lord said to Sister Pierina
"Whoever gazes upon Me, already consoles Me."
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
Sister Pierina
Sister Pierina was born in Milan, Italy, on 11 September 1890.
She grew in charity and sacrifice, consecrating her life among
the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception.
Faithful to her resolution of...
«giving to Jesus everything and always»,
she became the Apostle of the devotion to the Holy Face.
Died at Centonara d'Arto, Novara, on 26 July 1945.
The Prayer to Sister Pierina
O God, One in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you were pleased to let the gifts of your grace shire in the
humble soul of Mother Pierina, and called her to your service
in a hidden life of obedience to be consoler of the Crucified
Jesus and missioner of his Holy Face. Grant us that we, too,
may dedicate our whole life to the glory of your Name and the
service of our brothers.
Through the merits and intercession of your faithful servant
grant us also the favours we confidently ask, so that she may
one day be honoured on your altars and her heroic virtues be
shown forth for our example and encouragement.
I Gilla Vincenzo Gremigni
Origin of the Holy Face Medal and Shrove Tuesday
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Sister Pierina, a holy nun had many visions by the
Blessed Mother and Jesus to spread the devotion…Holy
Face. Our Lord said to Sister Pierina "Whoever gazes
upon Me, already consoles Me."
Sister Pierina was given a medal. On one side, bore a
replica of the Holy Shroud and the inscription, "Illumina,
Domine, vultum tuum super nos." - (Psalm 66: "May, O
Lord, the light of Thy countenance shine upon us"). The
other side, was a radiant host with the words, "Mane
nobiscum, Domine." - ("Stay with us, O Lord").
The Blessed Mother said the medal is a weapon for
defense, a shield for courage and a token of love and
mercy which her Divine Son, Jesus wished to give the
world in these troubled times. --- Will protect our soldiers
at war.
Whoever wears this medal and, if possible, pays a weekly
visit to the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday…you will be
granted the gift of a strong faith and the grace to conquer
all interior and exterior difficulties. You are also promised
a happy death, with the special assistance of Jesus.
Imprimatur: J.-C. Chaumont, V.G., February 1959
St. Padre Pio was known to pass around
Holy Face Medals
with the meaningful Remarks
"This is your entrance ticket to Heaven."
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Holy Face Medal
Our Blessed Lord also requested to
Sister Pierina for a special devotion,
feast to honor His Holy Face on Shrove Tuesday,
the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
You can have a Personal Devotion to The Holy Face.
Sister Pierina hears and answers the calls... prayers.
Many souls have received miracles from Sister Pierina.
Pray to Sister Pierina.
Anyone receiving favours through the intercession of the
Servant of God Mother Mary Pierina inform:
Figlie dell'Immacolata Concezione di B.A.
Via Asinio Pollione, 5 - 00153 Roma
or Padre Germano Cerafogli, Postulatore
Piazza S. Francesco d'Assisi, 88 - 00153 Roma
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
El Padre Pío de Pietrelcina
Hijo mío: Yo fui un verdadero amante de la Santa Faz de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Los grandes
devotos de la Santa Faz tienen una gloria incomparable. Están más cerca de Jesús, contemplando
su Rostro Glorioso. Todos los verdaderos devotos de la Santa Faz recibirán gracias
sobreabundantes para alcanzar la santidad; la cual, la lograrán siempre unidos a la Cruz del
Divino Maestro; sin cruz no hay santidad. Hay que crucificarse junto a Jesús, e implorar a la
Madre de Dios que ruegue incesantemente por todos.
Los que extiendan la devoción a la Santa Faz serán recompensados de forma singular en la Patria
celestial, y aún en la patria terrenal.
Hijo mío: imita a los grandes adoradores de la Santa Faz, y sobre todo a Teresita del Niño Jesús y
de la Santa Faz, la que más amó a la Santa Faz; por eso ocupa un lugar preeminente junto a Jesús.
El Arcángel San Miguel
Hijos de España: Procurad tener todos la Sagrada Faz de Jesús, pues pronto iremos a señalar las
casas para que sean preservadas del castigo. Ante la Sagrada Faz, el enemigo retrocede, como
retrocedió en la rebelión de los ángeles. ¿Sabéis qué llevaba yo en la mano izquierda contra Satán?
El Rostro Glorioso de Cristo, ante el cual cayó vencido y se precipitó al abismo. Vengo con la
espada por seguir la tradición, mas yo nunca usé espada, sino el Rostro de Cristo. ¡Qué mayor
espada que ésta! La espada es símbolo de poder; por eso, la Iglesia católica me la pone en la mano
derecha, y para que me reconozcan vengo con ella. (Dice que llevaba la Santa Faz en la mano
izquierda, porque en ella se le representa llevando el escudo).
Oh hijitos míos: cuánta dicha hay en el Cielo al ver a estos grupos humillados y arrodillados,
adorando el Rostro de Cristo Jesús! Bien es verdad que todas las devociones son buenas y sanas y
llevan al Cielo. Pero, esta de la Santa Faz tiene un matiz especialísimo por deseo expreso de la
Augusta Trinidad. Porque la faz es la representación de la dignidad del hombre, — y Cristo fue
ofendido en esa misma dignidad, — por eso, Cristo tiene que ser reparado en esa mismísima
dignidad que representa su Sacratísima Faz.
20 de febrero de 1.970
La Santísima Virgen
No permitáis que profanen el Divino Rostro de mi Hijo: es el camino para llegar al
Padre Celestial.
2 de febrero de 1.974
La Santísima Virgen María
Hijitos míos: ¡Qué horror y qué pánico tiene Satán a la Divina Faz! No os lo podéis imaginar. Por
eso, está garantizado aquí, dentro de estas verjas, el que Satán obre con menos poder. Y de ésto,
muchos no quieren darse cuenta. Mirad y observad que, cuando oráis aquí, oráis ante el Espejo de
la Divinidad, esa Faz Sacratísima que os enseña la dolorosa Pasión para vuestra salvación.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Venerable Mother Maria Pierina De Micheli
"I desire that my Face, which reflects the intimate afflictions of my Soul,
the sorrow and the love of my Heart, should be honoured more.
One who contemplates me, consoles me.
There are those perhaps who fear that the devotion and worship of my Holy Face
may diminish the devotion and worship of my Heart. Tell them that, on the contrary, it will be completed
and augmented. Contemplating my Face, souls will share in my sorrows and will feel the need to love and
and to make reparation. Is this not perhaps the true devotion to my Heart? "
Nennolina was not alone in having her heroic virtues recognized by the Church this morning. There were
seven others; among them was Mother Maria Pierina Di Micheli. Born on 11 September, 1890,
Giuseppina De Micheli entered the Congregation of the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception in
Milan on 15 October 1913. She received the habit and the name Maria Pierina on 16 May 1914, made
religious profession 23 May 1915, and left for the motherhouse of the Congregation in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, in 1921. She returned to Italy in 1921, and died on 26 July 1945.
Mother Maria Pierina was privileged, from the age of twelve, with graces of intimacy with Our Lord, who
invited her to contemplate His Holy Face. On the evening of 31 May 1938, as Mother Maria Pierina was
praying, a beautiful Lady presented herself to her on the altar steps, in a blaze of light. She was holding in
her hand a scapular made of two pieces of white flannel held together by a cord. One piece bore the image
of the Holy Face of Jesus with the inscription, "Illumina Domine Vultum Tuum super nos"; the other
piece bore the image of a radiant Host with the inscription, "Mane nobiscum Domine."The Lady
approached Mother Pierina and said, "Listen well and refer this to your Father Confessor. This scapular is
an arm of defense, a shield of might, a token of mercy that Jesus wants to give the world in these times of
sensuality and of hatred toward God and the Church. True apostles are few. A divine remedy is necessary,
and this remedy is the Holy Face of Jesus. All those who will wear a scapular like this one, and who will
visit, if possible, the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays to make reparation for the outrages that the Holy
Face of my Son Jesus received during His Passion, and receives every day in the Sacrament of the
Eucharist, will be strengthened in the faith, made ready to defend it, and to overcome all difficulties
inward and outward. They will, moreover, have a serene death, beneath the loving gaze of my Divine
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Hermanos de la santa faz
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Those who wish to received a holy relic card of the:
Venerable Servant of God
Apostle of the Holy Face
To pray for the graces of healing through her intercession for her immediate beatification and
canonization can do so by writting to us at
[email protected]
You can also send any graces recieved through the intercession of Ven. Mo. Pierina at the above e-mail.
Thank you.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Work of Reparation for the Outrages that the Holy Face of Jesus
received during His Passion and which He receives each day in the
Eucharist sacrament.
[…] We wrote about the work of Sr. Marie Pierre of the Carmelites who in 1843, received orders from
Our Lord Himself to begin the Work of Reparation. His Holy Face was to be the object of this Reparation
(see Sept. 2007 Newsletter). Our Lord wished the devotion to His Holy Face to be established as a
weapon against Communism. However this devotion was not fully appreciated in the manner that Our
Lord desired. Therefore, as a result of a lack of reparation for the sins of Blasphemy and profanation of
Sundays, a planned worldwide Communist takeover was allowed by God which would eventually lead to
World War I and continues to this day. However Our Lord is very patient and though He was not pleased
with the progress of the devotion, He decided to choose another soul to further this work of reparation
about one hundred years later. Her name in religious life was Sr. Maria Pierina De Micheli, a Daughter of
the Immaculate Conception. He prepared this soul in this way. On Good Friday of 1902, when Sr. Maria
Pierina was a young girl of 12 she was attending service when she heard "Will no one give Me a kiss of
love on My Face to make reparation for the Kiss of Judas?" She proceeded to then kiss the crucifix on
the face. This was the beginning of Sr Maria’s preparation for the work she was to be given. It is the key
to this devotion as you will see in the last years of her life she is asked to make reparation for bad
religious. For as the kiss of Judas initiated Christ’s Passion and Death, so the gaze of the Holy Face from
the Cross consummated it--that Holy Face that Peter could not bear to look at when he swore an oath of
betrayal against His Savior and yes, that same Holy Face that St. John courageously beheld beneath the
Cross as he supported Our Lady in her grief.
Years later, on Good Friday, 1913, during her novitiate in
the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lord
repeated his request as she once again heard the voice of
Jesus saying to her "Kiss Me." She immediately obeyed
by kissing the statue of the crucifix but instead of the
touch of plaster upon her lips, she felt the Sacred Cheek
of Our Lord.
In many ways, Sr. Marie Pierna’s life mirrored the life of
Mother Mariana and other great saints that have special
missions. Not only did it seem as if God favored her at an
early age with special gifts, but she also became a
religious in an order dedicated to the Immaculate
Conception. As well, her life was quite ordinary in her
role as novice. She, too, like Mother Mariana, took on a
variety of jobs within the convent. Additionally she
suffered from many strange ailments and was attacked by
the devil quite regularly- so much so in fact that
whenever some kind of mishap occurred such as a fall or
loud crash, it was assumed right away that the devil was
the cause of this accident.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
In order not to frighten the other sisters, she always denied it and blamed it on her clumsiness. However,
it was in fact the evil one tormenting her trying to tempt her to discouragement and despair.
In 1936, Our Lord revealed His desires to Sr. Marie on the first Friday of Lent. Jesus asked Mother Marie
Pierina to share His spiritual agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. "I desire that My Face, which shows
My Soul’s deepest anguish, My Heart’s sorrow and love, may be more honored. Whoever
contemplates Me, consoles Me." Later on in that same Lent Our Lord shares a promise with her,
"Every time that anyone gazes at My Face, I will pour My Love into hearts and by means of My
Holy Face, the salvation of many souls will be obtained." Then in 1937, Our Lord instructed her; "It
may be that some souls fear that the devotion and cult of My Holy Face diminishes that towards My
Heart. Tell them that on the contrary, it will be completed and augmented. In contemplating My
Face, souls will share in all My gifts and will feel the need for love and reparation. Is that not
perhaps the true devotion to My Heart?" Sr. Marie Pierina submitted all of these revelations, to her
spiritual director.
In May, 1938, Our Lord appeared with His bloodstained Face and repeated his offering of sanctifying and
saving souls through the offering of His Holy Face but He adds that when this offering is made "through
My priests, miracles will be worked." He asks for souls who will "sacrifice themselves with Me for
the salvation of the world." She left it in her Superiors hands to get the necessary permission to begin
this work of reparation. Later that month on the Queenship of Mary, May 31, Our Lady appeared to her in
a dazzling light. She held two pieces of white flannel joined by a cord. It was a scapular on which held the
Image of the Holy Face having the words around it "Ilumina, Domine Vultum Tuum Super Nos" and
then on the other, an image of the Sacred Host with rays of light shining out from It and the words around
it saying "Mane nobiscum, Domine" Our Lady said, "…This scapular is a weapon of defense, a
shield of strength, a pledge of love and mercy which Jesus wishes to give to the world IN THESE
SPREADS. True Apostles are few, a Divine Remedy is necessary and this remedy is the Holy Face
of Jesus. All those who shall wear a scapular like this and will make , if possible, a visit to the
Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday, in reparation for the outrages that the Holy Face of My Son,
Jesus, received during His Passion and which He receives each day in the Eucharistic sacrament,
will be fortified in the Faith, made able to defend it and in the end will have a happy death under
the loving gaze of My Divine Son." Some time later, Sr. Pierina was bothered as she had medals cast for
distribution and she worried that she should have had scapulars made instead, Our Lady explained to her
that either the medal or the scapular could be used. It did not matter which one, as both were equally
Meanwhile, in daily life, the devil, seeing what tremendous merit this soul was accomplishing for the
future of the Church and the Faithful, tormented her unceasingly. Poor Sr. Pierina could not manage to
have a picture of either the Sacred Heart or the Holy Face venerated in her room for this evil being would
waste no time in burning it or ripping it to shreds. As well, when the medals were finally delivered for
distribution, he flung them out of her hands and they all went flying across the room. Such was the
furious wrath of Satan towards the missionary of this devotion. But Sr. Pierina accepted all even going so
far as to offer herself as a victim soul. She wrote to her Spiritual Director on November, 16th, 1938, these
words, " Then this idea came to me. If I were to ask Jesus to deprive me of all spiritual comfort for
the rest of my life, to live in fact as one lives in certain terrible moments, knowing by faith alone
that God is good, in order that Jesus might triumph in hearts?"
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
She was asking to be allowed to bear the trials of those in the state of despair even to experience the
hopelessness of the damned in order to save souls from such horrendous fate. As Sr. Pierina grew older,
her mysterious sicknesses and injuries became more frequent. She continued to try to disguise her
illnesses but at times a puzzling paralysis would takeover. Other times people would see marks on her
body of bruises or scratches as the devil took advantage of the nighttime hours to attack her physically.
World War II brought more suffering upon Sr. Pierina both physically and spiritually. Despite all of this,
she managed to work to spread this devotion. Throughout the war, medals were distributed across Europe.
Many lives were saved under its protection.
In 1941, Our Lord asked Sister if she would be willing to join Him in the agony of His Soul in
Gethesmane for the sins "of those most dear to Me and especially for the rebuffs I receive from the
souls of many religious." Our Lord asked her in particular to make reparation for the sin of pride in
religious souls. These last years were spent in doing just that. The "Kiss" that was to make reparation for
the kiss of Judas now takes on new meaning for her. For as Judas was a priest and a bishop of Christ, Our
Lord, in His request, was asking Sr. Pierina to make reparation for all of the "Judases" of the world that
were offending Him-most particularly religious "Judases." For you see, those apostles who betrayed Our
Savior on Holy Thursday ran from the Holy Face. There was only one Apostle who did not run from it—
St . John. Through that gallant act in which he stayed and comforted Our Lady as they watched Jesus to
have callers in the end of the law of a way to go the end of the one throughout His Passion, St. John was
given something none of the other apostles dared to receive which was an active participation in His
Passion. This active participation merited for him a fortification in His Faith and made him able to defend
it as He stood beside Our Blessed Mother. In that gaze from the cross, Christ gave His Mother to us via
St. John. This was one of the greatest gifts He could have given us short of a promise of Heaven.
In conclusion, all that Our Lord asked of Sr. Pierina, she did wholeheartedly until the end of her days. Her
last words being, "I will see all of you again in Heaven." As she gazed at the Image of the Holy Face, she
died in the odor of sanctity on July 26th, 1945. Let us have hope that she was not just talking to her dear
fellow sisters, but all who have devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. In that last love-filled look to Our
Lord, she was showing us the way to Heaven.
As we began this article with a mention of the Carmelite missionary, Sr. Marie Pierre of Tours, France,
and her mission which was the Work of Reparation and the spread of the devotion to the Holy Face as
being a weapon against Communism, we remind you that Communism is far from being dead. The enemy
does not sleep. Here is a recent quote from one Communist website called, "…we are
unfolding within the new era, initiated with the October Revolution in 1917, in the past century, which
is grand and glorious, a great milestone. You may be disturbed by the fact that restoration has taken
place in the USSR and in China, but this implies not seeing the struggle between restoration and
counter-restoration…Communism will not be in one country; it will be in the entire world, or it will not
be at all….We are inexorably marching toward it. Nobody take us off this course."
These words filled with an ardent zeal for the spread of Communism are a reminder of what awaits us if
we do not fight. We dare to say that we MUST take them off this course! With the Holy Face in one hand
as our shield and Our Lady’s rosary in the other as our weapon, we must march toward this final battle in
which Our Lady will be triumphant and crush the serpent’s head! For in this mystery of the Holy Face is
the core theme—Reparation.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
A reparation for those who are attacking the Catholic Church from without AND within! This is a battle
to the death.- the death of Communism, the death of Masonry once and for all! Remember with the
devotion of Our Lady of Good Success –she promises "good success" in all of our endeavors- we cannot
fail! ( All facts taken from "The Story of Sister Maria De Micheli by Sr. Maria Ildefonsa Rigamonti)
We will leave you with this excerpt from a lecture given my Father Mateo Crawley-Bouvey-SS SC,
Apostle of the Sacred Heart :
Are you really zealous? Are you really apostles of the Holy Face of Jesus? You must be the ones to set
fire to other hearts. How many Catholics there are who have not grasped the duty of being apostles, the
duty of gratitude! It is our positive duty - our obligation to bring others to Jesus, to give Him not only
our souls, but the souls of others. Be grateful and generous in giving of the treasure of Holy Face of
Jesus, which Our Lord has entrusted to your care, lavishing this treasure on souls, on poor starving
souls. It is sad that so few truly love Jesus.
Star of the Stormy Sea
Quarterly Newsletter of the Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success Vol. 7 Dec. 2007
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success, Inc.
1288 Summit Ave, Suite 107
Oconomowoc, WI 53066, USA
Phone: +001 (262) 567-0920
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
The Holy Face medal
Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli
Over 90 years after the first reported visions of Jesus by Sister Marie of St Peter in Tours France, other
Holy Face visions were reported in Italy. Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli (1900 - †1945 was a Roman
Catholic nun who was born near Milan Italy. Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 - †1848 was a Carmelite nun
who lived in Tours, France. Tours is a city in France the Préfecture (capital city of the Indre-et-Loire
département, on the lower reaches of the river On the first Friday in Lent 1936, Sister Maria Pierina De
Micheli, who was born near Milan Italy, reported a vision in which Jesus told her: “I will that My Face,
which reflects the intimate pains of My Spirit, the suffering and the love of My Heart, be more honored.
Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli (1900 - †1945 was a Roman Catholic nun who was born near Milan
Italy. Milan (Milano Milan (listen) is one of the largest cities in Italy, located in the plains of Lombardy.
He who meditates upon Me, consoles Me”.
Further reported visions of Jesus and Mary urged Sister Maria Pierina to make a medal with the Holy
Face of Jesus. Since the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Calvary until today a number of people have
claimed to have had visions (and indeed personal conversations with Him and This became known as the
Holy Face Medal.
On one side the medal bears a replica of the Holy Shroud of Turin and an inscription based on Psalm
66:2: "Illumina, Domine, vultum tuum super nos", i. The Shroud of Turin (or Turin Shroud) is a Linen
cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have been physically traumatized in a manner consistent
e. "May, O Lord, the light of Thy countenance shine upon us". On the other side of the medal, there is an
image of a radiant Sacred Host, the monogram of the Holy Name ("IHS"), and the inscription "Mane
nobiscum, Domine" i. e. "Stay with us, O Lord".
In another vision, Sister Maria Pierina reported that Jesus told her: “Every time my Face is contemplated I
will pour out my love into the heart of those persons, and by means of my Holy Face the salvation of
many souls will be obtained”. She further reported that Jesus wanted a special Feast on the day before
Ash Wednesday in honor of His Holy Face, to be preceded by a Novena (9 days) of prayers. For the town
in Singapore, see Novena Singapore. Novena is the feminine form of the Medieval Latin word
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Decades earlier, Sister Marie of St Peter had referred to a Holy Face Coin, writing that Jesus told her:
"As in a kingdom they can procure all that is desired with a coin stamped with the King's effigy, so
in the Kingdom of Heaven they will obtain all they desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face.
Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 - †1848 was a Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. "[2]
After some effort Sister Maria Pierina managed to obtain permission to cast the medal and its use started
to grow in Italy. Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli (1900 - †1945 was a Roman Catholic nun who was born
near Milan Italy. As the second world war started, many soldiers and sailors were given a Holy Face
Medal as a means of protection. World War II, or the Second World War, (often abbreviated WWII) was
a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world's nations, including Sister Maria Pierina
herself died in 1945 at the end of the war.
Vatican approval
The first medal of the Holy Face was offered to Pope Pius XII who approved the devotion and the medal.
In 1958, he formally declared the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus as Shrove Tuesday (the Tuesday before
Ash Wednesday) for all Roman Catholics.
On the occasion of the 100th year of Secondo Pia's (May 28th 1898) first photograph of the Shroud of
Turin, on Sunday May 24th 1998 Pope John Paul II visited the Turin Cathedral. Secondo Pia
(1855&ndash1941 was an Italian Lawyer and amateur Photographer. The Shroud of Turin (or Turin
Shroud) is a Linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have been physically traumatized in a
manner consistent Pope In his address on that day, he said:
"the Shroud is an image of God's love as well as of human sin"
"it is an icon of the suffering of the innocent in every age. "[3]
The Holy Face devotion and the Holy Face Medal have now spread among Roman Catholics worldwide,
with organizations such as the Holy Face Association.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
"Rejoice, My Daughter; because the hour approaches when the
beautiful work under the sun will be born."
------- Our Lord To Sister Mary of St. Peter
[Our Lord refers here to the work of reparation to the Holy Face,
which He revealed is destined to be the means of defeating atheistic
Communism and restoring peace to the world.]
In Tours, France during the 1840's a young Carmelite nun received a
series of revelations from Our Lord about a powerful devotion He
wished to be established worldwide-----he devotion to His Holy Face.
The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the
blasphemies and outrages of "Revolutionary men" [the Communists]----through whom God is allowing the world to be chastised for its
unbelief-----as well as for the blasphemies of atheists and
freethinkers and others, plus, for blasphemy and the profanation of
Sundays by Christians. Specifically, this devotion is the Divine tool
given by God to defeat Communism, but it is also an instrument given
to the individual devotee as a seemingly unfailing method of appealing
to God in prayer-----through adoration of His Holy Face and Name.
Our Lord gave Sister Mary a short but powerful prayer called' 'The
Golden Arrow," by which a person can "shoot directly into the Heart of
God" to heal the wounds inflicted on it by the malice of sinners. Of
the 9 promises connected with this devotion, the first three are 1)
"By My Holy Face you will work miracles;" 2) "By My Face you will
obtain the conversion of many sinners;" and 3) "Nothing you ask in
making this offering will be refused to you."
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
This devotion brought St. Therese to her great sanctity. Anyone who is
searching for a spiritual method for fighting atheism, socialism,
materialism and paganism and its programs and/or who is searching for
a virtually infallible method of prayer will be delighted with The
Golden Arrow devotions.
"Just as in an earthly kingdom money which is stamped with the picture
of the sovereign or ruling executive of the country procures whatever
one desires to purchase, so likewise in the Kingdom of Heaven, you
shall obtain all that you desire by offering the coin of My precious
Humanity which is My adorable Face."
------ Our Lord To Sr. Mary of St. Peter
MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible
and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored
and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the
creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in
the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.
After receiving this prayer, Sister Mary of St. Peter was given a
vision in which she saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus delightfully wounded
by this "Golden Arrow" as torrents of graces streamed from It for the
conversion of sinners.
The aim of this little presentation is to revive devotion to the Holy
Face of Jesus as a means of Reparation to God for the crimes committed
against His Divine Majesty. The question may be asked, was not this
Devotion of Reparation universally practiced in the Church some years
ago? The answer is, yes, it was widespread for many years after the
Brief of Pope Leo XIII canonically established the Archconfraternity
of the Holy Face in 1885. Unfortunately, however, it was neglected and
forgotten in the years immediately prior to the First World War in
1914. Was it not perhaps due to our failure to continue this
Reparation, as demanded by Our Divine Lord in His revelations to the
holy Carmelite of Tours, that God allowed the "malice of wicked men"
to precipitate us into two world conflicts, with all their
indescribable horrors?
And now, when we live daily on the verge of a Third World War, which
threatens total destruction because of atomic weapons presently in the
hands of our enemies, shall we at last embrace this reparation
demanded by Our Lord?
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
The "revolutionary men," designated by Our Lord Himself as Communists
[a state of political mind and intent apart from a specific
organization: "Communism is not dead" as has bee stated by the pundits
among us, but is being revived in the new anti-God one world, one
religion (pagan movement)], have so engulfed the world in turmoil that
humanity faces destruction. This was the consensus of opinion from
unimpeachable sources, including Pope Pius XII, who that there
persists a general world condition which explode at any moment."
Addressing Himself mystically to the pious Carmelite nun, Our Lord
told her that especially to His priests He promises He will defend
them before His Father in Heaven and give them His kingdom if they,
through words, prayers or writings, defend His cause in this work of
"reparation." Pastors, therefore, and priests who desire to answer
this call should endeavor, through regular procedure, to establish the
Confraternity of the Holy Face in their parishes.
1. All those who honor My Face in a spirit of reparation will by so
doing perform the office of the pious Veronica. According to the care
they take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemers,
so will I take care of their souls which have been disfigured by sin.
My Face is the seal of the Divinity, which has the virtue of
reproducing in souls the image of God.
2. Those who by words, prayers or writing defend My cause in this
Work of Reparation I will defend before My Father, and will give them
My Kingdom.
3. By offering My Face to My Eternal Father, nothing will be
refused, and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained.
4. By My Holy Face, they will work wonders, appease the anger of
God and draw down mercy on sinners.
5. As in a kingdom they can procure all that is desired with a coin
stamped with the King's effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven they will
obtain all they desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face.
6. Those who on earth contemplate the wounds of My Face shall in
Heaven behold it radiant with glory.
7. They will receive in their souls a bright and constant
irradiation of My Divinity, that by their likeness to My Face they
shall shine with particular splendor in Heaven.
8. I will defend them, I will preserve them and I assure them of
Final Perseverance.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
This prayer was dictated by our Lord Himself to Sister Mary of St.
Peter. Opening His Heart to her, our Savior complained of blasphemy,
saying that this frightful sin wounds His Divine Heart more grievously
than all other sins, for it was like "a poisoned arrow."
After that, our Savior dictated the prayer, which He called "The
Golden Arrow," saying that those who would recite this prayer would
pierce Him delightfully, and also heal those other wounds inflicted on
Him by the malice of sinners. This prayer published above and on page
two of the Golden Arrow segment of the Holy Face Devotion, is regarded
as the very basis of the Work of Reparation. It is recommended for
recitation on each of the thirty-three beads of the Holy Face Chaplet.
In this revelation our Lord imparts a most sublime instruction,
showing the position of the Holy Face in relation to the Adorable
Trinity Itself.
REMEMBER, Oh, my soul, the holy instruction which your Divine Spouse
imparted to you today concerning His adorable Face. Remember that this
Divine Head represents the Eternal Father Who is unbegotten, that the
mouth of this Holy Face represents the Divine Word, begotten of the
Father, and that the two eyes of this adorable Face are the symbol of
the reciprocal love of the Father and the Son, for these two eyes
possess only one light, and one identical knowledge between them both,
and they produce the one same love, which represents the Holy Ghost.
Contemplate in His locks of hair the infinite number of the
adorable perfections of the Blessed Trinity. Behold in this majestic
Head that precious portion of the Humanity of the Savior which is the
very Image of the Oneness of God.
Now it is this adorable Savior's Face brimming with ineffable
mysteries which blasphemers cover with disgrace, renewing the bitter
sufferings of His Passion, each time they assail the Divinity, for the
Holy Face is the very Image of God!
In this exquisite communication, our Lord enders all His merits to
Sister Mary of St. Peter, as He tells her to pay with them the debts
incurred by the sins of the nation. He encourages her zeal by
disclosing to her that the Work of Reparation will ultimately be
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
OUR LORD continues to press me urgently to suffer for our country. He
said to me:
"Just as I have taken on myself the sins of the whole world, so I
now desire that you assume those of your nation. I Myself will suffer
in you in order to appease the anger of My Father and I will give you
all My merits by which you can pay the debts incurred by the sins of
your country."
I accepted our Lord's proposal and then it was that I beheld myself as
though covered with all the sins of the nation and I begged God's
forgiveness for these sins with the same shame as though I had
committed these crimes myself. On another day when our Lord had
insisted again that I make reparation for our whole country, I
hesitated, hardly daring to believe that He could wish to make use of
so common an instrument as myself for so great a task. He then said to
me by way of comparison:
As in the order of My Providence, in temporal affairs I give a
particular ruler to a particular nation to be its sovereign, cannot I
also, in the order of grace, assign a particular country to the care
of a special individual in order that she should take charge of that
country's spiritual welfare? That is the reason why I now assign this
particular nation to your special care and I urge you to pray and to
sacrifice yourself in its behalf."
After that our Lord declared:
I again give you My Sacred Head so that you may offer it to My Father
to appease His justice. Oh, if you but knew the power and the virtue
that reside therein! And the reason why My Head possesses this power
and virtue is because I have taken upon My Head all the sins of
mankind so that My Members may be spared. Therefore, offer My Face to
My Eternal Father for this is the means by which to appease Him."
He then added:
"I desire this Work of Reparation. Although the fruits which you bear
have not yet ripened be assured that finally the time will come when
the Work shall be established.
Placing no bounds to the efficacy of the Devotion to the Holy Face, our
Savior informs Sister Mary of St. Peter that the treasure of His Face
is of such tremendous value that through It ALL matters can be settled!
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
HERE IS the substance of a new revelation which our Lord gave me
relative to the Holy Face:
"My daughter," He said, "I take you today for my stewardess. I place
My Holy Face in your hands that you may offer it unceasingly to My
Father for the salvation of your country. Turn this Divine gift to
good profit, for the treasure of My Holy Face in itself possesses such
tremendous value that through It all the affairs of My household can
readily be settled. Through this Holy Face you will obtain the
conversion of many sinners. Nothing that you ask in virtue of the Holy
Face will be refused you. Oh, if you only knew how pleasing is the
sight of My Face to My Father!"
Although Sister Mary was until now apparently in fair health,
following all the religious exercises prescribed by the Holy Rule, and
performing all her duties as Portress Sister, she suddenly developed
certain alarming symptoms, and after being examined by a physician,
she was found to be mortally ill. Besides suffering from severe
pulmonary tuberculosis, she also developed an ulcerated throat which
fittingly symbolized her role in life, as that of a victim repairing
especially for blasphemies uttered by the tongues of guilty men. For
two and a half months she was unable to take any solid food whatever
and subsisted only on a small quantity of liquids. Enduring her pains
with resignation, and even joy, she almost constantly for the
salvation of souls, while she to exchange this world for the next.
Shortly before she died she was asked about the to the Holy Face, to
which she answered:
"I have the greatest hopes. The plans of the wicked will be foiled!
It was to accomplish this that the Work of Reparation to the Holy Face
was revealed. Now that this is done my career is ended for it was for
this Work that God had placed me on earth, as our Lord has made known
to me. Oh how true it is that God has means of satisfying His justice
which are unknown known to men."
Once when she was asked to apply certain of her sufferings for a
special intention, she replied:
"I do not know whether I am free to do so because I am entirely
consecrated as a victim to the cause of the Work of Reparation."
She died in the odor of sanctity on July 8, 1848, in the thirty-third
year of her life, less than four months after the interview she had
held with the Secretary who told her that while she was allowed to
apply herself to the Work of Reparation, she was never again to ask
for the establishment of the Work in the diocese.
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MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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At the time this seemed, indeed, a difficult order to fulfill for one
who was by Divine Providence selected as an apostle to work for the
propagation of the Cult of the Holy Face as her particular mission in
life . . .
After her death, Reparation through the Devotion to the Holy Face was
chiefly kept up through the fervor of a wealthy retired lawyer of
Tours, a devoted friend of the nun, Leo Dupont. Having procured a
picture of the Holy Face, which was touched to the true relic of the
veil of Veronica at the Vatican. this exemplary Christian hung it on a
prominent wall of his drawing room before which he kept a lamp
burning, as a token of veneration.
So many extraordinary favors were granted to those who prayed before
this picture that the residence of Mons. Dupont became a private place
of pilgrimage. For the next thirty years, to the end of his life [he
died in 1876], Leo Dupont kept the flame of Reparation alive in his
home for the benefit of all who wished to intercede to God before it.
Three months after his saintly death, his home was transformed into a
public chapel. Soon afterwards the Work of Reparation was referred to
the decision of the Supreme Pontiff, Leo XIII, who wholeheartedly
approved the Devotion, through the formality of a Papal Brief.
So was erected in perpetuity the Archconfraternity of Reparation in
the Oratory of Leo Dupont, in 1885, where until the present day
priests still carry out the mission of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, to whom
our Lord revealed a hundred years ago ago the real weapon that is
destined to overthrow Communism.
This weapon is Devotion to the Holy Face as a means of Reparation for
the outrageous crimes of blasphemy, atheism, the crimes of modern
freethinkers, and the profaners of the Lord's Day, which are the evils
that more than any other cry to heaven for vengeance and that today
bring us face to face with the threat of nuclear war and which
consequence would admittedly be the destruction of all civilization as
we know it.
THE GOLDEN ARROW, The Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, TAN Books
and Publishers, Ed., Dorothy Scallon with Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat
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MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
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"Con el ofrecimiento de Mi Rostro a Mi Eterno Padre, nada será negado y se obtendrá la
conversión de muchos pecadores." - Nuestro Señor (Nov. 1846) A sor María de San Pedro.
"Por mi Santo Rostro harás milagros."
"Por mi Santo Rostro obtendrás la conversión de muchos pecadores."
"Nada de lo que pidas al hacer esta ofrenda te será negado."
"Si supieras lo agradable que es para Mi Padre el ver Mi Rostro."
"Asi como en un reino puedas procurar todo lo que deseas a través de una moneda
marcada con la efigie del Rey, en el Reino de los Cielos obtendrás todo lo que
deseas con la preciosa moneda de Mi Santo Rostro."
6. "Nuestro Señor me ha prometido que imprimirá Su divina semejanza en las almas
de aquellos que hacen honor a Su Santísimo Semblante."
7. "Todos aquellos que honran Mi Santo Rostro en un espiritu de reparación, al
hacerlo, realizarán el oficio de la piadosa Verónica."
8. "Con el mismo cuidado que tienes en la reparación de Mi Rostro, desfigurado por las
blasfemias, cuidaré del tuyo, que ha sido desfigurado por el pecado. Volveré a
imprimir alli Mi imagen y la haré tan hermosa como era al dejar la fuente
9. "Nuestro Señor me prometió que todos los que defienden Su causa en este trabajo
de reparación, a través de las palabras, oraciones, o por escrito, Él los defenderá
ante Su Padre; en el momento de la muerte Él purificará sus almas desvaneciendo
todas la manchas del pecado y les restablecerá su belleza primigenia."
"Esta flecha de oro penetrará deleitosamente en mi Corazón, y sanará las heridas que
me ocasionan la blasfemia"
Sor María de San pedro vio "torrentes de gracia saliendo del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, gracias a
esta flecha de oro"
Que el más santo, más sagrado, más adorable, más incomprehensible e inefable Nombre
de Dios sea por siempre alabado, bendecido, amado, adorado y glorificado, en el Cielo, en
la tierra y bajo la tierra, por todas las criaturas de Dios y por el Sagrado Corazón de
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el Santisimo Sacramento del Altar.Amén.
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MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
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OH SEÑOR Jesucristo, al presentarnos ante Tu adorable Rostro para pedirte a Ti las gracias que más
necesitamos, Te rogamos, por sobre todo, nos concedas la disposición interior para nunca dejar de
hacer en ningún momento lo que Tu requieres de nosotros con Tus santos mandamientos y divinas
inspiraciones. Amén.
Oh BONDADOSO Jesús, que has dicho "Pide y recibirás, busca y encontrarás, golpea y se abrirá para
ti," concédenos, Oh Señor, esa fe que lo obtiene todo o provéenos de lo que carecemos;
concédenos, a través del puro efecto de Tu caridad y por Tu gloria eterna, las gracias que
necesitamos y las que buscamos en Tu infinita misericordia. Amén.
SÉ MISERICORDIOSO con nosotros, Oh mi Dios y no rechaces nuestras oraciones, cuando en medio
de nuestras aflicciones, rogamos a Tu Santo Nombre y buscamos con amor y confianza To adorable
Rostro. Amén.
OH TODOPODEROSO y Eterno Dios, mira el Rostro de Tu Hijo Jesús. Te lo presentamos a Ti con
confianza, para implorar Tu perdón. El Defensor Misericordioso abree la boca para pedir por miestra
causa; excucha su llanto, observa sus lágrimas, Oh Dios, y a través de sus infinitos méritos
escúchalo a Él cuando intercede por nosotros pobres pecadores miserables. Amén.
ADORABLE Rostro de mi Jesús, mi único amor, mi luz y mi vida, permiteme conocerte, amarte y
servirte sólo a Ti, que yo pueda vivir Contigo, de Ti, a través de Ti y para Ti. Amén.
ETERNO Padre, a Ti te ofrezco el adorable Rostro de Tu Amado Hijo por el honor y la gloria de Tu
Nombre, por la conversión de los pecadores y por la salvación de los moribundos.
OH DIVINO Jesús, a través de Tu Rostro y Nombre, sálvanos. ¡Nuestra esperanza está en la virtud
de Tu Santo Nombre!
Two European nuns to the devotion of holyface
Sister Marie of St Peter
The devotions to the Holy Face of Jesus involve two European nuns, both named after
Saint Mary but who lived almost one hundred years apart. Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 †1848 was a Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. This ecumenical article is about
general Christian views on and veneration of the Virgin Mary Both nuns reported visions
of Jesus and Mary. Since the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Calvary until today a number
of people have claimed to have had visions (and indeed personal conversations with Him
and The first nun was called Sister Marie of St Peter from Tours France and lived in the
1840s. Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 - †1848 was a Carmelite nun who lived in Tours,
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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Tours is a city in France the Préfecture (capital city of the Indre-et-Loire département, on
the lower reaches of the river The second nun was called Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli
and lived in the 1930s in Milan Italy. Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli (1900 - †1945 was a
Roman Catholic nun who was born near Milan Italy. Milan (Milano Milan (listen) is one
of the largest cities in Italy, located in the plains of Lombardy.
In 1843, the first nun, Sister Marie of St Peter, who was a Carmelite nun in Tours France,
reported a vision in which Jesus spoke to her. Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 - †1848 was a
Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. The Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel or Carmelites (sometimes simply Carmel by Synecdoche; Latin: Ordo
fratrum Beatæ Tours is a city in France the Préfecture (capital city of the Indre-et-Loire
département, on the lower reaches of the river She later reported further visions and
conversations with Jesus and the Virgin Mary in which she was urged to spread the
devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, in reparation for the many insults Jesus suffered in His
Passion. This ecumenical article is about general Christian views on and veneration of the
Virgin Mary
According to Sister Marie of St Peter, in 1844 she had a vision in which Jesus told her:
"Oh if you only knew what great merit you acquire by saying even once, Admirable is the
Name of God, in a spirit of reparation for blasphemy. Sister Marie of St Peter (1816 †1848 was a Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. " Her visions reportedly included
the words to a specific prayer as an Act of Reparation to Jesus Christ which came to be
known as The Golden Arrow Holy Face Devotion (Prayer). Roman Catholic tradition
include specific prayers and devotions as Acts of Reparation for insults and blasphemies
against Jesus Christ The Golden Arrow Holy Face Devotion is a prayer in the Roman
Catholic Church which is believed to have been dictated by Jesus to Sr This prayer and the
devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus started to spread among Roman Catholics in France as
of 1844.
Venerable Leo Dupont, Apostle of the Holy Face
The Venerable Leo Dupont was a religious man from a noble family who had moved to Tours. The
Venerable is used as a style or epithet in several Christian churches.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Venerable Leo Dupont (1797 – †1876 also known as &quotThe Holy Man of Tours" or the &quotApostle
of the Holy Face" was a religious figure in the Venerable Leo Dupont (1797 – †1876 also known as
&quotThe Holy Man of Tours" or the &quotApostle of the Holy Face" was a religious figure in the
Venerable Leo Dupont (1797 – †1876 also known as &quotThe Holy Man of Tours" or the &quotApostle
of the Holy Face" was a religious figure in the Tours is a city in France the Préfecture (capital city of the
Indre-et-Loire département, on the lower reaches of the river In 1849 he had started the nightly
Eucharistic Adoration movement in Tours, from where it spread within France. Eucharistic adoration is a
practice in the Roman Catholic Church and in some Anglican churches in which the Blessed Sacrament is
exposed to and adored He later came to be known as the “Holy Man of Tours”. Upon hearing of Sister
Marie of St Peter’s reported visions, he started to burn a vigil lamp continuously before a picture of the
Holy Face of Jesus, but at that time he used an image based on the Veil of Veronica. Sister Marie of St
Peter (1816 - †1848 was a Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. The Veil of Veronica, or Sudarium
(Latin for sweat-cloth often called simply &quotThe Veronica" and known in Italian as the Volto Santo or
Holy Face
Dupont prayed for and promoted the case for a devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus for around 30 years.
But the documents pertaining to the life of sister Marie of St. Peter and the devotion were kept by the
Church and not released. Yet Dupont persisted. Eventually, in 1874 Charles-Théodore Colet was
appointed as the new Archbishop of Tours. Charles-Théodore Colet (1806-†1883 was a French Roman
Catholic Archbishop. Tours is a city in France the Préfecture (capital city of the Indre-et-Loire
département, on the lower reaches of the river Archbishop Colet examined the documents and in 1876
gave permission for them to be published and the devotion encouraged, shortly before Dupont died. The
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus was approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1885. Pope Leo XIII ( March 2,
1810 – July 20, 1903) born Count Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, was the 256th Pope Dupont
was thereafter at times referred to as the Apostle of the Holy Face. Venerable Leo Dupont (1797 – †1876
also known as &quotThe Holy Man of Tours" or the &quotApostle of the Holy Face" was a religious
figure in the
Saint Therese of Lisieux was also a French nun who received the Carmelite habit in 1889 and later
became known by the religious name "St. The Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or
Carmelites (sometimes simply Carmel by Synecdoche; Latin: Ordo fratrum Beatæ Therese of the Child
Jesus of the Holy Face". She was introduced to the Holy Face devotion through her blood sister Pauline,
Sister Agnes of Jesus. Saint Therese wrote many prayers to express the devotion to the Holy Face. She
wrote the words “Make me resemble you, Jesus!” on a small card and attached a stamp of the Holy Face
to it. She pinned the prayer in a small container over her heart since at that time the Holy Face Medal did
not exist. In August 1895, in her “Canticle to the Holy Face” she wrote: “Jesus, Your ineffable image is
the star which guides my steps. Ah, You know, Your sweet Face is for me Heaven on earth. My love
discovers the charms of Your Face adorned with tears. I smile through my own tears when I contemplate
Your sorrows”. Her poems and prayers helped spread the devotion to the Holy Face.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Venerable Leo Dupont {1797 - 1876}
Feast day December 1
Leo Dupont was no ordinary man. God was first in his life. He was a man of prayer who had a
wonderful devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. Leo was also a very wealthy gentleman who was generous
with his money and not selfish and greedy like so many rich people are.
Mme. Dupont came from a very noble and wealthy family. She married a very wealthy man named
Nicholas Dupont and their marriage was blessed with two sons; Leo born in 1797, and Theobald born in
1801. But Mr. Dupont was not long for this world and he died in 1805, when his wife was only twenty
two years old.
Not one to despair, Mme. Dupont rolled up her sleeves and put her best foot forward. She now had to put
all her efforts into raising her boys, Leo aged eight and Theobald aged four. She was a very devout
Catholic and instilled into her children a great love for virtue and a strong Catholic Faith.
Leo went to the village school in Martinique, a French Colony where the Duponts lived. He was a very
honest and upright student. One day when his teacher Mr. Rochelle left the classroom for a short period,
the boys started shouting and laughing and whistling. Mr. Rochelle heard the noise and returned asking
who the rowdy boys were. Leo Dupont was the only boy who stood up and confessed to his teacher that
he was the guilty one but all the other boys were to ashamed to admit that they were also to blame.
When Leo finished his studies at the village school, his mother sent him to the United States. The
horrible French Revolution was raging and there was too much religious persecution going on in Paris.
Mme. Dupont wanted Leo to have the freedom to practice his Catholic Faith. His stay in America was
short, and two years later he returned to Pontlevoy, France to continue his studies.
In 1815, when Leo had finished his studies, he returned to Martinique to visit his mother. She was now
married to Mr. Arnaud, a wealthy land owner. Leo was now twenty one years old. He was a real
gentleman, handsome and well mannered. Mme. and Mr. Arnaud wanted to send Leo and Theobald to
Paris, to continue their studies. But before leaving, Leo's mother warned him, "Leo my son, you are heir
to half a million dollars and it is a grave responsibility but also a great privilege.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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You can use your fortune well, or you can use it wrongly. Remember God gave you life and an
immortal soul and He will exact from you a strict account on the day you die!"
The two boys arrived in Paris and rented an apartment from a well known friend. Leo continued his
studies in Law and Theobald continued his regular schooling. Because Leo was so well mannered, his
friends called him, "The Marquis of Politeness."
In Paris, many people were living sinful lives and without the grace of God, Leo would have been swept
downstream with them. But God was watching over him and one day the young man received a very
special grace. Leo had hired a boy to look after his horse. One day the boy arrived late saying that a man
named Bordier had been teaching him Catechism lessons in a church basement. Leo checked out the
situation and found Bordier instructing many boys. He became a good friend of Bordier and helped him
to take care of the young boys.
When Leo finished his Law studies, he returned to Martinique, where he was appointed to the Royal
Court. He was now twenty four and continued his works of piety and charity, just as he had done in
Paris. His brother Theobald died and he was greatly saddened.
Soon after on May 29, 1827, Leo married a good Catholic girl named Caroline d'Andiffredi. They bought
a place in St. Pierre and finally after five years they had a little baby girl and named her Henrietta. The
happy couple were filled with joy but this joy did not last long. In less than one year after the birth of
Henrietta, Caroline died. She had never been too strong and her death was a heavy
cross for poor Leo.
Before long, Leo went back to France with his mother, now a widow again, and his little
girl. This time he settled in a house in Tours, on St. Etienne St. He had promised his
wife that that he would send Henrietta to the school run by the Ursulines Sisters in
Tours. Leo was very humble and did not care what people thought of him when he
practised his Catholic Faith openly. He would serve Mass and take part in other
religious events. He went to Mass and Communion almost every day. He loved to talk about the
Catholic Faith and he encouraged Protestants, pagans and fallen away Catholics to believe in the Blessed
One day in 1837, Leo gazed upon a holy picture of St. Teresa of Avila and suddenly realized that it was
necessary to do penance in his life, and not waste his time riding and hunting. So as a penance, in
reparation for the sacrileges committed by the Masons and Revolutionaries, Leo would often visit and
pray at the broken down churches, which had been destroyed or abused. Later on he wrote a book on the
various shrines of Our Lady, scattered throughout the world. This book caused many people to go on
pilgrimages again, as they had done many years ago. Leo joined the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in
Tours, and became one of their great apostles. He gave this Society large sums of money, visited people
and taught evening classes to workers and soldiers. Leo also provided amusement for his pupils and
worked in a great amount of religious instruction when teaching his pupils, bringing many back to the
practise of their religion.
Blasphemy and using God's name in vain, was a terrible sin being committed at the time by hundreds of
people and even little children.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Leo joined an association to stamp out blasphemy and handed out pamphlets that promoted this
association. He even wrote a Little Office of prayers in honour of the Holy Name of God.
When Our Lady appeared at La Salette in 1846, Leo became a firm believer in the apparition and went
there on pilgrimage. During this journey, he stopped in to see the famous Cure of Ars. St. John Vianney
was surrounded by crowds of people and had never met Leo, but as soon as he saw this holy man, he went
up to him saying, "O my dear friend, how sweet it will be for us to find ourselves in Heaven, singing the
praises of God!"
Shortly after his pilgrimage to La Salette, Leo was given a very heavy cross. His daughter became ill
with a serious disease that had broken out in the school. She was sent home and died a few days later.
Leo was broken hearted at the loss of his only daughter but he was grateful to God. He had often prayed,
"O God, if you see that Henrietta will stray from the right path, take her to Thyself rather than let her
live." After the girl's death, Leo lived only for God.
Wherever there was good to be done, Leo was there. He considered it an
honour to help the poor, the sick, the prisoners, and anyone who needed help.
Many times he would give away all the money he had in his wallet and he even
gave away his own clothes.
In February 1849, night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was started in
Tours as a result of the efforts of Leo Dupont. In less than two months
Leo had rounded up seventy four men to come and adore the Blessed
Sacrament at night, and many of these came to adore after putting in a
hard days work. Leo also wrote to people in different places and when they
decided to set up night adoration, he would go and help them out.
It was Leo's personal desire to see night adoration started everywhere. He said,
"When shall we see Our Lord honoured day and night in every parish through the Catholic world? I
love to cherish the hope!"
On one occasion, Leo had the honour of having three holy persons in his house at the same time: St. Peter
Julian Eymard, Fr. Cohen, and Bishop de la Bouillerie, all great apostles of the Holy Eucharist.
St. Martin's Basilica in Tours was destroyed during the French Revolution. It had been dedicated to the
great St. Martin, who was once a Roman soldier. He had divided his cloak and gave one half of it to a
poor beggar. That same night, Our Lord wearing half the cloak that Martin had given away, appeared to
him saying, "Martin, still a catechumen, has covered Me with this garment." Right after this wonderful
event he was baptized. A few years later he left the army and in time became the Bishop of Tours.
Leo made great efforts to have the Basilica of St. Martin rebuilt. He started a charitable society to help
clothe the poor and encouraged others to help rebuild the basilica. God blessed the work, and by the end
of the 19th century, St. Martin's was completed, a jewel in Leo's heavenly crown!
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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Mr. Dupont also distributed thousands of St. Benedict medals, and as a sign of respect for the holy Word
of God, he had a vigil light burning night and day before his Bible. He also did this as an act of
reparation for all the blasphemies committed against the Word of God.
One day Leo learned about the Carmelite Nun, Sr. Mary of St. Peter who had
visions of Jesus. Our Lord told her to promote devotion to His Holy Face. At
one time Jesus said, "Think of the outrages inflicted on me by the Society of
the Communists, the enemies of the Church and of Christ. They have laid
their hands upon the anointed of the Lord (priests). But their evil plans are
vain and they will fail! I desire the establishment of the Work of
Reparation! For it is the Work of Reparation to the Holy Face that will hold
back God's justice."
Always an apostle, Leo made great efforts to spread this devotion. He burned a
vigil lamp continuously before a picture of the Holy Face of Jesus (Veronica's
Veil), and cured many people of their diseases by having them put this blessed
oil on their skin. Thousands of people made pilgrimages to his house and prayed before the picture of
Veronica's Veil.
Leo's mother lived with him for many years and died in 1860, when Leo was 62 years old. From
1860 to 1870, he spent all his time before the image of Veronica's Veil; in prayer, in receiving the
sick who came to be cured, and in writing letters. During this time he continued to wear a hair
shirt under his clothes. He scourged himself almost every day, and sanctified himself by continual
prayer and penance.
By 1873, Leo's health was failing. His eyesight was poor and he was unable to leave his room for three
years, owing to gout and rheumatism. As his illness increased, he had to give up going to daily Mass and
Communion. The Blessed Sacrament was brought to him once a week. He continued to suffer right up
until his death on March 18, 1876, at the age of 79.
We should all practise the virtues of Leo Dupont; his Faith, Hope, and Charity, his gentle and apostolic
ways, his perseverance in good works, his love for Holy Communion and his devotion to the Holy Face
of Jesus. St. Pius X asked that a picture of the Holy Face of Jesus be placed in every Christian home. By
this he meant that we should all have devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. Beg Venerable Leo to help you
have devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus and let us all pray that one day we can say,
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
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The Holy Man of Tours
1849: Shortly after the death of Sister Mary of St. Peter, Pope Pius IX ordered public prayers be
offered in all churches in Rome to implore God's mercy on the Papal States due to revolution
occurring at the time. As part of these public prayers, a three-day exposition of the relic of
Veronica's veil was held for public veneration at St. Peter's Basilica. On the third day of the
showing, a miracle occurred through which Our Lord's face on the veil became very distinct
and glowed with a soft light. The miracle lasted for three hours, was witnessed by crowds of
people, and was attested to by an apostolic notary during the incident.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
That same evening copies of the effigy were made and touched to the relic of Veronica's veil
and later sent abroad. These copies are typically noted to have a wax seal in the corner,
indicating it was touched to the relic of Veronica's veil.
TOURS, FRANCE; 1849-1876: Two of the copies were sent to Leo Dupont who continued the
Holy Face devotion on his own throughout the rest of his life until 1876. Leo Dupont hung one
of these images in his parlor and kept a crystal oil lamp in front of it, lit continuously as a sign
of veneration.
Soon afterward miracles of healings started to occur to those who said the devotion with Leo
Dupont ("Golden Arrow Prayer", the "Litany of the Holy Face") and who anointed themselves
with oil from his lamp. These miracles continued for 30 years and were so numerous that Pope
Pius IX declared Leo Dupont to be perhaps one of the greatest miracle workers in Church
The fact that so many first class miracles occurred through this devotion attests to the
authenticity of the revelations from Our Lord to Sister Mary of St. Peter.
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Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
The Oil of the Holy Face that we distribute is made of blessed olive oil which was mixed
with the Holy Face Oil which came from the perpetual oil lamp that burns before the image
of the Holy Face in the house of Ven. Leo Dupont which is now: The Oratory of the Holy
Face in Tours, France. Many miracles had been attributed to it in the past and it continues
today in our times.
We will publish here the miraculous cures that The Holy Face had brought to the sick
(spiritually and physically) in the future.
If you want to recieve FREE Holy Face Oil please write to us via e-mail:
[email protected]
Please report to us healings recieved through the Oil of the Holy Face.
"By My HOLY FACE you will work MIRACLES" -promise of Our Lord to Ven. Sr. Mary of St. Peter
1885-1897: It was a well-known fact the St. Therese of
Lisieux and her family registered as members of the
Archconfraternity of Reparation to the Holy Face at
Tours France and that St. Therese herself was so
devoted to this that she added the title to her name at
the time she took the habit. This is why you will often
see her referred to as St. Therese of the Child Jesus
"and of the Holy Face".
Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús y la Santa Faz
Es precisamente este pasaje de Isaías que mueve tanto el corazón de Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús que
por ello, pide permiso y le es concedido, para añadir a su nombre "del Niño Jesús y de la Santa Faz".
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
En una carta a Pauline, nos revela como su devoción a la Santa Faz es el fundamento para su
espiritualidad del camino escondido y pequeño, espiritualidad que la llevó a ser proclamada Doctora de la
Iglesia: "A través de ti he entrado en las profundidades de los misterios de amor escondidos en el Rostro
de nuestro esposo. He entendido cual es la verdadera gloria. Aquel cuyo reino no es de este mundo me ha
enseñado que la verdadera sabiduría consiste en desear no ser conocido ni tomado en cuenta. Es
encontrar gozo en el olvido de si. Ah! Deseo, como el Rostro de Jesús, que el mío esté escondido y que
nadie en la tierra me reconozca " (cf. Is 53,3). Tengo sed de sufrir y debo ser olvidada. (SS A 71r; ET
Santa Teresita llevaba dentro de su hábito y cerca de su corazón escrito sobre una imagen del Santo
Rostro: "Haz que yo me asemeje a Ti, Oh Jesús". Para Sta. Teresita, el contemplar el Santo Rostro del
Señor, significaba imitar todo lo que en El veía: un Dios con vida oculta, humilde, mansa y pobre; El
Corazón de Dios siendo revelado en su Rostro.
ara ella, también, esta contemplación le llevaba necesariamente a la consolación y recomendaba a su
hermana Celine "se otra Verónica que limpia el rostro de Jesús lleno de Sangre y Lágrimas." La misma
sangre y agua que fluirían de su Corazón al ser traspasado.
Sta. Teresita invita a su hermana a consolar el Rostro de Jesús convirtiendo pecadores: "Consuela a
nuestro Señor en su Agonía, revelada en su Rostro, pero especialmente calmando su sed de almas". En
uno de sus poemas escribe: "¡Oh quisiera para consolarte ignorada del mundo estar! La belleza que Tú
ocultas me descubre tu misterio. Tu Rostro Salvador es divina flor de mirra que tener quiero sobre el
corazón! Tu Rostro es mi riqueza y ya nada pido . Yo Jesús me oculto en él y a Ti me asemejaré.. Deja en
mi la señal divina de tus rasgos de dulzura, solo así llegaré a ser santa atrayendo a Ti los corazones."
Para Sta. Teresita, la santidad necesariamente se debe revelar en el rostro, pues la abundancia del corazón
se refleja en el rostro. Así como la santidad se refleja en el rostro, la santidad a la vez representa el
verdadero rostro de Cristo. SS Juan Pablo II nos dice en NMI: "la santidad representa al vivo el rostro de
St. Therese of Liseaux said she would study the features of her father, Louis Martin (above), to
understand the countenance of God
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Venerable Louis Martin
to be Beatified on Oct 19, 2008
Vatican City, Aug 19, 2008 / 12:01 pm (CNA).- Today Pope Benedict
XVI approved the rite of beatification for the parents of St. Theresa of
Lisieux, Louis Martin and Marie Zelie Guerin. They will be beatified on
October 19 in Lisieux, France.
According to the Office of Liturgical Celebrations, the beatification
ceremony of the parents of St. Therese, Doctor of the Church and
Patron of Missions, will take place in the Basilica of St. Therese in
Ven. Louis Martin is a fervent devotee of the Holy Face of Jesus and is a member of
the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face of Tours France. He is the Father of St.
Therese of The Child Jesus of the Holy Face.
He will be beatified together with her wife, Venerable Zelie Martin. Her other
children are also candidates for the sainthood. Let us continue to pray for their
immediate canonization. Thay are truly an exemplary models for the Devotees of the
Holy Face of Jesus who are married and have their own families.
O Jesus, Who in Thy bitter Passion didst become "the most
abject of men, a man of sorrows," I venerate Thy Sacred Face
whereon there once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the
Godhead; but now it has become for me as if it were the face
of a leper! Nevertheless, under those disfigured features, I
recognize Thy infinite Love and I am consumed with with the
desire to love Thee and make Thee loved by all men.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
The tears which well abundantly in Thy sacred eyes appear to
me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in
order to purchase the souls of poor sinners by means of their
infinite value.
O Jesus, Whose adorable Face ravishes my heart, I implore Thee
to fix deep within me Thy Divine Image and to set me on fire
with Thy Love, that I may be found worthy to come to the
contemplation of Thy glorious Face in Heaven. Amen.
by St. Therese of Lisieux
ETERNAL FATHER, since Thou hast given me for
the Adorable Face of Thy Divine Son, I offer
and I beg Thee, in exchange for this coin of
to forget the ingratitude of souls dedicated
pardon all poor sinners.
my inheritance
that face to Thee
infinite value,
to Thee and to
St. Therese of Liseaux said she would study the features of her father, Louis Martin (above), to
understand the countenance of God
Father of St. Therese of the Child Jesus of Holy Face of Jesus
Archconfraternity of the Holy Face Member
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Vatican City, Jan 8, 2008 / 05:16 pm (CNA).- Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the Vatican's
Congregation for the Cause of the Saints, has announced that the beatification of the great British convert
and scholar, Cardinal John Henry Newman, is "imminent."
In an interview to be published on Wednesday in the daily Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano,
Cardinal Saraiva said that among the most important personalities to be beatified "soon" is "the case of
Cardinal Newman, a relevant intellectual, and an emblematic figure of conversion from Anglicanism to
"Personally, I wish his beatification to happen very soon because it would be very important at this
moment for the path of ecumenical dialogue,” Cardinal Martins said.
Cardinal Saraiva Martins also revealed the beatification, latter this year, of the parents of St,
Therese of Lisieux, Louis Martin and Azelia Guérin. The heroic virtues of the parents of St.
Therese, who is now one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church and a Doctor of the
Church, were proclaimed on March 26, 1994.
Cardinal Saraiva implied that the miracle needed to proclaim them Blessed has been approved by his
congregation, and will be announced at the next Consistory.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
"Mi nombre es blasfemado por todas partes. Hasta por los niños. Es un pecado horrible.
Mas que cualquiera, hiere gravemente mi Divino Corazón. Por la blasfemia, el pecador
maldice mi Rostro, me ataca abiertamente, y pronuncia su propia condenación y juicio.La
blasfemia es una flecha envenenada." Abriendo su Corazón Nuestro Salvador quejóse de
la blasfemia; también le reveló que los dos pecados que mas le ofenden, sobre todos los
demas, son la blasfemia y la profanación del domingo.
Ofrécele mi Divino Rostro a Mi Padre; es la única forma de apaciguarlo, y detener su
justicia divina. Si sólo alcanzaras a comprender cuán poderosa virtud encierra, es porque
tomé sobre mi cabeza todos los pecados de la humanidad..."
Deja que el alma que esté deseosa de avanzar hacia la perfección se precipite a mi
Sagrado Corazón, pero quien anhele vivamente progresar aún mas y elevarse aún mas en
las alas de ese deseo, deberá levantarse con la levedad de un águila y revolotee alrededor
de mi Sagrada faz, llevado como un serafín, en alas del Todopoderoso Amor".
Recibirán en sí mismos, por impresión de Mi Humanidad, una brillante irradiación de Mi
Divinidad, y serán tan iluminados por Ella en lo más íntimo de su alma, por su devoción a
Mi Divino Rostro, que brillarán en la vida eterna con un brillo que sobrepasará a la de
muchas otras almas".
Aquel que abrace esta obra de reparación (sobre el Divino Rostro) con verdadera piedad
no perderá su alma, pues Yo mismo la defenderé frente a Mi Padre y le haré heredar el
Reino de los Cielos. Le prometo la gracia de la perseverancia final".
Holy Face Association
Canada: P.O. Box 1000, Station A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 2W9
USA: P.O. Box 821, Champlain, New York 12919-0821
Telephone: 514-747-0357, Fax: 514-747-9147
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
External links
The Holy Face Association:
The Holy Face at the Catholic Tradition:
Holy Face Devotion in the UK:
St. Therese of Lisieux and the Holy Face of Jesus:
20 de agosto de 1.970
Hijos míos: En los días terribles que vendrán a la humanidad, la Sagrada Faz de mi Divino Hijo será
verdadero paño de lágrimas, porque mis verdaderos hijos se ocultarán tras Ella. Será, la Santa Faz,
verdadera ofrenda para que Yo aplaque los castigos que enviaré a la humanidad.
En las casas donde se hallare, habrá luz para poder librarse del poder de las tinieblas. En los lugares
familiares donde esté la Sagrada Faz de mi Hijo, daré orden a mis ángeles para que los señalen y sean
mis hijos preservados de los males que caerán sobre esta humanidad ingrata.
Hijos míos: haceos todos verdaderos apóstoles de la Santa Faz, y extendedla por todas partes. Mientras
más extendida esté, menos será la catástrofe.
13 de febrero de 1.975
(segundo mensaje)
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo
Mi Faz brillará al fin de los tiempos y dará la Luz a los hijos de la Iglesia perseguida, a los hijos de las
catacumbas. Cuando llegue el poder del Anticristo, y esta Faz se manifieste al mundo, todos mis hijos
perseguidos se sentirán protegidos por la Luz que sale de mi Rostro.
¡Pobre humanidad que rechaza esta Luz, que no sabe que en mi Faz está el espejo de la Patria
celestial, que meditando bien la Sagrada Faz se comprende el amor de todo un Dios, que se hace
hombre, que se humilla, que sufre, que padece persecución, Crucifixión, y que después resucita para
abrir el Cielo a toda la humanidad! ¡Pobrecitos los hombres! ¡Qué necios son! Sólo quieren poseer la
tierra por medios materialistas, y no saben o no quieren saber que, para poseer la tierra
pacíficamente, hay que adentrarse en esta suavísima devoción a mi Sagrada Faz. Cuando mi Sagrada
Faz sea expuesta a la veneración de toda la humanidad, cuando todos mis enemigos me reconozcan
como Rey, al contemplar esta Faz, entonces vendrá la solución para los problemas del mundo. Por
otro camino, no lo busquen, pues no lo encontrarán.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Sagrada faz, nosotros clamamos a ti hasta que escuches nuestras oraciones tu eres
capaz de ayudarnos de forma maravillosa, Sagrado Dios potente Dios, Sagrado e
inmortal Dios! Ten Misericordia de nosotros y del mundo entero! Voltea tu rostro hacia
nosotros y seremos salvos.
En la cuenta grande oramos:
Celestial Padre humildemente y fervorosamente te ofrecemos los infinitos meritos y
sufrimientos de la santa faz, su preciosa sangre, todas las heridas y lagrimas de Jesús,
por tu gran gloria, para que nos socorras en nuestras necesidades.
Primera Decena
OH! Santa Faz cubierta con heridas ten misericordia de nosotros que recurrimos a ti.
Segunda decena
OH! Santa Faz cubierta con sangre ten misericordia de nosotros que recurrimos a ti.
Tercera decena
OH! Santa Faz llorando lagrimas de infinito amor ten misericordia de nosotros que
recurrimos a ti.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Cuarta decena
OH! Santa Faz despreciada e insultada ten misericordia de nosotros que recurrimos a ti.
Quinta decena
OH! Santa Faz silenciosamente soportando el más profundo dolor ten misericordia de
nosotros que recurrimos a ti.
Oración final:
Déjanos adorarte sagrado rostro de nuestro señor Jesucristo nuestro salvador, cuyos
meritos son infinitos y cuya misericordia es insondable. Permítenos la remisión de
nuestros pecados y una verdadera conversión. Permítenos consolar la Santa Faz por
medio de la purificación de nuestras vidas. Sin miedo, siendo testigos de nuestra fe y
por lo profundo de nuestro amor.
Plegaria de reparación de la santa de la Santa faz dada a Sor María Pierina de Micheli
O bendita faz de mi amable Señor, por el tierno amor y penetrante dolor de nuestra
señora que permaneció junto a ti en la cruel pasión, permítenos compartir este intenso
dolor y amor para de esta manera cumplir el sagrado legado de Dios.
Querido Señor, yo estoy consternado cuando considero tu triste condición cuando
llevaste la corona de espinas en tu sagrada cabeza. Yo deseo quitar las espinas
ofreciendo al padre eterno los meritos de tus heridas por la salvación de los pecadores
yo deseo unir mis acciones a los meritos de tu sagrada corona de esta manera ganar
muchos meritos, como tu lo has prometido. Amen.
Basada en la revelación dada por nuestro Señor Jesucristo al Sr.Chambon
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
Archicofradía de la santa faz
Eterno padre aleja de nosotros tu enojo por todas las culpas de la gente que sus rostros
comiencen a ser insignificantes ante ti, mira en su lugar el rostro de tu amado hijo por
eso es el rostro en que tu te complaces. Nosotros ahora te ofrecemos esta Santa faz
cubierta con la pena y desfigurada por sangrientos rasguños en reparación por los
crímenes de nuestra era, en orden de apaciguar tu ira justamente provocada en contra
nuestra. Por causa de tu divino hijo, nuestro redentor ha tomado en su cabeza todos los
pecados de la gente de manera de ser perdonados, nosotros ahora te rogamos Eterno
Padre tu gran misericordia sobre nosotros.
"Esta flecha de oro penetrará deleitosamente en mi Corazón, y sanará las heridas que me
ocasionan la blasfemia" Sor María de San Pedro vio "torrentes de gracia saliendo del Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús, gracias a esta flecha de oro"
Que el más santo, más sagrado, más adorable, más incomprehensible e inefable Nombre
de Dios sea por siempre alabado, bendecido, amado, adorado y glorificado, en el Cielo,
en la tierra y bajo la tierra, por todas las criaturas de Dios y por el Sagrado Corazón de
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar. Amén.
Oración de reparación a la Santa Faz del Movimiento de Amor San Juan Diego
Santa Faz de Jesucristo concédenos a través de la intercesión de los meritos de los nobles Santos de la
Santa Faz la valiente Verónica, Sor María de San Pedro, Leo Dupont, Sor María Pierina de Michelli,
Santa teresita del niño Jesús y de la Santa faz, el triunfo sobre nuestros enemigos del alma,
especialmente a la hora de la muerte, a través de los sufrimientos, golpes, rasguños, lagrimas y
dolores de tu Santa Faz los cuales pagaron por demás el precio de nuestra salvación concédeme Señor
limpiar tu Divino Rostro para de este modo reparar la dignidad ofendida del Hombre Dios, permíteme
Señor ser esa Verónica que cure tus heridas para así poder limpiar mi atribulado rostro lleno de
pecado para ser digno algún día de verte a los ojos a través de tu elegante divina y majestuosa
presencia así sea. Amen.
[email protected]
Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
María Santísima, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Transposición de la Tilma sobre el Planisferio de Brown
que asume la forma de una concha de mar.
BENDICION DE JESUCRISTO: Que la Luz de mi Rostro os proteja a todos
vosotros. Que esta Luz permanezca en vosotros hasta el fin de vuestros días
y sea vuestro camino a la Patria celestial, donde podréis contemplar mi Faz
Gloriosa por toda la eternidad.
a cargo de
Ing. Abraham Jovanny Arenas Corzas - Puebla Pue. México
MONOS-Único - Investigaciones Científicas y Humanísticas
Via Manzoni, 12 - Casella Postale 99 - 33085 Maniago PN Italia
E-mail: [email protected] fax (0039) 0444.80.99.54
R.00 - 2009.24.lug
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