Name: Date: Surname: Class: FINAL EXAM

Name: Date:
1. Complete this dialogue: 2. Complete the verb be and do.
Hello i'.. i
. (no pot ser hello) you ..... you ..
..'s tour name? He.. he .
My name is Leti she.. she
... are you from? It .. it ..
I'm from in Barcelona. We.. we ..
.. old are you? You.. you ..
I'm fourteen __/ 2 they.. they .. __ / 4
3. Do the answer.
Are you american?.....................................................................................
Is Leti your cousin?....................................................................................
Are Patrick and Laly your parents?........................................................... __ / 3
4. Write the negative
She's from London ..
We're students
I'm a doctor .
I can read a book in one day __ / 4
5. When do you do these things?
Get up
Do homework
Go to bed ..
Have súper __ / 4
6. Make questions and answers.
? Yes, I like tennis
.? I get up at half past seven
.? It is a clock.
..? yes, I have a book
Do you g oto school by car?..........................................................
How many months are there in a year?............................................................... __ / 6
7. complete the text.
This is my sister. . Name is Leti. This is .. brother. . Name is Dennis.
.. parents are teachers. Where is father? __ / 2
8. Time.
4:00 it's 5:30 ..
6:15 ... 2:10 ..
8:45 .. 2: 50 . __/3
9. Complte the text with these verbs ( in correct forms)
I.. at 7:45. I . A shower and .. breakfast with my mum and dad. Alter breakfast, I .. sándwiches. At 8.30, I .to
the bus stop and .. a bus to school. My lessons .. at 9 and .. at 4.30 in the afternoon. I . My sandwiches at
school for lunch. Aftyer school, i . Football in the park. In the eveniong, I .. my homework and . Televisión.
Jane (get) up at eight o'clock.she . (have) a shower and . (wash) her hair. I (finish) the school.
( do, walk, have x2, make, eat, match, Stara, get up, match, finish, play) __/ 4
10. Chose the correct form
my sister/sisters doesn't/do not like/likes sports.
My best friend doin't like/ like sport very match/much
My cousins are/is French. They doesn't /do not speak spanish.
I is/am spanish. __/2
11. Parts of the body.
Cap .. Ulls ..
Braç . Nas ..
Mà Dits (ma)...
Dits (peu) . Cama __ /2
12. Can/can't.
Joan (nen de 3 anys)/ swim .
Carla/play tennis (si)
You/sing very good (no) .
Rose/football (si) . __ / 4
13. When is the star?
.. ...
. .................................... __/ 4
14. complete with: am, is, isn't, are, aren't, do,, does, don't, doesn't.
1 what .. your father do?
2 We having our picnic today because is raining
3 . You like playing tennis?
− no, I
4 what .. you watching on TV?
I .. watching a film
5. There . Two french girls in my clssroom. They speak spanish very well
6. I never eat fish. I like it.
7. The baby .. crying −she's lughing
8. my mother .. like pizzas. __/3
15. present continuous. (ex. I am reading)
He (read) I.(sit)
You(write) She (go) __/2