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Artículos TLP: diciembre ’07
(19 artículos. Fuente: www.pubmed.gov )
van Asselt AD, Dirksen CD, Arntz A, Severens JL.
Difficulties in Calculating Productivity Costs: Work Disability Associated with Borderline
Personality Disorder.
Value Health. 2007 Dec 17; [Epub ahead of print]
Sar V, Unal SN, Ozturk E.
Frontal and occipital perfusion changes in dissociative identity disorder.
Psychiatry Res. 2007 Dec 15;156(3):217-23. Epub 2007 Oct 24.
Garner B, Chanen AM, Phillips L, Velakoulis D, Wood SJ, Jackson HJ, Pantelis C, McGorry PD.
Pituitary volume in teenagers with first-presentation borderline personality disorder.
Psychiatry Res. 2007 Dec 15;156(3):257-61. Epub 2007 Oct 22.
Godt K.
Personality disorders in 545 patients with eating disorders.
Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2007 Dec 5; [Epub ahead of print]
Maloney E, Degenhardt L, Darke S, Mattick RP, Nelson E.
Suicidal behaviour and associated risk factors among opioid-dependent individuals: a casecontrol study.
Addiction. 2007 Dec;102(12):1933-41. Epub 2007 Sep 3.
Silbersweig D, Clarkin JF, Goldstein M, Kernberg OF, Tuescher O, Levy KN, Brendel G, Pan H,
Beutel M, Pavony MT, Epstein J, Lenzenweger MF, Thomas KM, Posner MI, Stern E.
Failure of frontolimbic inhibitory function in the context of negative emotion in borderline
personality disorder.
Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Dec;164(12):1832-41.
Siegle GJ.
Brain mechanisms of borderline personality disorder at the intersection of cognition, emotion,
and the clinic.
Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Dec;164(12):1776-9. No abstract available.
Bornovalova MA, Daughters SB.
How does dialectical behavior therapy facilitate treatment retention among individuals with
comorbid borderline personality disorder and substance use disorders?
Clin Psychol Rev. 2007 Dec;27(8):923-43. Epub 2007 Feb 7. Review.
Lacey C, Cook M, Salzberg M.
The neurologist, psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, and borderline personality disorder.
Epilepsy Behav. 2007 Dec;11(4):492-498.
Ullrich S, Farrington DP, Coid JW.
Dimensions of DSM-IV personality disorders and life-success.
J Personal Disord. 2007 Dec;21(6):657-63.
Asnaani A, Chelminski I, Young D, Zimmerman M.
Heterogeneity of borderline personality disorder: do the number of criteria met make a
J Personal Disord. 2007 Dec;21(6):615-25.
Tragesser SL, Solhan M, Schwartz-Mette R, Trull TJ.
The role of affective instability and impulsivity in predicting future BPD features.
J Personal Disord. 2007 Dec;21(6):603-14.
Jogems-Kosterman BJ, de Knijff DW, Kusters R, van Hoof JJ.
Basal cortisol and DHEA levels in women with borderline personality disorder.
J Psychiatr Res. 2007 Dec;41(12):1019-26. Epub 2006 Oct 9.
Jakovljević M, Reiner Z, Milicić D.
Mental disorders, treatment response, mortality and serum cholesterol: a new holistic look at old
Psychiatr Danub. 2007 Dec;19(4):270-81.
Lyons-Ruth K, Holmes BM, Sasvari-Szekely M, Ronai Z, Nemoda Z, Pauls D.
Serotonin transporter polymorphism and borderline or antisocial traits among low-income young
Psychiatr Genet. 2007 Dec;17(6):339-43.
Wingenfeld K, Hill A, Adam B, Driessen M.
Dexamethasone suppression test in borderline personality disorder: impact of PTSD symptoms.
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2007 Dec;61(6):681-3.
Davidson K, Livingstone S, McArthur K, Dickson L, Gumley A.
An integrative complexity analysis of cognitive behaviour therapy sessions for borderline
personality disorder.
Psychol Psychother. 2007 Dec;80(Pt 4):513-23.
Lampe K, Konrad K, Kroener S, Fast K, Kunert HJ, Herpertz SC.
Neuropsychological and behavioural disinhibition in adult ADHD compared to borderline
personality disorder.
Psychol Med. 2007 Dec;37(12):1717-29. Epub 2007 May 17.
Artículo destacado:
Autores: Lampe K, Konrad K, Kroener S, Fast K, Kunert HJ, Herpertz SC.
Fecha: Diciembre 2007
Revista: Psychological Medicine
Departamento de Psiquiatría y Psicoterapia. RWTH Aachen. University Hospital, Rostock,
BACKGROUND: A pesar de que el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH)
se considera un trastorno del control inhibitorio, es cuestionable hasta qué punto dicho déficit
es específico y, en qué medida, permite diferenciar el TDAH del Trastorno Límite de la
Personalidad (TLP) con el que comparte varias características clínicas, sobre todo la
impulsividad. MÉTODO: El estudio evaluó diversas funciones inhibitorias (motoras y cognitivas)
y la memoria de trabajo en pacientes adultos con TDAH con y sin TLP, comparados con
pacientes con TLP y con sujetos controles. Se evaluó también diferentes aspectos de la
impulsividad y del control de la ira mediante cuestionarios psicométricos. RESULTADOS: Los
pacientes con TDAH demostraron tener una peor ejecución, que los individuos con TLP y que
los controles, en dos tareas de inhibición: la tarea de Señal-Stop y en el modulo de conflicto de
la Attentional Network Task. Asimismo, mostraron tener un tiempo de reacción más lento y una
mayor varianza intra-individuo en casi todas las tareas de atención. El grupo comórbido mostró
tener un peor rendimiento en la tarea de Señal-Stop, pero no en la tarea de conflicto. El grupo
con TLP apenas se diferenció del control en la exploración neuropsicológica pero se
asemejaba al grupo con TDAH en algunos problemas conductuales que, en general, fueron
menos severos. CONCLUSIONES: El déficit en el control inhibitorio es una característica
nuclear en adultos con TDAH. Además, un tiempo de reacción más lento y una mayor variancia
intra-individuo en las tareas neuropsicológicas puede reflejar un déficit en la regulación de la
activación y del esfuerzo en pacientes con TDAH. El TDAH y el TLP comparten algunos
síntomas a nivel de disregulación conductual sin que se observen los déficits cognitivos más
comunes, al menos en lo que concierne a la atención.
BACKGROUND: Although attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is thought to be an
inhibitory disorder, the question remains of how specific the inhibitory deficit is in adults and
whether it distinguishes ADHD from borderline personality disorder (BPD), with which it shares
several clinical features, particularly impulsiveness. METHOD: The study assessed various
motor and cognitive inhibitory functions (inhibition of prepotent, ongoing and interfering
responses) in addition to working memory in adult ADHD patients with and without BPD,
compared to subjects with BPD alone and controls. In addition, questionnaire data on various
aspects of impulsiveness and anger regulation were assessed in all groups. RESULTS: ADHD
patients performed worse than BPD individuals and controls in two inhibitory tasks: the stop
signal task and the conflict module of the Attentional Network Task (ANT). In addition, they
exhibited longer reaction times (RTs) and higher intra-individual variance in nearly all attentional
tasks. The co-morbid group exhibited poor performance on the stop signal task but not on the
conflict task. The BPD group barely differed from controls in neuropsychological performance
but overlapped with ADHD in some behavioural problems, although they were less severe on
the whole. CONCLUSIONS: Impaired inhibition is a core feature in adults with ADHD. In
addition, slow RTs and high intra-individual variance in performance may reflect deficits in the
regulation of activation and effort in ADHD patients. ADHD and BPD share some symptoms of
behavioural dysregulation without common cognitive deficits, at least in the attentional realm.