IV Conferencia anual de las plataformas tecnológicas de investigación biomédica: Medicamentos innovadores, nanomedicina y tecnología sanitaria Fomentando la cooperación farma-biotech 01 Marzo 2011 Albert G. Zamora, Msc, MBA, Founder, CEO Bionure Bionure is a biotech company that was born in 2009 with the aim of developing new therapies and diagnostic tools for neurological diseases with special focus in Multiple Sclerosis and Glaucoma Bionure is an Spin-Out from prestigious research centres with strong expertise in translational research: The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona is the medical school of the University of Barcelona and one of the most prestigious medical centers in Europe for medical care, research and innovation in health care. www.hospitalclinic.org IDIBAPS is the research center of the Hospital Clinic, with the support of the medical school of the University of Barcelona, the National Research Council CSIC and the Government of Catalonia. IDIBAPS focus in research and innovation in biomedicine. www.idibaps.org The national research council CSIC is the most prestigious research center in Spain in all areas of science and technology. www.csic.es Fomentando la cooperación farma-biotech : Realidad Cambio necesario en su modelo de I+D+i Portfolio, patentes, mucha inversión pocos productos F. Nacionales: Tamaño, Dependencia excesiva de licencias de multinacionales Escasa colaboraciones con academia y biotech Expertise Recursos Pipepline reducido, focus Innovadoras Ágiles Fomentando la cooperación farma-biotech : Oportunidades Fondos de inversión (Roche, Novartis, ...) Invertir directamente en el accionariado Invertir/ adquirir un proyecto Incubadoras (Biogen/ Boston, Ferrer/BCN, Suan Farma/Madrid) Cash - Especies: know-how (discovery, desarrollo, regulatory, ...), asumiendo/ colaborando en parte del desarrollo (toxico, desarrollo galénico, ...) Shares, licensing, co-development, benefit sharing, first right of refusal… Evitando – posiciones desiguales, diferencias culturales, “eliminar las virtudes de cada modelo” Thank you for your attention!! Albert G. Zamora +34 639 776213 [email protected] www.bionure.com